Saturday, April 9, 2011

Seth Speaks

Q:  Harold I am reading the book, "Seth Speaks." I know I was told not to read anything but so far Seth is stating the same things all of you have shared with me - only the terminology is different. The writing is so much more eloquent than mine it is embarrassing for me.  I do not have the education or the writing ability to do this.

A: Why do you worry so child?  The way you are writing is the way we desired you too, simple and to the point - making it easy for all to understand.

Q: People with high educations won't give my work the time of day. Am I suppose to reach them? How then?

A:  People with many credentials behind their name would not believe in us anyway, unless they were seeking truth.  Your work is for the people in the world - seeking truth.

Q:  Are you stating my work is like Bob's?  He has always worked with the religious burnouts.

A: In a way yes.  Your work will reach those that seek higher knowing. The words Seth spoke through Jane is true - just as the words you speak are true. There is so much to share with you child.

Q:  Then why do I have to work so hard, long hours and driving so far?  It leaves me exhausted and little time to write.

A: That is to change soon.

Q: Why can't I win the lottery?  Is it wrong to wish that? I could help so many.......

A:  Nothing is wrong when it is wished for with love.  You have deep loyalty and love for your family and friends.  It is good. Love will give you your desire to help those you care so deeply for, in time.

Q: Harold, my brothers are so tired.  They have little retirement.  They need to be able to rest and enjoy their remaining years. Our kids worry about us and try to help - but I long to be able to stand on my own two feet. I was told everything would be all right.  It hasn't been.  I was told Matthew would come. He didn't.  It has caused great doubt within me.

A: Whether you believe or choose not to believe is up to you.  What is your chosen path will be no matter which way you choose to think.

Q:  Isn't that kind of going against my, "Free Will?"

A:  No, because your Soul and Ego chose it before they came.  It is as they wish.

Q: So my Ego concsiousness has no say in any decision that was made prior to my dissension?  Is my walk predestined then?

A:  Your emotions have a say in all. Sometimes when the circumstance becomes unbearable for the human the decision will be made to over ride it.  But, in your case you came here to write the books.

Q:  Okay - when do I get too then?

A:  Are you not writing now?

Q:  When does someone other than me see them?  It doesn't seem to be of any help to anyone sitting in boxes drawing dust.

A:  Do not worry so much child. They shall come to life soon.  Much is changing and those changes will bring about great change in your live soon.

Q: There you go again using that word, "soon."  Man, how I hate that word...

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