Sunday, March 13, 2011

All That is Happening

Q: George, All that is taking place now on this dimension you shared with me a long time ago that it would be. You did not give me a time frame as to when it would start taking place but that it would. Are there to be more happenings bringing much sadness to many? A: Many more happenings will occur, Luv. Do not be despondent. It is all in the Universal plan. Most will return to walk another life path. Q: But, why do some people experience so much heartache and others seem to sail by hardships? It seems so unfair...... A: Nothing is unfair, Luv. Each trial or experience one goes through is to take them forward into what love truly means. It is sort of like what you call here on earth, "growing pains." They will pass and life will go on for most. Q: Some take their lives, George. Can you say that is good? A: Suicide is never easy on any soul, the one that leaves or those left behind. Those left behind seem to suffer the most. They wonder if there was something they could have done to prevent the happening. There isn't. Each Soul decides when and how they will leave this dimension and go home. It is fore planned - even before they came - to experience this path. It is not for the young souls - only the very old souls can walk that path. For love engulfs all in the same way. To take one's life goes against the true meaning of love and life. It is difficult for one to be healed. So - as I said - only the very old (mature) souls can walk that path. Q: Why would a soul come here to experience suicide? A: All manner of emotions are for experiencing here. Why talk about an emotion if you don't truly understand it. Each soul walks paths to learn every emotion, how it feels and how one deals with it. It is a unique experience for each soul. No two souls will experience it the same. Just like a bowl of ice cream will produce different taste, feelings and emotions in each person. Q: But why are so many going now? Are things going to get even more difficult? A: As the earth shifts more and more - feelings will intensify even more. The shifting of the earth will produce many different happenings. Never before has a shift taken place with souls abiding in it. Before - all souls left but a tiny few. This was to propagate the earth again. It is a time of great rejoicing for all those that choose to remain during the change in earth. When magnetic energy shifts it produces a chain reaction that is new and can be terrifying. But - this is all in Source's plan to replenish the earth to it former health. Each magnetic grid (12 of them) has to have a time of rest. The 12th grid is to go into hibernation to replenish itself, much like a farmer lets a field rest from planting so the soil may replenish itself. It is a time of great change and newness of land, water, spirit and souls. Look at it as a time to seek deeper into yourself and discover all that is in you.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Q: George, I read a book from a FB friend about the Law of Attraction. It wasn't like the ones hipped about visualization and getting what you desire, but about the matter of who and what you are drawing to you. I can see that so much more. You had stated a long time ago the Law of Attraction is within not without. That it is what you are. Could you explain in a deeper way the true meaning? A: The Law of Attraction is just as it states. What you are, how you truly think or live draws to you the same. Let's say perhaps you are angry at someone. That anger coming from within you will draw to you the same type of energy. Truly what is in you - is what you get. If you try to produce forgiveness - it will not work. One has to center their thoughts into their heart and truly desire to forgive. It isn't an easy thing to accomplish in one. The Ego possesses great power here on this 3rd dimension because the energy here is so slow and the Soul is veiled from the Ego - the Ego's desires are mighty. If one meditates and brings the Ego into balance with their Soul - one sees the truth within. Forgiveness will be easy at that point. You can try and try to achieve it, but you must choose it from your heart. To do that one must be willing to change within. Many say they wish to change and do change for a season, but unless one truly wants change the change will eventually return them to their former state. Thus the anger will return. To want to change one must truly tire of being the way they are. They must then meditate to produce the balance of their soul and ego. When their true desire is stated in the heart - it will be. Q: But it sounds easy but isn't. What else can I do? A: Don't try to be or to change yourself. It must be accepted within and then it will be produced without. Change is only when the person chooses it within. It is not an outward show but a true centered from the heart choice. Change can only be as the person begins the journey of balancing its Ego and Soul. Each time the person accomplishes this within - they will find LOVE beginning to change them from the heart. It is a deep spiritual change within to without. It only will be as each one allows their Soul to come forth and begin healing its counterpart the Ego. This brings great rejoicing to both the Soul and the Ego. For they truly are one. Q: George, many times I have felt what I have desired is truly real within me only to find the same feelings back within me once again to be dealt with. Why? How do I truly win over my Ego's feelings? A: You must truly desire the change. Not with your Ego's emotions but truly deep within you. Many think they desire change but then allow themselves to reenter the same problem time and time again. Don't be fooled by your Ego's emotion of wanting change in itself. There is always a second thought within your Ego. It maybe deep down the Ego truly wants to hold on to that feeling for letting it go would not allow it to pout and feel sorry for itself. This- the Ego enjoys immensely. Do not accept its petty feelings. For if one does the Ego will take a mile. It desires to rule above all others - which includes the feelings of one's soul. Be patient with yourself. For as you allow love to abide in you it will bring all the changes your Soul desires.