Q: Why did you say in some ways man has made the Bible more important that the Creator?
A: Words to mankind are their Ticket to perfection and a reward at death for following it. It matters not which Bible, Torah and others. Man worships the words and reads them literally, not by Spirit. One can not perfect themselves with words. The words have to become life in them - not just in the mind and memory. The things written by the 12 Apostles were to help mankind to become Christ like, loving toward their fellow man. One can only discover the Creator when unconditional love is attached to thought.
Q: How does one bring about love and thought? How does man's thoughts help him if centered in love?
A: All life here is done so by thought. Thoughts create each Soul's pathway. That includes all of this Earth's happenings and creations. Every Atom which creates life comes from our Creator. Source is the connection and creator of all energy. That is such an amazing feat. One here has no comprehension and can not even glimpse the truth in those words. It is beyond earthly thought. Think of an Atom pulsating daily, weekly, monthly, for years. It never stops. It has no beginning or end. It adjusts automatically as it comes in and our of this world. It is forever energizing life here. Here your man made energies run, stop and wear out. An Atom never wears out. It lives, pulsating energy through all life on all worlds. It is hard for earthly man to comprehend these words. It is mainly due to this world existing in time frames. Just think of it as a forever pill, always living and always sustaining life.
Q: Atoms don't wear out or die? How can that be?
A: How can the Creator of all energy die? The Creator who begat all things has no beginning nor any end. The Creator consists of all life forms, sustaining materials, water, air, gases and electricity. We were created for fellowship and to become one with our Creator. We were produced to learn all emotions.
Q: Why, if all we ever do is mess up?
A: No creation wishes to dwell a lone, not even our Creator. All things need love. Thus, mankind was created just for that purpose. Our Creator experiences every emotion with us and as us. There is no separation between us. We are connected. The Creator's energy extends to and sustains all existence.
Q: What about other worlds? Are they also created by the Creator? Why are they different and also live under different energy speeds?
A: Variety is the Spice of Life, as you say here. All worlds are created and energized by our Creator. Every creation is the Creator. It is hard for you to understand what I am saying, but in time you will, child. While in this dimension it is hard for the Ego and Physical Self to comprehend these thoughts. One must seek the answers two ways: 1. Living it. 2. Seeking the Creator above all things. That is very hard to do here in this slow energy where one's emotions control them.
Q: Then how does one really accomplish this spiritual awakening within?
A: Through seeking truth not words or deeds. One can not acquire life until one learns to love without judgement. That is the path to the Creator. Remember the words, " The truth shall set you free?" Well, truth coming from within will set one free. Words will not. Truth within allows one to lay down their boxes and reign in truth - which is unconditional love.
Q: What if we have never been taught that in our religions? Will we find truth anyway?
A: If one desires truth - one receives it.
Q: Religions teach us to cling to the words. How can we? What if we cling to the words and never move forward? What then?
A: How can mankind ever progress in truth if they never leave the literal words and seek for truth within? Let's take someone up to bat in one of your Baseball fields. If they hit the ball and the ball goes way out, they run - they get to home base. If they hit the ball and just stand there - would they reach home base? No, they would never know the thrill of hitting a home run. One has to lay down all preconceived or learned words and seek our Creator from the heart. That is the only way to find one's true pathway and discover who and what they truly are - one with all things and one with the Creator. In this one discovers love.
A: Words to mankind are their Ticket to perfection and a reward at death for following it. It matters not which Bible, Torah and others. Man worships the words and reads them literally, not by Spirit. One can not perfect themselves with words. The words have to become life in them - not just in the mind and memory. The things written by the 12 Apostles were to help mankind to become Christ like, loving toward their fellow man. One can only discover the Creator when unconditional love is attached to thought.
Q: How does one bring about love and thought? How does man's thoughts help him if centered in love?
A: All life here is done so by thought. Thoughts create each Soul's pathway. That includes all of this Earth's happenings and creations. Every Atom which creates life comes from our Creator. Source is the connection and creator of all energy. That is such an amazing feat. One here has no comprehension and can not even glimpse the truth in those words. It is beyond earthly thought. Think of an Atom pulsating daily, weekly, monthly, for years. It never stops. It has no beginning or end. It adjusts automatically as it comes in and our of this world. It is forever energizing life here. Here your man made energies run, stop and wear out. An Atom never wears out. It lives, pulsating energy through all life on all worlds. It is hard for earthly man to comprehend these words. It is mainly due to this world existing in time frames. Just think of it as a forever pill, always living and always sustaining life.
Q: Atoms don't wear out or die? How can that be?
A: How can the Creator of all energy die? The Creator who begat all things has no beginning nor any end. The Creator consists of all life forms, sustaining materials, water, air, gases and electricity. We were created for fellowship and to become one with our Creator. We were produced to learn all emotions.
Q: Why, if all we ever do is mess up?
A: No creation wishes to dwell a lone, not even our Creator. All things need love. Thus, mankind was created just for that purpose. Our Creator experiences every emotion with us and as us. There is no separation between us. We are connected. The Creator's energy extends to and sustains all existence.
Q: What about other worlds? Are they also created by the Creator? Why are they different and also live under different energy speeds?
A: Variety is the Spice of Life, as you say here. All worlds are created and energized by our Creator. Every creation is the Creator. It is hard for you to understand what I am saying, but in time you will, child. While in this dimension it is hard for the Ego and Physical Self to comprehend these thoughts. One must seek the answers two ways: 1. Living it. 2. Seeking the Creator above all things. That is very hard to do here in this slow energy where one's emotions control them.
Q: Then how does one really accomplish this spiritual awakening within?
A: Through seeking truth not words or deeds. One can not acquire life until one learns to love without judgement. That is the path to the Creator. Remember the words, " The truth shall set you free?" Well, truth coming from within will set one free. Words will not. Truth within allows one to lay down their boxes and reign in truth - which is unconditional love.
Q: What if we have never been taught that in our religions? Will we find truth anyway?
A: If one desires truth - one receives it.
Q: Religions teach us to cling to the words. How can we? What if we cling to the words and never move forward? What then?
A: How can mankind ever progress in truth if they never leave the literal words and seek for truth within? Let's take someone up to bat in one of your Baseball fields. If they hit the ball and the ball goes way out, they run - they get to home base. If they hit the ball and just stand there - would they reach home base? No, they would never know the thrill of hitting a home run. One has to lay down all preconceived or learned words and seek our Creator from the heart. That is the only way to find one's true pathway and discover who and what they truly are - one with all things and one with the Creator. In this one discovers love.
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