Sunday, May 27, 2012


Q:  I have found the words we stick onto our spiritual beliefs often halt relationships. We each have certain words that we hold sacred, such as: God, Goddess, Buddha, Allah, Yahweh and so on. If one uses their blessed name, and another doesn't - separation happens within the souls.  Why do we do that?

A:  Words are just words. There is no one name for the creation of all things. It doesn't matter what one calls the Creator.

Q:  Then why do we continue to separate over names or words?  What is the purpose of them? For instance one soul will use the word Flesh in reference to our earthly side. Some will use Ego. The one using flesh will be offended by the one using ego. Why?

A: Each soul walks their path in their own way and belief. It isn't something one goes about trying to start. It is brought on by society, religion and other determining factors. Each soul longs to belong. Rejection is the greatest fear man has. It is the most terrifying thing man experiences on this dimension. Learn to lay down all names and words. Seek what dwells within you. There is no need to label the Creator with earthly words. He is pure love and needs none.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What About The New Energy?

Q: What is happening in the new energy now?

A:  Many things, Luv. The energy has moved up to 3.5 dimensions. It isn't quite at the fourth yet.  Many souls  have moved upward and are striving toward reaching the fourth.

Q: How can we tell we have moved up more?

A: The fact you are able to talk to us at the drop of a hat is an example. Knowing other dimensions are there and have the ability to talk with them is another. You have had conversations with souls from other worlds and dimensions in the past. That is to increase for many souls as the new higher energy comes into this universe more. Each soul will have the ability to speak to souls who have even crossed over should they desire to.

Q: Of course I would like that, but if I were to say that to someone I would be classed as a kook.

A: Many souls here dwell and live in fear. They fear others will hurt them, they fear going hungry, losing someone, not being the perfect mate or helper. Society has taught souls to live in this constant what if's. Do not fear change and do not wall yourself in your home and quit having fellowship with all manner of souls. Loose all fears. Step out and live.

Q: Yeah, some will say with what?

A: With love - loving yourself and all others without requirements. What freedom you will and all others would fee..