Thursday, December 23, 2010


Q: Dewain was talking about a book he is reading by Seth. I haven't read it and to be truthful since you told me not to read anything - I haven't. He said the physical body is spiritual. Please explain what he meant. A: There are four sides to each Soul. Each are made up of the Soul, the Ego, the physical body and the mind (thoughts). Thoughts are what make this path in the 3rd dimension appear to be realistic. Q: So, who is the boss? A: The Soul and Ego. Q: Please explain what each is and does. A: The Soul is the inner man that is aware of the oneness of all things. It is the side that guides us to love. The Ego is the emotional side of us and is the selfish part of each Soul. The physical body and the mind will follow what the Ego or the Soul wants - depending on which is in control at the time. Neither is better than the other for each is needed to complete us spiritually. Q: So - does the physical body and the mind not have a say in decisions? A: All have a say, but generally they will concede to the one in control. Q: Then why do we have to be in constant battle between our Soul and our Ego? Can't they get along? A: If the Soul is in command - they can. If the Ego is - they won't. The only way to handle this is to merge the two and let love be in command.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Q: My daughter was talking today about how people seemed to have lost their empathy and politeness. Is this because the energy of this dimension is moving faster? A: The energy is moving faster and it does heighten the emotions of all Souls. Every emotions will be twice as prominent. People will become more and more self centered. It will be hard on many. To avoid being controlled by your Ego you must increase your meditation times. Center into Source to hold back the Ego. If you keep you Soul and Ego in balance more it will aid you as the energy heigthens in speed. Q: Why does the energy have to speed up? A: To replenish the earth's natural resources that man has emptied. Q: It is sad that it has to be this way, George. A: It has to happen. It has in the past and will again in the future and yes - it is sad that man is so wasteful of Source's bounty.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

More To Ask

Q: Jonathan, I am still confused about this Death Angel talk. If you have been here and had many life paths - how could you choose to be one? You told me that Death Angels have no emotion? A: Death Angels are mostly angels that have never been in any life paths before, but since we all (including them) have free will we can choose to be whatever we desire. I wanted to become one. I knew the path for me would be hard, because I have experienced emotion. But I still wanted to be one. Journeys crossing over are often traumatic for souls. Many are caught unaware and seem to hold up in a limbo state. I have great passion for them. I wanted to help those cross with as little pain as they could. That is why I chose this path. Q: So, once I cross over I will have the ability to be whatever I want to be, including a Death Angel? A: Not everyone is aloud to become one. It is a very hard job. Often it it as traumatic for the angel as it is the person. Remember when the Death Angel merges with the dying Soul - at that moment they will feel all of the emotions of that soul. Because they have no internal emotion - it is less hard for them. But, for the souls that have chosen this path after experiencing life paths it is twice as hard to overcome the merging of emotions. Few will choose this path. One of the requirements is the soul must have had at least 100 life paths to qualify. Q: Why would you want to do this job? Seems like you would have chosen a lesser traumatic position to serve. A: Not all souls feel the way you do, Julia. Some love the experiencing of hardships. Q: Hardships are one thing, having constant hardship is another. There comes a time when a soul just rebels against it. A: Yes, many do, but the matter of fact is - one must walk the path whether it is easy or hard. It too passes. Q: So, if I chose to I could become a Death Angel? A: You will have to complete some more pathways. Q: Then I don't think so. This is the last one I want to trod here. A: Why? Q: I want to serve for a while. Do guides ever choose to move over to your job? A: Very few. Most guides love their job and feel deeply toward their charges. Q: I know mine do and my feelings are the same for them. A: They are very aware of your love for them. This is very rare that a soul will converse with their guides as you do. Q: Does anyone communicate with their guides as I do? A: Two other Souls whose journey is to accomplish certain tasks. Q: Will I get to meet them? A: When you cross over.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What Is My Journey?

Q: George, I am confused as to what my journey here is to be. I thought it would be the books as I was told, yet there doesn't seem to be even that at this time. So, where am I to travel on this path? It seems to be confusing at this time for me. If it is only to work as I am now it doesn't seem to be very encouraging. A: Luv, your path has been directed for many centuries. You are to continue the current path of writing. The appointed time will come for you soon. I know you do not like the term soon by us - but that is all I can use at this time. You must stop looking at all this as - when it is to be. The writing will continue to progress for you. Q: Well, it seems to run downward to me. Where is the meat? Where is the great revelations? Why is it just yak, yak, yak and no wow factor? A: The wow factor will come when you decide you are tired of the current situation and change it. Q: Funny, funny, funny, George..... I have tried to change my path - but it still remains stale and discouraging. A: Perhaps you are looking at it all wrong? Q: I see only what I see, George..... A: Then open your eyes to the greatness all around you. Q: And just how do I see what my eyes can not see? A: Through Spirit, child. Q: Okay - you have changed guides on me. Who is this? A: Jonathan. Q: Why would the Angel of Death be speaking to me about this? A: I am not only an Angel of Death, child. I have lived for hundreds of centuries and have passed through many many life paths. I see what you see, what you are experiencing. I understand it all. Life paths here can be very aggressive on the Ego. They often bring much disappointment and pain. But, one has to continue to move forward even when the path becomes stale to you. It isn't, you know. When it seems to go stale it is just fixing to shift and change. Q: So, an Angel of Death isn't something special - it was human at one time? A: Some are - some aren't. I choose to become one. It is sometimes extremely hard for Souls to cross over. Through many hard life times I began to understand just how hard it could be. So, I decided to join the flock of Death Angels. I hope to make it easier on many Souls to cross. Q: Flock? Why use that term Jonathan? A: We all have wings - so I use the term lightly. Q: Wings? A: So we can direct our flying easier. Q: Direct your flying? Why? Don't you just think and it is? A: We can do both. I prefer to fly like a bird - I love the feel of the wind running through my wings. Its fun. Helps to take the sadness easier. Q: Sadness? A: Yes, even though we Death Angels are no longer human - those that have been before can still feel the emotions of these life paths, especially when we have traveled through many of them as I have. The emotions of the charges we come for often hurt us. We don't like to see their pain at leaving, which is more the case than not. Q: But you once told me that Death Angels have no emotions. A: Most do not. The few that chose to become one do though. Q: I don't understand this at all. It is confusing. You told me the Death Angels don't have emotions. Now you are saying some do? A: Only the few that chose to become one do. It can be hard on us especially if we are aware of the Soul we are picking up. Q: Why would they send a Death Angel who knew the Soul? Seems like that would cause a halt in the crossing due to all the emotions felt. A: I promised you I would come for you when your time is up, It will be hard because we have gained a relationship here. But a promise is a promise. Q: If it will be difficult - then I release you from the promise. A: I will be honored to come for you child. Q: Any time soon? A: Not soon....... Q: Then my path must change as must my childrens.......and for the type of GOOD we think of here. Thought I wouldn't let you sneak in a whatever on me......Lol A: Child, I would never try to sneak anything up on you. Our relationship is one of truth and bluntness. You may not like what I say sometimes but I will say it anyway, as you have the right to speak your mind to us. Q: Which I do too. A: Yes, you do - but that is good. No sense beating around the bush huh? Q: Right - truth and facts......

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Is The Shift About, George?

Q: What is the, "Shift," everyone is talking about? Is it a Spiritual thing or an actual change in our dimension? A: The coming shift which is presently taking place in the earth's energy is a continual happening. It will be a Spiritual Consciousness and a physical happening. The earth's energy is speeding up as we speak. The whole atmosphere will make drastic changes. But the greatest change will be in the consciousness of man. The slower energy that held back the deeper spiritual thoughts will no longer be there. Places in the mind hidden will awaken. Consciousness of an all compassing entity will waken man's spiritual journey. Psychic ability will change. Things thought silly will begin to feel normal and have a new direction in this society. If a psychic of this present energy does not open to the new energy - they will have confusion in their abiltiies. This will frustrate many. Q: So, what can they do to prevent this block in their psychic energy? A: Accept the new energy and changes...... Q: I'm not sure I fully understand this, George. I talk to you guides all of the time, and it seems as normal to me as breathing. What makes it different for the others? A: You started with us in the new energy. For you it is as easy as breathing. But others have received their messages in bits and pieces. You simply hear us as if in a conversation. Of course this is how you demanded it. Q: Is that bad - to have demanded that? A: No - all Souls can direct their path. They have to choose too. Everything is a choice for each Soul. What they accept as normal - will be. You happen to have the gump to demand even more. Q: I don't think of it as being bossy or full of gump. I simply needed it to be this way - for me to be able to accept it. A: Many do not realize the power that rests in each's mind. You do to an extent. In many ways you halt yourself too - by doubting what you hear, feel or even see. Q: But I don't see yet...... A: That is because you fear too.....The times you have seen shadows you have doubted that it was there at all. You alone halt your abilities. Do not fear the unknown. There is coming a whole lot of unknowns....... Q: What's that suppose to mean, George? A: Many changes in how all Souls have viewed this dimension. Things, energies and psychic abilities are all changing. Move with the flow, Luv. Don't fear it. Q: I don't think I fear it. I sometimes doubt it because I am not assured it is really what it is. Sometimes I think it is just me and my imagination. A: That is what holds you back, Luv - your fear..... Q: Just how do I halt this fear? A: Trust in yourself. Trust in us. Trust in Source.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Spirit Within

Q: George, how do I come into complete oneness with the spirit within me? A: By choosing to accept what is in you. Q: Okay - how do I do that and let it remain constant within me? A: I would love to say you could but as long as you are here on this dimension you will waver in and out of spirit due to the Ego's control. Each time you dwell in spirit it will last longer for you. But to totally merge the Ego and the Soul can not permanently be here. If the Ego knew what the Soul knew - it simply would not stay to finish it's walk here. So the Soul is veiled from the Ego. Q: Yeah, well sometimes I sure would like to let the Soul take the front seat for a while. A: As all would, Luv. At times it does. That is when you feel the oneness within you come forth and feelings of love and peace abide in you. Q: Why can't I have them both united here? It doesn't seem fair...... A: One can only learn here as the Ego and its emotions walk this path. It is the emotions that must learn the experience here. It is to come to the realization of its identity here.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Q; Our friend Dewain was sharing with us a statement that his guide shared with him on thoughts. I know you have told me many times our thoughts are what create our path here and without thought it would not exist. Seems the spirit world is saying that to a lot of souls. WHY? A: Our thoughts are what guide us here and what creates our path. Thoughts are pure energy. They have vast power. They can do anything you choose them too. If one is negative in their thinking - then their path is and will dwell in the negative side of them. If they are positive it will be a positive walk. Q: Okay, that I get, but one is always both on their walk. So? A: Yes, all souls go in and out of their Ego and their Soul. When their Ego is in charge of the day - they will dwell and walk in pure selfish emotion ruled by their Ego. When they go into their soul they will dwell and walk in a giving spirit backed up by love. Q: Okay - that's easy for you to say, but we are not always able to go into our Soul and be loving. Sometimes we are pure emotion fully charged by our Ego's selfish nature. We see only what our ego desires and our true nature is shoved into the background. So, does that make us bad - less spiritual? A: NO ONE is bad or less spiritual than any other soul. One can not be greater than themself. If one thinks in duality one will separate from others and then judge themself or others as more or less spiritual. But, that is only the Ego raging in its own thought trying to justify its desires. If one thinks in unity (love) one sees only one creation which houses all things in it. That creation is YOU - Source and all others. There is no more or less. Q: I understand what you are saying but living it solidly within myself and in my mind is often hard to do. Why? Why is finding one's self so difficult to do? A: Because all look without to find themselves. One has to look within. You can only discover who and what you are from within. When one chooses to go within to seek themself - they will find that moment of truth - one will see who and what they are. But, because one dwells here - the Ego steps in and shuts the fountain of truth off. Back one goes into seeking again. It is meant to be that way here because through each and every circumstance one expeiences - one moves a little deeper into the true spirit within. With each movement deeper - a soul moves forward in their dimension. They see more of what love truly is. Each Soul longs to continually move up in their dimensions. The only way to do that is to discover more of love. Love is often hard to learn or experience. It is hard to truly free one's self or others. It sounds easy to do - but we all can assure you it isn't - otherwise we would all be alot higher in dimensions than we are. Because we were created in a duality - half Soul - half Ego - one will struggle continually with duality. There will be wonderful moments when one sees the whole truth and then its back to the continual battle within and without.

The Perfect Person For Me

Q: Boy - we all think we need to find the perfect person for us. Is there such a thing, George as that? A: If one is looking for the perfect person for them - from the vantage point of the Ego and it's emotion - then there is no such thing. For everyone we think of as perfect for us will eventually let our Ego's preconceived ideas down. The Ego has an unattainable view of what is perfect. If one is looking from within (to the true nature of love) then - yes - there is that perfect person for one. Love's view of what it needs may not be what the Ego thinks - most times - it is just the opposite. You often ask for things and use the term, "MY GOOD, not yours." You say this because your Ego desires things its way - not what is truly good for your spirit and its growth. That is okay - but even you see the difference. Love will always go with the choice that expands one's spirit. The Ego will always choose what gratifies its flesh or emotions. Neither is right or wrong - both ways of choice will teach. One way may end up harder in the beginning but greater in the end. The other may seem easy at first but end up a very hard teaching lesson. Each will end up expanding one's knowing of what to love means. That is very good. Q: Why do we always seem to reach for what the Ego thinks of as good for us? Why is it so difficult for us to reach for what the Soul desires? A: Neither way is easy. Both are hard teachers. But if one truly desires to learn what, "to love," truly means then one has to travel down their road of choice. Which one we choose will teach us what our heart wants to learn. Often what we think is our heart's true desire - really isn't. Our Ego and its desires often confuse what love really means. Emotions cloud one's thoughts and desires and makes them seem stronger and more to our liking, but in the end we will finally discover what was right for us. When one thinks they have found our true path - often later on - one discovers it didn't end up fulfilling us as we thought it would. Seeking in other ways what one thinks they don't have - will often end up showing us that the thing we had is what fulfilled us and was the best teacher for us. Emotional desires or what one calls love - is often one seeking without what one is missing within. Those needs one feels a longing for are only quinched by discovering the truth of love within the Soul. For only the merging of the Soul and the Ego can truly show one what love is. Q: So millions of people are out there seeking what they think is love in someone only to be let down. So, is there no real love to be found in relationships here? Is it to be only Spiritual? A: There are many relationships to be had here on this dimension if ones seeks it from within the Soul. But it will not in any way resemble what the Ego thinks is love. True love is allowing each other to be who and what they are without any strings - or as I like to say without any preconceived ideas or any expectations. That is true love between two Souls. It can be obtained here if one chooses it. Q: Okay - how do we merge with another person here without having any ideas of how we would like our relationship to be? A: Seek the relationship from within - not without. By that I mean - seek from the Soul who is free - not from the Ego that is bound. Freely given - will freely be.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Q: Why is it easy to forgive others but it seems so hard to forgive our self? I find it very hard to comprehend why I struggle to get all you teach me. Some I grasp - some just goes over my head. It frustrates me. A: You have always been hardest on yourself. You are so willing to forgive others, but you never think to lend the same to yourself. You have the preconceived image of what spiritual means. It is not completely true, Luv. Being spiritual is resting in Love's peace. It is not allowing your pathway to rule you, but to rest in it. It really is very simple. One simply needs to see themselves as whole now. Not in pieces as society and religion teaches. Love is whole - love is living in unity with all things. If you lay down all you think in your mind to be spiritual - you will discover what real spirituality is. It is resting. It is not trying to be this or that - but accepting what you truly are - love.'' Q: This all sounds so easy - but here on the dimension it is very hard to accept rest. Our Ego mind is racing like mad to tell us what truth is. A: Yes, it is indeed, but when does one listen to self's mind? The truth is - love exists in all. It is all. There is no other truth. Recognize this and you will allow these ideas you have created in your Ego mind to fall away and rest will come. Q: If only I could accomplish that, George. It sounds so easy - but it isn't. A: Love is the most simple thing there is , but the hardest to obtain here. For everything love is - the Ego mind fights against. Q: Why? Aren't the Soul and the Ego one? A: Yes, but remember here they are separated by a veil. Q: Well - take my veil away so they can see each other. A: Only at death will that be. For if your Soul and Ego merged permanently you would see no reason to stay here and finish your path. The Ego is self centered and thinks it knows what truly is. It has built its path and will not divert from it. The Soul on the other hand is willing to rest in love and allow love to guide it. This to the Ego is a sign it would loose its control - which isn't something the Ego desires. So it fights against such notions and goes on its merry way. Q: Wish mine would listen at least occasionally to its Soul. Sure would be easier. A: Yes, it would be - but then you would not learn all of the lessons you chose to learn here for free will must be at all times the true controller.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What's Going On

Q; What is going on, George? People are angry, more greedy, more impatient, suspicious, non-responsive, and becoming separated. Its like the whole darn world has gone to war with itself. Is the energy changing - causing this? A: As the energy is expanding and speeding up the emotions of all living things will be affected. The emotions will intensify and their reactions will intensify. Souls strengths and weaknesses will become more prominent. Things that hardly affected one will now cause a reaction. Things will become more negative or more positive depending on the energy one dwells in. That is why meditation will be so important for one - as this time of mind rest will allow one's own energy to expand and speed up to be able to stabilize one's emotions. Q: What if I don't meditate? A: Then you will find yourself struggling with the energy surrounding you. Your emotions may or may not control you. It will be up to you. Q: This whole shift thing is so unnerving to me. What will happen to the Soul unaware of the increase of the energy speed? A: They will be reacting as all others unable to find the center of their peace. Q: What can I do to help myself? A: Go within - center yourself in the core of your peace center. Q: What is my peace center? A: The core of each Soul's energy in the human body is their heart. The heart is where all concepts of love exist in this earthly form for the heart beats from love. Q: Love creates life here? A: The center core of all that love is creates life everywhere. Without it - not would be. Q: I guess the core you are speaking of is Source? A: Source is love. Love creates all life. Q: How can love be the creator of all life? A: Source is the creator. Source is love. Source gives life. Without this energy of love none would exist anywhere. Q: What is love? A: Love is thought - thought produced by electrical impulses from within Source. Q: So without thought - nothing exists? A: Yes - thought must exist for all life to be. Thought was created by LOVE. Love produced these thoughts and the thought creates the action. It produces all things into realization of sight. It makes it real to us. For all things can only have life through thought and love.

What's Going On

How Does One Find Happiness

Q; I was listening to a radio talk show. A lady asked the guest speaker how to find happiness. She said for her to just choose to be happy wasn't working. So, George, how does one find happiness? A: Happiness is in the acceptance of things as they are. Q: Are you going back in reference to the Biblical scripture, "In whatsoever state ye find your self therewith be content?" A: In a way yes. If one chooses to accept their life path as it is - one can learn the lesson quickly and the circumstance can then change. Q; I know resenting one's path doesn't make it go easier or faster - that's for sure. It just makes one reek in negative vibes and makes it more difficult to stay in a positive mode. A: Yes, that is true. When one stops fighting against the energy flow they are in - the energy will be able to move forward. If one holds onto their energy it can't move forward - it becomes stalemated. One gets stuck in a rut and learning is halted within one. I am not saying one is less spiritual when they stop their energy flow - but it does halt ones' ability to move upward in love. It unfortunately just prolongs the lesson. Q: So if I am stuck in this area that is more negative than positive will that change my pathway? A: All movement affects one's life path. When one ceases the flow of energy it can't continue in a steady even knowing. It becomes aware of the time frames of its path. When energy is flowing - time frames do not exist. When the Soul sees this internally - and allows energy to start to flow again - the journey will progress forward. Q: But, will I have missed some of the lessons I was to experience? A: For the moment but the lessons will reappear at a later time and may come in a different manner. All lessons we come here to learn will be learned. All experience their chosen pathway one way or the other. Q: What is that suppose to mean - one way or the other? That doesn't sound very loving. A: Just if you miss an opportunity to move forward another opportunity will appear. Love will never over ride one's free will, but what one agreed to learn will be - unless the Soul and Ego merge and agree together - to cancel out the lesson. Then it will be erased from the Soul's pathway. Q: Can we really do that? A: Yes, one can. You are the creator of your path. You alone hold the key to what you want to learn or what you don't want to learn. Freedom to be who and what you desire to be. It is good.

Talking From Our Ego Mind

Q: George, people are always talking about how we all react and speak from our Ego mind. Okay-how do we do different? A: Luv, here on this dimension all talk, react and think from their Ego. That is the whole purpose of this walk - to learn emotions. Q: How does reacting or talking from one's Ego mind ever teach us? Seems like all it does is keep us from the knowing. A: Here the Ego is loud and clear. It directs each life drama from its own attitude. Each time one reacts with their EGO - the Ego is separated - this causes pain within the soul. One can not live without unity. When each Soul desired to come and walk a certain path - that path included all the lessons one needed to learn the emotion in a very realistic manner. Each Soul reacting with the Ego will see their path from only that angle. That is the purpose of this walk - to learn from the lessons we cause and experience. Q: Okay - so we react from our Ego every time? How do we learn not too? A: Luv, while here all react from the Ego's full consciousness. That is the whole purpose of this walk. One can not learn if one does not face the lesson in full emotion. Q: Well, I for one want to learn not too. I am tired of learning from only my Ego's selfish nature. It makes me screw up too much. I want perfection....Lol A: Not one Soul was, is or ever will be perfect in this earthly flesh. How can one learn if they do not step on stickers once in a while? One simply must go through each lesson to cut out a little more of themself from their Ego's control. Q: Why does it have to be so hard to learn life's emotions? To find love and peace? Why can't our walk here have some TLC in it? Does our Ego have to always be so bad? So selfish? A: Luv, the Ego isn't bad at all. It is learning how to love - truly love. The lessons are needed for the Soul and the Ego to become one - to unify. Each time the Ego learns a lesson it draw closer to it's counter part the Soul. They merge and true love is experienced in them as one. Q: Okay - we learn - but why come here just to learn? Man - the life lessons here can become very tough on one. A: That is good - in pain one truly learns. Q: That is easy for you to say, George, you aren't the one here - learning these lessons. A: I was at many times. Some of the paths I walked were extremely hard on me - but I survived as all will in time. I grew in my knowing of what love means. That is the wonderful part. Each lesson brings one closer to discovering who and what they are. It brings the Soul and Ego into balance and love becomes more prominent within and without them- but not as two but as a whole - balanced. Q: Okay to learn when they merge gets us a deeper view of what is? A: More than just a view - an enriched experience of what love within you is. Love is Source. When you experience an epiphany you see into the Soul of who you are. You experience for a moment the endless knowing of love - the love that purifies each cell within you. You become at that moment aware of the oneness of you and Source and all that is. Q: Are you stating we merge with Source within us? A: Yes - totally and freely. The Ego and Soul of you merges with the pure love (Source) within you. That is why each Soul comes here to learn. As each time we learn our lesson here we merge with the very core of the love that created us. We become one with all things - within us and without us. Only in pure love can one experience what it means to love freely. Q: So, here I will always react from my Ego - is that what you are saying to me? If so, I am doomed to be separated from all. I seem to react badly a lot - from my Ego. Why don't I ever learn? A: Luv, all learn and learn the easy way or the hard way - but learn they shall. That is the whole purpose of this path. Why else would you come but to learn. Q: I don't seem to be learning very well lately. A: Oh but you are, Luv. Each time your Ego goes into its defense mode or into high gear - you are learning. for it will always cause one pain. Q: I'm tired of pain. That's all I seem to experience lately. A: That is how you learn, Luv. It is good.

The Shift

Q: When we first talked about the coming shift it was as if it were a physical happening. The other day you talked as if it were a spiritual consciousness awakening. Which is it? A: First - the energy of this dimension will change. It is speeding up to make way for a new spiritual awakening in all Souls. The energy of this planet runs about 15 GRP's slower than needed. Q: What pray tell is GRP's? A: Gravity rate percentage. Q: What is that? A: This dimension runs on a gravity rate percentage. Without going into a scientific explanation lets just say this: the gravity that holds everything down is controlled by a percentage rate - such as 12%, 30% or 100%. It has to lessen to allow the energy to speed up which is very difficult to accomplish with people here. Usually when this world changes people are not on it. So in order to do this without harming the living things it has to be done in increments. This is being done daily now at about .001 % per every 6 hours. This causes the least amount to damage. Q: If it were faster what would happen? A: The atoms would heat too fast and reek havoc on this planet. Just think of billions and billions of atoms overheating this planet. It would cause many deaths almost by the minute. Q: So, this is being done at a slower pace to prevent that? A: Yes, but even at this slow pace repercussions are happening to this world. Q: Are you speaking of the earthquakes, floods, changes in the earth's surface and the sea? A: Yes, the ocean's three areas are beginning to churn at a higher rate. This is causing many severe changes in its normal way of being. The fish are responding differently. Some are dying faster - some are becoming more aggressive than normal - some are beaching. Q: Since you have often stated that the animals and such all come from very old Souls - did they agree to this pathway? A: Yes, before they came to walk their path. Q: The very few times I have said to someone what you told me about all animals, trees, plant life, rocks and all things come from the very oldest of souls - people looked at me like I was crazy. They simply did not agree. A: It is not necessary for anyone to agree. These books you are to write are for knowledge of Source and his power. They are not being written to gain a following. Q: No chance of that George - people just think I am either crazy or a kook. haha..... Besides I do not want to be a person someone would think of as a guru or on a pedestal. I am simply writing these books because I was ask too. A: Don't leave out you choose this path, Luv. It is a honored path. But all are aware of your feelings of being sought out as someone on what you call a pedestal. Stay that way - it will keep you humble. Q: First of all George - I have never felt worthy of such a task. Nor do I even want it. But an agreement has been accepted and I will continue to try and do my best. A: Your best is only as best as you are willing for it to be, Luv. You are the creator of this journey. You alone decide how it will be. Q; Then I will try to do my best for Source. I sure wouldn't mind some easement in my private life thought.

Monday, August 23, 2010

In The TIme Of Rest

Q: When is the , "Time of Rest?" A: When one chooses to accept what is and simply allows peace to rule in them. Q: Very funny George.....Some time we can - other times Hell would freeze over before we obtain that place of rest. This journey here is certainly not for the weak. A: None are weak - no one is walking their path wrong. All progress as they should - even you Luv, although you don't think so. You struggle with your walk because you doubt your ability to love or accept love. Q: Not always - but you have to admit I've been burned a lot. So I am skittish. A: Yes you are and having been human before it is understandable, but you must get passed all that to obtain the true light your heart seeks. Q: And just how do I do that? A: By thinking in oneness not duality. You waver in and out on that one. Q: Yeah - I know, but not sure how to change it within me. I try but I end up screwing up again - getting my head back into duality - thinking we are all separate. A: Not all, Luv - you and Source. You must realize there is no separation between you and Source. There never was - nor will there ever be. You are welded together in love and in energy. His energy is yours. yours is Source's. Q: Don't know if Source would want to be one with me at this present time. I seem to just waver in and out until I become so frustrated within me. A: If you are struggling - Source is. If you are at rest - Source is. You need to love who and what you are - without adding what you feel to be failures within you. Q: Thanks for that George - but that is often hard to do - when you can't find yourself. A: You have always been within you and within Source. You are never separated - no matter what. Even the ones this dimension states are the lowest of low individuals are mighty kings with Source. They are the beloved and Source is theirs. There is no bad or good only LOVE. Love is all encompassing and can not be pulled a part or separated. It is impossible. For love is what makes all exist. Without love - none - are. You see - you are that love. You are that peace and all that exists within Source is you and for you. You can never change than. None can. For that is what love is - ACCEPTANCE - totally without any strings. One of these days you will surprise yourself and get it within and all energy will rejoice with you. For it is yours to have. Believe it. Q: You'd think writing all the stuff would make me understand it, but Some of it germinates within me and some doesn't. Why? A: Because you struggle with the knowing of love.

Okay Let's Dig Deeper

Q: Today you and I were in a conversation about our journey here. You stated that happiness could only be when each soul accepts their walk as it is, learns the lesson and moves on. I said what if we chose not too. What then? A: As we were discussing this matter you asked how to find happiness, that just saying we choose to be happy didn't always work for souls. That is true if one is in a particular circumstance, refuses to accept the lesson and becomes rooted in their negative energy. I stated that love could not expand in that situation. We also discussed how each soul chooses its pathway here and the lessons it chooses to learn. Each lesson by the way produces more knowing of love in each soul. You said how could one choose to accept a situation if it was difficult emotionally for the Ego. I said one must decide to move onward despite the pain to the Ego. Q: George, we are in human form here - ruled by an Ego that is determined to be the king. It refuses to balance with its counterpart the soul. So they war. What does one do with that? A: First of all the Soul never wars with anything. It is pure love and can not. It is a mediator and only desires to help its other half. The Ego on the other hand is quite bossy and wants to control its walk here. So the only thing warring is the Ego with itself - its own mind. The Soul longs to prevent a lot of the pain the Ego goes through here. When they do balance for a moment the Ego sees the difference in the energy and emotions. For a moment in time it agrees - then its mind runs away with it and off the Ego goes to retain its throne of power. It is a continual process of on again and off again journey. As the Soul begins to meditate on love and gives over to it - the times of warring taper off. It is a glorious thing for the Ego to open its eyes to who and what it is. When energy is stalemated, held down - the Ego refuses to budge from its pain much less accepts the walk as it is - love is stifled. It is held in a limbo and can not expand within the Soul. The Soul cries out in agony with its pain but the Ego holds on for dear life to the situation - not letting it go - so it can rumble in its pain and anger - feeling a great deal of self-pity. It doesn't mean that soul is not spiritual when this takes place - it only means the Ego won against the Soul's urgings. It may take a little longer for that soul to get to where it can let go and move forward on its path. Q: Well, if one is halted - in its self-pity - and doesn't move does that change their pathway? Will they miss some lessons? A: No, the pathway of lessons chosen will take place - maybe at another time and place and in a different way - but they will learn them. There is no right way or a wrong way to trod. There is only a path of learning who and what you are. It is a path of great discovery of one's Soul within. Love will move forward and expand and all will right itself once again despite the Ego's emotional pull. For love will always win. It is the strongest thing that exists. It is all incompassing.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Q: Why am I given this task? A: You chose it before the beginning of your journey here. Q: Why? A: So the realization of who and what each Soul is would be brought to life. The knowing of who Source is would become one with all souls. Q: And how do you think that is going to be when I am the only one reading this blog? A: In its time all will be revealed. Q: In the meantime I write to myself? Isn't this the way it was suppose to be - I write just for me? A: In its time all will come to light. Q: It will if I survive all the stuff I am going through. That is questionable. My health is beginning to be troublesome. I think I am physically worn out and emotionally too. So what do you suggest for me George? Don't say meditation. I haven't been able to succeed at that yet. Give me another answer. A: Trust in our words. We can not lie nor do we want too. If this were not to be I would not be stating this. Q: We will see won't we, George. I don't mean to sound hateful but I seem to be screwing up in all aspects of my life lately. I have alienated almost everyone. I seem to stay frustrated. Why? For what reason is all this? I go through more lessons than anyone I know. Why? To make me crazy? I guess I don't get the reasons for the tests yet. I feel so useless anymore to myself or anyone else. I can't seem to find my way to peace. Part of me knows the way - part of me still struggles. When do I succeed.? A: In the time of rest.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Ego

Q: George, why does the Ego always have to be so stubborn? Can't the Ego see the Soul at all? Does the Soul have to be hidden totally from the Ego? It makes this journey here so hard to just be Ego ruled. A: The Ego is aware of its other-half - but is veiled so it will not lean totally on the Soul. You see, the Soul is the strongest of the two. It is controlled totally by love. The Ego was separated and borne on this dimension to allow free will to reign in each person. This allows each Soul to love Source freely. Each emotion the Ego experiences allows it to grow in love. It is a journey to learn who and what we are. If one does not experience emotions - one never grows in the ability to love freely without attachments. If one attaches its love to a person, place or thing - it can never go beyond that love. Only when one looses its attachments to things can one begin to love freely. Let's say you are in love with a person, that person becomes your whole existence. One cannot love that person freely anymore - it becomes an obsession. That is also where jealousy begins. Attaching oneself to anything can hold them back from expanding their spirit. Q: But how do we keep that from happening when our Ego is such an attachment freak? A: To allow the Soul equal time within this earthly entity. Q: Okay - how do I accomplish that? A: Through prayer and meditation. When one prays they are centered into their Soul - into Spirit. This allows the Soul to come and merge with the Ego. Upon merging the two energies transmute into the one entity and healing is achieved for the Ego. When meditation is happening the same thing will be. Also when a soul is at a crossroads as to how to respond to a certain situation- if love wins in the decision - they will also merge. That is why I tell you all of the time to meditate - to go within. This is so healing of the person can happen. Love is so strong and has such a healing factor. One simply needs it at various times. Q: But if one is in a self-pity mode -that is very hard to do. A: Yes, self-pity is one emotion the Ego has in fullness and refuses to let it go. This is so it may justify its thoughts and actions to itself. Q: That doesn't sound good. It sounds like the Ego is only a brat. Doesn't the Ego have any good qualities? A: Oh, the Ego is much loved for its self-righteousness and "me," attitude. That is how a soul expands its spirit. Without the Ego none would grow. It is as important to a person as their soul. Both are needed. The Ego produces the learning and the Soul merges with it and becomes one. It is a marvelous journey for both. Q: Well, living in this dimension it is not often a marvelous feeling - it can bring much pain. A: Yes, unfortunately it can, but in the long run it is good for that soul. One only grows when one chooses to lay down attachments and respond freely to another. When one has attachments one will not be able to respond to another in love. Q: Is that like someone coming to your house and allowing their child to destroy it? One gets angry. A: In a way partly- yes. If one's whole love is controlled by a thing - then yes that is what would happen. But, if one realized that love is more important than the thing - it will not matter and love can be given freely. Q: But - people work so hard for what hey have and want it to last. To allow someones child to come in an be destructive is wrong. A: Yes, that is where their love is lacking. Children should be taught boundaries. They need to learn to care for the other person and their things. It is how one teaches them that is important. Q: How does one teach them properly? A: If you take care of the things placed in your possession it shows the child. A parent teaches more by example than by words. All do. Q: So, I should show not tell? A: Yes - all should. If one truly loves - one gives and shows respect. If one loves - one gives all honor to another. It that soul loves their home and their things - then honor that. Be mindful of their emotions. Q: So - how we respond to another is how we teach others? A: Yes. BE MINDFUL of the emotions of another. Show love in all things.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Q: I have been watching animals a lot lately. I am discovering how much they accept each other, share and just live for the moment. Why are they at such rest and we humans struggle? What do they possess that allows that? A: Animals come from the very oldest of souls. To be here on this learning dimension and not be able to verbally communicate is extremely hard on a soul. Only the oldest of souls can manage it. They have obtained the ability to love in a greater capacity than most souls. They have learned to dwell in peace. Q: Okay - so you say they have earned this place? A: Yes, they have earned it by working through thousands of earth years of learning experiences. They have become one with all things and therefore do not need verbal ability to communicate love. It is a wonderful place to be, few have reached it. Q: How do we obtain it? A: By the choice of learning to love without strings or attachments. One might say, " Well, that's easy." But I can assure you it is extremely difficult for souls to do so. First because the Ego here is so strong and is very self-centered. The other is the inability to reason without attaching something to it. Here - one attaches everything one has chosen as law to their loves. Accepting souls here as they are is nearly an impossible task. One has to die to their thinking and their feeling of I am right and you are wrong. A soul has to give way to the other soul - which is very scary for the Ego. It prefers to be king. Q: Why are we made up of such duality then? What's the reasoning behind that thinking? A: Well, since Source is made up of positive and negative - every soul is made up of the same energy. For in reality love can only shine as it overcomes obstacles. The thinking is to produce life in a duality so the meaning of oneness is greater, especially when two different energies can merge and become one. This makes the soul much stronger and the ability to love greater. It's like a marriage. You have two different people (energies) that merge and become one. During the years together the different energies mix at moments and battle in moments. But upon merging the feeling of oneness and love is expanded. As the years progress the two become more of a unit. Their thinking begins to merge in a more unified manner, they can finish each others' sentences. They are sad when the other is not there. The soul and ego are just like that. They are separate but become one as they merge and begin the journey of oneness. Life becomes full of love and unity. Duality begins to fade as they merge together and allow each to grow. The journey is far greater than my mere words can do justice too, Luv. Would you follow an energy that was boring or had no different thought? Would you become one with something that had no ability to think for themself? No, for opposites attract. The world is made up from the smallest of atoms to the biggest of energies by two sides-positive and negative. For only in the opposing energies can a greater love be borne.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why Am I Always screwing up?

Q: Lately I seem to step on everybodies toes. I say the wrong thing - I do the wrong thing. What is up, George? Am I just becoming a bitch? Or is is some kind of spiritual test? What is happening? My friend Paul said the same thing. He is going through Hell. Is it the new energy coming in? What's up? A: First of all if one causes offense that is what the other Soul accepted. If one loves without any strings - that is exactly what is means - no strings. One can not get upset - if one holds no expectations or ideas of how things should be. One let's the other soul be as they are. The other is - yes - the energy is rapidly changing to a faster pace. The shift within and without is taking place as we speak. It will take a while for it to complete its specified journey. Each soul is experiencing a higher frequency of energy. This is taking it's toll on the slower energy. Remember when we discussed the coming shift of energy? We talked about it being so hard on souls that they would choose to leave. They are beginning to leave by the thousands all over the world. Do you still wish to go? Q: George, I am frustrated with the way my life is at present. My children and my friends are all suffering. I have a friend who doesn't even have a bed and I can't even help him. It makes me so angry. I just want all of us to get a break - some TLC. I would like to be able to write the books but working as I do I am just too tired to do it at night. A: So, what you are saying is you want some TLC but you really do not wish to leave? Q: I guess - sort of..... A: Good.....The new energy coming in is so full of enlightenment. It holds within it much knowledge for all souls that wish to hear. The way things are at present in this energy field will be changing drastically. Dreams will be more prominent in souls. The psychic ability will enhance in those willing to let it work. Those that remain in the old energy will begin to loose their abilities. They must move into the higher frequency to maintain it. The climate will change and so will the seasons which will cause more drastic elements, such as heat, cold, snow, ice, wind and earthquakes. One must move with the energy. Its a matter of choosing to accept the higher energy into one. Q: What will happen if we don't? A: Nothing except one will loose out on a greater knowing of Source. There will be changes but it will be within souls. Some that choose to move forward will be able to talk to souls through their mind and see things to come in a greater way. The door to one's third eye will be opened up into a greater frequency. Children will be more perceptive to the knowing. They will accept love in a greater way than those of the slower energy. Many changes coming, Luv for all things.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Q: George, while seeking to know Source within and without I have many times felt as if there was no way I could ever truly understand what LOVE means. I understand what you say about the Soul and Ego, why they must be separated here, and why they balance. I get what you say. What I still have difficulty in is why I can't seem to become totally one with what you are all telling me. Why do I struggle so hard at times in grasping the spirituality of love? A" One of the reasons is you have never walked a life path as a male. You have no logic within you - only emotion. You came from within the negative (emotional) side of Source. Remember neither side emotional or positive is better than the other. Both must exist equally for any soul to exist. The reason for this was so you would have no logic. If you held within you any logic you would begin analyzing everything we tell you instead of letting your spirit take it - digest it and make it part of you. You would not be writing these words we share with you as your mind would talk you out of them. It is wonderful but yes it can become difficult for you . You take everything very emotionally. It deepens your feelings more and more.The other problem is the Ego. Here it rules with its self centered demands and rules. It does not relish anything taking down its throne of control. When it does get a glimpse of its other half the soul - it will do battle to keep its throne. Only in true peace and meditation will the soul become one with the Ego and they will find balance for a moment. That is usually when you or others will receive an epiphany. Do not worry about becoming spiritual - all are already there. One can not become what one already is.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thoughts II

Q: Okay, George, you say we choose our path - that other souls choose to come with us and experience it with us - thus making the path here seem more realistic. You say our Soul and Ego chose what to experience. Okay I get that. What I find hard to comprehend is why our thoughts produce this pathway to walk. Doesn't our mind do it? Aren't our thoughts our mind? A: Your thoughts come from the energy pattern that you truly are. This physical body has a mind that functions much like your computers. It is run by the energy that created this path. Your thoughts are you. You are what your thoughts are. There is tremendous energy created by your thoughts. Your thoughts create what you see - feel and sense here. Without thoughts nothing would exist in this dimension for you or anyone else. Once thought is gone - this world ceases to exist. Your Soul and Ego merge with the death angel and you leave. Q: Okay - what you are saying is my thoughts - what I think- create this world and all in it? Is that what you are saying? A: Yes. This dimension is much like a movie. It is created by thoughts. The thoughts create a drama and then the mind of that person makes the movie through its mind's ability. But the thoughts are what create the path. Without thought - there is nothing here. Now- the energy pattern you truly are is thought. That is why I can be here one moment and in a second be across the world. I can be in two places - or three places or more if I so choose. It is all accomplished through my thoughts. Here to you it would seem impossible to accomplish that - but we are not hindered by a physical body or an Ego's emotion. That is not to say we don't still possess an Ego. All do - for each Soul is made up of a Soul and an Ego. When in perfect balance - they are one and can do what I described. But here your Soul and Ego are not in balance - so this pathway they chose can be trod. Q: This all sounds so weird, George. I kind of understand it, but I don't know a lot about the body's functioning and science. This all seems a bit heavy. What about all of these books that say what we think is what we get? Is that true? Do we truly bring negative down on us? A: What you choose to experience is what you will experience. If you choose to live this path with a negative vibe then that is what you will do. If you choose to live it with a positive vibe then that is what you will do. YOU WILL BE WHAT YOU CREATE WITH YOUR THOUGHTS. You are the creator of your path. The energy that is you - the real you - creates everything. Your mind here helps the physical body to create it. But it is your thoughts that create the path. Q: So - if I am down - you know feeling sad - is that coming from my thoughts? Or my Ego mind? What chooses the thoughts here for me? A: All thoughts to be experienced here were chosen by your energy pattern (Soul & Ego in perfect balance). But here while experiencing his pathway - the Ego rules and whatever it wants it produces. Q: Okay - but you said here our Soul and Ego are not in balance, so how do we control the Ego's thoughts? A: Yes here they are not. You have to merge the two. Remember where we are the Soul and Ego are in balance. Q: Are you saying I am in more than one place at the same time? A: Yes. Energy is everywhere. You are pure energy in your true form. Energy can split and exist is several places - then come back to its original form. Q: This is way over my head. Sorry..... A: Its okay, Luv - you will understand more and more as you develop in love and understanding.


Q: George, what do you have to say about thoughts? A" In what context are you speaking of, Luv? Q: Our thoughts. We have talked about the fact our thoughts are what create this pathway here. How do we think thoughts that could deepen our spiritual path and allow our Soul and Ego to balance more? How do we use our thoughts to produce more love in us? Less Ego emotion only..... A: Every Soul here has the ability to create the path they so choose. If one chooses a path full of Ego's emotion and its desires - the Soul and Ego will merge less - thus love will not deepen in one. But if one truly seeks love and allows the Soul to come forth and balance with its other half the Ego - it will produce a deeper strengthening of love within that Soul. Once again I use the term - choose. It is up to each individual to choose the path they desire. Either way the Soul chooses - will eventually lead them to their desired end. The thoughts one has is what makes this path feel real- it creates the scene. When a Soul looses their thoughts - it is time to leave. Q: What about the person in a coma? A: If a Soul's thoughts stop totally - there is no more path. They leave. A Soul in a coma is usually getting ready to go. Sometimes they choose to stay and awaken from the coma. But usually - they leave. Q: How do we know when to let them go? This is a scary question for me - but a serious one, George. A: When a Soul goes into a coma they are usually on their way out. Once in a great while - they will choose to stay and return to this dimension - like the woman you met that was in a coma for 6 years and returned. Q: When I met her I was so upset. I thought how do we know when enough is enough. Do we have the right to choose when a Soul leaves? A: If a Soul - let's say - has been damaged beyond repair - it is time to let them leave in peace and with love. But if a Soul goes into a coma and still has some brain activity it is best to wait a bit. No matter what one chooses remember - one can not over ride a Soul's ego. If one did allow the Physician to stop life support and that Soul did not choose to leave - they simply would not die. It isn't an easy thing either way. But you must remember - each person picks their time to leave. You nor anyone else can. Q: What about a murder victum? They are killed - that was not their choice. A: Luv, every Soul or the souls that come with that Soul -to walk a particular path choose what will be. So, if a soul has chosen the path of the emotion - murder - then that is their path. One can not change another Soul's path. Everyone thinks they could have done something different to prevent a happening, but one simply can not over ride the choices a soul has made here to walk and experience. You can't change another's decisions. Q: I find that so hard to swallow. Why can't I prevent something - isn't that love? A: Love is allowing that Soul or Souls to experience their pathway as THEY choose. You can love them and aid them - but you simply can not choose for them. Even if a Soul is unable to make a choice openly - they still make their final choice whether to go or stay - just as the woman in a coma for 6 years did.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Building A Following

Q: George, when I was told I would write three books - you know I laughed my head off. I am not a writer at all, have a terrible education and do not like people to know about me. Getting a following is not something I want. Can I just write the books under an alias? A: Is that what you want? Q: Yeah. A: Then that is your choice if that is the true reason you do not want your name on it. Q: Look- this past week has shown me how words can really hurt someone. It can discourage one, make them cry or angry. I'm not sure I am the one for this task. I fail too much in what I know to be truth. I get hurt, angry, have trouble forgiving, even hate. I am the least person to write books about the Source of all things. Someone more spiritual than I needs this task. A: Luv, if one thinks they are spiritual - they probably aren't. All Souls fail in the areas you mentioned. That is the human way here. But, who and what you are is a different matter. No Soul is more or less spiritual than another. You can't be greater than yourself. Q: Yeah, but I worry about people thinking I am something I am not. I fail miserably at times in loving. How can I write about love - if I can't achieve it? A: You are love - you were created by love. You can not be separate from love. Now - you can over ride it with your Ego if you so choose. That's where the Soul screws up and usually says things best left unsaid. Sometimes it is best to just let be. Q: Someone acted like my husband was full of his ego in his writing. This hurt me. I know where Bob was 5 years ago and where he is now. It is miles and miles different. He receives the same things I do, but just in a different way. But he writes more eloquent than I do and it sounds different. I am very protective of him I guess. A: Yes, you are - but that is how it should be in a relationship. Your relationship with Bob should be a type and shadow of your relationship with others. Do you say everything you think to him? No, you don't. Why? Because you care about his feelings. That is the way all should think before they put their mouth in gear......Lol Q: But we don't, George - we just go ahead and blab..... Why? Why do we self -destruct ourselves? Ruin relationships? Hurt Souls? Why are we so bent on hurting our relationships? I didn't have to hurt that kid. I could have just kept deleting the emails. Why did I do that? It really hurts me. I feel so unloving. How can I truly learn to love as Source loves? A: Source is pure love. He creates love. He radiates love. None can love as Source does , but as we grow in spirit our love grows and expands into a greater love. It continues as long as one seeks it. Q: I long to love unconditionally. But my Ego says -"Yeah and you will get the shit kicked out of you too." Then I fear and wall up. How do I overcome that? A: Its all a matter of choosing to over ride your Ego and what it is saying. It isn't easy to do - its strong and very determined to get its own way. But it can be done if you choose it with your whole heart. Q: Help me learn to do that, George. A: Choose it, Luv.


Q: I am slowly discovering that our words can do a lot of damage even though we mean well. I have become very upset over several things lately that have had to do with words said. I feel these people were being open and honest but it bothered me. Why do we say things George - that are totally unnecessary. Words left out of a conversation that might spark a hurt feeling, an email with their truth in it or even letters. Why do we have such a need to say things here? A: The Ego Luv. It demands it. Many times in your path things said would have been better left unsaid. Although many souls mean well - many things are best not given. Each Soul is walking a path and many things can come in their path that are very difficult on them. Sometimes words even said in truth can devastate one. Q: I know I said something myself that hurt a young man. Why didn't I just go ahead and delete all those emails instead of asking him to remove his video. It would not have hurt me. But, unfortunately I said it and hurt him. Now I regret it and hurt. A: So many times Souls do just that sort of thing. They want to be honest or open about how they feel but what they end up doing is hurting that soul. Some can take it - some are so lacking in self confidence - they can't. It is better to not say anything. Q: There is a scripture I use to quote to myself a lot: There is no sin in words but the wise man refraineth from them. Why can't we just do that? Why the compulsion to always open our mouth? Sometimes we really hurt people. A: Yes, but that is the way of the Ego, Luv. It always wants its way and thinks it knows best. When you think you should say something, stop , think on it a while, then if your spirit agrees - say it. Not everything one thinks is good to say to a soul. Silence is very golden sometimes. It does more to show love than anything else. Q: These words said made me uncomfortable. I worry about what was said now. A: Things will be okay. Do not fret.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Down A Bit

Q: My being struggles within itself today, George. I wonder why I was to write these things and yet it remains to be just words on a page. My being here struggles with its emotions, its desires and wants. My existence is in an uproar and it doesn't sit well with my Ego and its emotions. I don't understand the path I have taken. Why things come and go as they do. I fight my emotions and wonder if it will ever ease - this war within me. Is it to never ease? A: Luv, We see your turmoil and understand. This path can be hard. It can be discouraging. Yet, in its timing all things will be as you dream. Your Ego says when. Your Soul says when your spirit is ready. Yes, this produces a war within for any soul. That is the journey of this path. To learn to find peace in the midst of a storm. We see how tired you are and how sad you are. This too, is okay - it is part of each soul's journey here. If everything was rosey - why would you even bother to stay. Life is like a roller coaster. It will have highs and lows. It will swing drastically to one side or the other, but eventually it will stop. The soul will rest. Your journey has indeed been rough. But we can truthfully say it will soon change and become easier. You are due some TLC as you call it. Love can be harsh in its teaching of one. It is a purifier. It cleanses the Soul and Ego and makes them balance into one. That can often be harsh to handle. The trials you have been treading through are changing and molding you into the spiritual being you needed. It is good. Yes, we realize it has been very trying for you but oh so necessary. The path you will soon trod will be one of great direction. It is not for the faint of heart. It will be one hard to bear at times. So you needed to toughen up a bit. There are things to come you will need to be free from all fears. There are some still left in you from the teachings of childhood. They need to be opened and dealt with. The timing for all of the books to be will be sooner than you realize. You will not have to dwell as you are for very much longer. Be patient child. You want everything now. Q: Come on George, one minute you tell me to live in the now and now you are telling me to wait. Make up your mind....Lol A: I am laughing out loud. Yes at times it may appear to you to be confusing, but what I say is this. Every lesson you chose was preconceived for you by your soul and ego before you came. How you learn those lessons is up to your emotions here. But learn them you will. Do not feel as if you are wasting your time writing this. It all has its own time to be brought forth. Q: Why tell me things that don't come to pass? A: All things come to pass - but maybe not in the way your mind has seen it to be. Q: What does that mean? A: If we tell you something - your mind starts to dwell on it and then pictures its way to the happening. It may or not be the true way of that path. But what we say will come to pass in its own way and time. Q: Some have not. A: Some came but in a different way than you thought it would be. Q: Some I was told could only come in the way I saw. A: Timing Luv- timing. It will be as you saw - but when the timing is right. Q: Who chooses - "THE TIMING?" A: Each Soul. Q: I still don't see why tell me anything unless it is to come to pass within a decent time frame. A: Luv, there you go again with time frames. We do not deal in time frames as you do here. We see a whole path as a whole road - with no lines drawn through. You see with lines drawn - each step in a path. We do not. It is a path unobstructed and bathed in love. You see a path reeked with ups and downs, gaps, lines and filled with emotions. We see love - the giver and purifier - the life to all. Q: When do I get to the place I see as you do? A: When the timing is right and you choose too.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Love's Quest

Q: Okay - so we are here to find out what love means. But why do we have to always experience constant drama in our life path? Why no - as I like to say - TLC time? A; There is much TLC time as you call it - you probably don't see it as such. Q: By the way I think you meant that - probably not. What I think as TLC (Tender loving care) time is unfortunately not what you are talking of. Right? A: Love is always tender - no matter in which way it is dealt out on your path. What you think as horrible is probably one of your greatest times of learning and teaching you ---- as to the greater joys of love. Q: Easy - my friend - for you to say. I am the one experiencing this path at this present time. A: Ah - again - you miss the point - thinking in your duality mode again. There is no us - there is only one. One entity that truly exists. There is no separation. There is no one else. There is only you. All things that seem to you to exist here is an illusion to your ego mind to create this pathway of learning. What you feel as real to your Ego is real - but in reality it does not truly exist. There is no here. It is all here. Your earthly eyes do not see the real world. It sees only what your Ego has chosen to see and create. Q: Okay a part of me, my Soul, understands what you are saying but a part of me, my Ego - feels this world as real. My loves, my disappointments, my hopes, my dreams, my goals, my friends and the world around me feel very real to me. My eyes see these things as existing. So, as far as I feel and see - this is real. My soul on the other hand understands what you are saying as much as it is capable of. I know there is so much more I do not understand, George. I know that in time as my eyes open more to spirit I will understand more and more of what you say. But, as of now - I sometimes struggle with the human being part of me. A: Yes, that is the way it was to be. How can any experience seem real if one does not see, feel and think it is real? It had to be so. Only in the true free will reaction can the emotion truly be felt and learned. It is so wonderful. The learning experiences are a golden opportunity to experience love at its best. Q: I'd have to truthfully (at this time) say sometimes. Sometimes it is as my grandchild said, "It's too hard." A: Yes, but that is when love is at its greatest energy within you. It is teaching, healing and expanding you. Q: Could I have a little TLC once in a while to prop my love up? Lol A: You get it in every breath you take.


Q; George, I have been wondering why there is so much division on this dimension. Is it as much on other dimensions? A: Many dimensions suffer with division but none as deeply as this earthly dimension. Remember the energy here is much slower than on any other dimension. This world was created to learn. Every experience gone through is to teach each soul its way to love - to who and what it is. Some dimensions are on a higher level and their perception of who and what they are is on a higher energy level. That is not to say they are more spiritual than souls on this dimension. In fact many souls here are even older than those on higher energy dimensions. The reason is some of the lessons to be experienced here are very difficult indeed. It is at times almost brutal. But - that soul will learn more about love - in that trial. Each soul endeavors to grow in its knowing of what love truly means within. It is often not an easy learning and can be quite devastating at times. But the end result is amazing to the soul and ego as they re balance into their oneness. Q: I don't understand why we want to come here to suffer. My Ego mind just can not grasp the reasoning as rational. A: Your Ego - while here - separate from its counterpart - the soul - will never be able to rationalize the reasoning. That is why the soul merges with the ego at times to glimpse into why the path. This urges the ego onward into the path to learn the lesson of love. Q: So - are you saying every thing we go through here has to do with learning what love means? A: Yes - all roads lead to love - the knowing of Source. The life of all things. The giver of Love. The existence of love. Q: So, souls on other dimensions are learning too? A: Yes, but in different ways. It is so amazing.....The whole procedure of love is so enlightening to each soul. You here only glimpse bits and pieces of what love really means. We that have crossed only see it to a certain extant. We continue to learn too. That is the beauty of love - no beginning - no end. It just was, is and will be. It is all things to all that exists.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jim Carey

Q: I listened to a U-Tube video of Jim Carey talking about an epiphany he received. He stated the feeling of awareness comes and goes. We have discussed this on many occasions, George. You said the reason for that swinging back and forth is because it was meant to be here. The Soul you said is a much higher energy and can not remain in this earthly body for long periods of time because the higher energy would destroy the body's slower energy. Does it ever become longer periods of time of the balancing of the two?

 A: Yes, as one raises their energy level - there will be more and more of the balancing of the two. But if one does choose to remain here it will indeed come and go for the protection of the earthly body. With each raising of the energy - the earthly body will be able to handle longer moments of the higher energy of the Soul. You have experienced this a great deal.

 Q: If that is the truth - then why do I still react out of my Ego so much?

 A: Because you dwell in an earthly form ruled by the Ego and its emotions.

 Q: Does that ever get better here?

 A: Yes, as each Soul gives way to their Soul and balances the two (Soul & Ego) - they are given deeper glimpses of who and what they are. This knowledge will draw the Soul into seeking ways to encounter its counterpart the Ego. As the Soul merges with its other half the Ego - they both begin to desire this oneness path of dwelling as one. Each will endeavor to find the other on its journey.

 Q: So - what you are saying is it is a daily walk of learning?

 A: More like minute to minute learning, Luv.


Q: George, I recently ask a young sensitive man to remove a video he tagged on my facebook page. I was constantly having to remove emails from people commenting on his video. I am a lover of music, I sing and play piano, so it is not that, but the constant hassle of removing and deleting emails. I offended him and he left my Facebook site. He was constantly arguing with me on my thoughts. My question is this - did I offend him from my Ego? I really care about the young man and it seems I have again hurt him. I feel he has been hurt a lot and is bitter about love. Much pain in him. I hurt now - in my heart - because I failed to allow him love and patience. A: Luv, the young man has indeed much hurt in regard to love. But he chooses to remain bitter inside and chose not to hear. He should have ask to tag your site first. Part of your reaction was out of your Ego, part -you are physically ill -therefore less patient -and part- he needs to be more respectful to others. But that is not the answer here. All people find they try to justify their thinking. They receive light and without even realizing it - box it in. You have received much light but at times box that light in. We have discussed this on numerous occasions. Q: Yes, I am aware of this fact. But my heart hurts because I hurt him again. He will never understand true love - if people - me included keep disappointing him. A: Luv, if a soul is truly seeking love - they will find it. It is within. They can not run away from it or free themselves from it. It is them. If a soul chooses to take offense - it is their choice. He is young and will learn not everyone is out to hurt him. Some do care - but all have a right to respect. Love is hard to learn. It comes as one desires to lay down the thoughts of the Ego and allow the other to be put in front - sort of to speak. There was wrong reaction from each of you - as to the action of love. You felt he was infringing upon your site and he was networking on yours. Love is simply allowing freedom of both. Q: So why did I not show him the action of pure love - why did I fail so miserably? Where is all the teachings you have given me? A: Within you. You did not fail - nor did he. It was a learning experience for both of you. No one has all the answers to love. No one has acheived pure love here. Even we - that have crossed over - still experience things to bring us to a greater enlightenment of what love really is. Only Source knows the whole truth of love. He dwells within you and as you seek you find more and more bits and pieces of the puzzle of love. Do not beat yourself up over this. It is a learning process for all. Q: But I am angry at myself for offending this hurt soul. A: Then he also will have those feelings for you are one - connected in that love. Q: I don't think he has love for me at this time - more like anger and bitterness. That hurts me that I have hurt him. A: He will live to fight another day and he will learn to be more respectful - hopefully of anothers. Q: That's not the point, George. The point is I am older, I have been given more enlightenment - yet I acted out of Ego. It has greatly disappointed me. A: Join the band wagon child. All have come short of the glory of love.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Q: You say no guide is ever allowed to manipulate their Charge. You mentioned three that had. What happened to them? A: They were sent to healing. From there it remains their path - not to be spoken of. Q: Why the secrecy? It smells of cloak & dagger stuff....Lol A: No secret, Luv. Every soul's destiny, path or choice is just that - theirs. We guides do not go around talking about our Charges. If a superior Guide comes to us - we can discuss our charge but only if there is a question in regard how to best handle a request or a situation from our Charge. Q: We can ask for your help? A: Yes. Why not - we are there to aid you. Q: But most can't even see or hear you or even know you exist. A: That is where prayer comes in. Q: Prayer? I thought we prayed to Source? A: What you ask of him is delivered or not deliver to you by us. It would depend if the request was of good use on your path. Q: Who decides what is good or not good for our path? A: Your Soul and your Ego - balanced - merge - then decide. Q: Okay - but you said my Ego and my Soul are veiled from each other. Now you are contradicting yourself. A: If a petition is asked of Source - during your sleep the Soul and Ego will merge and decide. This way there is no rememberance of the meeting to the Emotions of the soul. Q: Is this why we don't get some of the things we ask for? A: Yes, remember this - this path is to learn experiences that will clarify love to you. If the petition asked in no will benefit that quest - then usually it is not given. But you must remember it is you that denies the petition - not anyone else. Q: But - if I pray to Source - my ego once a wake will think Source is not listening to our prayers. A: Source always listens but he will not interfere with the Soul and Ego's decision. That would be going against the Soul's free will - which is simply not done.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Feeling I get

Q: Barbara Streisand sings a song and the line is this - leading with your heart you will find your way. Is this true? A: The heart of each soul is filled with all their emotions. It will react as it is programmed. Q: I don't think that answered my question, George. A: You may not like the answer, Luv. Q: Spit it out. A: The heart of each soul is filled with the emotions of the Ego here. It is ruled by it. Remember on this dimension - the Soul is veiled from the Ego. So what the Ego thinks as - it's needs or desires - is what the heart feels here. That may or may not be the best for that person. Sometimes the heart here is fickel. But sometimes when the Soul and the Ego have merged a great deal - the heart is more balanced in its desires. Q: What can you guides do to help that? A: We guides can not do anything about that. Remember our past conversations in regard to the duties of ALL GUIDES and their Charges. We can not manipulate a soul in any way. We are to never use our power to try to change or persuade our charges. We are only here to help you in the decisions You Make. Q: Why? Especially if you saw me start to make a huge mistake...... A: Your path here - is just that- your path. It is not ours to make any decisions as to how it is walked. It is forbidden by Source. That would be over riding the gift of, "Free Will." That simply is not allowed. Q; What happens if a guide does? A: They are removed from duty and placed into healing. Q: Has that ever happened? A: Three times. They were removed. Q: You mean in all creation of time - only three times? A: No soul is ever allowed to be a guide until they have walked at least a hundred pathways. They must have succeeded in at least 3/4 of those life paths, by that I mean learn the lessons they were here to learn. Walk until they finished the path. Q: There is so much more I want to know George. A: And Luv you will learn it - it is your destiny. It is all's destiny to discover truly what love is.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Too Busy

Q: George, life on this dimension is just too busy sometimes. Society demands constant attention. We run here and run there all the while seemingly getting very little accomplished. I long to have a day just to sit with a cup of good coffee and read a book, but work has to be. It is sad. A: Yes there is much to do on this world. We do not live in time frames as you well know. That fact has caused you and I great difficulties at times. My soon is not what you think. Your soon is sometimes impatience. Lol.....We are great friends you and I and have much work to do. I look forward to the day you will be able to sit down and start writing your books full time. Q: Me too, George. But right now life demands I work. Tell me about the time frame thing in your world..... A: There is no time or space here. One can be any where in a second - just by thinking. I have to admit it is much better than your traveling style. Q: Will I ever Astral travel? A: Do you want too? Q: Yeah. A: Choose it. It is only a thought away. Q: I had a dream the other night. It felt so real I could not go back to sleep. What is with that? A: It was a warning of things to come. Q: Then that will be tough on me George. A: Yes, we know. But for your sake we put you on alert mode. We will aid you through it. Q: Thank you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our Will

Q: Bob asked me my definition of what, "Will," meant. I said it was, "free will," given to us by Source. To me it is when Source gave up his ability to control his own creation and let them have control of their lives. That to me is love. For love can only be where there is freedom. A: My , my Luv, you are starting to get what I have been saying. I am proud. Q: Let's not get too proud just yet. Knowing things in my head is a lot different than totally becoming one with it. A: One can not get it in one's head unless it is becoming one with you. Where do you think it came from? Every thought is coming from within you - not outside of you. The Universe of love dwells in - not out. Every emotion you feel or have is coming from within the center of you. If you are negative in your energy - unbalanced - then it is emanating from within you to without you. Things do not go into you. Everything is already there. Every thing that exists dwells in you. Q: Are you saying good and evil dwell within me? A: All things - every kind of thought, every emotion, every action, every reaction. Everything is one. You are the creator of your path. You hold the key to open any door to any emotion. It all dwells within you. One can not truly walk any life path here unless every emotion there is - is within you. It is up to you - as it is with any soul - to open the door of their choice and experience what they desire. Q: So, I have the same emotion in me as someone like Ted Bundy? A: All do, but few act upon it. Its a matter of your choosing which emotion to act upon. Q: That scares the hell out of me. A: Why? Why are you afraid? You have no desire to walk that path. Q: Of course not. This is weird. Way weird for me. A: As each soul begins the journey to the discovery of what you are - you begin to see that everyone and everything is connected. You see that every emotion is you. You feel what another feels. You have had that reaction many times when you walked by a person and felt their emotion. It is no different. Energy is one - it connects to all things and everything is in balance. Energy can change direction but it can not die. It is simply one's desire to walk a path of love that prevents them going down a Bundy path of choice. Q: What made him choose it? Did he have a flaw in his energy? A: No, he made a choice to walk that path. No one or anything can make you take any path. One can make your physical being perform as they request, they can torture you into reacting as they wish, but no one or no thing can make your free will die. It is infallible. It is everything that exists within and without. It is the creator of life. It is love. It is pure love energy and it can never die. Q: If I can be made to do something against my will - what you are saying doesn't fit. A: I am not talking about your physical body. That is puny. It dies. Your energy pattern - can not die. It can not be taken over or controlled. It is free. It will remain free because of Source's gift of love - FREE WILL. Let's talk about someone talking you by force, threatening to kill you if you don't do what they want. They can kill this earthly form, but they can never control or kill the pure love energy that is truly you. It is impossible to control pure life. You can end up doing what that person wants because you fear death, but if you didn't - then you would simply let them take your earthly form. You see - its your call. You can do as they say - or choose death. You have the control. You are the creator of your path. Q: Some choice, George..... A: Ah but it is - a wonderful choice. You still do not see what I am saying. You control your DESTINY. You control you CHOICES. You decide which path to walk and how to walk it. This earthly form here on this dimension is only a temporary housing of your energy so that it will all seem very real to you as you walk this path learning emotions and discover your way to knowing love. As I have stated before this is a play. You are in about act three now...... Q: What does that mean? A: You still have much to learn. But you are beginning to see. That is good.......

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Q: George, how do we use love to expand us? A: By accepting it for what it is - you. Q: What does that truly mean to us? A: Love is unity. Love is all acceptance. Q: George, here we find it truly difficult to truly love. Take a friend going through a great loss. One here will suffer for a little while for them but then our path takes us on down the line while the other soul still suffers. Its as if we think out of sight out of mind. To me that says we don't really love like we should. A: There are too answers here Luv. The first is - no one loves as they should. But - then again they do. Let me explain further for you if I may. You are love - totally without any separation - you are love. So to totally love is where you are. Now, let's take this dimension where the Ego is veiled from its counterpart the Soul. The Ego here is unaware of who and what it is. It rules here by its emotions. Its emotions are based on satisfying its own desires, protecting its own desires and getting its own desires. When you look at love through those eyes - what do you see? Q: Love is not really there in me. A: True - but yet it is. You see it does not matter where a soul walks. this is a path of experiencing love in an emotional way. One learns through their trials here another facet of what love really is. Its like a puzzle, Luv, eventually one gets it right and finished. You are working on your puzzle. You will get it right as all others will also. Q: When? When do I truly get it right within me? A: When you totally without wavering accept it is already there. Q: And just when will that be? A: When you choose it. Q: I say all the time I choose it but it isn't always there - sometimes division comes to dwell with me - and I don't like that. When do I stop that? A: Again - as you choose it. Think of two buttons - Unite and Divide. It is up to you to choose at the moment which you accept to hit. Q: Well, this seems very easy as you say - but here it isn't always so emotionally easy, especially if you see a loved one hurt and abused. A: No, that is not an easy time, but if you accept unite above divide - how glorious is that - there is such a freeing of one when they truly choose to push the unite button within themselves. Freedom brings such love to one. At that moment of love - one soars in the clouds - flying through the wind - with such joy.


Q: George, so many souls here attach much credence to their book whether it is a Bible, Torah, Koran, Earth, or what ever one calls their book of rules and beliefs. I know you spoke all is good no matter where we choose to be walking in Spirit on our path. I am okay with that. The problem I have is when, "THE BOOK," is used as a battering ram on another soul because they do not believe or accept what that soul is spouting. How do we answer that kind of abuse? A: Quiet in speech and quiet in spirit. There is nothing one can say to another to quiet their beliefs or their speech. So it is better to remain quiet of spirit. Love has a funny way of speaking without words. It can reach the hardest of hearts and the hardest of minds. Q: That is very hard for us here to do. A: Love is never easy, Luv. Love is the hardest thing you will ever do. That is why we are all here to work our way into pure love - oneness of all things. Q: So as we were created it wasn't born in us? Is that what you are saying? A: No, love is you. The trick here is to recognize what and who you are. Each path a soul takes brings them closer to that knowing. That is why souls come here to learn. As each soul learns a little more about the within - they expand and move foward in their enlightenment of love. How wonderous is that.....

Saturday, June 19, 2010

More Questions on Our Walk Here

Q: You and I have been conversing on and off for a few days on this last subject. But a friend ask me to talk to you about our fears. I should be a pro on that one. Lol

A: Luv, as you stated FEAR is only the feeling of loosing control of one's existence. I know here where the energy is very slow, the Ego can be quite convincing in it's drama. One feels things so intimately and so fully. But when one realizes they have the panic button or the peace button - it eases the fear. Let's put it this way. Let's imagine two buttons, one says panic and the other says peace. A situation arises in one's walk and the Ego reaches immediately for the panic button. Oh - this is something I should fear pops into your mind. The Ego runs with it as I stated before because it loves a good drama. The Soul will begin to waver in its peace. When this happens - realize what is happening and imagine yourself pushing the peace button. There is nothing on this dimension that can hurt your energy pattern. It can only hurt the physical form your energy houses in here. You see ENERGY never dies. Nothing can ever destroy you - the true - real you. It can only hurt this earthly body - which is here only to aid you in your lifepath here. It is what makes all this seem real to you.

Q: Well it does a good job. For there are so many things this earthly body starts fearing, things such as (the big-gie) rejection, loosing one's home, their job, loosing a loved one, loosing their mind, loosing-loosing-loosing. Our Ego really buffets us 24/7 with things to fear. Sometimes we push the panic button, but once in a while we get smart and reject the fear by pushing the peace button. If we stay here separated by the veil from our other half - will we ever get to the place we automatically reach for the peace button?

A: Yes, as we begin to merge in intervals more and more with the soul - we begin to respond in a manner of peace when somethings besets us. This is good. For really there is nothing to fear. No Karma back at you unless you choose of your OWN FREE WILL to accept it and redo. Remember the gift of free will is never taken back. If Source were to send you back here and demand against your free will you go back and take that Karma back with you to redo and you didn't want to - that would null and void the gift of love (free will). That simply can not happen. Free will is NEVER overridden . That is forbidden. Many souls upon returning for another life path CHOOSE to come back and redo something they feel they have not finished. That is good, but it is their choice to do it.

Q: So you are saying there isn't such a thing as automatic Karma here?

A: There will always be natural consequences to one's choices here. That is a given. But if a soul returning to start a new life path does not wish to redo something - it simply will not come. As I said a lot of souls wish to redo something they feel they did not accomplish to their satisfaction. That is good. But one is never forced too. It must be brought back by their free will.

Q: That is going to make a lot of people very upset George. They have preached Karma for years to souls.

A: Yes, child, many things have been "Preached," as you say that are simply man's interpretation of what and how they see it. I will never take back my gift of love - free will. For if I did - the soul would simply be unable to love freely and I would loose greatly in the situation. I love freely and long to be loved back freely - where no fear of any kind resides within either of us. For as you are - am I.