Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Okay - How?

Q: Okay, George you state I am to meditate and this will help me find my peace. As I try to do this - my mind will travel a hundred miles per minute. I try to stop it, and manage a few seconds - then it is off to the race again. You said I was to keep doing this and the seconds would increase to minutes, then hours......Well, it has not worked so far. I simply can not find stillness in my mind. It is too emotional I guess. Is that because I have always walked the female side in my paths? A: It could have a great deal to do with it, but you must continue to try. You truly need to meditate. The work you are doing is very hard on you - especially when you have been ill. You work long hours and drive long distances each day. You need this time to recoup your strength. Q: I need a long rest, George. You and I both know this. I need time to nip this flu bug, asthma and stuff in the butt.....Yet, my life at this time does not permit this time of healing for me. I simply have to work whether I am sick or not. My husband has been suffering with a diabetic ulcer on his foot for a year. He can not work. I refuse to allow him to loose his foot. A: That is why it is important for you to allow healing time for yourself. Q: Give me what I ask and I can..........

Doubting Love

Q: George, you state I have trouble doubting Source's love for me. When one's life is in chaos, one can't do anything about it, one tends to feel forsaken by love. Here we humans only see with our physical eyes. I think sometimes you all forget just how severe it can hit us sometimes. Religion has basically told us to do this or that, forgive or love , or urges us to bury it. One simply can not achieve this. We tend to dwell on things that beset us. We bury it - but something will happen an it pops back up. Then we feel guilt because we can not achieve healing for our self. So if I were to be truthful at this point you would have to see it is utterly impossible to forgive, love without strings, or trust. You say - yes you can - but I am here to say you truly can not let go. About the time one thinks they have overcome something - it rears its ugly head. It is a constant work or battle to try and achieve peace within one. You say - let peace be, don't try to obtain what you are, you are already there. So - how do I just be? A: Meditation. I know you think it is impossible for you to achieve, but you can. When one meditates - one simply goes into themselves to their inner man, balancing the soul and ego. This lets the ego see it is whole - not alone. The ego fights for superiority because it is frightened. It knows there is something missing within itself, but has no idea what. The veil protects the soul from the ego's selfishness. The soul is pure love and logic. It has no ability to be emotional. Q: What does that mean? A: The soul is the masculine side of man. It is logical and has the true knowledge of who and what it is. It does not rely on emotions to guide it. The ego is the feminine side of man. It is pure emotions and has no logic. Who and what it is is hidden from it here. So the ego is groping for its identity here. It doesn't understand love without its counterpart the soul. So, meditation allows the ego access to the knowing of love. This brings peace to an otherwise emotional basket case - your ego. So, you see, one can not achieve perfection spiritually here but one can learn to deal with it properly - peacefully.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

When Will This All End

Q: We have heard over and over about the Rapture. Is there to be a true rapture and an ending to this dimension? A: The rapture the Bible speaks of is a rapture of the heart into a deep consciousness of Source. The discovery of all things being one. One energy that lives and breathes life into everything. Even a rock has life in it. Q: So there will be no rapture and people getting thrown into a burning lake of fire as religion has said over and over to us? A: The rapture is in the heart of man. It is the awakening of the Ego's eyes to its counterhalf the Soul. The merging of the two opens the whole story of who and what you are. One becomes their true self. As for a burning lake of fire - that is the Ego's desires on this dimension. Each Soul was here to experience emotions of different things. Those desires brought with the soul produces this in man - a burning hunger deep within one and causing great pain to the Ego and the Soul. Discovering these emotions are often very hard on the Ego. It knows only how to please itself. But, the Soul only longs to love without any strings attached or any judgement. Love is only true love when it is freely given. Q: Why then all this cloak and dagger stuff taught to us in church? Why? A: Religion was created to control society. It uses fear or creates a desired dream within one. It is not true spirituality. True spirituality is just loving in freedom. If I don't try to change you - I back you up in love - will that not produce the ten commandments without any feeling of duty or fear within you? Does this not free you to love me back - in the same way? Too many times we try to change souls into what we see. Let them walk in the light they see, love them there and watch what happens to the relationship.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Today - A Day of Rest

Q: George, we all need a day to rest once in a while. I guess it helps motivate our spirit into searching within. What do I find if I search? A: You will find spirit is within you and every soul finds it in their own way. One can not find an other's path, only their own. You say,"How do I know what path to go on?" One doesn't search for a path - one simply goes and the path finds you. To be spiritual isn't a doing thing - it is simply being. Don't try to be something, Luv - simply let something be. Spirit is you. It is simply a matter of allowing it to be. Q: All of my life everyone told me - try to be spiritual but the more I try the less I discover about Spirit. Yet, I feel this need to try anyway. Why? A: Religion has taught souls to try and become spiritual. Walk this way or that way. One can not achieve spirit by works. One can only find Spirit within and in rest. Do not strive to obtain Source - be him. Allow love to overtake your Ego and allow your Soul to come forth. Q: It isn't easy to do George. I struggle with the now things. A: No you struggle with the past and the future things. Live in the presence of now. Do not borrow from the past or the future. One can not change the past - it is gone. One can not manipulate the future - it will be what it will be. Just know that love has got your back at all times and will not let you down. Now you are thinking - it sure feels like it now. You must realize that what you are experiencing is good for you. You are learning about life and growing up. It is often very trying on one but very needed for all. Q: Yeah - then why can't I remain peaceful in all this experiencing? A: Because you continually doubt Love's love for you.