Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Unconditional Love Question

 Q:  My husband keeps stating we were never born. I do not understand that. I thought we were created to be here to learn, that we are one with our Creator, the same energy. Everyone has a different idea what truth is. I am getting confused.

A:  Every Soul is from the same energy-Source.  The Source is called by many names which has no matter. Each Soul is created from the Source of all things. Some call that energy source: God, Allah, Budda, the Concsiousness, the light, and so and so forth. It makes no difference. All energy is from the only Eternal Source. It gathers all within its light. Yes, you are all created to learn who and what you are. You were told all were given free will. Free will is the Eternal Love given from the Eternal Source.

Q: Are we just as the Eternal Source?  I was told that long ago. Do we have male/female, logic/emotions, good/bad characteristics. yen/yang, and so and so forth, just as I was told the Creator is?

A:  The consciousness of all energy is all things. Every Soul possesses both light and darkness. Because each Soul was given free will each Soul chooses its own life path. It can be a path of light or a path of darkness.

Q: If one chooses the dark path does that make them bad?

A: You third dimensional world is because the Ego rules here in physical matter. The Soul simply realizes who and what it is. This duality was created for the learning of each Soul's emotions. thus the soul learns each life lesson from the vantage point of physical matter - duality. It is simply learning life lessons, child.

Q:  Samson, why is our path of learning so hard then? I could use some TLC.

A:  Each Soul is learning just as all others are learning. Each direction chosen by the Soul here allows the Soul to see beyond the physical matter into the light of Eternal Love. Each lesson teaches love in many differnece ways.

Q:  So, why was I promised things that have never come?

A:  Maybe, your Ego sees life differnetly than it is.  Peace and happiness is a choice for each Soul to grasp in their own way. For to learn is simply walking through one's life path, learning as one walks.

Sunday, July 16, 2023


Q:  I have read in many different writers where they state silence is the only way to truth. One can't learn truth through any concept, thought or belief. Is this true?

A:  Silence is truth for there is no ritual, belief or even your thought of truth that is correct. Truth is simply unconditional love in it's purest form.

Q: I have read where all there is conciousness. Please explain this to me.

A:  Conciousness simply is all there is. The Source of conciousness is our Creater and you. For you and truth are one and the same. 

Q:  How can I be truth when I understand so little?

A: All there is within you. It dwells in all energy. It is the eternal conciousness of all enegy, truth which is unconditional love in it's purest form.

Q: I have read there is only God's Will. That we have no will and everything is preordained. Yet, you have told me unconditional love is actually our free will. I'm getting confused. 

A: Your will is also our Creator's will. You are one and the same. There is no difference. You are here to seek truth though the emotions of the Ego for it is a challenge for all to learn truth.

Q: But, many say we are to kill our Ego - that it isn't to rule us. Yet, you have taught me we are our Creator manifesting here to experience life paths and we are both our Soul and our Ego. So?

A: Every truth is learned at one's ability to comprehend and accept it.  All things are one. The same energy that gives you your life here is the same energy that is within you. it is all one and the same. There was, is and never will be any separation of energy. Thus there can be no Heaven or Hell. It is simply a conciousness of energy divine by unconditional love.  All will return to that one energy.

Q:  I read truth is not a concept. That our beliefs are simply a concept we have created - not truth. So, what am I writing all of this for?  I have been writing since 2004.

A:  Your writings are simply a way to understand truth. They will guide many to seek the truth of who and what they really are.

Q:  What are we then?

A:  A conciousness of unconditional love, which is here to learn who and what we are.

Q: If I am suppose to learn then why do I stuggle so? I seem to struggle with my Ego over which part of me (Soul or Ego) is to rule. How can anyone truly learn in this constant struggling?

A: Each Soul here on their life path will struggle. That is the purpose of one's journey. The conciousness desires to understand all emotions through many different views and feelings. Each Soul was granted free will to learn in their own way. This is life at its fullest.

Q:  Appears to me to be more like torture.

A: Remember our words, "The longer a Soul has traveled this dimension the harder the life path will be." Only the older Souls dwell in the very hard trials of this life path, child.  Need I say more to you on this matter.  One simply needs to experience all things.