Sunday, December 25, 2011

Our Words Spoke

Q: A while back you told me to be careful of my words. You said every energy I send out comes back to me.  Today I learned that in a huge way. A person had told their ex-wife they would all be better off if she would just die.  He  - died this week.  It is a sad thing, but are our words that heavy?

A: That young man desired it in his heart.  Words spoken are not to be taken lightly. For all energy we put out comes back to us, even to those of us in our dimension. No one is exempt. Yes, the words you speak can often have consequences and can even be dangerous. So as I have said before be careful what you say or wish.

 Q: Can my words truly have such power in my life journey? Can I truly wish something and it happens?

A:  Many times you have asked for something and it has comes to pass. Words are powerful things. You need to be aware - often in the heat of a moment - the heart may desire something and it will come to pass. Later the soul may regret, but often it is too late to heal the damage.

Q:  I find it awfully hard to believe I can say something mean and it could happen.

A: Words are pure energy, and if you add the desire of the heart with them - it brings the desired action into play. So, as I have often warned you be careful what you say or what you wish for.

Q: I find this very hard to see, for I have often said things and they have never come forth into existence. In this instance the young man wished for his ex-wife to die - but it was he who passed.

A: Words spoken in anger, sadness, or desire where the heart is in full gear - produces the action. Remember the consequence doesn't always respond in the way we want it to.  Words carry their own force.

Q: So why haven't the words I have spoken come forth?

A: Because your soul and ego were not in agreement.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Questions Again

Q:  I have been reading a book Dewain gave me called, "Messages From Michael." I know you asked me not to read anything but I was curious as to what was said in the book written in 1979.  As I begun reading it I was amazed at the similarities between what you have said to me and what Michael said. I have been writing these things since 2004 long before this book came into my hands. So all of you are saying the same things only using different terminology.

A:  Yes, we all say similar things depending on the capabilities of the Soul we channel in.

Q: So, I am channeling?

A: In a way, yes, but upon your initial request you raised to a higher frequency in order to get full conversations instead of bits and pieces. It is a hard thing to do for both of us.

Q: In the book, Michael says we are both positive and negative. You told me a long time ago we were much like a magnet.  You also told me it took both to create our existence. If we need both sides in order to be able to function here are we the same once we have left this dimension?

A: Yes, the only difference is you will be once again united into your one energy - your true self. There will no longer be any veil between the counterparts, the soul and ego.  Once a soul becomes its original self it will be a lot easier for the soul to truly function as agape love. The reason one is here on this 3rd dimension is to learn emotions.  For  the only way a soul gains access to the higher dimensions is through growing in agape love. One can only learn   -  as each emotion is felt and learned. One can never grow enough. It is a continual growth in which one learns what each emotion is and what is it's true purpose.  Each emotion is there for a specific reason. For each emotion leads a soul to higher planes. It is really a beautiful journey. 

Q: How can each emotion teach me?

A: Easily. The soul and ego respond to each emotion as a unit, despite the veil here. Remember they are truly one energy. They can never truly be separated from each other. If that were possible the soul would cease to exist. That is forbidden. For each soul continues on their journey of learning.  It is a fascinating journey in which each counterpart is allowed to experience itself.

Q: What does that mean, George?

A:  As each experience happens to the soul it is upon request which side ( the soul or the ego) will experience a certain emotion.

Q: Wait just a minute here, George, you said the ego is the one experiencing this path here.

A:  Child, you limit yourself so greatly. The things spoken to you are just the beginning of your existence here and where we are. The true meaning of life will come as your eyes open to what you are within. 

Q: Who is speaking now? Its not George.

A: It is I, Harold. The things imparted thus far to you are just the beginning for you. We couldn't just dump the whole journey on you. It would have freaked you out totally. When one is born it takes a while to learn to walk, does it not?

Q: Yes.

A:  Then you must realize just how vast this knowledge is.  When we originally said you would write three books, we said the first would be baby language, did we not?

Q: Yes.

A: Could you have grasped the things we are beginning to say now - then?

Q:  Hell no - it would have scared the hell out of me.

A: As I have stated, child, we are going at the pace you can handle. We began by explaining the magnet theory to you. Because of your limited vocabulary we have started where your mind could grasp it.

Q: There it is again - my stupid lack of education. I can thank my folks for that one.

A: They followed their appointed journey. Do not be angry at them.
What you are embarking on is way beyond your earthly capabilities here, but it is mere drop in the bucket of who you really are. We chose to accomplish it this way so you could do it here. If you had become a highly education soul - you would not be able to write these things. Your mind would prevent it.  So be very grateful it turned out this way for you. In the long run you will be greatly surprise at all of the things imparted to you. I should say - the things within you that will be revealed. We have just begun child. The things opening up within you will shock you and at times even make you wary of it. Do not fear. It is to be.

Q: If I am suppose to impart all of this why in hell does it remain in a box or on a disk?  Why do I have to have so little time to spend with it? How will it ever be accomplished in the few years I have left on this plane?

A: Child - your mind is so limited to this physical plane. You can not see beyond yourself can you?

Q: What the hell is that suppose to mean - that I'm bad or something? Or stupid?  Come on - at least give me credit for at least listening to you guys.

A:  Child I meant no disrespect. What I meant is this - you can not grasp - that all of this is an amazing feat for you to accomplish here. Your energy is not anywhere it used to be. It has grown but yet you still doubt yourself and us.

Q: How many do you know here that can talk to the other side Harold? People will think I am a nut case.

A: There are hundreds of souls here that have a specific journey to travel. Many see what you see and some even more. Each soul travels at their own pace. The difference is - you have a journey to complete - a journey needed for each soul to learn truth in a simple way - so they may be able to grasp it. As the journey progresses the knowledge revealed will increase the knowing of each soul.

Q: So - how about continuing the subject of us - as a magnet.

A:  A magnet must contain both the positive side and negative side. The energy from each side will merge and allow the energy to flow back and forth. This creates static. That static is electrical energy that produces current. That current will embark on its designated journey.  That is how each soul here walks this life path - thought the electrical current forged in and out of each physical body. Because this type of body is needed here to walk. We on the other hand are an energy force in perfect balance. We do not need a physical body where we exist. The physical body was needed here to simulate this path. Without it - the path to journey would not seem real to each soul.

Q: What causes the energy?

A: The source of all things, child. Each soul is given energy spurts from the mail core of energy. It is all connected. All things are one. The energy flows from one to another. This way all things remain a part of the whole. Do not fear this knowledge, child for it is needed for you to continue your path.

Q: I'm not afraid at all, Harold. I just have problems realizing the whole thing as one. A part of me grasps it, a part of me is confused about it. I don't understand why.

Q: It is the original path you walk down child. It will take time for any soul to grasp just what all of this means. When each soul comes here to journey, their ego is veiled. This is so each emotion is felt in whole. But, because of the veil the true nature of all things is hidden. Your being here tends to resist the knowing because it makes this journey become unreal and the ego doesn't want to feel this is a journey or a drama or play. It wants it to be real because it likes the full range of emotional drama within it.  That is suppose to be the way it is, so each emotion is reached in its fullness. That is the only way a soul will really grasp the true meaning of love without attachments - agape love. For only in that realization can the soul merge higher in knowing.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Avoiding My Question

Q: Well, George - I think you avoided my question. Am I to worry about our country? About our freedom?

A: No, do not worry. Many things will change in your world. Both in your political system, society and in the religious world. Many are becoming disillusioned with the way things are and will revolt. The country has run too long on selfishness and it will have to balance out.  That is not to say things won't stay similar to how the are at present but people will not longer just follow along. There will be questions asked of the people in power and even some removed by the people.  It is due.  The higher powers of this world will see the people will no longer swallow all they say.

Q:  So, what do I do?

A:  Nothing. Just go on as regular and trust the Universe to lead you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What About All the Politics Going On - Should We Fear as they say?

Q;  What about all the politics going on - should we fear as they say?

A: Fear is yours if you accept it. What is to be is needed in your world. So many have been led astray from the truth within all mankind. Religion has controlled man so long that man no longer knows freedom or freedom of thought. Society also hinders freedom.

Q: There is a part of me that becomes fearful of the future. I'm not sure just why. I haven't followed these things for so long. I just trust I will find the right path for me. So why do I tend to fear occasionally?

A:  The old teachings of your past tend to separate the truth from within your mind. Do not fear anything. You will know the right path and will follow the life path you chose.

Q: Will things become so bad, freedom lost and starvation as they say?

A;  Life must be brought back into balance. Each soul must once again see their own path. Too many have forgot to seek their own path and have followed society, religion and loves instead of seeking their true nature.  Only love can once again heal this dimension. Let your love grow and forget the pains of the past.  Man will return to their true self  again. It will be good.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Will I Ever Feel One With All Things?

Q:  George, will I ever feel one with all things while here on this dimension?  I realize we can't feel 100% of spirit 24-7, but can I not at least loose all feelings of duality?  Why do I struggle with it so?

A: Part of it is due to your upbringing in a strong religious atmosphere.  Part is you fear of loosing you as you know you now. Any soul fears if they feel one with all things the will loose themselves. Yet, in reality you will only loose your fear, but you will become a much stronger soul.

Q: A part of me knows this and wants it but another part of me worries about denying all I was brought up to believe.  Why is it so hard to lay down the past?

A: Because where you are gives you security - at least you think it does, but to recognize your true self as you really are - will truly bring strength, security and peace to you.

Q: Then why don't I accept it and not waver back and forth at times?

A:  All waver until they loose their fear of the unknown.

Do Angels Appear In Human Form?

Q: Do angels ever come in the form of an earthly human to perform a task?

A:  Many angels are here doing that as we speak.

Q: Do we ever find out they are?

A: If the angel desires to open your eyes they can. The soul must be willing to receive it.

Q: Why do they take a human form?

A: To perform a task here where the human body is needed to do the task.

Q:  Can I see one?

A: You have many times you just didn't know it at the time.

Q:  Give me an example please.

A: The night you got to Lafayette, LA and needed the path to your destiny. You were guided to the area you were trying to find. You had no fear of the unknown and were at peace. You were aided by an angel. Usually you fear driving in unknown areas at night.

Q: So that is why I was not afraid there?

A: Yes. You had an angel guiding you on your path. Later you amazed at how at peace you were there. Am I not right?

Q: Yes, that did amaze me.

A: That is one of the things angels have aided you in.
Angels are created to aid souls. They have never been human and although aware of all human emotions they are not controlled by them.  Their creation was for the benefit of all souls on all dimensions.

Q: Are there good and evil angels - as religion has said?

A: There is no good or evil. All things are real and to be learned.  Often souls think an evil angel has come. That will be real only if  they choose it to be. In real essence there is no good or evil angels. They are creations to benefit mankind's journey here. They are not controlled by us or by Source. They simply serve.

Continuing Our Angel Conversation

Q:  Okay if you are me and I am you what are we?

A: Do you truly wish an answer?  Think hard before you answer me.

Q: Yes.

A: Everything and everyone is one thing - the pure energy of love. That which  has no beginning and no end. That which has always been.

Q:  Are we saying we are all just one entity?

A:  Yes. There is only one true energy but billions of creations from that one energy. You know from the vision given to you about creation.

Q: Okay, if I am the one and only - then why don't I have all the answers now?

A: You do - but they are only revealed as you seek them.

Q: Okay - then how do I do that and have them become one with me instead of just in my head?

A: They are one with you now. You just don't see it yet.

Q:  How do I let myself see it?

A: CHOOSE TOO..........


Q:  What are angels, Jonathan?

A:  To which are you referring too?

Q: Are there more than one kind?

A:  There are many different angels each who possess a particular job. Some are to comfort, some for journeys, some to guide a soul, and some to help souls cross over to their true self. These are the oldest of all angels for many times they have to be a mixture of all angels in order to get a soul to cross.  Many are held here after death because of their loves. Only a death angel is able to guide them in that place of mind.  It is not easy to get a frightened soul - who has a emotional love here - to let go and leave. Sometimes even the death angel can't accomplish it. For once again free will is in power. An angel is never allowed to over ride that even in death.

Q: So, we always have the last say even in death?

A:  Yes. That is the gift given to all souls. Free will is here to stay. It is to never be over ridden.

Q: Is there an angel for each of our emotions? Or are there angels that have the ability to handle all our emotions?

A: Angels take each soul and aid them in their life journey. Sometimes a soul needs an angel of mercy, sometimes an Angel to handle their anger or hate. If a soul is on a journey and needs an angel to guide them through something - then an angel is there to aid them. They can't manipulate them, only aid their decision.

Q: So how do I know what Angel is with me at any given time?

A: Whatever the need the angel equipped to handle the situation is there. How beautiful is that.....

Q: Who is with me now?

A: I am.

Q: Why - is it my time to leave?

A: No, you have a destiny to accomplish yet.

Q: Then why do I suffer in myself so? Why do I not have peace?

A: Because once again you choose not too. It simply is a choice that each soul has to accept.
As you grow in knowing you will eventually see the path as it is. But you must remember it is a path that is walked daily and daily the knowing within you is revealed. It isn't produced here in any soul instantly. It is something that is revealed much like opening a wrapped.present. The knowing is what you are. It is only revealed to each soul at their own pace. It has to be that way for otherwise it would take precedence over one's free will. You are learning day by day child. You will soon see more than you could imagine take place within you and without you. Do not fear these comings. They are to be. For you will grow by leaps and bounds within if you accept these revelations. I will be here to help any time you desire.

Q:  But I thought you were only a Death Angel?

A: I am a great deal more child as you shall soon see.

Q: What are you really?

A: I am you in all your pure energy. The one you truly are child.

Friday, December 9, 2011

How Long?

Q: How long does it take a soul to learn a lesson here? Seems like I keep repeating the same ones over and over.

A: How long it takes is up to each soul. They must be willing to live in the experience and accept what it is, love it and then walk on down their path.

Q: Are you saying if I were in an abusive lesson I would have to accept it?  I don't think so.

A: No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is simply this: If one is in (let's continue your example) an abusive relationship, one does not have to accept the abuse. What they must do is learn from it. They must make the connection as to why they chose to be in it. Then they must love themselves and walk forward - letting the past go. One can't hold on to the past. If one does it will simply control you.

Q:  Sometimes the past is hard to let go of.

A: Yes, you humans on this dimension do seem to have that problem a lot,  because of the control one's ego has here I suppose. The ego tends to enjoy holding onto anger or pain.

Q:  Is this George?

A:  No David.

Q:  I didn't think so. You sound different.

A: Yes, I do seem to have a bit of air about me. I was English in my last life path.

Q:  Do guides actually remember their other life paths?

A: Oh my yes. We have all of the energy from our current and former paths. They do not control us as your emotions seem to do you.

Q: Yes, I seem to have a lot of that in my path - especially lately. When do I grow up.....

A: When you simply decide you have had enough and choose to, my dear.

Q:  It's not that easy.

A: No, it is quite difficult. But, one can accomplish it if they put their mind and heart to it. That's the secret. One must be totally one with the decision of choice.

Q: Where is George?

A:  Of in the wild blue yonder at the moment. He does like to travel a lot.

Q: I haven't talked with any of you in a while. Been experiencing quite heavily, and I am tired.

A: This will all pass my dear and you will see the sun again. Take heart and mark my words.