Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thoughts II

Q: Okay, George, you say we choose our path - that other souls choose to come with us and experience it with us - thus making the path here seem more realistic. You say our Soul and Ego chose what to experience. Okay I get that. What I find hard to comprehend is why our thoughts produce this pathway to walk. Doesn't our mind do it? Aren't our thoughts our mind? A: Your thoughts come from the energy pattern that you truly are. This physical body has a mind that functions much like your computers. It is run by the energy that created this path. Your thoughts are you. You are what your thoughts are. There is tremendous energy created by your thoughts. Your thoughts create what you see - feel and sense here. Without thoughts nothing would exist in this dimension for you or anyone else. Once thought is gone - this world ceases to exist. Your Soul and Ego merge with the death angel and you leave. Q: Okay - what you are saying is my thoughts - what I think- create this world and all in it? Is that what you are saying? A: Yes. This dimension is much like a movie. It is created by thoughts. The thoughts create a drama and then the mind of that person makes the movie through its mind's ability. But the thoughts are what create the path. Without thought - there is nothing here. Now- the energy pattern you truly are is thought. That is why I can be here one moment and in a second be across the world. I can be in two places - or three places or more if I so choose. It is all accomplished through my thoughts. Here to you it would seem impossible to accomplish that - but we are not hindered by a physical body or an Ego's emotion. That is not to say we don't still possess an Ego. All do - for each Soul is made up of a Soul and an Ego. When in perfect balance - they are one and can do what I described. But here your Soul and Ego are not in balance - so this pathway they chose can be trod. Q: This all sounds so weird, George. I kind of understand it, but I don't know a lot about the body's functioning and science. This all seems a bit heavy. What about all of these books that say what we think is what we get? Is that true? Do we truly bring negative down on us? A: What you choose to experience is what you will experience. If you choose to live this path with a negative vibe then that is what you will do. If you choose to live it with a positive vibe then that is what you will do. YOU WILL BE WHAT YOU CREATE WITH YOUR THOUGHTS. You are the creator of your path. The energy that is you - the real you - creates everything. Your mind here helps the physical body to create it. But it is your thoughts that create the path. Q: So - if I am down - you know feeling sad - is that coming from my thoughts? Or my Ego mind? What chooses the thoughts here for me? A: All thoughts to be experienced here were chosen by your energy pattern (Soul & Ego in perfect balance). But here while experiencing his pathway - the Ego rules and whatever it wants it produces. Q: Okay - but you said here our Soul and Ego are not in balance, so how do we control the Ego's thoughts? A: Yes here they are not. You have to merge the two. Remember where we are the Soul and Ego are in balance. Q: Are you saying I am in more than one place at the same time? A: Yes. Energy is everywhere. You are pure energy in your true form. Energy can split and exist is several places - then come back to its original form. Q: This is way over my head. Sorry..... A: Its okay, Luv - you will understand more and more as you develop in love and understanding.


Q: George, what do you have to say about thoughts? A" In what context are you speaking of, Luv? Q: Our thoughts. We have talked about the fact our thoughts are what create this pathway here. How do we think thoughts that could deepen our spiritual path and allow our Soul and Ego to balance more? How do we use our thoughts to produce more love in us? Less Ego emotion only..... A: Every Soul here has the ability to create the path they so choose. If one chooses a path full of Ego's emotion and its desires - the Soul and Ego will merge less - thus love will not deepen in one. But if one truly seeks love and allows the Soul to come forth and balance with its other half the Ego - it will produce a deeper strengthening of love within that Soul. Once again I use the term - choose. It is up to each individual to choose the path they desire. Either way the Soul chooses - will eventually lead them to their desired end. The thoughts one has is what makes this path feel real- it creates the scene. When a Soul looses their thoughts - it is time to leave. Q: What about the person in a coma? A: If a Soul's thoughts stop totally - there is no more path. They leave. A Soul in a coma is usually getting ready to go. Sometimes they choose to stay and awaken from the coma. But usually - they leave. Q: How do we know when to let them go? This is a scary question for me - but a serious one, George. A: When a Soul goes into a coma they are usually on their way out. Once in a great while - they will choose to stay and return to this dimension - like the woman you met that was in a coma for 6 years and returned. Q: When I met her I was so upset. I thought how do we know when enough is enough. Do we have the right to choose when a Soul leaves? A: If a Soul - let's say - has been damaged beyond repair - it is time to let them leave in peace and with love. But if a Soul goes into a coma and still has some brain activity it is best to wait a bit. No matter what one chooses remember - one can not over ride a Soul's ego. If one did allow the Physician to stop life support and that Soul did not choose to leave - they simply would not die. It isn't an easy thing either way. But you must remember - each person picks their time to leave. You nor anyone else can. Q: What about a murder victum? They are killed - that was not their choice. A: Luv, every Soul or the souls that come with that Soul -to walk a particular path choose what will be. So, if a soul has chosen the path of the emotion - murder - then that is their path. One can not change another Soul's path. Everyone thinks they could have done something different to prevent a happening, but one simply can not over ride the choices a soul has made here to walk and experience. You can't change another's decisions. Q: I find that so hard to swallow. Why can't I prevent something - isn't that love? A: Love is allowing that Soul or Souls to experience their pathway as THEY choose. You can love them and aid them - but you simply can not choose for them. Even if a Soul is unable to make a choice openly - they still make their final choice whether to go or stay - just as the woman in a coma for 6 years did.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Building A Following

Q: George, when I was told I would write three books - you know I laughed my head off. I am not a writer at all, have a terrible education and do not like people to know about me. Getting a following is not something I want. Can I just write the books under an alias? A: Is that what you want? Q: Yeah. A: Then that is your choice if that is the true reason you do not want your name on it. Q: Look- this past week has shown me how words can really hurt someone. It can discourage one, make them cry or angry. I'm not sure I am the one for this task. I fail too much in what I know to be truth. I get hurt, angry, have trouble forgiving, even hate. I am the least person to write books about the Source of all things. Someone more spiritual than I needs this task. A: Luv, if one thinks they are spiritual - they probably aren't. All Souls fail in the areas you mentioned. That is the human way here. But, who and what you are is a different matter. No Soul is more or less spiritual than another. You can't be greater than yourself. Q: Yeah, but I worry about people thinking I am something I am not. I fail miserably at times in loving. How can I write about love - if I can't achieve it? A: You are love - you were created by love. You can not be separate from love. Now - you can over ride it with your Ego if you so choose. That's where the Soul screws up and usually says things best left unsaid. Sometimes it is best to just let be. Q: Someone acted like my husband was full of his ego in his writing. This hurt me. I know where Bob was 5 years ago and where he is now. It is miles and miles different. He receives the same things I do, but just in a different way. But he writes more eloquent than I do and it sounds different. I am very protective of him I guess. A: Yes, you are - but that is how it should be in a relationship. Your relationship with Bob should be a type and shadow of your relationship with others. Do you say everything you think to him? No, you don't. Why? Because you care about his feelings. That is the way all should think before they put their mouth in gear......Lol Q: But we don't, George - we just go ahead and blab..... Why? Why do we self -destruct ourselves? Ruin relationships? Hurt Souls? Why are we so bent on hurting our relationships? I didn't have to hurt that kid. I could have just kept deleting the emails. Why did I do that? It really hurts me. I feel so unloving. How can I truly learn to love as Source loves? A: Source is pure love. He creates love. He radiates love. None can love as Source does , but as we grow in spirit our love grows and expands into a greater love. It continues as long as one seeks it. Q: I long to love unconditionally. But my Ego says -"Yeah and you will get the shit kicked out of you too." Then I fear and wall up. How do I overcome that? A: Its all a matter of choosing to over ride your Ego and what it is saying. It isn't easy to do - its strong and very determined to get its own way. But it can be done if you choose it with your whole heart. Q: Help me learn to do that, George. A: Choose it, Luv.


Q: I am slowly discovering that our words can do a lot of damage even though we mean well. I have become very upset over several things lately that have had to do with words said. I feel these people were being open and honest but it bothered me. Why do we say things George - that are totally unnecessary. Words left out of a conversation that might spark a hurt feeling, an email with their truth in it or even letters. Why do we have such a need to say things here? A: The Ego Luv. It demands it. Many times in your path things said would have been better left unsaid. Although many souls mean well - many things are best not given. Each Soul is walking a path and many things can come in their path that are very difficult on them. Sometimes words even said in truth can devastate one. Q: I know I said something myself that hurt a young man. Why didn't I just go ahead and delete all those emails instead of asking him to remove his video. It would not have hurt me. But, unfortunately I said it and hurt him. Now I regret it and hurt. A: So many times Souls do just that sort of thing. They want to be honest or open about how they feel but what they end up doing is hurting that soul. Some can take it - some are so lacking in self confidence - they can't. It is better to not say anything. Q: There is a scripture I use to quote to myself a lot: There is no sin in words but the wise man refraineth from them. Why can't we just do that? Why the compulsion to always open our mouth? Sometimes we really hurt people. A: Yes, but that is the way of the Ego, Luv. It always wants its way and thinks it knows best. When you think you should say something, stop , think on it a while, then if your spirit agrees - say it. Not everything one thinks is good to say to a soul. Silence is very golden sometimes. It does more to show love than anything else. Q: These words said made me uncomfortable. I worry about what was said now. A: Things will be okay. Do not fret.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Down A Bit

Q: My being struggles within itself today, George. I wonder why I was to write these things and yet it remains to be just words on a page. My being here struggles with its emotions, its desires and wants. My existence is in an uproar and it doesn't sit well with my Ego and its emotions. I don't understand the path I have taken. Why things come and go as they do. I fight my emotions and wonder if it will ever ease - this war within me. Is it to never ease? A: Luv, We see your turmoil and understand. This path can be hard. It can be discouraging. Yet, in its timing all things will be as you dream. Your Ego says when. Your Soul says when your spirit is ready. Yes, this produces a war within for any soul. That is the journey of this path. To learn to find peace in the midst of a storm. We see how tired you are and how sad you are. This too, is okay - it is part of each soul's journey here. If everything was rosey - why would you even bother to stay. Life is like a roller coaster. It will have highs and lows. It will swing drastically to one side or the other, but eventually it will stop. The soul will rest. Your journey has indeed been rough. But we can truthfully say it will soon change and become easier. You are due some TLC as you call it. Love can be harsh in its teaching of one. It is a purifier. It cleanses the Soul and Ego and makes them balance into one. That can often be harsh to handle. The trials you have been treading through are changing and molding you into the spiritual being you needed. It is good. Yes, we realize it has been very trying for you but oh so necessary. The path you will soon trod will be one of great direction. It is not for the faint of heart. It will be one hard to bear at times. So you needed to toughen up a bit. There are things to come you will need to be free from all fears. There are some still left in you from the teachings of childhood. They need to be opened and dealt with. The timing for all of the books to be will be sooner than you realize. You will not have to dwell as you are for very much longer. Be patient child. You want everything now. Q: Come on George, one minute you tell me to live in the now and now you are telling me to wait. Make up your mind....Lol A: I am laughing out loud. Yes at times it may appear to you to be confusing, but what I say is this. Every lesson you chose was preconceived for you by your soul and ego before you came. How you learn those lessons is up to your emotions here. But learn them you will. Do not feel as if you are wasting your time writing this. It all has its own time to be brought forth. Q: Why tell me things that don't come to pass? A: All things come to pass - but maybe not in the way your mind has seen it to be. Q: What does that mean? A: If we tell you something - your mind starts to dwell on it and then pictures its way to the happening. It may or not be the true way of that path. But what we say will come to pass in its own way and time. Q: Some have not. A: Some came but in a different way than you thought it would be. Q: Some I was told could only come in the way I saw. A: Timing Luv- timing. It will be as you saw - but when the timing is right. Q: Who chooses - "THE TIMING?" A: Each Soul. Q: I still don't see why tell me anything unless it is to come to pass within a decent time frame. A: Luv, there you go again with time frames. We do not deal in time frames as you do here. We see a whole path as a whole road - with no lines drawn through. You see with lines drawn - each step in a path. We do not. It is a path unobstructed and bathed in love. You see a path reeked with ups and downs, gaps, lines and filled with emotions. We see love - the giver and purifier - the life to all. Q: When do I get to the place I see as you do? A: When the timing is right and you choose too.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Love's Quest

Q: Okay - so we are here to find out what love means. But why do we have to always experience constant drama in our life path? Why no - as I like to say - TLC time? A; There is much TLC time as you call it - you probably don't see it as such. Q: By the way I think you meant that - probably not. What I think as TLC (Tender loving care) time is unfortunately not what you are talking of. Right? A: Love is always tender - no matter in which way it is dealt out on your path. What you think as horrible is probably one of your greatest times of learning and teaching you ---- as to the greater joys of love. Q: Easy - my friend - for you to say. I am the one experiencing this path at this present time. A: Ah - again - you miss the point - thinking in your duality mode again. There is no us - there is only one. One entity that truly exists. There is no separation. There is no one else. There is only you. All things that seem to you to exist here is an illusion to your ego mind to create this pathway of learning. What you feel as real to your Ego is real - but in reality it does not truly exist. There is no here. It is all here. Your earthly eyes do not see the real world. It sees only what your Ego has chosen to see and create. Q: Okay a part of me, my Soul, understands what you are saying but a part of me, my Ego - feels this world as real. My loves, my disappointments, my hopes, my dreams, my goals, my friends and the world around me feel very real to me. My eyes see these things as existing. So, as far as I feel and see - this is real. My soul on the other hand understands what you are saying as much as it is capable of. I know there is so much more I do not understand, George. I know that in time as my eyes open more to spirit I will understand more and more of what you say. But, as of now - I sometimes struggle with the human being part of me. A: Yes, that is the way it was to be. How can any experience seem real if one does not see, feel and think it is real? It had to be so. Only in the true free will reaction can the emotion truly be felt and learned. It is so wonderful. The learning experiences are a golden opportunity to experience love at its best. Q: I'd have to truthfully (at this time) say sometimes. Sometimes it is as my grandchild said, "It's too hard." A: Yes, but that is when love is at its greatest energy within you. It is teaching, healing and expanding you. Q: Could I have a little TLC once in a while to prop my love up? Lol A: You get it in every breath you take.


Q; George, I have been wondering why there is so much division on this dimension. Is it as much on other dimensions? A: Many dimensions suffer with division but none as deeply as this earthly dimension. Remember the energy here is much slower than on any other dimension. This world was created to learn. Every experience gone through is to teach each soul its way to love - to who and what it is. Some dimensions are on a higher level and their perception of who and what they are is on a higher energy level. That is not to say they are more spiritual than souls on this dimension. In fact many souls here are even older than those on higher energy dimensions. The reason is some of the lessons to be experienced here are very difficult indeed. It is at times almost brutal. But - that soul will learn more about love - in that trial. Each soul endeavors to grow in its knowing of what love truly means within. It is often not an easy learning and can be quite devastating at times. But the end result is amazing to the soul and ego as they re balance into their oneness. Q: I don't understand why we want to come here to suffer. My Ego mind just can not grasp the reasoning as rational. A: Your Ego - while here - separate from its counterpart - the soul - will never be able to rationalize the reasoning. That is why the soul merges with the ego at times to glimpse into why the path. This urges the ego onward into the path to learn the lesson of love. Q: So - are you saying every thing we go through here has to do with learning what love means? A: Yes - all roads lead to love - the knowing of Source. The life of all things. The giver of Love. The existence of love. Q: So, souls on other dimensions are learning too? A: Yes, but in different ways. It is so amazing.....The whole procedure of love is so enlightening to each soul. You here only glimpse bits and pieces of what love really means. We that have crossed only see it to a certain extant. We continue to learn too. That is the beauty of love - no beginning - no end. It just was, is and will be. It is all things to all that exists.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jim Carey

Q: I listened to a U-Tube video of Jim Carey talking about an epiphany he received. He stated the feeling of awareness comes and goes. We have discussed this on many occasions, George. You said the reason for that swinging back and forth is because it was meant to be here. The Soul you said is a much higher energy and can not remain in this earthly body for long periods of time because the higher energy would destroy the body's slower energy. Does it ever become longer periods of time of the balancing of the two?

 A: Yes, as one raises their energy level - there will be more and more of the balancing of the two. But if one does choose to remain here it will indeed come and go for the protection of the earthly body. With each raising of the energy - the earthly body will be able to handle longer moments of the higher energy of the Soul. You have experienced this a great deal.

 Q: If that is the truth - then why do I still react out of my Ego so much?

 A: Because you dwell in an earthly form ruled by the Ego and its emotions.

 Q: Does that ever get better here?

 A: Yes, as each Soul gives way to their Soul and balances the two (Soul & Ego) - they are given deeper glimpses of who and what they are. This knowledge will draw the Soul into seeking ways to encounter its counterpart the Ego. As the Soul merges with its other half the Ego - they both begin to desire this oneness path of dwelling as one. Each will endeavor to find the other on its journey.

 Q: So - what you are saying is it is a daily walk of learning?

 A: More like minute to minute learning, Luv.


Q: George, I recently ask a young sensitive man to remove a video he tagged on my facebook page. I was constantly having to remove emails from people commenting on his video. I am a lover of music, I sing and play piano, so it is not that, but the constant hassle of removing and deleting emails. I offended him and he left my Facebook site. He was constantly arguing with me on my thoughts. My question is this - did I offend him from my Ego? I really care about the young man and it seems I have again hurt him. I feel he has been hurt a lot and is bitter about love. Much pain in him. I hurt now - in my heart - because I failed to allow him love and patience. A: Luv, the young man has indeed much hurt in regard to love. But he chooses to remain bitter inside and chose not to hear. He should have ask to tag your site first. Part of your reaction was out of your Ego, part -you are physically ill -therefore less patient -and part- he needs to be more respectful to others. But that is not the answer here. All people find they try to justify their thinking. They receive light and without even realizing it - box it in. You have received much light but at times box that light in. We have discussed this on numerous occasions. Q: Yes, I am aware of this fact. But my heart hurts because I hurt him again. He will never understand true love - if people - me included keep disappointing him. A: Luv, if a soul is truly seeking love - they will find it. It is within. They can not run away from it or free themselves from it. It is them. If a soul chooses to take offense - it is their choice. He is young and will learn not everyone is out to hurt him. Some do care - but all have a right to respect. Love is hard to learn. It comes as one desires to lay down the thoughts of the Ego and allow the other to be put in front - sort of to speak. There was wrong reaction from each of you - as to the action of love. You felt he was infringing upon your site and he was networking on yours. Love is simply allowing freedom of both. Q: So why did I not show him the action of pure love - why did I fail so miserably? Where is all the teachings you have given me? A: Within you. You did not fail - nor did he. It was a learning experience for both of you. No one has all the answers to love. No one has acheived pure love here. Even we - that have crossed over - still experience things to bring us to a greater enlightenment of what love really is. Only Source knows the whole truth of love. He dwells within you and as you seek you find more and more bits and pieces of the puzzle of love. Do not beat yourself up over this. It is a learning process for all. Q: But I am angry at myself for offending this hurt soul. A: Then he also will have those feelings for you are one - connected in that love. Q: I don't think he has love for me at this time - more like anger and bitterness. That hurts me that I have hurt him. A: He will live to fight another day and he will learn to be more respectful - hopefully of anothers. Q: That's not the point, George. The point is I am older, I have been given more enlightenment - yet I acted out of Ego. It has greatly disappointed me. A: Join the band wagon child. All have come short of the glory of love.