Sunday, January 16, 2011


Q: George, I just watched a video about the electrical changes in the earth and where the waters will be - taking away many areas of the states in the USA. Is this true? A: The inner earth movement is charging forth at a rapid pace. The center of the earth is moving backwards and will shift to the 11th grid. It is all apart of allowing the 12th energy magnetic grid to rest. This shift is a shift that comes after many years of slowly changing. Shifting the earth forward as it has done for thousands of years is easy - but to travel backwards is very hard on the earth. The last one was Noah's flood, the one before that was the ice age. They both changed the world drastically. It is to happen again. Once the earth has moved forward through the 12 grids it restarts backwards to allow the other grids to rest. It is the same as a farmer allowing a field to rest so that it may replenish itself. Many happenings are starting to come about. The vision you saw was a large clock with the 11th hour moving to take the 12 hour's place. That is approximately what is taking place in the earth's energy fields. Do not fear but be aware of it. Q: Will the states actually disappear as that video said? A: The earth will shift and yes there will be areas that will no longer be. They will shift back or forward - changing the lines of the earth's electrical field. The energy is moving up in speed and that alone will produce much change. You will see more and more of things, animals and people that will leave this earth in numbers. They will all return after the shift is completed. Q: Will I stay, George? A: That is up to each Soul's desire. Each one has the ability to remain or to stay. It is for you to decide. Q: It sounds scary. A: Never before has this enormous shift happened and Souls remained on this dimension. It is an amazing happening. For Souls aware of Spirit it will be the happening of a life time for them. For Souls unaware of Spirit it will become a fearful thing to experience. Hearts will suddenly fail from fear. Q: Why haven't you spoken this deeply of this before now? A: You were not ready and you really didn't want to know. You are ready now even though you feel some fear within. You know Spirit and you will be okay. Listen when we speak - always. If we tell you to leave - leave. Q: I am getting frightened, George. A: Have we not taken you through the fire and seen to your needs? Do we not speak in love? Fear not - for we will guide all those that ask for guidance. You will be seeing a great change in your lives come very soon. The books need to be written. All will be provided to do so. Q: I really have a million questions to ask now. A: One question at a time, Luv, one at a time.

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