Monday, December 26, 2016

Let Freedom Ring

Q:  What do our emotions really teach us, Samson?

A:  Everything about who and what you are, child.  Every time a Soul experiences the emotions of a lesson, the Soul of man is awakened to the true meaning of who they are in regard to their spiritual self.  Emotions are the life of this path teaching one what is within them. One cannot understand what life is until one has lived life. Emotions lead one to that knowledge.
To understand an emotion is worthless to a Soul unless they have lived that emotion.
As the Soul walks out the actions of each emotion - a new opening into their inner self brings the knowingness to a deeper level within them. Each level of knowledge learned increases their Spiritual self. For, child, only in the living can one learn life and as they discover life - one reaches an awareness that all is well with the Soul.

Q:  How can that be if a Soul comes here to experience what we would call on this dimension a very negative life path?

A:  Child, you see things at present from the awareness of this third dimension mind. You think of all things as good or bad. You must try to see that one's emotions teach them who they truly are no matter the type of path chosen.

Q:  Why would we want to come here to do horrible things to others?  I simply cannot get my head around that.

A:  Each emotion known to the Creator will be lived and understood by the creator's creation - beings of light.  Each Soul feels the emotion emitted from within them to without them.
In order for a Soul to understand the Creator - one must learn the opposite of the Creator's gift of, "Free Will."
Emotions trap a Soul in a state of being controlled.  Free will has no control, nor does it create boundaries in man.
Each emotion a Soul experiences creates a box within them. This box begins their journey to self awareness.

Q:  Why do we have to learn?  Weren't we created with this knowledge?

A:  Child, when the Creator, created Souls they were given the gift of pure love which is, "Free Will." Free will has no boxes. For a Soul to truly understand and live life to it's fullness it must begin to live from the standpoint of no knowledge.
Emotions teach one about boxes. 
When a Soul learns an emotion - it soon finds itself controlled by the emotion.
This control is the opposite of the gift of free will. 
This opens up what man is.
Man begins to experience life from a point of humanism instead of seeing life from a Spiritual awareness. This allows man to experience and see what that emotion means to them.
Every Soul was created with a different knowingness. This individualism brings much excitement into their life path. Each Soul responds to their life path in an unique way which gives them more understanding of pure love. This gift gives each Soul it's individualism - while at the same time remaining totally one with all things. This is great divineness at work.
Would you want to create a child who had no thought of it's own?
No child, you would want that child to be and become - who and what they desired to be.
If a person is given no thought of their own - totally controlled by another - hate is produced. Love does not exist.
The Creator loved us so much we were created with the ability to love the Creator or not to love the Creator. That child it the greatest love there is!
As the Soul walks it's path, experiencing and learning each emotion it begins to understand the knowingness of our Creator and  they see -  love only exists in a state of freedom.

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