Sunday, December 29, 2013

The New World

Q;  Tell me Samson about this New World developing?

A:  The current Earth planet ( your teaching center) has been eroding for some time. Much of it is the misuse of the earth's materials. The New World coming into place will be the 4th dimension and the energy will be much faster. There, as Ms. Cannon spoke on her video, will be a time of great rejoicing on this new world. Souls will learn to develop relationships where there is no judgement of another. They will see each other in a clear light and no one will be able to deceive another.  It will be a time of rest and peace.  This will give the New World time to adjust and bring forth the necessary resources for the living of life.

Q:  Will I go to the New World?

A: You are partly there, but again it is up to you. You must loose your fear and step on forward.

Q:  What about Karma? Do I need to loose that too?

A:  As we have stated before, Karma is only with you if you choose to bring it back to redo the lesson. Karma is simply the right to redo. It can never just appear. One has to receive it and let it redo.

Q:  Then why does everyone talk like it travels with us and we have to overcome it?

A:  Many have misunderstood the meaning of Karma. It is simply a choice to redo a lesson.

Q:  How do I choose to rise above everything within me and move on over to the New World?

A: Choice. Simply choose.

Q:  Samson, while I am here, with my Ego in charge, I don't fully understand simply choosing.

A:  If I hand you a dollar, as your Father use to say, the only way you receive it is to reach out and take it. Your mind tells you to extend your hand and pull it into your fingers. That is how to do it. Simply tell your mind to reach out and take the step. Override your Ego mind.

Q:  I truly want to move forward. I am tired of the trauma in my mind.

A: Accept love's bidding and do it. Accept what you do not see, feel or hear. It is by faith you can and will.

Can You Explain That?

Q:  Since November of 2004 I have been writing question and answer journals about truth given to me. Now I see the videos by Dolores Cannon. She is saying the exact things I have written down, using sometimes the exact terminology.  So, why do you say I am to write three books when she already has?

A: There are many writings going on at this time of change. There will be thousands of energy's trying to lift the knowing of the Souls here for the changing of the worlds. You are but one of them. Every book that can be written to advance the thinking of the Souls here will be written. Yours are but a few. Each teacher will write their books according to how they perceive the knowledge given them.

Q:  I write in baby language to me.

A:  Quite the contrary you write in a real manner to be understood by thousands of Souls.

Q:  How can that be when all of my writings are hidden in boxes just gathering dust?

A: When you are ready to publish the publisher will come.
Q:  When will I be ready?

A:  When you loose your fear and take the change to move forward.

Q: I have tried and no one has even responded to me. I have no money so how am I to publish them myself and when do I have time to put them in order when all I do is work.

A:  You choose the time. You have the power within you to create whatever you need.

Q:  How come I don't feel or see this power?

A:  Because you choose not to and choose to dwell in fear of what ifs.

Q: So, how do I change me then?  Just saying I choose doesn't cut it.

A:  Loose the fear and step out in faith. What you need will follow.

Q:  How do I loose my fear?

A: Accept every moment as what you want it to be, not what you see physically  Everything you see before you as seeming real is only a film - a film portraying what you want to see.

Q:  I live in a world that is fake, a world I have created to be real and it is all a farce?

A: Yes child, I am afraid it is so.  You see what you desire to see. It isn't real.

Q: It sure looks and feels real.

A: That is the way it was intended to be child. You would not stay and learn the lessons needed if it were not so.

Q;  How do I step beyond my earthly thinking and move forward?

A: Just move your feet and mind.


Q:  Samson, you spoke of us coming here to experience lessons. If the Ego is veiled to who we are, how do we ever seek out the truth?

A:  The Souls have an inner burning need built within them. The Ego will seek through many things to find comfort, joy or ease of this craving. What it is needing is the balancing of its three selves, the Soul, Ego and Physical body. So, it will continue to seek until it finds it's way to the truth it needs.

Q:  So, what if they do not find the way to truth?

A:  All seeking will finally take the Soul to truth. It may not be the truth your mind at this moment is thinking as truth, but it will be the truth to their lessons chosen to learn here.

Q;  So what I believe to be the truth in fact may not be the truth?

A:  Truth is centered in love and all lessons in the end will bring about the truth of love. It may be in an easy way before death or it may be after the Soul has crossed, but they will learn.

Q: So, truth is love and that is the lessons we are to learn?

A:  Every thing involves love. Every lesson is about love. Every lesson will teach love. Every emotion leads to the knowledge of love no matter the difficulties or harshness.

Q:  How can the taking of an other's life teach a Soul about love?

A;  When a Soul here takes an other's life there is great sorrow within. The Soul will eventually sense the pain and realize the wrongness of their act.

Q:  Even cruel people?

A:  All souls learn the depravity of their acts, especially when they are selfish acts.

Q;  Why do them?

A:  Every emotion teaches the Soul about love, how to love, what love does when pain is caused, and how good it feels when love is accomplished unconditionally and unselfishly. So, learning is a must. For only in learning these lessons can a Soul move upward in the dimensions and that is the goal of every creation created by love.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Q;  George, I know that a lot of people share in the duel feelings of sadness and joy during the Christmas holiday period. Why?

A:  This world worships this season as a time of giving. Many people can not share in the giving. The commercial atmosphere produced by greed has made a lot of people barely scraping by feel unworthy.  You have experienced this - have you not?

Q:  Yes, the last few years have been very hard on me. Christmas time for me was a time I could give nice things to my children and grandchildren and those I cared about and I have been unable to do so for a long time. It does make me sad. It made me feel such joy to bless them. Now I can't and it hurts. But aside from that - why is the energy so hard to adjust too at this time.

A:  At the ending of each calendar year the energy slows down and the new moon comes. The new moon is in a faster energy and sometimes the two do not mix. This causes the mixed emotions. Enjoy the new year for you will be blessed.

Q:  I pray you are right. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Sharing a Blog

I don't usually mention anyone on my site, but I am enjoying listening to, Dolores Cannon, on YouTube.