Monday, August 23, 2010

In The TIme Of Rest

Q: When is the , "Time of Rest?" A: When one chooses to accept what is and simply allows peace to rule in them. Q: Very funny George.....Some time we can - other times Hell would freeze over before we obtain that place of rest. This journey here is certainly not for the weak. A: None are weak - no one is walking their path wrong. All progress as they should - even you Luv, although you don't think so. You struggle with your walk because you doubt your ability to love or accept love. Q: Not always - but you have to admit I've been burned a lot. So I am skittish. A: Yes you are and having been human before it is understandable, but you must get passed all that to obtain the true light your heart seeks. Q: And just how do I do that? A: By thinking in oneness not duality. You waver in and out on that one. Q: Yeah - I know, but not sure how to change it within me. I try but I end up screwing up again - getting my head back into duality - thinking we are all separate. A: Not all, Luv - you and Source. You must realize there is no separation between you and Source. There never was - nor will there ever be. You are welded together in love and in energy. His energy is yours. yours is Source's. Q: Don't know if Source would want to be one with me at this present time. I seem to just waver in and out until I become so frustrated within me. A: If you are struggling - Source is. If you are at rest - Source is. You need to love who and what you are - without adding what you feel to be failures within you. Q: Thanks for that George - but that is often hard to do - when you can't find yourself. A: You have always been within you and within Source. You are never separated - no matter what. Even the ones this dimension states are the lowest of low individuals are mighty kings with Source. They are the beloved and Source is theirs. There is no bad or good only LOVE. Love is all encompassing and can not be pulled a part or separated. It is impossible. For love is what makes all exist. Without love - none - are. You see - you are that love. You are that peace and all that exists within Source is you and for you. You can never change than. None can. For that is what love is - ACCEPTANCE - totally without any strings. One of these days you will surprise yourself and get it within and all energy will rejoice with you. For it is yours to have. Believe it. Q: You'd think writing all the stuff would make me understand it, but Some of it germinates within me and some doesn't. Why? A: Because you struggle with the knowing of love.

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