Saturday, December 10, 2011


Q:  What are angels, Jonathan?

A:  To which are you referring too?

Q: Are there more than one kind?

A:  There are many different angels each who possess a particular job. Some are to comfort, some for journeys, some to guide a soul, and some to help souls cross over to their true self. These are the oldest of all angels for many times they have to be a mixture of all angels in order to get a soul to cross.  Many are held here after death because of their loves. Only a death angel is able to guide them in that place of mind.  It is not easy to get a frightened soul - who has a emotional love here - to let go and leave. Sometimes even the death angel can't accomplish it. For once again free will is in power. An angel is never allowed to over ride that even in death.

Q: So, we always have the last say even in death?

A:  Yes. That is the gift given to all souls. Free will is here to stay. It is to never be over ridden.

Q: Is there an angel for each of our emotions? Or are there angels that have the ability to handle all our emotions?

A: Angels take each soul and aid them in their life journey. Sometimes a soul needs an angel of mercy, sometimes an Angel to handle their anger or hate. If a soul is on a journey and needs an angel to guide them through something - then an angel is there to aid them. They can't manipulate them, only aid their decision.

Q: So how do I know what Angel is with me at any given time?

A: Whatever the need the angel equipped to handle the situation is there. How beautiful is that.....

Q: Who is with me now?

A: I am.

Q: Why - is it my time to leave?

A: No, you have a destiny to accomplish yet.

Q: Then why do I suffer in myself so? Why do I not have peace?

A: Because once again you choose not too. It simply is a choice that each soul has to accept.
As you grow in knowing you will eventually see the path as it is. But you must remember it is a path that is walked daily and daily the knowing within you is revealed. It isn't produced here in any soul instantly. It is something that is revealed much like opening a wrapped.present. The knowing is what you are. It is only revealed to each soul at their own pace. It has to be that way for otherwise it would take precedence over one's free will. You are learning day by day child. You will soon see more than you could imagine take place within you and without you. Do not fear these comings. They are to be. For you will grow by leaps and bounds within if you accept these revelations. I will be here to help any time you desire.

Q:  But I thought you were only a Death Angel?

A: I am a great deal more child as you shall soon see.

Q: What are you really?

A: I am you in all your pure energy. The one you truly are child.

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