Saturday, March 9, 2013

Post given 08-24-2010

Q:  Why is so much happening now?  There is so much anger, fighting, paranoid ism, people critical and becoming suspicious of each other. Responding to one another is no longer on an intimate basis. It is contrived and fake. I hate it. Does the shift have anything to do with it?

A: As the energy of this dimension continues to rise, the emotions of all souls here will become more intense.This brings about constant energy that is fragmented and not in balance. This causes each soul's emotions to intensify. So if one has a problem or weakness it will have greater control of their emotions.The only way around this is to meditate daily - going within and centering in your inner being of light. Peace will come - thus calming the intensified emotions.

Q: What if a soul doesn't calm themselves through meditation?

A: Then that Soul will suffer unneeded intensified emotion. This will in turn cause friction among the ones around them. Have you ever been angry and went into a room, finding in just a little while your emotion starts to affect everyone you come in contact too?

Q: This whole shift thing is very unnerving to me. What happens to the Soul unaware of the increase energy speed?

A: They will be reacting as all others unable to find the center of their beam of light that dwells within all men.

Q: What is my peace center?

A:  The core of your energy in the human body is the heart. The heart is where all concepts of love exist in this human soul.

Q:  Not in the Soul?

A: The heart is where the concepts of all love exists here for it beats from love. The energy from the Creator of all things.

Q:  Love creates life here?

A: The center core of all love creates life everywhere. Without this energy - none - nothing would exist.

Q: Is this energy core - Source?

A: Source is love - love creates life.

Q: How can love be the creator of all things?

A: Source is love and his love creates life. Without that pure love energy - nothing would be.

Q: What is love then?

A:  Love is thought. Thought produced by electrical impulses from within Source.

Q:  So without thought nothing would exist?

A: Yes, thought must exist for life to be.

Q:  What about things like lumber or paint or perfume? Would that exist without thought?

A: All thoughts exist through love. Love produces thought and thoughts create one's life path here. Life consists of atoms - molecules - cells that are full of live giving energy which creates movement and brings things into the physical realm that is seen by each Soul.

Q: Even the things made here on this dimension by man?

A: All things have life through the energy of love that creates life.

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