Q: Samson, you talk about us learning emotions here so we can realize who and what we are. How does our emotions help us with our discovery of what we are?
A: Every Soul was created unique having their own identity. Emotions develop our Soul's identity as we journey these life paths. As each lesson is learned it creates more awareness of the Soul's personality. One discovers who and what they are becoming. It is much like your children borne here. Each is from the same Source (earthly Mother and Father), but, each has their own traits. How they develop as they grow up and face their life path is up to them. It is as you told one of your grand children yesterday - it is all up to the path we choose and how we react to it. Each Soul holds the key to who and what they will be, but each choice made will develop love within that Soul, whether the path chosen is hard or easy. Love is the key to all things, child. The emotions faced and learned teach the Soul what they have become. If one's choices are selfish one eventually will become aware within that selfishness will bring division and loneliness. To some the selfish person seems to have more in life, but in the end one sees the loving Soul actually has more. The inner man is developed into a loving Soul and the more the Soul will see what truly matter - LOVE.
One can't see while choosing to walk is a selfish pathway that all becomes vanity and vexation to the Soul. The longer a Soul walks their life path here the more the inner man begins to see and realize what is truly good for and to them. One can't learn without the lessons of these life paths, for they teach the Soul to love without judgement.
A: Every Soul was created unique having their own identity. Emotions develop our Soul's identity as we journey these life paths. As each lesson is learned it creates more awareness of the Soul's personality. One discovers who and what they are becoming. It is much like your children borne here. Each is from the same Source (earthly Mother and Father), but, each has their own traits. How they develop as they grow up and face their life path is up to them. It is as you told one of your grand children yesterday - it is all up to the path we choose and how we react to it. Each Soul holds the key to who and what they will be, but each choice made will develop love within that Soul, whether the path chosen is hard or easy. Love is the key to all things, child. The emotions faced and learned teach the Soul what they have become. If one's choices are selfish one eventually will become aware within that selfishness will bring division and loneliness. To some the selfish person seems to have more in life, but in the end one sees the loving Soul actually has more. The inner man is developed into a loving Soul and the more the Soul will see what truly matter - LOVE.
One can't see while choosing to walk is a selfish pathway that all becomes vanity and vexation to the Soul. The longer a Soul walks their life path here the more the inner man begins to see and realize what is truly good for and to them. One can't learn without the lessons of these life paths, for they teach the Soul to love without judgement.
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