Friday, December 9, 2011

How Long?

Q: How long does it take a soul to learn a lesson here? Seems like I keep repeating the same ones over and over.

A: How long it takes is up to each soul. They must be willing to live in the experience and accept what it is, love it and then walk on down their path.

Q: Are you saying if I were in an abusive lesson I would have to accept it?  I don't think so.

A: No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is simply this: If one is in (let's continue your example) an abusive relationship, one does not have to accept the abuse. What they must do is learn from it. They must make the connection as to why they chose to be in it. Then they must love themselves and walk forward - letting the past go. One can't hold on to the past. If one does it will simply control you.

Q:  Sometimes the past is hard to let go of.

A: Yes, you humans on this dimension do seem to have that problem a lot,  because of the control one's ego has here I suppose. The ego tends to enjoy holding onto anger or pain.

Q:  Is this George?

A:  No David.

Q:  I didn't think so. You sound different.

A: Yes, I do seem to have a bit of air about me. I was English in my last life path.

Q:  Do guides actually remember their other life paths?

A: Oh my yes. We have all of the energy from our current and former paths. They do not control us as your emotions seem to do you.

Q: Yes, I seem to have a lot of that in my path - especially lately. When do I grow up.....

A: When you simply decide you have had enough and choose to, my dear.

Q:  It's not that easy.

A: No, it is quite difficult. But, one can accomplish it if they put their mind and heart to it. That's the secret. One must be totally one with the decision of choice.

Q: Where is George?

A:  Of in the wild blue yonder at the moment. He does like to travel a lot.

Q: I haven't talked with any of you in a while. Been experiencing quite heavily, and I am tired.

A: This will all pass my dear and you will see the sun again. Take heart and mark my words.

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