Sunday, April 17, 2011


Q:  Again you start talking to me as I am doing things around the house.  I guess we have bonded to such a degree I no longer have to zero in on your energy.  Is this so?

A:  Yes, your energy is getting faster each day.  It will be as if you are breathing.  Do not fear the changes coming within you or without you.  They are progressing as necessary.

Q:  I have noticed when a revelation of Spirit comes I feel so excited I want to share it.  When I do many times they look at me as if I am crazy.  Some think I am.  I realize that each has to open to Spirit in their own time.  But doesn't sharing often open doors for us that otherwise would not open?

A:  It is well and good to share what is imparted to you, but once said - let go the expectations of whether or not they receive it.  Each door on each Soul opens at their pace  - when they themselves are ready.

Q:  Why share at all?  Would they not receive it then in there own time?

A:  Many times - what one says  - sparks a note of knowing in another.  It may germinate for a time - often much time - then something will produce the opening a bit larger and the knowing will open avenues never known before for that Soul. If you impart revelations you have received - do it in freedom.  It is up to each Soul to receive it or not. 

Q:  Why then do I feel what is said at times so deeply and at others I don't?  I realize I too am learning - slowly - but I think learning. 

A:  As I stated above each revelation appearing to one - will germinate until that Soul is ready to receive it unto them.  At that time it will sprout forth in abundance and their Soul will rejoice. The Ego on the other hand will at first try to deny it for a while - but if the Soul continues to bring it forth the Ego will start to see.  Once it thinks it is it's idea it will run with it.  Remember the Ego (here and otherwise) still needs to think it is in control.

Q:  Are you saying when I cross over my Ego will still fight to be in control?

A:  Quite true child.  It is something we all bear at one time or another but here we have learned to control it a bit better  - as we see it from the place of balance.

Q:  Okay - is this Harold again?

A:  No - I am David.  Harold and George are in meeting with Source.

Q:  Come on - meetings?

A:  Each Soul gets a yearly one on one with Source in his pure energy.  It is a time of great rejoicing for us as you will see when your time arrives.

Q:  You talk as if we are separate beings. Sounds like a job to me - reviews once a year?  Does he get on to us at those times?

A:  We are and we aren't.  Remember child - we are connecting eternally to Source.  By the way, I use the term Source - as it is how you see the energy of LOVE. As for the question - does he get on to us - never.  You may discuss what has been happening and LOVE will answer your concerns - but judge - never. LOVE (Source) never judges.

Q:  In a vision I saw a ball of light exploding outward and attached to the ball of light were tiny (I call them) feelers.  The energy from this huge ball of light ran to and fro to the end of each feeler where a small half round sat.  I could see energy moving inside the ball of light and in each feeler.  The whole thing was amazing to me. The colors were so vivid and I felt such peace coming from the ball of light.

A:  The ball of light you saw was the core of the energy of LOVE.  It pulsates to and fro to all men.  It gives light and takes away light all the time keeping perfect balance in that Soul.  Remember, we have all talked about how each Soul needs to stay in balance to retain their peace. That is basking in the pure energy of LOVE where the worm dies not and peace reigns.

Q:  What do you mean - where the worms dies not?

A:  All that you are and ever will be - is what you are now.  Just because one crosses over - does not change their energy core of how they came about and how they chose to be.

Q:  Are you saying - "I chose my personality traits?"

A:  All choose everything they are.  It is because of free will each soul is able to be as they choose.  It is so marvelous to have such loving freedom.  It is good child - it is good.


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