Saturday, August 27, 2011

Changing of the Grids

Q:  Has there ever been another changing of the magnetic grids on this dimension?

A:  Yes - at the beginning of this dimension - the whole world was created for a learning center. Every 12 Centuries the grids must shift to allow each grid to rest to restore itself.  This usually is done without man aboard, note the Ice Age, Noah's Ark flood. These were simply a time of shifting the earth's grids.  It will take place again in time.  That is the way this dimension replenishes itself.  It is different this time because mankind has requested to be allowed to experience this change.  It will be a tough pill to swallow as they say - rocky roads......

Q:  Should I get scared?

A: No - just open up to the inner peace you have - and allow the spiritual changes to come forth within you.

Q:  What if I don't?

A:  Then you will suffer much anxiety I am afraid. But, I have faith in you to believe you will flow with Spirit as usual.

Q:  Glad you have faith in me George.  I find I doubt myself a lot.  Lately I have just wanted to leave.

A:  We know.  Many Spiritual beings have gathered to your side to aid you on this path.  You have a job to do and it is needed.  As you can see many things are being said and many are becoming frightened.  This is not how Source desired this change to be.  It was to be one of joy and much growth for each soul.

Q:  I do not nor have I ever felt worthy of this job.  Why not give this path to another much more willing and able to accomplish it.  I waver too much. Maybe a walk-in could finish this path.

A:  No - it is your chosen and appointed path to follow.  You will do it - despite your doubts in your ability to accomplish it.  Let's see it through together.  You have much help with you.

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