Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tired in Heart

Q:  George, I am so very tired physically and emotionally.  I am told over and over things will change for the better (my better) but nothing does.  I carry a load inside to the point I often cry when coming home from work.  I feel so helpless where my family and friends are concerned.  I want to help them but I can hardly help myself.  Why are we going through such sorrow - sorrow that never seems to stop?

A:  This is all passing, Luv.  I know you are tired.  Give it up to us to deal with.  We will aid you.

Q:  I found the perfect home George, but I couldn't buy a setting hen right now.  Why, George - has this all happened?  I am told that all things work together for good, but I see no good in what has taken place in our lives.  Bob is still fighting his Diabetes. When does it actually GET better for us as promised?

A: Since the word soon is so distasteful to you I will say it this way - in the near future things will change (for you're good) to the point you will wonder what in the world happened.

Q:  I would love to believe what you say George, but I am tired of empty promises and things said that never seem to come to pass.  I am down, but I don't know how to work my way out anymore. All I do is want to cry.

A:  I say it again - things will be better than ever - in the very near future for you, your family and friends.  Trust in our love for you........

Q:  Shall I hold my breath?

A:  In time, Luv - all will change for you.....You will have the dream of having your own home.  It will be the perfect place for you too.......

Q:  I await what you say - but I don't see how it could ever be........My faith is very low right now. Hope is something I use to have. 

A:  Faith exists within each Soul.  It does not leave.  Sometimes things on one's pathway can seem to cover it - but it is still there.  You are tired physically and have carried a very heavy load.  It will ease, Luv and you will see the Sun again in your life........

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Q:  Again you start talking to me as I am doing things around the house.  I guess we have bonded to such a degree I no longer have to zero in on your energy.  Is this so?

A:  Yes, your energy is getting faster each day.  It will be as if you are breathing.  Do not fear the changes coming within you or without you.  They are progressing as necessary.

Q:  I have noticed when a revelation of Spirit comes I feel so excited I want to share it.  When I do many times they look at me as if I am crazy.  Some think I am.  I realize that each has to open to Spirit in their own time.  But doesn't sharing often open doors for us that otherwise would not open?

A:  It is well and good to share what is imparted to you, but once said - let go the expectations of whether or not they receive it.  Each door on each Soul opens at their pace  - when they themselves are ready.

Q:  Why share at all?  Would they not receive it then in there own time?

A:  Many times - what one says  - sparks a note of knowing in another.  It may germinate for a time - often much time - then something will produce the opening a bit larger and the knowing will open avenues never known before for that Soul. If you impart revelations you have received - do it in freedom.  It is up to each Soul to receive it or not. 

Q:  Why then do I feel what is said at times so deeply and at others I don't?  I realize I too am learning - slowly - but I think learning. 

A:  As I stated above each revelation appearing to one - will germinate until that Soul is ready to receive it unto them.  At that time it will sprout forth in abundance and their Soul will rejoice. The Ego on the other hand will at first try to deny it for a while - but if the Soul continues to bring it forth the Ego will start to see.  Once it thinks it is it's idea it will run with it.  Remember the Ego (here and otherwise) still needs to think it is in control.

Q:  Are you saying when I cross over my Ego will still fight to be in control?

A:  Quite true child.  It is something we all bear at one time or another but here we have learned to control it a bit better  - as we see it from the place of balance.

Q:  Okay - is this Harold again?

A:  No - I am David.  Harold and George are in meeting with Source.

Q:  Come on - meetings?

A:  Each Soul gets a yearly one on one with Source in his pure energy.  It is a time of great rejoicing for us as you will see when your time arrives.

Q:  You talk as if we are separate beings. Sounds like a job to me - reviews once a year?  Does he get on to us at those times?

A:  We are and we aren't.  Remember child - we are connecting eternally to Source.  By the way, I use the term Source - as it is how you see the energy of LOVE. As for the question - does he get on to us - never.  You may discuss what has been happening and LOVE will answer your concerns - but judge - never. LOVE (Source) never judges.

Q:  In a vision I saw a ball of light exploding outward and attached to the ball of light were tiny (I call them) feelers.  The energy from this huge ball of light ran to and fro to the end of each feeler where a small half round sat.  I could see energy moving inside the ball of light and in each feeler.  The whole thing was amazing to me. The colors were so vivid and I felt such peace coming from the ball of light.

A:  The ball of light you saw was the core of the energy of LOVE.  It pulsates to and fro to all men.  It gives light and takes away light all the time keeping perfect balance in that Soul.  Remember, we have all talked about how each Soul needs to stay in balance to retain their peace. That is basking in the pure energy of LOVE where the worm dies not and peace reigns.

Q:  What do you mean - where the worms dies not?

A:  All that you are and ever will be - is what you are now.  Just because one crosses over - does not change their energy core of how they came about and how they chose to be.

Q:  Are you saying - "I chose my personality traits?"

A:  All choose everything they are.  It is because of free will each soul is able to be as they choose.  It is so marvelous to have such loving freedom.  It is good child - it is good.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm Confused

Q:  The title sure is a dousy.  I seem to be in that state of mind a lot. I swore I was never going to write or talk to any of you again.  Tonight I was talking with others and what I have seen seemed to start flowing out from within me.  Is it such a part of me - I am unable to walk away from this?

A:  The knowing is you and you can't hide from what you have seen within you and without you.  Most of your boasting was anger pouring forth over things that cause you a great deal of pain.  That will all change.  Your life is going to take a severe change soon - one in which you will feel as if you are in a whirlwind.  Just remember we are there with you and for you and will guide you upon asking.

Q:  No more sadness, George.  I simply can not deal with it.

A:  Only gladness, Luv.  It is time.......

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Q: George, we have been discussing we are energy much like a magnet.  You state we are both positive and negative energy and we need to balance the two energies.  I know you state that neither side is good or bad, but both are needed to complete us.  I get all of that but it is hard to balance them on this 3rd dimensional world with our Ego side in control here and the Soul part of us veiled from the Ego - how do we get them to balance when our Ego mind wants to be the King, controlling our every thought and move here?  You tell me to meditate.  I try - but can't accomplish more than a minute or two until I find my mind wandering along another path of mindless patter.....

A:  Yes, the Ego mind is quite frustrating at times, but then again this whole path is a drama in which you star.  To develop more control over your Ego mind ( many call it their flesh) one has to step up the meditation into the Soul's mind.  Yes, it is difficult.  Remember to enter into the pure loving nature of the Soul, who by the way is pure logic and sees itself as that - makes it difficult at times for the Soul to see the pure emotional nature of the Ego side of it.  That is why both need each other.  Too much logic - destroys the natural flow of our emotional nature.  Too much emotion keeps us centered in our Ego mind and prevents us from allowing logic to help us see the pitfalls of our emotional side.  So the whole pattern of giving us both sides is so important in our walk here.

Q:  Okay, I see what you are saying but many have said we are one with Source so there really is no battle.  But, George, I battle between my Soul's mind and my Ego's mind.  Why? Am I so weak?

A:  All battle back and forth from their Ego's desires and their Soul's desires on this path.  The Soul would have one totally apt at the walk with no emotional hangups. The Ego's mind frets and gets hung up in all it's emotional ties to the drama.  If one says they don't - they are only kidding themselves.  All struggle here.  That is the plan.  How can one truly experience this path if they do not struggle within and without?  That is the whole point of this walk.  It is good.  Remember the bowl of ice cream.  The Soul's mind would look at it, say it looks good and would simple pass it by.  The Ego's mind on the other hand would look at it, wonder about it - then get a bite. The mind of the soul would be satisfied then and walk away.  The mind of the ego would relish the ice cream, feeling every bite within and without.  The problem is this.  If one let's the Ego control the ice cream - it would eat the whole carton.  The soul gives the ego's desires control through its logical thinking.  It would say - enough.  The Ego would continue to indulge its desire.  Both are needed for balance.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Q;  I am confused about my writing. You tell me I am to write books and the journals sit in boxes. The pencil marks will smudge and fade before they ever get published at the rate I am going. Or I will cross over before they do.  The things you have shared with me are similar to those that Seth spoke in, "Seth Speaks," only in a simpler way. I read four chapters of Jane's book. It confirmed much of what you have told me but I still do not see the point of why I am writing this stuff.  George, I have a few that read this blog.  Now - UNDERSTAND this - I do not wish to have people think I am some Guru  or something special.  I don't want followers.  I just want to help people understand the truth, to help them open their minds, to follow what they see and not be afraid of changing.
Even I struggle with what you say.  Sometimes I feel it will never sink in. I don't see me as the one to write these words of truth. It seems  - if I were to be the one to write these books - I would fully understand the words you all speak. 

A:  That is only as you see it, Luv.  We see different.  The things we have shared with you are becoming a part of you just as your friend, Dewain stated they would.  He said it would become natural to you.  It is. In answer to your concern - the books  - are they written just for you or many - Many......They will be published at the appointed time.

Q:  George, I'm not sure I will be around to see it.  I am getting very tired.

A:  Yes, we see that, but that will all change in the distant future.  Although I was greatly tempted I refrained from using the word, "soon, " in honor of your feelings about the word.....Lol

Q:  Thank you for that kindness, George.

A:  Your welcome, Luv.  Lol......

Q:  George, when we arrived in the womb did we feel pain or any emotions? The Scientists here state the fetus doesn't feel anything until a certain time.

A:  We all feel - every emotion and pain there is. Just because we enter the birthing place does not mean we don't feel.  But, the process of birth must be allowed so each Soul can walk their path here.

Q:  Well, does it hurt the fetus when the Mother has an abortion?

A: Yes, but the Soul chose to experience that emotion.

Q:  No - the Mother did......

A:  No - the Fetus (soul) did.

Q:  Should a woman have one then?

A: That is up to the Mother and Fetus to decide.

Q:  George, if the child is in the womb - it has no say in the decision the Mother may make.

A:  On the contrary - yes - it does!  It did not have to choose this path.  It could refuse to come and experience the pain.

Q:  Well if you look at it that way - I guess so.

A:  You think as a mother whose children are very dear to her.  Distance yourself from that emotion and you will see the bigger picture of that path.

Q:   I'm not sure I can as long as I am on this path.  It is too emotional for me.  I do not judge those that choose that path at all, I am just stating,  the thought, it causes pain to a child  - is hard for me.

A:  Yes, you are an emotional person and love children.  But, the whole point of this earthly realm is to experience different things.  When one walks this path one discovers the true meaning of love that dwells within them and teaches one to look beyond themselves to others........

Seth Speaks

Q:  Harold I am reading the book, "Seth Speaks." I know I was told not to read anything but so far Seth is stating the same things all of you have shared with me - only the terminology is different. The writing is so much more eloquent than mine it is embarrassing for me.  I do not have the education or the writing ability to do this.

A: Why do you worry so child?  The way you are writing is the way we desired you too, simple and to the point - making it easy for all to understand.

Q: People with high educations won't give my work the time of day. Am I suppose to reach them? How then?

A:  People with many credentials behind their name would not believe in us anyway, unless they were seeking truth.  Your work is for the people in the world - seeking truth.

Q:  Are you stating my work is like Bob's?  He has always worked with the religious burnouts.

A: In a way yes.  Your work will reach those that seek higher knowing. The words Seth spoke through Jane is true - just as the words you speak are true. There is so much to share with you child.

Q:  Then why do I have to work so hard, long hours and driving so far?  It leaves me exhausted and little time to write.

A: That is to change soon.

Q: Why can't I win the lottery?  Is it wrong to wish that? I could help so many.......

A:  Nothing is wrong when it is wished for with love.  You have deep loyalty and love for your family and friends.  It is good. Love will give you your desire to help those you care so deeply for, in time.

Q: Harold, my brothers are so tired.  They have little retirement.  They need to be able to rest and enjoy their remaining years. Our kids worry about us and try to help - but I long to be able to stand on my own two feet. I was told everything would be all right.  It hasn't been.  I was told Matthew would come. He didn't.  It has caused great doubt within me.

A: Whether you believe or choose not to believe is up to you.  What is your chosen path will be no matter which way you choose to think.

Q:  Isn't that kind of going against my, "Free Will?"

A:  No, because your Soul and Ego chose it before they came.  It is as they wish.

Q: So my Ego concsiousness has no say in any decision that was made prior to my dissension?  Is my walk predestined then?

A:  Your emotions have a say in all. Sometimes when the circumstance becomes unbearable for the human the decision will be made to over ride it.  But, in your case you came here to write the books.

Q:  Okay - when do I get too then?

A:  Are you not writing now?

Q:  When does someone other than me see them?  It doesn't seem to be of any help to anyone sitting in boxes drawing dust.

A:  Do not worry so much child. They shall come to life soon.  Much is changing and those changes will bring about great change in your live soon.

Q: There you go again using that word, "soon."  Man, how I hate that word...


Q: George, we have been discussing the reason religion came to be.  You stated because the Ego became so uncontrollable here on the 3rd dimension the decision was made to create a God or Gods to produce social order over the Souls here. This would produce guilt and judgement in us. All thought this would help place control on the Ego.  Is the Ego so demanding?  If so, why?

A: The Ego at first was for balancing the Soul while it walked the path here. But, because it was veiled from it's counter half the Soul, the Ego's emotions got out of hand and it began to fulfill every desire.  As the Ego's desires felt good it became more and more self centered. It was pleasurable to the Ego.  The hunger for more satisfaction grew within it. It did not see the trap it was getting into. You see both the Ego and the Soul were born from, "Pure love."  The Soul has little or no emotion and dwells in logic.  The Ego is pure emotion. That is why they are good together. It creates balance in both of them. Too much Ego is hard on one - for it creates complete unrest, judgement, guilt and lack of self worth. Too much Soul keeps the soul from learning and being able to walk this life path. In the balance of the two is perfection.  So - you see why balance of the two is needed.

Q:  Yes, I can but it sure isn't easy to keep them balanced here.

A:  No child it is not but it can be accomplished by the soul here. Its the desire of the soul to accomplish it.  Remember this - desiring it and trying to achieve it is two different things. One can never achieve it by trying.  One has to allow it to develop from within.

Busy, Busy, Busy

Q:  I have been so busy I forgot my oldest daughter's birthday - which broke my heart.  She is so wonderful and I am so very proud of her.

A:  Yes, indeed you have been quite busy.  We have missed communing with you.

Q:  This isn't George speaking.  Who is this?

A:  Harold.

Q:  Hello Harold. Nice to speak to you. You have been with me since my birth here.  Has it all been so difficult for you? George tells me I am difficult all the time.

A: No child - nothing is or has been difficult, although I might add quite interesting as far as I am concerned, but George is a younger Soul than I and needs more time to adjust. I am learning along with you and it is all good.

Q:  I guess you are stating you are even older than me?

A:  Quite older my dear.  That is why I chose this path with you.  It is very exciting for me to share this with you. It is good to see you let the knowing become a part of you.  Many new thoughts are becoming one with you - changing you and setting you on your journey.

Q:  Why me?  I am so unworthy of the task.

A:  All are worthy - none are unworthy child.  You seem to base your feelings on what your Ego thinks you are.  Base them on what your Soul thinks. for I see much growth and love has widened in you.  All is good.  Difficult does not exist.

What's Up Doc?

Q: Given on Feb. 23, 2011......
    George, what is up with my world?  It is emotionally draining me.  A friend said because of my work I was to be forsaken in the physical world. Is this true?  It scares me to think what will be next......

A: Luv, many times our Soul desires the physical realm to the spiritual realm. One can have one without the other, but not always.  You need to know Source does care and is changing many things in your path for your sake.

Q:  George, if gas keeps going up I may not be able to afford to even drive to work on what I make now.  What do I do then?  Bob is ill and can't work at this time (which I might add - makes him feel like a failure).  Which in turn hurts me.....

A:  Trust in love.  You seem to have a great deal of trouble believing in love - when it comes to you and your loved ones.

Q:  Look at my track record, George.  Life ain't been easy so far.

A:  You see only with your Ego's eyes. Go within and see the truth......

I Am Sometimes Aware Of Who I Am

Q:  Given to me on Jan. 19, 2011......
     George, I am aware of who I am in a lot of ways but my Ego and my emotions sometimes drain me. I seem to loose my peace within.  How does one overcome the affect on them of adverse circumstances?

A:  By not fighting what you are experiencing but, by accepting the knowledge deep within you that love will prevail for you.

Q:  Easier said than done here, George.

A:  Yes, as I have said before, "It is quite difficult here on the 3rd dimension when the Ego is in control."  But, one can accomplish a lot if one allows one's SOUL to balance with it's counterpart the Ego through meditation.

Q: I can't meditate.  I try but my mind goes a 100 miles a minute......

A:  If you keep saying that - then indeed it shall be as you state.  Your words hold great power.  Use all words wisely, Luv.

Q: You tell me all the time my words move my path yet I have spoken many things - never have they appeared. So?

A: You must trust what you say.  Many times you speak without believing what you are stating.

Q:  Just how do I do that then? 

A: By seeking within to your Soul's heart.  Get the Soul to agree and it shall be.

Q: So far my Soul never seems to agree with my Ego.

A: It isn't easy, Luv.  One has to go within and be still.

Q: Oh boy! That's a good one for me, George.  My brain is never still. There are questions upon questions going on in there - constantly......

A:  Give it a good try anyways.

Q: You talk as if the Ego and Soul are two entities.  Are they?

A:  The Soul is a whole and the Ego is a whole.  When they merge they become one whole entity.

Q: You have always said my Soul is 1/2 and my Ego is 1/2. Now, you are saying they are both whole entities. I am confused.

A: Each exist as a unit unto themselves but they must balance to be a whole unit - which is the complete you. They must merge and balance to be able to produce Spiritual awareness in the earthly human.

Q: Okay - how do we get them to merge?

A: Love and meditation produces unity and allows spiritual awareness to bond with this earthly form.

North & South Poles

Q:  This was given to me on January 19, 2011.......
       George, we have been discussing the changing of the magnetic grids.  Everyone is talking about the North and South Poles changing places.  Is this true?  If so - how can that happen without totally destroying the earth?

A:  First of all they aren't actually changing from top to bottom, but they will shift due to the changing of the magnetic grids.  When the 12th grid shifts from the 12th spot (much like a clock's face) and the 11th grid takes the 12th grid's place the poles will shift.  A lot of the water lines will change, mountains will shift, plants, trees - will shift.  Many will die and be reborn.

Q:  What do you mean be reborn?

A:  They will replace themselves - shift- move over.

Q:  This all sounds really scary.  What will happen to us humans?

A:  Many will choose to leave.  Many will choose to stay.  The shift for humans will be a tremendous opening of their brain and it's power.  The consciousness of Source will be deeper and more awareness of the unity of all things will be developed in man.

Q: If we use more brain power will we be able to talk by thought  - not words?

A:  Those whose consciousness of Source is sought - will be taken to a deeper awareness of who and what they are and yes - they will find many new awakenings within themselves.

Q:  What is our journey here?

A:  To achieve awareness of all things as one. To learn the knowledge of who and what you are. To discover love in every way......

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our Thoughts

Q:  You stated in our last blog that energy produced our thoughts and ideas here.  Can you be more specific?

A:  Your thoughts and your creation of ideas come from your energy.  It was created long before you even had a inkling of the beginning of that thought.  It comes from the Soul and Ego's desire to produce the path here for your learning. It is generated by the energy thoughts of all mankind.

Q:  Man dude you are loosing me.  What are you trying to say.  Put it in baby language for me please.

A:  Each Soul before they came had ideas and expectations of the things they desired to experience.  Those desires produced thoughts into the Ego's mind.  Those thoughts germinated within that soul until such time as it was needed here.  You see only a fraction of the work it took and is taking to produce your walk here.  It is a marvelous thing to see from our vantage point.

Q:  Why do we seem to think this is all there is?  It seems so real to me.

A:  That is the purpose of this life path - to seem real to each soul.  If it did not - why would any soul stay?

Q:  I have no freakin idea, George.  I'm stating this is way over my head.

A:  Not true - for you are a very, very old soul and have lived many journeys.

Q:  Maybe that is why I feel so tired all of the time.

A:  No - is is a mixture of reasons.  But, back to your walk seeming real.  If you did not actually see the ice cream cone - would you experience it?  No, it just would not be.  That is why this path all seems so real to you here.  It has too for the experience to happen and change you.  It is good.

Q:  That's easy for you to say........

Another Question About Our Energy

Q: When we were talking about all of our energy being connected yesterday, you started to say something to me. You said that our body here was an example of all energy. Please explain what you meant.

A: We were discussing the fact of when you changed your pathway here - that change affected everyone. You wanted to understand it more. When one atom moves it creates movement in the others. That is a type an shadow of each soul's journey here on this dimension. Energy is all connected and moves in perfect balance together. That balance will produce our thoughts and ideas.

Q: Whoa - what does that mean, George?

A: Each Soul that comes here to walk a path - for the emotion and experience - will come in a cloak of energy that will be in perfect timing of all souls here. I realize you are not aware of scientific things, but I will try to be brief. Energy is cloaked in a wave of energy. Each wave will produce matter. That matter will then produce other matter. Let's take an example: As you brush your hair, electricity will pop. That pop will produce another pop of energy. That pop produces another energy. Each pop of energy continuing in their work of producing more energy. But, what you see is only your hair moving with the brush. Yet all is accomplished with energy, the movement of your arm, the grip of your hand on the brush, the movement of the hair, the oil that makes it shines when carried throughout the strand of hair. It is all energy moving. Each movement produces another, This energy is all connected.

Q: Well, I see that , but why does another Soul's path change if I change mine? Are we not separate entities?

A: For the seeing here - yes all are separate. But, in the greater picture - you are not separate energy. You are all one and the same. Each atom has molecules, those molecules have neurons and protons. These are separate energies, yet they aren't. It is all one atom. You are like that atom. Each soul is unique - yet one......I realize this is hard to grasp here. For you see things from a 3rd dimension viewpoint. Take the time to meditate on this and you will see within the true meaning of your life here.

Q: George, why am I really receiving this information? I see nothing a head in my future of change.

A: For you Luv. It is good. Beside you see only from what your Ego sees. The soul knows the true meaning for your path. Time will tell and you will eventually understand all that has been in your path. It is all a learning for you. It was of your choosing before you came to be here.

Q: Was I crazy?

A: All here are crazy - for all want to find the same thing they already are. But that is the true quest for each soul that walks these pathways of learning here. It is so good. For in the learning experiences one moves up in their dimensions and enlightenment becomes greater for each - opening up another part of their knowing for them.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Fair Question

Q: George, you once told me if I changed my path here on this dimension - it would change everyone's path. Dewain stated tonight that it only changes mine. Please tell me what is.

A: Every soul here and across the dimensions are of the same energy. When energy is moved all energy shifts. If your path contains certain experiences and you choose not to do them, it would indeed affect all other souls' paths. You can't hold some energy still when all energy is connected. That would be like trying to hold some drones still while the hive goes forward. You might be sorry you tried to do that. The force of energy when it moves is powerful. It reaches into all things and moves everything at a certain pace. If one's energy is shifted - then with the force in which it withholds all things - it will move all things. Not all souls receive the same enlightenment. One will find their answers in one way and another will get it a different way. It comes to each soul as they are able to see.

Q: So, if I change my path, don't walk down a certain pathway - that decision I make will affect all souls?

A: Yes, to a certain degree. You can not move energy by itself. When one atom moves - all atoms move. The balance must stay in place at all times for all things to appear real here.

Q: So if I were to stop my energy from moving if I could - it would affect each other soul? How?

A: Depending on the action you have taken, whether it is a positive change or a negative change. One's decision to divert their path will indeed affect all other things here. But, remember any way you choose to go down your path is good - for each way you trod you will learn and grow in Spirit.