Sunday, July 3, 2016

Love and Hate - The Same

Q:  If we are here in this 3rd dimension to distinguish between love and hate through the Ego's desires and emotions how do we truly learn the difference?  Since our Ego rules here, how does our Soul and Ego learn it? How does the knowledge become one with us?

A:  Whoa, slow down. One question at a time, Luv.

Q:  George?  Where is Samson?

A:  Yes, it is I. Samson is here, but since you continue to refer your thoughts and questions toward me he felt maybe I should answer you.

Q:  Okay then - answer my questions. How do we distinguish on this 3rd dimension between love and hate?

A:  As each Soul goes through each chosen emotional experience - love and hate becomes apparent. The Ego's emotions choose the path to be taken. This choice brings about natural consequences that will be learned. The Soul of man, (being created from Love), senses the journey's choice.  This creates the desire within the Soul to let their feelings control their path. If hate is chosen - love will appear in the happenings. If a loving path is chosen - hate will appear in the happenings. Love and hate war within man and man decides which they desire to choose.  As the Soul begins to open up to truth within - their energy increases to a higher state. Even if hate is chosen the Soul will learn and continue the path to the knowing.  Love will flood the Soul of man no matter the choice.

Q:  Then, does that teach them?

A:  Yes, the emotions - lived - is let go.  Another will appear for the Soul's journey to learn.  As each Soul experiences the difference between love and hate - knowledge is formed within the Soul - advancing the Soul to a higher energy. As the Soul ascends it desires to ascend even higher. Thus another emotion will appear for the Soul to experience. The more the Soul experiences the higher they will ascend.

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