Sunday, September 18, 2011

Unconditional Love

Q: Today I was writing on Facebook about unconditional love.  I made the comment to obtain it we had to let all boxes go.  You stopped me and said,"You are unconditional love. You don't obtain it." That was an eye opener for me.  I have always thought I had to work towards it.

A:  No soul has to work for it.  It is already what they are.  One can't get something if they already have it.   For all souls were born of it.  It is something you can never change - no matter how hard you try by seeking to get it through your works.  It never comes by trying to get it.  It simply is.  It is you.  Rest in that child.

Q: Okay - where is George and who is this speaking?

A:  George is right here.  We have been in a deep discussion.  It has been good.  I am Shambia.  Your peace is on a low level child.  You have to quit fighting yourself.  Rest in who and what you are.

Q: I am so confused as to why things have been so hard for us and why it is so hard for me to let go of all the old thoughts on Spirit.  I think I have - then something pops up I had no idea I felt that way.  Why?  Why doesn't it just all go?

A"  It goes as you allow it too.  Remember child - free will is paramount in this universe of enlightenment. It will never be overridden. It is pure love and that can not ever be forsaken or changed or given up.  You can not give up what you are or who you are. It is simply the fact of life for all.  For all are one.

Q:  Do you still suffer with these kind of things?

A: Once a soul crosses over and rejoins their ego and soul - that sort of thing lessens within you.  Its not to say you don't still have to lay down thoughts.  For one never gets over thoughts. Thoughts make everything exist.  It creates us and is us.  Thoughts are pure love energy coming from within each soul to establish within them a monarchy of love. It grounds us.  It builds us and it can even destroy one.  It is a deeping existence of enlightenment within each soul.  One can not hide or forsake thought.  It is forever one with all things.  That is how this whole universe is born - through thought.  Thought creates life.

Q: Whoa - it is all thought reaction?

A: Yes, child. Everything is born of thought.  It is good - no matter which way one's thought goes. For one simply learns either way.

1 comment:

  1. I concur.
    The thirty-six High Councilors of the light always teach me two important things ~ do not put yourself under pressure (it is counter productive) and everything you need is within you.

    The first projection of the Divine thought field is Melek Metatron, the Eye of God, the Father.

    Some people will be a bit put out when they realise that it is necessary to discipline thought....¦-)

    You can see now how the media has been used to direct thought and therefore create the world we find ourselves in. I stopped watching tv 21 months ago !
