Saturday, December 24, 2016

Free Ourselves

Q:  You state love can only reign in our lives when we are truly free.  How does one free them self?

A:  Love is who you are. You were created for the experience of learning who and what you truly are. When a Soul begins to go within to who they are they begin to see the light of their Soul begin to expand.  Here in this learning dimension the Soul is veiled to it's other half - the Ego. So, child, as the Soul begins to expand the being begins to see beyond the learned things in this dimension and all the learned things from past life paths.  It is those learned things that prevent a Soul from knowing who and what they are.

Q:  Okay - but I was told we go back to a healing center where we are once again rebalanced in our energy.  Wouldn't the things learned on the 3rd dimension be taken away in the rebalancing of our being?

A:  Every Soul who chooses to return because of the desire to learn or from some love that holds their heart will choose to carry back with them the learned emotions. This will aid them in their journey to discover who and what they are - beings of love, created to experience life. For in learning life, (emotions), the Soul expands who and what they are. Each emotion learned is a step higher in the realization of what - to love - means.
For no Soul can understand what - to love - truly means until they have discovered the meaning of the opposite of love.

Q:  Isn't that kind of harsh?

A:  There is nothing harsh. It is a joy within all mankind to discover every emotion. Once the emotion is learned joy will fill the Soul as it is raised to a higher state of being. This state increases the pure love within them.  There is no greater state to be than to be one with the Creator who is the only pure love.