Q: My husband keeps stating we were never born. I do not understand that. I thought we were created to be here to learn, that we are one with our Creator, the same energy. Everyone has a different idea what truth is. I am getting confused.
A: Every Soul is from the same energy-Source. The Source is called by many names which has no matter. Each Soul is created from the Source of all things. Some call that energy source: God, Allah, Budda, the Concsiousness, the light, and so and so forth. It makes no difference. All energy is from the only Eternal Source. It gathers all within its light. Yes, you are all created to learn who and what you are. You were told all were given free will. Free will is the Eternal Love given from the Eternal Source.
Q: Are we just as the Eternal Source? I was told that long ago. Do we have male/female, logic/emotions, good/bad characteristics. yen/yang, and so and so forth, just as I was told the Creator is?
A: The consciousness of all energy is all things. Every Soul possesses both light and darkness. Because each Soul was given free will each Soul chooses its own life path. It can be a path of light or a path of darkness.
Q: If one chooses the dark path does that make them bad?
A: You third dimensional world is because the Ego rules here in physical matter. The Soul simply realizes who and what it is. This duality was created for the learning of each Soul's emotions. thus the soul learns each life lesson from the vantage point of physical matter - duality. It is simply learning life lessons, child.
Q: Samson, why is our path of learning so hard then? I could use some TLC.
A: Each Soul is learning just as all others are learning. Each direction chosen by the Soul here allows the Soul to see beyond the physical matter into the light of Eternal Love. Each lesson teaches love in many differnece ways.
Q: So, why was I promised things that have never come?
A: Maybe, your Ego sees life differnetly than it is. Peace and happiness is a choice for each Soul to grasp in their own way. For to learn is simply walking through one's life path, learning as one walks.
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