Sunday, August 21, 2011

What Is In The Cards of Life For Us

Q;  What is in store for this dimension, George? Will the devastation continue or worsen?

A:  There are many changes coming for this dimension. Many will fair well but some will suffer many things.  Remember the energy is really speeding up, the whole universe is in transient. The things that came naturally to this dimension will be changed and things not seemed natural will become the norm.  As the energy speeds up in even a greater way - the things it will bring about will cause great confusion to scientists.  But, it is all for the greater paths of each soul.  Do not fear these changes.  For in all of this will come a deeper and more  loving awareness of Source within them.  Is that not greater than all other things.  Fear comes when we feel we have lost control of our path.

Q: Gosh this all seems like doom and gloom.  I'm not sure what I think at this time.

A:  No! Not at all.  Many things that come forth will bring about much happiness.  But the speeding up of the energy will produce many new happenings. Some of the happenings will be easy on the Ego - some will of course be harder.  But all will bring about a deeper realization of all things.

Q:  Why do I get the feeling you are beating around the bush with me?  Why don't you just say the facts as they will be?

A:  I am not sure any soul would be able to handle what is to be at this time. You just need to understand that no matter the changes - you will fair well - as will you children. 

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