Q: So, Samson, if we come here as three energies, as one, why doesn't the physical form part of me get to have a say in what path I take?
A: It does. But, the Soul and Ego are the strongest of the three. That is not to say the physical being of light in each being is a lesser vessel. There are no big I's or little, you's in this universe. It all consists of one complete encompassed energy, the extension of the eternal completeness of our Creator. Much like your earthly children here, child. You can't separate energy. It is impossible to separate the atoms and cells that spark life into all things. You can't remove your husband's DNA from your child anymore that you could remove yours. How can energy divide? It can't. If one tries to separate energy it become vol-ital. It's cells begin to mutate and can reek havoc. One can separate man made energy, but not the eternal energy of the Creator life.
i know all of this is hard to understand at this time in your earthly walk, but it is necessary for you to stay open to our words. Don't try to analyze them. Simply accept the words in faith and write them. There is coming a day when all this will begin to melt into you and there will be no confusion. Trust in my words, child.
Q; Samson, if we are three parts, body, soul and ego, is that the same as you spoke, (air, water and blood)? How can I grasp that is I don't fully see?
A: By faith in your Creator.
Q: My faith is weak, Samson.
A: No one's faith is weak. The soul only allows the ego to confuse. Trust, child. choose to trust. The soul contributes the spiritual connection from this earthly walk to the Creator. The Ego is the flowing of emotion and the physical form allows each being of light to proceed on it's life journey here. One cannot function properly without all three moving in sequence. Each path is a designated path chosen by the being of light to teach it who and what it truly is. For without the knowing of that the being of light falters on this path. As it proceeds into it's path and comes to the realization of it's identity, the being of light speeds up it's energy and begins to move into a higher energy level. The being of light learns simply by progressing down the life path. When the three become united, the Soul moves upward into a higher plane. It is a marvelous journey.
Q: Sometimes I think the three energies are lacking unity and my journey isn't marvelous as you say, but sad and tiring.
A: That is the joy of this path - to learn to flow in three different ways and still try to remain who and what they are. Often it is very difficult to do that as you well know. But, Child the end is simply tremendously joyful. Well worth the effort. For one simply can not learn unless one has to put up an effort. Life isn't easy here. But, to know this world is to be if full reach of one's wholeness. Much like to understand love in it's fullness - you have to understand hate in it's fullness. Only in the understanding of both can one truly understand the true meaning of life.
A: It does. But, the Soul and Ego are the strongest of the three. That is not to say the physical being of light in each being is a lesser vessel. There are no big I's or little, you's in this universe. It all consists of one complete encompassed energy, the extension of the eternal completeness of our Creator. Much like your earthly children here, child. You can't separate energy. It is impossible to separate the atoms and cells that spark life into all things. You can't remove your husband's DNA from your child anymore that you could remove yours. How can energy divide? It can't. If one tries to separate energy it become vol-ital. It's cells begin to mutate and can reek havoc. One can separate man made energy, but not the eternal energy of the Creator life.
i know all of this is hard to understand at this time in your earthly walk, but it is necessary for you to stay open to our words. Don't try to analyze them. Simply accept the words in faith and write them. There is coming a day when all this will begin to melt into you and there will be no confusion. Trust in my words, child.
Q; Samson, if we are three parts, body, soul and ego, is that the same as you spoke, (air, water and blood)? How can I grasp that is I don't fully see?
A: By faith in your Creator.
Q: My faith is weak, Samson.
A: No one's faith is weak. The soul only allows the ego to confuse. Trust, child. choose to trust. The soul contributes the spiritual connection from this earthly walk to the Creator. The Ego is the flowing of emotion and the physical form allows each being of light to proceed on it's life journey here. One cannot function properly without all three moving in sequence. Each path is a designated path chosen by the being of light to teach it who and what it truly is. For without the knowing of that the being of light falters on this path. As it proceeds into it's path and comes to the realization of it's identity, the being of light speeds up it's energy and begins to move into a higher energy level. The being of light learns simply by progressing down the life path. When the three become united, the Soul moves upward into a higher plane. It is a marvelous journey.
Q: Sometimes I think the three energies are lacking unity and my journey isn't marvelous as you say, but sad and tiring.
A: That is the joy of this path - to learn to flow in three different ways and still try to remain who and what they are. Often it is very difficult to do that as you well know. But, Child the end is simply tremendously joyful. Well worth the effort. For one simply can not learn unless one has to put up an effort. Life isn't easy here. But, to know this world is to be if full reach of one's wholeness. Much like to understand love in it's fullness - you have to understand hate in it's fullness. Only in the understanding of both can one truly understand the true meaning of life.
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