Monday, July 8, 2019

Trying To Understand

Q:  Samson, I am trying to understand the things you have shared with me. At times I realize the truth and it lights me up inside. Sometimes it may as well be Greek.  I do so want to go forth with my writings, but I am struggling with all of the chaos in my life path.  Why do we have to go on and on with our struggles?  Isn't it enough sometimes?

A:  Child, I see your difficulties as stepping stones in your path of learning. You see them as a victim.  No one is in a perfect state of life. All are learning one way or another.   Do not be sad child.  You have written these things from you heart as you have learned them. This knowledge will pass to others. You need to trust in this. 

Q:  Samson, all I ask if for my desires to come.

A:  What you desire is not what you came here to experience.  Are you sure it would fair you well, child?

Q:  Right now I feel as if a truck sits on my chest.  The things surrounding me are often hard to feel positive in.  I watch those I love struggle, cry and feel a lone.  I can't seem to get over my grief over my friends passing.  I miss them so much. 

A:  We understand child. It is a great loss for you and your spouse.  But, fear not this grief too shall pass as you discover truth more deeply within you.

Q:  It seems to me all I write about now is my sadness.  How can that aid anyone?

A:  Not all Souls in this dimension are on an easy path. Sometimes they hurt. Sometimes they just need to hear someone understand their pain.  It isn't bad to struggle child. It teaches you as well as being on the mountain top does, sometimes even better.  Every Soul is apart of the whole. They are one with all things. There is no separation between them and the Creator.  You in your sadness are still a spiritual being full of light.  Do not be so hard on yourself, child.

Q:  Why do I spend time writings these things to only have them sit in boxes, Samson.  It makes me wonder if this is all for only me.

A:  Child, you do not understand the true purpose of these writings, yet. It is okay. The truth of your writings will be reveal to you as well as others in time.  Trust in this , child.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Q:  I realize our thoughts come the Creation (Universe) and if we allow them to take hold of our Ego mind and not pass through it will create in us an emotion. That emotion whatever it is will bring forth a reaction in us. That reaction will then create our reality here on this dimension.  So, How do we allow the thoughts to pass through and not take thought within us?

A:  Child, all thoughts will bring forth a reaction within one. One has to learn to not let them stay but view the thought as only a thought without a body of thought to latch hold.  It takes time as one's Ego tends to like to react.  It is learning as is your Soul.  It isn't a bad thing if you allow thought to create a space in your Ego mind. One is learning who and what they are through every emotion faced and lived.  Do not fret little one.

Q:  Yes, but my reactions are often hard to go through.

A: AAH, child that is why the thought comes - to teach you the realization of what thoughts are and how they can control one.  As one grows within and without in the knowledge of who they truly are thoughts seem to lessen in grasping hold of one.  You are learning child and that is good.

Q:  I really miss my friends. It is so lonely without them.

A:  I know child, but it was their wish to leave.

Q:  Why? Why did they want to leave?

A: They had learned their lessons here. Just as you will one day.

Q:  I don't feel as if I have learned anything here Samson.

A:  Child you have learned a great deal and the things you have learned will truly aid others.

Q:  How?  No one sees the things you share with me.

A:  In time child, in time.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Sad Times

Q:  It is such a sad time in our path. We lost our friend, Betty last October and now have lost her husband (friends of 46 years). His funeral is Friday. I realize they have only passed over to their true self, but loosing their physical form is hard. I also am aware that we need to capture each moment in the present and learn from it. It is very hard to remain in the present. We tend to look back or worry over the future. Why is it so hard for us?

A:  The Ego is a very strong part of you - which by the way the one part of you that controls this path - as we have stated many times. But, a soul is more apt to learn their pathway if it isn't easy. Remember when I stated that all thoughts come from the Creation, those thoughts create an emotion within every soul, the thought then creates an emotion and that emotion then creates one's reality.  Thoughts come and go constantly child,.It's how you react to them that makes or breaks a soul. One can look at each emotion as simply a way to learn or one can let that thought and emotion create havoc in one's path.  Neither way is wrong for the soul. The soul will learn what it needs to - to continue it's walk here. If a soul simply stands back and looks at each thought as it comes as simply a thought - nothing more - one could avoid many times of hardship. Yet, the ego reaches out and grasps the thought - thus the path grows difficult at times. The more one holds onto a thought the greater hold that thought has on one.

Q:  Why it is so hard then to let the thoughts go?

A:  Holding onto a thought gives the soul a reason to continue its' seeking for the knowledge it desires. Every thought creates an awakening in the soul. It creates unity in the soul and ego.  This is what it means when we say the light comes from within and goes to without.

Q:  What happens when the light go without?

A:  It changes one's life path and all others, for all are of the one energy.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Why Bother?

Q:  Samson, I have been writing since November 11,2004.  I at this time am not even sure why or if I should continue to go forward. My life path at this time is so hard and I am so tired. I don't see these writings helping me or anyone else at all. Does anyone even knows my writing exist?. I continue to struggle with my Ego and my peace has left the building - as the old saying goes.
 I have lost the best friend a girl would ever have and now we are loosing her husband, who we all adore.  He is suffering terribly with cancer and really has given up to try and fight it. He is lost without his beloved wife of almost 60 years.  I know there is no true death, that we just pass onward in our life journey, but loosing the physical existence of them is hard on this path. My kids are struggling and  my brothers are in trouble financially and I can't even help them. Their health is going down, so my life is really sad.  Does it ever give me a break?  We have gone through so much in the past, I need some TLC.

A:  Child, this journey you are on is one that is often difficult for Souls. If it were easy you would not learn the lessons you came here to experience. Do not feel so down child. You will get through all of this and learn greatly how much you are loved.

Q:  I will wait and see when that love will appear.  right now I just don't feel it at all. I am tired and I am sad. I just want some peace and rest without worry.

A:  Then trust in love child!