Saturday, March 9, 2013

Post on 08-04-2010

Q: George, people tell me we talk from our Ego mind. Okay, how do we do different?  Aren't we Ego ruled here on this dimension of learning?

A:  Luv, all talk, react and think from their Ego here. That is the whole purpose of this walk - to learn emotions therefore learning what love really means.

Q: How does reacting or talking from one's Ego ever teach us? Seems like all it does is separate Souls.

A:  Here the Ego is loud and clear. It directs each life drama from it's own attitude. Each time one reacts from within the Ego's emotions, the Ego is separated - thus it causes pain in the Soul. One can not live without unity. When each Soul desired to come and walk their chosen path, that path included all the lessons the Soul would need to make the drama seem more realistic. Each Soul reacts from their emotions and thus sees their path from only their angle. That is the purpose of this walk - to learn from the emotional lessons we cause.

Q: Okay, so we react from our Ego every time, so how do we learn not too?

A: While here no one reacts without the Ego's full reaction. That is the whole purpose of this life path. One can not truly learn if one doesn't react in full emotion.

Q:  Well, I for one want to learn not too. I am tired of learning from my Ego's selfish nature. It makes me screw up too much. I want to be perfect. Lol.

A: Not one Soul was, is or ever will be perfect. Not one Soul is more spiritual than another. How can one learn if they do not go throughs much trauma? One simply must go through each lesson to purify a little more self out of their Ego's equation and control.

Q:  Why then does it have to be so hard to learn our Life's lessons - emotions? To discover love and peace? Why can't our walk here have some TLC in it?  Does our Ego have to always be so bad?

A: Luv, the Ego is not bad at all. It is learning how to love - to truly love. The lessons are needed for the Soul and Ego to become one. The lessons are designed to help the Soul and Ego to balance and become totally aware of each other and their need for balance. They need to discover what love truly is. So, each time the Ego learns a lesson well it draws closer to it's counter half, the Soul. They merge and true love is experience in them as one.

Q: Okay, we learn, but why come here just to learn? Man, the life lessons are tough on one.

A:  That is good for in pain, we open our Ego mind and one truly learns.

Q:  That is very easy for you to say, George, when you're not the one here, struggling and suffering, to learn these life lessons.

A: I was at many times (struggling and suffering as you say,) here. Some of the paths I trod were extremely painful for me, but I survived, as will you, and in doing so, I grew in my knowing of who and what I am - Love. Each lesson brings one closer to discovering who and what we truly are without a separated viewpoint. But, a view from our Ego and Soul's eyes in perfect balance.

Q:  Okay, to learn when they merge gets us a clearer and deeper knowing of what is real?

A: More than just a view, an enriched experience of what love within each Soul is.

Q: You tell me Source and I are one. Are you talking about the Source within all Souls?

A; Love is Source. When you Experience an epiphany you see into the Soul - the being of light you truly are. You experience for a moment the endless love that purifies each cell within you. You become at that moment aware of the oneness of you and Source and all that is.

Q: Are you stating we merge with Source within us?

A: Yes, totally and freely. The Ego and Soul merges with the pure energy of love, (Source) within you. That is why each Soul comes here to learn. Each time we learn a lesson here we merge with our creator (love). , We become one with all things within us and without us. Only in pure love can one experience what it means to be free.

Q: So, here I will always react from my Ego's vanity, is that what you are saying?  If so, I am doomed to be separated from all things. I seem to react badly a lot - from the directions of my self centered Ego. Why don't I learn?

A: Luv, all learn, learning the easy way or the hard way, but learn they will. That is the whole purpose of this life path. Why else would you come but to learn, thus moving into higher and higher dimensions.

Q: I'm tired of the pain of learning. That is all I seem to do.

A: That is how you will learn, Luv. It is good.

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