Q: I am frustrated at this present time. Not because I am not getting what I want. But the fact that everyone is struggling to hear the still small voice within because of all the things everyone is going through. There is so much fear in everyone of the what ifs a head. I realize this dimension is a learning center, and that our Ego is veiled from its other half the Soul, but man this is crazy now. Our USA is divided by half of the people trying to do what is right and half of them allowing things that at one time they would not. People nearly run you off the road. They don't seem to care about anyone. It is like kindness, respect and love is going away. Why?
A: Man has become totally self centered. They have ignored that still small voice which is their Soul calling out to them. Despite all that is going on, each Soul will eventually realize what direction they have gone and will turn around to find that voice.
Q: I'm not so sure of that Samson. I don't see much caring happening these days. Why is it so hard for us to see the good these days, to trust that others really care?
A: Each must reach within themselves to find the peace that dwells within. The Creator is a part of every Soul. There is no separation between love and your Creator. The Creator within each Soul is their peace. That peace will help one find again that place of caring and love for others. Of course each Soul must reach for that within them. Each Soul has Free Will.
Q: I sure hope you speak true words of encouragement. This madness is very frustrating.
A: Love is powerful child and it always wins. Trust in that.