Friday, November 25, 2011

Tell Me Why?

Q: Tell me why animals (each with their own soul) would come here to experience abuse from humans? I don't understand why you tell me they are the oldest of souls - yet - they come here to face horrors? Why? What do they get out of it?

A:  Every Soul's desire is to experience higher dimensions of love and humility. They only way a soul does that is to experience even greater perils here on this dimension.

Q: But I can't stand to see animals mistreated. When it is freezing cold and I go by cattle on a field I cry. I tell them I am so sorry they are cold.  I just don't see it George.

A: When a Soul desires to move up into a higher dimension more is required of them. It is not simply asking for a raise. It is deserving it through trials and learning.  Love can only be realized when a Soul has learned the opposite of love.  If it were an easy ride we would all just go there and bypass all the learning - would we not?

Q: You bet your life we would. No one likes hardships.

A: You have had your share - Have you not?

Q: More than I can say.

A: But, what have you learned about love? It has a deeper meaning to you now.

Q: In some ways yes it does, George, but in others it makes me so tired emotionally.

A: No one ever said learning would be easy, Luv. It is one of the hardest things Souls face. For a soul to understand the fruits of the Spirit - they must first learn the opposite.  The Ego's job here is to teach you just that.

Q: Does the Ego know this?

A: It did - but it is veiled from that knowledge here so one might walk their path freely.

Q: So when do I get a reprieve?

A: When you choose not to know dwell on the hardships and learn.

Q: How do I do that?

A: Accept your path of learning and learn.

Q: Peachy - just peachy, George. It isn't easy.

A: NO one ever said it was just for the strong.  It is to teach you the opposite of what love is so you can appreciate the truth when your Ego finally sees again......

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Does Loving Mean?

Q: I have begun to ponder on what, "to love," really means, George. In this dimension we find all sorts of definitions of what it means when we say I love you.  Some carry a sexual connotation, some carry attachments. What is love?

A: Love is simply allowing freedom to all things.  It isn't easy to do that the way your world is. You add each soul's ego to that setting and bingo you have a mess. Love is misconstrued here in many ways. If I say I love you but that statement carries with it my ideas or expectations of what I desire from you - then that simply is not love. Love is free. It carries nothing with it.

Q: How do I learn to truly love then? Can I while on this dimension?

A: All souls control their path here and across the dimensions. No one can make another what they want them to be. Some try, but that only brings hate.  When each soul comes to the realization  - that each soul comes here to walk their own path in the way they desire too, one looses the duality thinking for a time.  But because the Ego likes to control things it fights and tries to renew duality in you. The only way to beat it - is to continually meditate within and allow the soul more control. If the soul can balance its counter half the Ego - it can keep duality at bay.

Q: Why is living here in the human form have to be so hard?  Why can't learning be easier?

A:  It can, Luv, through meditation and the acceptance within that there is NO SEPARATION of all things. All things are one energy.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Earthquakes, Floods, What's up?

Q:  Why all the earth shattering floods, earthquakes and stuff? I know I have seen visions of things but why are so many disasters taking place? Are there to be more?

A: The change in the energy will bring about many new changes. Some will reek havoc on the lands and others will be a needed change. Do not fear these changes. They are to be.

Q; Why does changing the energy have to bring so much sadness?

A: These times are not to be thought of as sadness but a new awaking of spirit.  The new energy will bring many changes to each soul's ability to understand who and what they are. Each soul will journey to a new knowing of love and forgiveness. It truly will be a new dawning.

Q: Why does it take so much suffering to advance in spirit?

A: There has always been the good and the bad happenings in every new advance in the energy. It is the way it has always been.

Q: Are you saying there has been more than this changing of the energy?

A: Yes, throughout each lifetime the energy has continued to move forward. This is to bring about a newness to each soul's spirit. In the past changing of the energy the souls left this world before it. This will be the first time souls have remained. It will be a great time of rejoicing.

Q: I'll give you my answer in a

Q: George, all I see at this time is so much suffering here. People are homeless, hungry, losing loved ones and finding no peace. If this is what the new energy is bringing I wonder if it is all worth it.