Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Q:  If we are all one energy does my emotions really affect everyone?

A:  The whole consciousness is changed with each emotion.

Q;  How can that be?

A:  Remember the vision shown to you about all being attached to the center of all energy?

Q:  Yes, but if everyone's energy affected every Soul it would be a chaotic mess all the time!

A:  All energy is connected to the Center of Source. When the energy of each Soul flows back to the center of all energy it is changed into unconditional love, where lies no judgement.

Q:  If that is so why so much evil happening now?

A:  Because even though love flows forth from all energy mankind is still ruled by their ,"Free Will."  Which part of each Soul, whether their Soul or their Ego," rules is what becomes their reality. Remember each Soul is free to choose how they react to the, "flow of thought," You need to see just how wonderful FREE WILL really is.