Sunday, June 19, 2011


Q:  While we journey here on this 3rd dimension, our Ego in the ruling position, how can our emotions win against the demands of this place?  Seems like every way I go - my emotions gets the raw end of the deal.

A;  Each path journeyed here is to teach you about yourself, love and the highest of energies - Source. The Ego here is demanding and likes to control the emotions.  The Soul, the Ego, and the emotions are three different energies within you.  Whichever one you feed (doing as it asks) gets to be the stronger. One's emotions are lead by the energy that is the strongest.  It will abide by the demands of that entity.  If for instance - the Soul were to be in the leading roll for the day - one's emotions would be ruled by love, joy, peace, long suffering and so on.....If the Ego were to have the reins for the day - the emotions would feel every negative vibe put forth by the path it was trodding. If it was a sad day - the emotions would be quickly depleted.  If it was a happy day - the emotions would be able to sail through the day without feeling drained. If you choose to allow your Ego to rule - it isn't wrong - it will be a harder day to adjust one's emotions - that is all.

Q:  Why do we have to go through all of this good one day and hard the next.  Why couldn't the life path here just run at a steady rate? Sometimes I think I am riding a roller coaster all of the time.

A:  Yes, I am afraid here it will at times feel like that.  I know your heart hurts because of the hard path you have been trodding.  You worry about your children and your family.  You worry about your friends too.  Their path is theirs.  You can not walk every one's path for them - even though you try in your emotions.  One simply can not change any one's path unless - they choose to do so.  You want to win the lottery so to help those you love.  You simply can not help everyone - even though your heart longs too.  It isn't your path to walk.  It is theirs, Luv. 

Q:  I don't plan on running their path, I just want to help them be able to reach their dreams or to rest.  Is that so wrong?

A:  Your heart is so big, Luv, and your desires are to help so many.  I wish I could give you that - but that decision is up to your Soul and Ego.  At this point they are undecided as to your path.  Your  emotions are tired and long to rest.  That is coming soon,

Q:  Am I going to leave then?  For as far as I can see there will be no rest for this weary one.

A:  You see at this point what your Ego sees.  Look within and see as your Soul does.  Things pass away but love never does.

Q:  Are you trying to tell me that to be spiritual one has to be sad and poor - having no things as you put it?

A:  No, one can be very spiritual and be very rich - if  money and things matter little to them?  But it is very hard to be that way. For things and money seem to creep into one's heart.  It gives one a sense of control and that one my dear is the hard one to lay down once it has a hold. The Ego loves to be in control.  It feels superior and never wants anyone or anything to be beside it or above it.  It is your worse enemy if it has complete control. 
Take a serial killer - their Ego is in complete control and it leads the emotions. So whatever the loves are within that soul - is what it does.  Control of another is why they feel so powerful.  It is a rush to the Ego and controlling one is what is hard to let go off.
Take a person that has been abused.  When they remove themselves from the abuser - they try to take control of every aspect of their lives - letting no one in to share control - which is balance.  Balance is needed in every one's life, without it there is chaos.....

Q: How do I balance my Ego and Soul then?  You speak of meditation but surely there is other ways.

A:  Loving others, sharing with others and giving of oneself.  That is a hard one for you.  Allowing others in - letting them be close.  It is something you need to allow more.

Q:   Not into that right now.  I've had enough sadness already.

A:  One has to allow one's heart to be vulnerable to others to learn how to love.  Open up and see. It really will do you some good.

Q:  Ha,Ha, George - you are asking me to allow others to get into my deepest part?  That's funny, George....

A:  Try it, Luv, and see.  Yes, some will hurt you , some will disappoint you, but you will learn more about yourself and others that way.  This path is all about the learning.  You can only grow if you become vulnerable.

Q:  I'll think about it, but I make no promises at this time......

A:  That's all I can hope for, Luv.

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