Friday, April 24, 2015

What Is Our Journey?

Q:   What is our true journey here?  What are we truly suppose to do and learn?

 A:  All that is for you to experience, see and achieve.  There is not a thing for you to try to  accomplish, there are only things to be discovered within you and without you.  You can never fail to achieve or change that what you desire.  You and your thoughts are what creates your world and your path Child.

Q:  Then why all the hardship happening to hinder our journeys?

A:  Each hardship as you call it is there to teach you the difference between love and hate. It teaches you to see within you all that you are and will be. Each happening in your life is a step closer to the mounting journey to discover who and what you are.  Nothing you experience here is truly hard it just appears so. For the Ego is a trickster and will have you believing everything you see, feel and touch is the truth.  It is not, I assure you child. This dimension is only a teaching center. Your real existence is within you. It envelopes all that is, was and will be.  You are one with the whole creation and will never find yourself disconnected from all things.  Only the Ego tries to get you to see that. For it's whole purpose is to confuse you by allowing your thoughts to seem real. Truth is never in a box, or nor can it be anything by freedom within love's embrace. 

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