Sunday, October 29, 2017

Learning Center

Q:  Seeing something is so different from actually understanding something.

A:  That is true child.

Q:  So telling me Samson, to choose or see something in truth or understanding isn't always as easy as you think it will be.  The slower energy we dwell in here impedes our understanding as well as adding to our Ego's strength here. Remember please, we are in an unbalanced state here in our energy. Just telling me something isn't always so easy for me to grasp.

A:  Quite so child, it is often hard to see things in your unbalanced state when the truth is so much a part of us in our balanced state. Being a guide is not as easy as one would imagine, even in our balanced state, we often struggle to remember to be patient sometimes, and even harder to try and think as you think here in order to be of greater service to our charges.

Q: Look, I do appreciate all of the truth all of you share with me. You have all taught me many truths and understanding is often clear to me, but sometimes my brain prevents me entering the truths in totality.  It isn't easy for me either, especially in a mind that dwells in a physical duality at times.

A:  We knew your path would not be an easy one for you, child. We brought in George as your first teacher due to the fact you had shared many life paths together which we presumed would be of greater aid to you on you earthly path. But, often your Ego has given you trouble to accept the truth and understanding of all things. We have said many times, all energy is of ONE SOURCE, child, but here on the 3rd dimension the ability to see beyond this physical matter holds you back on accepting and understanding.  This is a place simply to allow each Soul to feel and live out their emotions for true understanding of who and what they are. Emotions allow every Soul to see truth in reality, to understand each part of one's self and to allow one to see beyond just the knowing of emotions to what the emotions are and how they mold one's self. For we must blend our Ego and Soul to understand that truth. It is as George said, " Just looking at a bowl of ice cream does not allow the Soul to understand what it is, but as the Soul takes their first taste of it, discovery is brought into reality for them." Each Soul must experience every emotion to grasp life in its fullness, thus, giving the Soul the truth of all things. Sometimes the path is easy and sometimes one will struggle, but each Soul will experience life in order to see beyond their self. The one source of all things is who and what we are. To totally understand that one has to live all emotions. One have to accept the feelings of all energy.

Q:  What does that mean - accept the feelings of all energy?

A:  Emotions are energy and everything consists of energy. One learns to center their energy on the path through the experience of learning. Emotions are our teacher of life and so needed to advance each Soul in who and what they are - ONE WITH ALL THINGS! That one thing is LOVE.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Learning Purposes

Q:  You have said in the past about how every situation we go through is for a learning purpose. In that learning why do we at times feel one within and then it changes back to the feeling and thinking in duality?  My first guide that spoke, George, said it was the way of this path so we would keep learning. Why?

A:  Child, we all have come and will come to learn life lessons with our Ego controlling the process. This is the way we learn here. If we always felt one within we would not go forward in the learning process - we would simply see no purpose to go forward on this dimension. Life paths are journeys of benefit to both our Ego and our Soul. The lessons we go through bring a better knowing within each Soul. Life paths are to learn from and enjoy.

Q:  How can one enjoy a terribly trying life path?

A:  One simply learns from the process of emotional pain and suffering. How does a Soul ever understand hunger unless the Soul has experienced it?  Every situation teaches the Soul what living is all about.

Q:  Why? Why learn all this?  Don't we already know it in our true form?

A:  To extend one's knowledge of life, child. To turn a dead Soul into a living Soul aware of all it's potential, and all the experience of the passions of life.  All children love to play on a slide, do they not?

Q:  Yes, most do.

A:  At first, the child may be fearful of the slide, but at the coaching of the parent, the child takes the plunge and behold finds the experience to be heavenly. The child wants to experience the joy again and again.  This is much like every Soul here learning life and all its passions.  All knowledge learned is good child. Life isn't about the good or bad situations as you think here - its about the living of passions, learning about each other. It is about love, child. Love is passion at its best.

Love Is The Path

Q:  Love is the whole process of out life path here is that what you are saying? For what purpose?

A:  Love is the whole of all things, Child.  As a Soul discovers what love means to them on this path more and more of their energy is blended. The higher a Soul moves upward in their knowledge of love the more that Soul is able to impart what love is to others.

Q:  For what purpose? A better world?

A:  The enlightenment shared produces a stronger bond to all energy, child. The stronger the bond to the one energy the stronger one's peace will reign. That Soul can truly begin to love without judgement.  The awakening begins within the Soul and the truth within becomes a reality.  The Soul becomes free of all earthly entanglement.

Q:  For what purpose?

A:  Every Soul created in the beginning was divided. The Soul and Ego both tried to reign. That division creates havoc within. The purpose is to balance them back to discover their true self and recognize who and what they are.

Q:  Why?

A:  To be able to see beyond one's self and live in true unity with all energy. This creates a better world for all. It expands who and what you are. You discover you are but a part of the whole,  The knowledge of being one brings the greatest peace, child. What is greater then having total peace within. There is no greater, child, none greater than total peace.

Life Lessons

Q:  Does our life lessons always have to be so hard on us?

A:  Would any Soul truly learn any other way if the lessons on their path did not cause a reaction within the Soul?

Q:  I really wish there were some time out on our paths sometimes where one could take a breath and rest.

A:  Do you want to learn child?

Q:  Yes, but sometimes it gets a little overwhelming to me.

A:  It is vital each Soul learns on their pathway. That is why each Soul comes here. Just think of each lesson as a way to grow spiritually higher in your awareness of the Creation of all things.

Q:  Sometimes it seems as if some are loved more than others.

A:  Each Soul comes to walk a path of learning so they may advance in Spirit. How the Soul learns, easy or hard, is only up to them. Each Soul has accepted the lessons and what they wanted to experience in advance.

Again We Talk About Emotions

Q:  Please start the conversation Samson.

A:  Child, as a Soul walks their path on this dimension their guides prepare the journey the Soul chose to experience. They bring about the situations that bring about the emotions the Soul chose to learn.

Q:  How?

A:  It can be brought about by many things depending on the chosen emotions.  Such as, meeting an individual who would cause a response within the Soul which will bring about the emotion to experience. A movie, a child, a parent, a co-worker, a car wreck, just about any situation will produce the needed reaction in the Soul. That reaction them allows the Soul to begin the lesson. You must remember, guides are only there to aid the Soul in their chosen decisions.

Q:  What if the Soul doesn't respond to the thing the guides have produced to aid them?

A:  The guides will bring about another lesson along the path, unless the Soul wishes to forgo their chosen lesson.

Q:  So, it's all like a game here to see how much a Soul can be taught?

A:  Quite much child. But, it is lessons the Soul had chosen before they came to walk this path. It is never forced on any Soul and the Soul can change their path, for they control their pathway. It is simply a means to an end for the Soul to learn. The way to the chosen emotion is produced in the Soul's path and the Soul chooses whether to take that one or not. It is always up to them which path they will trod.

Discovering One's Self

Q:  Samson, you talk about us learning emotions here so we can realize who and what we are. How does our emotions help us with our discovery of what we are?

A: Every Soul was created unique having their own identity.  Emotions develop our Soul's identity as we journey these life paths. As each lesson is learned it creates more awareness of  the Soul's personality.  One discovers who and what they are becoming. It is much like your children borne here. Each is from the same Source (earthly Mother and Father), but, each has their own traits. How they develop as they grow up and face their life path is up to them. It is as you told one of your grand children yesterday - it is all up to the path we choose and how we react to it. Each  Soul holds the key to who and what they will be, but each choice made will develop love within that Soul, whether the path chosen is hard or easy. Love is the key to all things, child. The emotions faced and learned teach the Soul what they have become. If one's choices are selfish one eventually will become aware within that selfishness will bring division and loneliness.  To some the selfish person seems to have more in life, but in the end one sees the loving Soul actually has more.  The inner man is developed into a loving Soul and the more the Soul will see what truly matter - LOVE.
One can't see while choosing to walk is a selfish pathway that all becomes vanity and vexation to the Soul. The longer a Soul walks their life path here the more the inner man begins to see and realize what is truly good for and to them. One can't learn without the lessons of these life paths, for they teach the Soul to love without judgement.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Walking This Life Path

Q:  When we come here to walk our life path can we truly heal our self? Could my friend heal herself?

A:  The body is a well balanced machine controlled by the Ego's brain. If the path was to be one in which the body was to suffer, then the Soul would probably not heal itself. Notice I used the word, wouldn't, not couldn't. Remember, every Soul is in control of their life path and the mind is much like a very powerful computer. Every cell of a Soul's body has the strength to produce healing. The trick is to realize this and use that power.

Q:   I met a woman that had been in a coma for six years and came out of it. They said she was brain dead. It was amazing.  She said she was healed.

A:  Yes, the mind is very strong, but it is the will of one than controls the outcome. The  gift of free will is a gift that is not to be over ridden. So, what the will desires, will be.

Q:  How? So are you saying her will caused her to return?

A:  Yes, her desire was to return to her family and finish her life path.

Q: How Samson? She was labeled brain dead.  She was on life support. She told her story at a church, telling people that miracles do happen and to not jump into any decisions too quickly.

A:  Your mind controls the body. What is to be by the desire of the mind and heart will be.

Q:  Would that include our fears?

A:  Yes, if one fears it can produce the thing feared.  Release all fears, child.