Q: You tell me of the time to trust in love. When does love show up? I can't tell you how many times love has let me down.
A: Love never lets anyone down, child. Love exists everywhere - whether one recognizes it our not. Lust, as this world thinks of as love - is not love. Love is unconditional and has no requirements or boundaries. Lust is just the opposite - it requires all of those. Love never binds one. Love never goes away. Love does not cheat. Love exists to serve others without demanding some kind of repayment.
Q: Well, I guess I don't have that - here - except with my puppies.
A: Sorry Child - even with them you have expectations. That is what all Souls here are taught - conditions. What would you do if you came home and found your Sissy had destroyed your sofa? You would be furious. So, love on this world lives in an unbalanced state. It is required to have boxes. Upon creation Child, love was told to stand back to allow free will to remain in an unbalanced state.
Q: Wait a minute. You're talking as if love is an entity by itself.
A: Love is and love is all things. Every creation came from love. Nothing exists or would exist without love. That is the Creator of all things. Love chose to allow life lessons so each being of light would know and understand truth in it's fullness.
Q: Is love different from Source?
A: Love is Source. Love simply is all that exists in one complete energy. Everything stems from there. There isn't one energy here and one energy there. It is all of one BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. There is no distinction. Each works in complete balance to create all things as well as where you now reside to learn.
Q: So, am I different than my Creator?
A: Nothing is different, nothing is separate, nothing lacks the truth or the meaning of existence. Each created part of Source is free to create. There is no BIG CHEESE as you have been taught here. Everything encompasses the same energy and abilities. The only difference here, while learning, one is veiled to all knowledge so the experiences may be.
Q: While here do we ever understand what love truly is?
A: While here on this world each Soul (being of light) is allowed to experience small bit's of truth. This encourages the Being of light to continue their lessons.
Q: Why are the lessons so important?
A: Experience is not truly experience until walked and then true understanding comes. Only when a Being of Light experiences both sides of existence can that Soul truly understand who and what they are - to be balanced in completeness and each created Being of light can then understand love in it's fullness.
Q: You confuse me, Samson. One way you speak we are one, then another way - we are separate beings. Which is it?
A: In your true form you have no separateness or unbalance. Here, while learning, you will experience both separateness and unbalance. You will not have all knowledge of truth.
Q: So, we are just here to experience what we already know in our true form? Why?
A: Every part of the Creator that extends here to learn feels as if it is the only one in existence. It has no feelings or knowledge of it's true entity. So, the lessons will be and seem real. The truth of this world is to experience both dark and light and learn to balance them. That is where the truth of LOVE exists.
A: Love never lets anyone down, child. Love exists everywhere - whether one recognizes it our not. Lust, as this world thinks of as love - is not love. Love is unconditional and has no requirements or boundaries. Lust is just the opposite - it requires all of those. Love never binds one. Love never goes away. Love does not cheat. Love exists to serve others without demanding some kind of repayment.
Q: Well, I guess I don't have that - here - except with my puppies.
A: Sorry Child - even with them you have expectations. That is what all Souls here are taught - conditions. What would you do if you came home and found your Sissy had destroyed your sofa? You would be furious. So, love on this world lives in an unbalanced state. It is required to have boxes. Upon creation Child, love was told to stand back to allow free will to remain in an unbalanced state.
Q: Wait a minute. You're talking as if love is an entity by itself.
A: Love is and love is all things. Every creation came from love. Nothing exists or would exist without love. That is the Creator of all things. Love chose to allow life lessons so each being of light would know and understand truth in it's fullness.
Q: Is love different from Source?
A: Love is Source. Love simply is all that exists in one complete energy. Everything stems from there. There isn't one energy here and one energy there. It is all of one BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. There is no distinction. Each works in complete balance to create all things as well as where you now reside to learn.
Q: So, am I different than my Creator?
A: Nothing is different, nothing is separate, nothing lacks the truth or the meaning of existence. Each created part of Source is free to create. There is no BIG CHEESE as you have been taught here. Everything encompasses the same energy and abilities. The only difference here, while learning, one is veiled to all knowledge so the experiences may be.
Q: While here do we ever understand what love truly is?
A: While here on this world each Soul (being of light) is allowed to experience small bit's of truth. This encourages the Being of light to continue their lessons.
Q: Why are the lessons so important?
A: Experience is not truly experience until walked and then true understanding comes. Only when a Being of Light experiences both sides of existence can that Soul truly understand who and what they are - to be balanced in completeness and each created Being of light can then understand love in it's fullness.
Q: You confuse me, Samson. One way you speak we are one, then another way - we are separate beings. Which is it?
A: In your true form you have no separateness or unbalance. Here, while learning, you will experience both separateness and unbalance. You will not have all knowledge of truth.
Q: So, we are just here to experience what we already know in our true form? Why?
A: Every part of the Creator that extends here to learn feels as if it is the only one in existence. It has no feelings or knowledge of it's true entity. So, the lessons will be and seem real. The truth of this world is to experience both dark and light and learn to balance them. That is where the truth of LOVE exists.
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