Sunday, November 6, 2011

Earthquakes, Floods, What's up?

Q:  Why all the earth shattering floods, earthquakes and stuff? I know I have seen visions of things but why are so many disasters taking place? Are there to be more?

A: The change in the energy will bring about many new changes. Some will reek havoc on the lands and others will be a needed change. Do not fear these changes. They are to be.

Q; Why does changing the energy have to bring so much sadness?

A: These times are not to be thought of as sadness but a new awaking of spirit.  The new energy will bring many changes to each soul's ability to understand who and what they are. Each soul will journey to a new knowing of love and forgiveness. It truly will be a new dawning.

Q: Why does it take so much suffering to advance in spirit?

A: There has always been the good and the bad happenings in every new advance in the energy. It is the way it has always been.

Q: Are you saying there has been more than this changing of the energy?

A: Yes, throughout each lifetime the energy has continued to move forward. This is to bring about a newness to each soul's spirit. In the past changing of the energy the souls left this world before it. This will be the first time souls have remained. It will be a great time of rejoicing.

Q: I'll give you my answer in a

Q: George, all I see at this time is so much suffering here. People are homeless, hungry, losing loved ones and finding no peace. If this is what the new energy is bringing I wonder if it is all worth it.

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