Monday, August 30, 2010


Q: Why is it easy to forgive others but it seems so hard to forgive our self? I find it very hard to comprehend why I struggle to get all you teach me. Some I grasp - some just goes over my head. It frustrates me. A: You have always been hardest on yourself. You are so willing to forgive others, but you never think to lend the same to yourself. You have the preconceived image of what spiritual means. It is not completely true, Luv. Being spiritual is resting in Love's peace. It is not allowing your pathway to rule you, but to rest in it. It really is very simple. One simply needs to see themselves as whole now. Not in pieces as society and religion teaches. Love is whole - love is living in unity with all things. If you lay down all you think in your mind to be spiritual - you will discover what real spirituality is. It is resting. It is not trying to be this or that - but accepting what you truly are - love.'' Q: This all sounds so easy - but here on the dimension it is very hard to accept rest. Our Ego mind is racing like mad to tell us what truth is. A: Yes, it is indeed, but when does one listen to self's mind? The truth is - love exists in all. It is all. There is no other truth. Recognize this and you will allow these ideas you have created in your Ego mind to fall away and rest will come. Q: If only I could accomplish that, George. It sounds so easy - but it isn't. A: Love is the most simple thing there is , but the hardest to obtain here. For everything love is - the Ego mind fights against. Q: Why? Aren't the Soul and the Ego one? A: Yes, but remember here they are separated by a veil. Q: Well - take my veil away so they can see each other. A: Only at death will that be. For if your Soul and Ego merged permanently you would see no reason to stay here and finish your path. The Ego is self centered and thinks it knows what truly is. It has built its path and will not divert from it. The Soul on the other hand is willing to rest in love and allow love to guide it. This to the Ego is a sign it would loose its control - which isn't something the Ego desires. So it fights against such notions and goes on its merry way. Q: Wish mine would listen at least occasionally to its Soul. Sure would be easier. A: Yes, it would be - but then you would not learn all of the lessons you chose to learn here for free will must be at all times the true controller.

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