Sunday, December 19, 2010


Q: My daughter was talking today about how people seemed to have lost their empathy and politeness. Is this because the energy of this dimension is moving faster? A: The energy is moving faster and it does heighten the emotions of all Souls. Every emotions will be twice as prominent. People will become more and more self centered. It will be hard on many. To avoid being controlled by your Ego you must increase your meditation times. Center into Source to hold back the Ego. If you keep you Soul and Ego in balance more it will aid you as the energy heigthens in speed. Q: Why does the energy have to speed up? A: To replenish the earth's natural resources that man has emptied. Q: It is sad that it has to be this way, George. A: It has to happen. It has in the past and will again in the future and yes - it is sad that man is so wasteful of Source's bounty.

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