Q: Samson, I am trying to understand the things you have shared with me. At times I realize the truth and it lights me up inside. Sometimes it may as well be Greek. I do so want to go forth with my writings, but I am struggling with all of the chaos in my life path. Why do we have to go on and on with our struggles? Isn't it enough sometimes?
A: Child, I see your difficulties as stepping stones in your path of learning. You see them as a victim. No one is in a perfect state of life. All are learning one way or another. Do not be sad child. You have written these things from you heart as you have learned them. This knowledge will pass to others. You need to trust in this.
Q: Samson, all I ask if for my desires to come.
A: What you desire is not what you came here to experience. Are you sure it would fair you well, child?
Q: Right now I feel as if a truck sits on my chest. The things surrounding me are often hard to feel positive in. I watch those I love struggle, cry and feel a lone. I can't seem to get over my grief over my friends passing. I miss them so much.
A: We understand child. It is a great loss for you and your spouse. But, fear not this grief too shall pass as you discover truth more deeply within you.
Q: It seems to me all I write about now is my sadness. How can that aid anyone?
A: Not all Souls in this dimension are on an easy path. Sometimes they hurt. Sometimes they just need to hear someone understand their pain. It isn't bad to struggle child. It teaches you as well as being on the mountain top does, sometimes even better. Every Soul is apart of the whole. They are one with all things. There is no separation between them and the Creator. You in your sadness are still a spiritual being full of light. Do not be so hard on yourself, child.
Q: Why do I spend time writings these things to only have them sit in boxes, Samson. It makes me wonder if this is all for only me.
A: Child, you do not understand the true purpose of these writings, yet. It is okay. The truth of your writings will be reveal to you as well as others in time. Trust in this , child.
A: Child, I see your difficulties as stepping stones in your path of learning. You see them as a victim. No one is in a perfect state of life. All are learning one way or another. Do not be sad child. You have written these things from you heart as you have learned them. This knowledge will pass to others. You need to trust in this.
Q: Samson, all I ask if for my desires to come.
A: What you desire is not what you came here to experience. Are you sure it would fair you well, child?
Q: Right now I feel as if a truck sits on my chest. The things surrounding me are often hard to feel positive in. I watch those I love struggle, cry and feel a lone. I can't seem to get over my grief over my friends passing. I miss them so much.
A: We understand child. It is a great loss for you and your spouse. But, fear not this grief too shall pass as you discover truth more deeply within you.
Q: It seems to me all I write about now is my sadness. How can that aid anyone?
A: Not all Souls in this dimension are on an easy path. Sometimes they hurt. Sometimes they just need to hear someone understand their pain. It isn't bad to struggle child. It teaches you as well as being on the mountain top does, sometimes even better. Every Soul is apart of the whole. They are one with all things. There is no separation between them and the Creator. You in your sadness are still a spiritual being full of light. Do not be so hard on yourself, child.
Q: Why do I spend time writings these things to only have them sit in boxes, Samson. It makes me wonder if this is all for only me.
A: Child, you do not understand the true purpose of these writings, yet. It is okay. The truth of your writings will be reveal to you as well as others in time. Trust in this , child.