Sunday, May 23, 2010


Q: George, when I try to still my mind (ego) it just begins to race in thought. I know you have said many times it is a matter of choice, but this is a battle to still it. Do you have any words for me on this that may be more helpful? A: The Ego demands first chair - always child. It will go to great lengths to prevent stilling it in peace. Q: Ah - this is Shambia isn't it? A: Yes child, it is I. Peace is something you choose to accept. It is not something you can learn to do. It is a by product of your willingness to quiet your ego and listen to the still voice within you. It will come at the price of your Ego's ego - pride. Sometimes that can be painful to one. But in the end the result will be heavenly to the Soul. Q: All of your words are beautiful, but you have to remember we are not where the energy is high. We dwell in slower energy where thoughts are foremost in our ego's mind. A: Yes, that is why one must make the effort to still their mind by choosing to put the ego down. First you must quiet your heart and mind. Go inward to that sacred place of peace and dwell in it. When one first starts you will last at the most a few seconds, but as you continue to try it will get longer and longer until one can dwell there for a while in that place of sacred peace. As you do this more and more the enlightenment of Spirit will enlarge within you and you will find new thoughts taking place. Love will become the ruler, not your ego. That is when relationships will develop to a much higher degree. Life will truly begin.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Q: George why am I too ask all these questions, receive answers - then nothing. It doesn't make sense. Why am I writing all these journals and they sit in a box? A: The time for awakening is soon, child. Q: Who is this? Shambia? A: It is I child. You worry for not. In the appointed time all will be revealed. Q: I just want to win the lottery so I can quit my job and start working on organizing my journals. A: That would not be to your liking just yet. Q: What - no way - to win the lottery - man - that would be to my liking. Think of all the people I could help. People that so desperately need help. People I love. A: Child, it would not be to your liking - trust me. Q: Trust me it would. We could argue all day but that would get us no where. I still don't understand why me and why nothing. I have so much good word from all of you and no one to share it with. Why? Just to help me? A: Are you not worth it? Q: Man, not if it is just for me. A: Every soul is worth it to the Father. Not one is without him or everyone else. All are joined by the same energy - the energy of pure love. When you were sent here to walk this path, you were anxious to get started, but once you got here, the Ego began to control you - it slipped into the inner part of your mind, buried. Until you opened the door in 2004 - it never revealed itself to you. You see Source will never over ride one's will. It had to be your choice. Now that the door is open - the perfect timing will come. Be patient child. For your work is to begin soon and it will not be an easy road to trod. Q: I know - that's what scares me. I am a weak person. A: No child, you are not, for a weak person would not talk to us. Q: Its not hard for me. Why would it be hard for someone else? A: The difference in the energy fields. It weakens one. You have been willing to do this out of your love for Source. Q: Frankly I think people will only brand me a nut case. A: Many will, but for some the words we have spoken will transform their lives. That is good. For only when they are free of all thought can they truly accept the truth within them.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Q: George, why do bad things happen to good people here? Things - no one should have to bear? You tell me we come here to experience things, but this all seems so unfair. Some people sail through this world with nary a care while others suffer constantly. Why? A: The path all trod is of their own making before they came. Each Soul involved agreed to experience this path. It may seem unfair to you , but it really isn't. Its simply a learning experience for those souls. Q: So, according to you we choose to come here and suffer? A: The Souls coming here do not think of it as suffering. To them it is an experience to discover love in a deeper manner. Q: Boy - are all the Souls screwed up? Why? What can one learn about love in all this saddness? A: A great deal. Love simply allows each soul to experience each emotion in total freedom. Q: I still don't understand. Why would my friend come here to go through the hell she is going through at this time? No one should have to bear what she is. A: Your friend will come out of this with a greater enlightenment than she has experienced so far. She will discover the love each has for her. She will find love again. She will discover Source in a greater way. She is a very old Soul or she would not have been allowed this path. She is blessed. Q: I sure wouldn't discribe her path as blessed, George. She is emotionally in Hell. A: She is being fed much love at this time. She will recover. Q: I'm not as sure as you are. A: Trust me - she will. Worry not. She will be blessed for her willingness to trod this path. Q: This is so confusing to me. I just don't understand why you would say she is blessed. A: She is willing to love still even after having her heart shattered by pain.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Q: George, I have heard all my life what sin is, but I would like your take on what sin is. A: There is no sin - only life experiences. Some are easy on you and some are hard on you. Your Ego and your emotions play a large part in what one may consider as sin, if one were coming from a standpoint of any type of religious theology. If one is to realize their oneness with Source - one would see there is no right or wrong - only lessons to be learned. Q: But aren't you saying we can do anything then? A: No, for love does not - do anything to themselves or to others. Love considers first the feelings of others and how that deed will affect them. Q: Sounds like you are talking as if love is a separate enity - just like us. A: Love is all, in all and without all. It can not be changed or munipulated. It is real, whole and full. It covers all things and is all things. Guess what it is? Yes - it is the great, "I am." Q: Okay I know that. But why is there as you say - no right or wrong? We have laws and regulations here, doesn't Source? A: Yes to love. If one truly loves - the laws become fulfilled in all. There is no hurt or hurting, no meaness or anger, there is no cheating, there is no lying, and on and on. See - love provides balance within our Soul and Ego. When they are balanced - there are no rights or wrongs. Q: Okay - I get what you are saying but what if my Soul and Ego are not balanced? A; You will probably do some damaged to yourself or others. Q: So how do I keep my Soul and Ego balanced to prevent hurt? A; Choose to love and dwell in the thought you are one with all things. Separate thinking divides. Choose to separate no more. To take down all boxes of thoughts and expectations. The secret is to choose this. You must make the choice to dwell in balance.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Q: George, I have this old friend. He has been a minister for 44 years in a certain denomination. We discovered each other after 40 years on Facebook. In our conversations I began to speak of the things of Spirit I felt important to me. This has blown his mind. Now he is dead set on converting me back to my old teachings. He thinks I have left God's word. Why does man think we all have to think a like to know the Father? Doesn't that in a way defeat love? Doesn't this separate us as people? A: Quite true, Luv. Quite true. As you know every man or woman walks this pathway to discover themselves and to discover what LOVE truly is and means. Each Soul is free to learn in their own way due to the gift of love Source gave to all men called, "Free Will." The Ego here sets rules and regulations. It loves to develop boxes. This is the only way the Ego can feel secure. So man sets about to covert each Soul it meets to reach an agreement in thinking. It the other Soul balks - then that Soul moves on to find another Soul that will agree with them. Q: I began to say some things on Facebook that I had discovered to bring life to me. Not to convince anyone to adhere to my way of thinking - just to talk about it. Everyone is now off my facebook. Funny - no one can stay around you if you disagree or think without boxes. Why? Why is this so difficult - to allow each their own freedom in thought? A: Security in numbers. Each Soul feels they are right - that they have found, "THE GOOD." They then want others to agree with what they know to be the good. Boxes only destroy love. Love has to remain free. Thought has to remain free. It is a lonely trail to freedom, Luv. Q: Boy you can say that again. It is sad man has to dwell a lone if he thinks different than the herd. A: Yes, for in numbers Souls feel there is safety, yet, there is no safety unless one is free to think and be as they are. Life is very hard for the Souls that truly follow their heart. They are shunned and thought to be delusional. Yet, the Soul that seeks life in freedom truly is going to find Source. For only if one is truly free can love for Source happen. This is not to say those in boxes can't and don't love the Father. For they do. But to truly discover who and what you are - one must seek freely. For Love - Source- can only be born and grow within freedom. Q: What about all those Souls that dwell in a particular denomination? They have been taught to think only one way. They love God. They seek Him. Won't they find him? A: They will seek - they will find. But to discover who and what they are - they must seek Him in freedom outside the box of denominationalism or thinking that is secure in a box. One must live outside the Temple - so to speak. Q: But, it is so hard to remain secure in your thinking. You begin to wonder - if so many think this way - maybe I am wrong. It is hard, George. A: Yes, Luv, it is. If you truly seek Source - you must seek him in freedom. You went for years in a certain way of thinking. What happened? You became dishearted and felt starved. Your words to Source was, "Is this all there is?" You were 12 years old at the time, is that not so? Q: Yes, but my brothers are still in that thinking and they love God. Does that mean they won't find him? A: All Souls find Source. It doesn't matter what denomination they dwell in or what kind of thinking. It won't matter what they call Him. If they seek him - they have only to discover HE is within them. The problem with religion is one must seek Source in a certain way. They are not free to find HIM from their heart. They try to find Him with their mind. One must find Souce from the Heart - in freedom - to discover who and what they are - ONE WITH SOURCE. Q: What is the difference there George? If I seek Source through my religious beliefs or whether I seek him in freedom? I am seeking him. Won't I find him? A: If one seeks Source from a vantage of their religious beliefs or thinking - that is the Source they will find. A Source that will justify their beliefs. He will remain there as that Source because he is a part of them and loves them as they are. But, if one seeks Source freely to discover who and what they are - what HE is - they will discover a vast knowing of who Source is. They will find no separation within them or without them. They will discover pure love.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Talking with My Guides

Q: George, why is using the scriptures as a whipping tool the only way ministers feel they can shepard a flock? A: It is what they have been told a minister does. The scriptures were made to give life but unfortunately have been used to destroy life. Q: You said the other day forgiveness would never be found in the Law. That in Grace there was no sin because grace covers our sin. So does that give us the right to do anything to ourself or others? A: To dwell in grace is to dwell in love. Love never forsakes anyone. Love can only heal, teach and guide. It uplifts a Soul. It never destroys or defeats. Q: Well I know many ministers that would say what you are saying is wrong - that the word of God is the only way. Yet, the very scriptures they use make us so guilty we can't find our way to God. So which is right? A: Love is the only - right.