Sunday, March 23, 2014

Looking Forward

Q; Samson, I am looking forward to more information about the Atoms and Molecules. Can you tell me more?

A;  What would you have me say, child?

Q: If we are made up of these Atoms and the Atoms are connected - how?  How are they attached to each other to form things?

A:  By electrical impulses which produces electricity that is polarized much like a magnet.  They remain attached unless removed by a happening, such as in amputation.

Q:  Does it hurt the Atoms to be separated like that?

A:  Yes. Why do you think amputees still feel their removed limbs?  The brain connects the Atoms by electrical charges. Memory is produced by thought patterns which are produced by all energy connected and transmitted by the electrical energy.

Q: What in the hell does that mean?

A:  All thought creates all life. Remember when George told you your thoughts create your world?

Q; Yes.

A:  Thoughts come from the Soul. It has all memory of of all past lives. It tells the Atoms what the Being of Light needs and the Atoms then produce the reaction.  As the thoughts create your world, (what you see, hear, sense and taste,) your body reacts by creating the functions needed.

Q:  Why the Soul?

A:  It remains neutral on this path - not swayed by your emotions, but it can sense what the Being of Light needs and communicates this to the Atoms which creates what is needed through the brain. The Soul surrounds the Being of Light at all times and sees to it's every need.

Q:  Does the Ego ever have a say?

A:  The Ego is full of billions of emotions and allows the emotions to control it. It doesn't see need, as much as it see it's desires.  The Soul remains in a balanced state, is not swayed by the emotions although it understands them.  Thus the Soul is continually communicating to the Atoms the needs of the Being of Light.

Q:  Why does it seem to me the Soul does not understand what the Ego is truly feeling. Sometimes I think the Soul is too hardened , too neutral and doesn't listen as I think it should.

A:  Child, sometimes I feel you are right, but remember this, if the Soul did not stay in a neutral, balanced state the Ego would be tossed to and from with it's desires, feelings and stubbornness.  The Ego can be quite contrary and not want to balance itself with it's Soul. It loves to control. So thus a constant battle is occurring within the Physical self.

Q:  What if what the Ego is saying is really needful to it.  Maybe the Soul should listening a little more. Sometimes this pathway can nearly cripple one with it's harshness.

A:  Quite right, Child. Sometimes the Soul does not truly understand the path. In it's neutral state is sees the path but remains in a state of seeking truth. But, if the Ego and Physical self can bring an ligament case to the Soul  it can be swayed. But, it must be something the Soul realizes would not hinder the Being of light's progress to truth.

Q:  I want my Soul to really listen to my heart. I think it is too strict and doesn't care sometimes.

A:  Child, the Soul is a part of you and can't help but see and listen, but, it will always remain neutral in thought. It will always lean toward the spiritual truth and it's desire to constantly be moving upward. It will always think less of this earth's trivial things.

Q:  DUDE!  Sometimes what may seem trivial to the Soul is very painful for the Ego and Physical Self. Sometimes they need to get their way. They feel the pain more deeply than the balanced Soul.

A:  I will speak to your Soul for you Child, but it will still remain it's discretion. It seeks a higher self.

Q:  Why does the Soul get to be the boss?

A:  It is not controlled by this life paths emotions and remains in a balanced state. It sees the whole picture of all the life paths and the lessons learned. It knows truth and desires the Being of Light to seek only that.

Q:  Maybe, just once in a while it ought to trade places with the Ego just so it would understand this life path more on their level.  Maybe then it wouldn't be so rigid. Life might be a little easier.

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