Sunday, December 25, 2011

Our Words Spoke

Q: A while back you told me to be careful of my words. You said every energy I send out comes back to me.  Today I learned that in a huge way. A person had told their ex-wife they would all be better off if she would just die.  He  - died this week.  It is a sad thing, but are our words that heavy?

A: That young man desired it in his heart.  Words spoken are not to be taken lightly. For all energy we put out comes back to us, even to those of us in our dimension. No one is exempt. Yes, the words you speak can often have consequences and can even be dangerous. So as I have said before be careful what you say or wish.

 Q: Can my words truly have such power in my life journey? Can I truly wish something and it happens?

A:  Many times you have asked for something and it has comes to pass. Words are powerful things. You need to be aware - often in the heat of a moment - the heart may desire something and it will come to pass. Later the soul may regret, but often it is too late to heal the damage.

Q:  I find it awfully hard to believe I can say something mean and it could happen.

A: Words are pure energy, and if you add the desire of the heart with them - it brings the desired action into play. So, as I have often warned you be careful what you say or what you wish for.

Q: I find this very hard to see, for I have often said things and they have never come forth into existence. In this instance the young man wished for his ex-wife to die - but it was he who passed.

A: Words spoken in anger, sadness, or desire where the heart is in full gear - produces the action. Remember the consequence doesn't always respond in the way we want it to.  Words carry their own force.

Q: So why haven't the words I have spoken come forth?

A: Because your soul and ego were not in agreement.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Questions Again

Q:  I have been reading a book Dewain gave me called, "Messages From Michael." I know you asked me not to read anything but I was curious as to what was said in the book written in 1979.  As I begun reading it I was amazed at the similarities between what you have said to me and what Michael said. I have been writing these things since 2004 long before this book came into my hands. So all of you are saying the same things only using different terminology.

A:  Yes, we all say similar things depending on the capabilities of the Soul we channel in.

Q: So, I am channeling?

A: In a way, yes, but upon your initial request you raised to a higher frequency in order to get full conversations instead of bits and pieces. It is a hard thing to do for both of us.

Q: In the book, Michael says we are both positive and negative. You told me a long time ago we were much like a magnet.  You also told me it took both to create our existence. If we need both sides in order to be able to function here are we the same once we have left this dimension?

A: Yes, the only difference is you will be once again united into your one energy - your true self. There will no longer be any veil between the counterparts, the soul and ego.  Once a soul becomes its original self it will be a lot easier for the soul to truly function as agape love. The reason one is here on this 3rd dimension is to learn emotions.  For  the only way a soul gains access to the higher dimensions is through growing in agape love. One can only learn   -  as each emotion is felt and learned. One can never grow enough. It is a continual growth in which one learns what each emotion is and what is it's true purpose.  Each emotion is there for a specific reason. For each emotion leads a soul to higher planes. It is really a beautiful journey. 

Q: How can each emotion teach me?

A: Easily. The soul and ego respond to each emotion as a unit, despite the veil here. Remember they are truly one energy. They can never truly be separated from each other. If that were possible the soul would cease to exist. That is forbidden. For each soul continues on their journey of learning.  It is a fascinating journey in which each counterpart is allowed to experience itself.

Q: What does that mean, George?

A:  As each experience happens to the soul it is upon request which side ( the soul or the ego) will experience a certain emotion.

Q: Wait just a minute here, George, you said the ego is the one experiencing this path here.

A:  Child, you limit yourself so greatly. The things spoken to you are just the beginning of your existence here and where we are. The true meaning of life will come as your eyes open to what you are within. 

Q: Who is speaking now? Its not George.

A: It is I, Harold. The things imparted thus far to you are just the beginning for you. We couldn't just dump the whole journey on you. It would have freaked you out totally. When one is born it takes a while to learn to walk, does it not?

Q: Yes.

A:  Then you must realize just how vast this knowledge is.  When we originally said you would write three books, we said the first would be baby language, did we not?

Q: Yes.

A: Could you have grasped the things we are beginning to say now - then?

Q:  Hell no - it would have scared the hell out of me.

A: As I have stated, child, we are going at the pace you can handle. We began by explaining the magnet theory to you. Because of your limited vocabulary we have started where your mind could grasp it.

Q: There it is again - my stupid lack of education. I can thank my folks for that one.

A: They followed their appointed journey. Do not be angry at them.
What you are embarking on is way beyond your earthly capabilities here, but it is mere drop in the bucket of who you really are. We chose to accomplish it this way so you could do it here. If you had become a highly education soul - you would not be able to write these things. Your mind would prevent it.  So be very grateful it turned out this way for you. In the long run you will be greatly surprise at all of the things imparted to you. I should say - the things within you that will be revealed. We have just begun child. The things opening up within you will shock you and at times even make you wary of it. Do not fear. It is to be.

Q: If I am suppose to impart all of this why in hell does it remain in a box or on a disk?  Why do I have to have so little time to spend with it? How will it ever be accomplished in the few years I have left on this plane?

A: Child - your mind is so limited to this physical plane. You can not see beyond yourself can you?

Q: What the hell is that suppose to mean - that I'm bad or something? Or stupid?  Come on - at least give me credit for at least listening to you guys.

A:  Child I meant no disrespect. What I meant is this - you can not grasp - that all of this is an amazing feat for you to accomplish here. Your energy is not anywhere it used to be. It has grown but yet you still doubt yourself and us.

Q: How many do you know here that can talk to the other side Harold? People will think I am a nut case.

A: There are hundreds of souls here that have a specific journey to travel. Many see what you see and some even more. Each soul travels at their own pace. The difference is - you have a journey to complete - a journey needed for each soul to learn truth in a simple way - so they may be able to grasp it. As the journey progresses the knowledge revealed will increase the knowing of each soul.

Q: So - how about continuing the subject of us - as a magnet.

A:  A magnet must contain both the positive side and negative side. The energy from each side will merge and allow the energy to flow back and forth. This creates static. That static is electrical energy that produces current. That current will embark on its designated journey.  That is how each soul here walks this life path - thought the electrical current forged in and out of each physical body. Because this type of body is needed here to walk. We on the other hand are an energy force in perfect balance. We do not need a physical body where we exist. The physical body was needed here to simulate this path. Without it - the path to journey would not seem real to each soul.

Q: What causes the energy?

A: The source of all things, child. Each soul is given energy spurts from the mail core of energy. It is all connected. All things are one. The energy flows from one to another. This way all things remain a part of the whole. Do not fear this knowledge, child for it is needed for you to continue your path.

Q: I'm not afraid at all, Harold. I just have problems realizing the whole thing as one. A part of me grasps it, a part of me is confused about it. I don't understand why.

Q: It is the original path you walk down child. It will take time for any soul to grasp just what all of this means. When each soul comes here to journey, their ego is veiled. This is so each emotion is felt in whole. But, because of the veil the true nature of all things is hidden. Your being here tends to resist the knowing because it makes this journey become unreal and the ego doesn't want to feel this is a journey or a drama or play. It wants it to be real because it likes the full range of emotional drama within it.  That is suppose to be the way it is, so each emotion is reached in its fullness. That is the only way a soul will really grasp the true meaning of love without attachments - agape love. For only in that realization can the soul merge higher in knowing.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Avoiding My Question

Q: Well, George - I think you avoided my question. Am I to worry about our country? About our freedom?

A: No, do not worry. Many things will change in your world. Both in your political system, society and in the religious world. Many are becoming disillusioned with the way things are and will revolt. The country has run too long on selfishness and it will have to balance out.  That is not to say things won't stay similar to how the are at present but people will not longer just follow along. There will be questions asked of the people in power and even some removed by the people.  It is due.  The higher powers of this world will see the people will no longer swallow all they say.

Q:  So, what do I do?

A:  Nothing. Just go on as regular and trust the Universe to lead you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What About All the Politics Going On - Should We Fear as they say?

Q;  What about all the politics going on - should we fear as they say?

A: Fear is yours if you accept it. What is to be is needed in your world. So many have been led astray from the truth within all mankind. Religion has controlled man so long that man no longer knows freedom or freedom of thought. Society also hinders freedom.

Q: There is a part of me that becomes fearful of the future. I'm not sure just why. I haven't followed these things for so long. I just trust I will find the right path for me. So why do I tend to fear occasionally?

A:  The old teachings of your past tend to separate the truth from within your mind. Do not fear anything. You will know the right path and will follow the life path you chose.

Q: Will things become so bad, freedom lost and starvation as they say?

A;  Life must be brought back into balance. Each soul must once again see their own path. Too many have forgot to seek their own path and have followed society, religion and loves instead of seeking their true nature.  Only love can once again heal this dimension. Let your love grow and forget the pains of the past.  Man will return to their true self  again. It will be good.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Will I Ever Feel One With All Things?

Q:  George, will I ever feel one with all things while here on this dimension?  I realize we can't feel 100% of spirit 24-7, but can I not at least loose all feelings of duality?  Why do I struggle with it so?

A: Part of it is due to your upbringing in a strong religious atmosphere.  Part is you fear of loosing you as you know you now. Any soul fears if they feel one with all things the will loose themselves. Yet, in reality you will only loose your fear, but you will become a much stronger soul.

Q: A part of me knows this and wants it but another part of me worries about denying all I was brought up to believe.  Why is it so hard to lay down the past?

A: Because where you are gives you security - at least you think it does, but to recognize your true self as you really are - will truly bring strength, security and peace to you.

Q: Then why don't I accept it and not waver back and forth at times?

A:  All waver until they loose their fear of the unknown.

Do Angels Appear In Human Form?

Q: Do angels ever come in the form of an earthly human to perform a task?

A:  Many angels are here doing that as we speak.

Q: Do we ever find out they are?

A: If the angel desires to open your eyes they can. The soul must be willing to receive it.

Q: Why do they take a human form?

A: To perform a task here where the human body is needed to do the task.

Q:  Can I see one?

A: You have many times you just didn't know it at the time.

Q:  Give me an example please.

A: The night you got to Lafayette, LA and needed the path to your destiny. You were guided to the area you were trying to find. You had no fear of the unknown and were at peace. You were aided by an angel. Usually you fear driving in unknown areas at night.

Q: So that is why I was not afraid there?

A: Yes. You had an angel guiding you on your path. Later you amazed at how at peace you were there. Am I not right?

Q: Yes, that did amaze me.

A: That is one of the things angels have aided you in.
Angels are created to aid souls. They have never been human and although aware of all human emotions they are not controlled by them.  Their creation was for the benefit of all souls on all dimensions.

Q: Are there good and evil angels - as religion has said?

A: There is no good or evil. All things are real and to be learned.  Often souls think an evil angel has come. That will be real only if  they choose it to be. In real essence there is no good or evil angels. They are creations to benefit mankind's journey here. They are not controlled by us or by Source. They simply serve.

Continuing Our Angel Conversation

Q:  Okay if you are me and I am you what are we?

A: Do you truly wish an answer?  Think hard before you answer me.

Q: Yes.

A: Everything and everyone is one thing - the pure energy of love. That which  has no beginning and no end. That which has always been.

Q:  Are we saying we are all just one entity?

A:  Yes. There is only one true energy but billions of creations from that one energy. You know from the vision given to you about creation.

Q: Okay, if I am the one and only - then why don't I have all the answers now?

A: You do - but they are only revealed as you seek them.

Q: Okay - then how do I do that and have them become one with me instead of just in my head?

A: They are one with you now. You just don't see it yet.

Q:  How do I let myself see it?

A: CHOOSE TOO..........


Q:  What are angels, Jonathan?

A:  To which are you referring too?

Q: Are there more than one kind?

A:  There are many different angels each who possess a particular job. Some are to comfort, some for journeys, some to guide a soul, and some to help souls cross over to their true self. These are the oldest of all angels for many times they have to be a mixture of all angels in order to get a soul to cross.  Many are held here after death because of their loves. Only a death angel is able to guide them in that place of mind.  It is not easy to get a frightened soul - who has a emotional love here - to let go and leave. Sometimes even the death angel can't accomplish it. For once again free will is in power. An angel is never allowed to over ride that even in death.

Q: So, we always have the last say even in death?

A:  Yes. That is the gift given to all souls. Free will is here to stay. It is to never be over ridden.

Q: Is there an angel for each of our emotions? Or are there angels that have the ability to handle all our emotions?

A: Angels take each soul and aid them in their life journey. Sometimes a soul needs an angel of mercy, sometimes an Angel to handle their anger or hate. If a soul is on a journey and needs an angel to guide them through something - then an angel is there to aid them. They can't manipulate them, only aid their decision.

Q: So how do I know what Angel is with me at any given time?

A: Whatever the need the angel equipped to handle the situation is there. How beautiful is that.....

Q: Who is with me now?

A: I am.

Q: Why - is it my time to leave?

A: No, you have a destiny to accomplish yet.

Q: Then why do I suffer in myself so? Why do I not have peace?

A: Because once again you choose not too. It simply is a choice that each soul has to accept.
As you grow in knowing you will eventually see the path as it is. But you must remember it is a path that is walked daily and daily the knowing within you is revealed. It isn't produced here in any soul instantly. It is something that is revealed much like opening a wrapped.present. The knowing is what you are. It is only revealed to each soul at their own pace. It has to be that way for otherwise it would take precedence over one's free will. You are learning day by day child. You will soon see more than you could imagine take place within you and without you. Do not fear these comings. They are to be. For you will grow by leaps and bounds within if you accept these revelations. I will be here to help any time you desire.

Q:  But I thought you were only a Death Angel?

A: I am a great deal more child as you shall soon see.

Q: What are you really?

A: I am you in all your pure energy. The one you truly are child.

Friday, December 9, 2011

How Long?

Q: How long does it take a soul to learn a lesson here? Seems like I keep repeating the same ones over and over.

A: How long it takes is up to each soul. They must be willing to live in the experience and accept what it is, love it and then walk on down their path.

Q: Are you saying if I were in an abusive lesson I would have to accept it?  I don't think so.

A: No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is simply this: If one is in (let's continue your example) an abusive relationship, one does not have to accept the abuse. What they must do is learn from it. They must make the connection as to why they chose to be in it. Then they must love themselves and walk forward - letting the past go. One can't hold on to the past. If one does it will simply control you.

Q:  Sometimes the past is hard to let go of.

A: Yes, you humans on this dimension do seem to have that problem a lot,  because of the control one's ego has here I suppose. The ego tends to enjoy holding onto anger or pain.

Q:  Is this George?

A:  No David.

Q:  I didn't think so. You sound different.

A: Yes, I do seem to have a bit of air about me. I was English in my last life path.

Q:  Do guides actually remember their other life paths?

A: Oh my yes. We have all of the energy from our current and former paths. They do not control us as your emotions seem to do you.

Q: Yes, I seem to have a lot of that in my path - especially lately. When do I grow up.....

A: When you simply decide you have had enough and choose to, my dear.

Q:  It's not that easy.

A: No, it is quite difficult. But, one can accomplish it if they put their mind and heart to it. That's the secret. One must be totally one with the decision of choice.

Q: Where is George?

A:  Of in the wild blue yonder at the moment. He does like to travel a lot.

Q: I haven't talked with any of you in a while. Been experiencing quite heavily, and I am tired.

A: This will all pass my dear and you will see the sun again. Take heart and mark my words.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Tell Me Why?

Q: Tell me why animals (each with their own soul) would come here to experience abuse from humans? I don't understand why you tell me they are the oldest of souls - yet - they come here to face horrors? Why? What do they get out of it?

A:  Every Soul's desire is to experience higher dimensions of love and humility. They only way a soul does that is to experience even greater perils here on this dimension.

Q: But I can't stand to see animals mistreated. When it is freezing cold and I go by cattle on a field I cry. I tell them I am so sorry they are cold.  I just don't see it George.

A: When a Soul desires to move up into a higher dimension more is required of them. It is not simply asking for a raise. It is deserving it through trials and learning.  Love can only be realized when a Soul has learned the opposite of love.  If it were an easy ride we would all just go there and bypass all the learning - would we not?

Q: You bet your life we would. No one likes hardships.

A: You have had your share - Have you not?

Q: More than I can say.

A: But, what have you learned about love? It has a deeper meaning to you now.

Q: In some ways yes it does, George, but in others it makes me so tired emotionally.

A: No one ever said learning would be easy, Luv. It is one of the hardest things Souls face. For a soul to understand the fruits of the Spirit - they must first learn the opposite.  The Ego's job here is to teach you just that.

Q: Does the Ego know this?

A: It did - but it is veiled from that knowledge here so one might walk their path freely.

Q: So when do I get a reprieve?

A: When you choose not to know dwell on the hardships and learn.

Q: How do I do that?

A: Accept your path of learning and learn.

Q: Peachy - just peachy, George. It isn't easy.

A: NO one ever said it was just for the strong.  It is to teach you the opposite of what love is so you can appreciate the truth when your Ego finally sees again......

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Does Loving Mean?

Q: I have begun to ponder on what, "to love," really means, George. In this dimension we find all sorts of definitions of what it means when we say I love you.  Some carry a sexual connotation, some carry attachments. What is love?

A: Love is simply allowing freedom to all things.  It isn't easy to do that the way your world is. You add each soul's ego to that setting and bingo you have a mess. Love is misconstrued here in many ways. If I say I love you but that statement carries with it my ideas or expectations of what I desire from you - then that simply is not love. Love is free. It carries nothing with it.

Q: How do I learn to truly love then? Can I while on this dimension?

A: All souls control their path here and across the dimensions. No one can make another what they want them to be. Some try, but that only brings hate.  When each soul comes to the realization  - that each soul comes here to walk their own path in the way they desire too, one looses the duality thinking for a time.  But because the Ego likes to control things it fights and tries to renew duality in you. The only way to beat it - is to continually meditate within and allow the soul more control. If the soul can balance its counter half the Ego - it can keep duality at bay.

Q: Why is living here in the human form have to be so hard?  Why can't learning be easier?

A:  It can, Luv, through meditation and the acceptance within that there is NO SEPARATION of all things. All things are one energy.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Earthquakes, Floods, What's up?

Q:  Why all the earth shattering floods, earthquakes and stuff? I know I have seen visions of things but why are so many disasters taking place? Are there to be more?

A: The change in the energy will bring about many new changes. Some will reek havoc on the lands and others will be a needed change. Do not fear these changes. They are to be.

Q; Why does changing the energy have to bring so much sadness?

A: These times are not to be thought of as sadness but a new awaking of spirit.  The new energy will bring many changes to each soul's ability to understand who and what they are. Each soul will journey to a new knowing of love and forgiveness. It truly will be a new dawning.

Q: Why does it take so much suffering to advance in spirit?

A: There has always been the good and the bad happenings in every new advance in the energy. It is the way it has always been.

Q: Are you saying there has been more than this changing of the energy?

A: Yes, throughout each lifetime the energy has continued to move forward. This is to bring about a newness to each soul's spirit. In the past changing of the energy the souls left this world before it. This will be the first time souls have remained. It will be a great time of rejoicing.

Q: I'll give you my answer in a

Q: George, all I see at this time is so much suffering here. People are homeless, hungry, losing loved ones and finding no peace. If this is what the new energy is bringing I wonder if it is all worth it.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Trying My Patience

Q: Why does our lives seem to just hold in limbo? I want so much more out of my existence here, yet, I seem to just be existing - not living. Is it my fault? The Universes? Source's? What is going on?

A: Every soul's life hangs in the balance at this time. Each soul is deciding whether to stay in their current energy pattern or to move forward into the coming new energy. You are undecided at this moment, Luv. A part of you is angry at everything and everyone for the place you find yourself dwelling in. The other part wishes to move forward into the new energy. You will have to decide what it is you truly desire.

Q: What I want seems to evade me.  So - George - you got any suggestions?

A:  Luv, temporal things will soon pass. Spirit lives on.  But - you have to decide that for yourself.

Q: George, do we have to always live through hell to learn a lesson?  Can't we sometimes learn an easier way?

A:  How would one truly learn if the emotions weren't tasked?  That is how the Ego learns. You want things to be easy and rosy. Sometimes they are. Sometimes they are not. The things you have gone through and felt deeply within your emotions will pass and the things you desire to be will come in their time. You need to be patient.

A: Child, have you not seen the true nature of love? Have you not felt my love before? Why do you doubt it?  This all will pass and you will have your desires. Do not doubt my words.

Q:  I am so tired I find it hard to believe in anything anymore. I hate the path I am on and I hate seeing my children suffering. Why can't I have what I ask? Is it so wrong to long for some peace in our lives?  Do we have to keep living in all this sadness? Can you not care a little more?

A: I do care. You must be patient. All will come at the appointed time for you and your children. But you must allow - doubt in me -  to leave.

Q:  All I want is to have my own home, quit my job and work on my books and my quilts. I want to see some good things come to my children and my friends. Is that so wrong?  Is wanting my own home wrong?

A: That too shall come in its appointed time child. Rest in my promise.

Q: I would love too but I am so tired emotionally I find it hard to believe in anything anymore. Eleven hour days are wearing my body down. The unrest in my existence is wearing me down and the fact nothing is coming of my books is frustrating. I feel like I am writing for not.  What's going on?  I can't seem to write anything good any more and I don't feel the power I once did, not since leaving Dripping Springs. So what in the hell am I suppose to be doing - working in a job I hate till I drop dead. What's up anymore?

A:  Child, you must believe in my love for you. Why must you always doubt it.

Q:  Every time I receive a little happiness in my life - I loose it. Its like I'm not suppose to have any. Tell me why is it so wrong to want to enjoy one's life here? Or is it just that I am not suppose too?

A:  You enjoy what you choose to enjoy child. One does not have to suffer emotionally unless that is the path they choose.

Q: Okay - so now it is my fault I live in this hell. I don't think so. All I want is to be able to once in a while have some fun, not have to constantly try to figure out how in the hell I am going to be able to pay my bills, or fix my teeth or see my children smiling.  Life sucks right now and I am tired. Can you not at least ask the Universe to bless my children, give them peace and some success and fun in their lives?

A:  That is all coming in its time.

Q:  They need work. They need to be able to pay their bills and buy food.  That doesn't even count the fact - they long to be able to work at the things they love - not what they have too. There are so many souls here able to have that. Why not my family?  Is it if one follows spirit - one has to remain poor and sad all of the time. I guess you  can tell I am very angry at this moment. I don't think I should have to suffer this way. I think it is wrong for so many to be suffering. Is that all there is here - suffering?  Why can't there be blessings and plenty for all?  I am beginning to hate this world.  So is this how I am to write the books I was told I was to write. I am beginning to think I am crazy and that I am just writing down what my mind thinks only.  You say - trust. Man - I don't even know what that means any more. All I am inside is bitter and angry.  I have no right to say or write anything anymore. Maybe it is time my path was ended and someone else carries the torch for the books.  I am no longer fit to write anything. I am exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally and I have not in me to believe in love.

A:  Child, I see your feelings and understand, but you must continue your path. No one is pure of heart. No one is spiritually superior. All falter and waver at times. This is one of your times. It too shall pass. The things you desire will come.

Q: Not before I loose what I want.

A:  Is this because of that home you desire?

Q: That and the suffering of my family.  I saw the sadness in my brothers face.  If we had still had our business I could have helped him, but we lost that too.  It was suppose to bless everyone - instead it left us in hell. Why?  Was it so wrong to want it to bless our family and our friends?  What in the hell is going on. I am so sad of heart, frustrated and now more than ever - angry. Maybe I should just leave this place.  I am so tired of all this sadness.  I can't bear anymore. I am too tired. I am too angry. And I don't even believe I am truly loved anymore.  It all sucks to me.

A: I see you are very tired and I see the anger starting in you. I understand all of this but if you still had your past life - you would not have continued the books or seeking me.

Q: Yeah - that's not true. When things were easier on us and our family - I wrote much more deeper things of spirit. I found more power in me to see things of spirit. Now, I just feel sadness and anger. So how in the hell is this suppose to teach me more of spirit.  Yes, I am so angry I could sit down and scream but then they would probably take me away and lock me up. 

A: Patience is the key child. There is a reason for all of these things happening. For one thing if your business would have continued your husband would not be where he is spiritually and your marriage would have dissolved. Both of you were not seeking the right path.  So remember all things happen for a reason. The path you are both on will bring happiness in time. You will see you were meant to write the books and your husband will see his path clearly too.  It will surprise you both at the joy you will feel.  I can assure you your dreams will all come to pass.

Q:  Everyone is talking about everyone suffering, going hungry and having nothing.  It scares the hell out of me for my family.  I can't help them - we are barely making it.  How I long to just get a haircut once in a while or have my nails done again. These are things I enjoyed for me. They made me feel pretty.  Something I no longer feel.  I just feel frustrated, angry, old and useless. So how am I to ever feel and understand love again?

A:  When you choose to accept things as they are and choose to feel joyous. It is all up to you child.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Feeling Confused

Q;  At this present time I am feeling very confused about the subject of changing one's self.  I know we create our path but how we can change it at will is confusing me.

A:  Each soul comes here to experience certain lessons.   How they learn them is up to each person.  To change one's path is simply making the choice.

Q:  Funny George, its not that easy.  You don't just say I'm going to change my path and bam - it changes.  I've tried that so many times only to be disappointed time and time again.  So - how does one change their path?

A:  When a prayer is uttered from one's heart - it is created. The prayer must be believe and accepted in one's heart. It has to be one with you.  Many souls just utter a prayer for change but do not accept it or believe it will be.

Q:  Are we talking about faith here?

A;  Faith is simply believing it will be.  It is such an easy thing to say but unfortunately on this dimension it is more often impossible for the ego to believe. The Ego is handicapped when it comes to faith. Again faith is a knowing it will be. The ego suffers from doubt and confusion. The soul on the other hand just knows it will be. One must merge the soul and ego to produce the change. It isn't easy. It must become a true belief that what you want will come.  There have been times in your past when you ask for a change and it happened. There are other times when it did not.  The different is belief.  You may call it faith but is is simply accepting the fact the reality will take place in your life.

Q:  So - does meditation help?

A:   Meditation helps anything in your walk but it does not create the change.  It is the acceptance within you that produces the change.

Q:  So - how do I do it?

A: Simply believe it will be and accept it in your heart.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Q;  Just a few posts back we were talking about thought as the creation of all things.  Please explain.

A:  Child, this is Shambia. Thought is you and is also all things.  When the creation of all things began - it was born from thought.  Thought creates life. It creates movement. It creates knowledge. It is the jest of all there is.  Without it - nothing would exist in this world or in any other Universe. You say - are there other worlds. There are millions of other worlds - each existing the same way - through thought creation.  Thoughts are energy in action. 

Q:  How?

A:  Energy created all things.  Creation is a binding together of all thoughts into a centered oneness.  It will never be separate - energy is from one source - love.  Love is the life of all things. That one energy is simply - the creation of thought.  Thought produces what one desires. If one desires something with all their might - it happens.  There have been things in your path in which your whole being longed for. Did it not happen?  Your thoughts - your desire - are what created that.

Q:  Why doesn't it still happen in my path?

A: A true thought is from the center of your being.  It comes without doubt. 

Q:  Well, I have thoughts but they do not materialize. Why?

A:  A true thought is one in which there is a knowing within that it will be. If one doubts - it will not be.

Q:  Okay - how do I produce a true thought?

A:  One does not produce it - it comes from within. It is a desire to have or be. It is as you love.  If you ask for something that is not a true thought - it will not happen. A true thought is a knowing within it will be as you have created within.

Q: How do I do that?

A:  Be the thought.

Q: You wanta explain that a little more?

A:  A true thought is simply - you - within - desiring it to be. It is not produced - it lives within.

Q: Okay - I'm simply not getting what you are saying.  How can I simply have a thought coming from within that I have not produced? Isn't my mind creating it?

A: A true thought is a desire - to have or be. It is not doubted or produce. It is and lives and becomes real.

Q: I guess this is too deep for my brain to understand.  If I think any thought isn't that true?

A:  A true thought is created by your love within,  child.  A true thought is what your heart truly desires. It comes and is created from love.

Q: Okay - then how do I find that place within me to produce my desires?

A:  You don't find it. It finds you child when the time for it to be comes.


Q:  George, why is their war?  We war in society, we war in our spirit, we war in our ego.  Seems to me all we do is war. Why?

A: The human spirit or ego - if you wish it that way -  is always wanting to obtain what it desires whether it is in society, our spirit or our ego.  It is always due to some form of desire.  War happens to obtain things, land, rule, or dominion. It isn't a pleasant thing for either side. It causes much grief to all those involved. Often it produces just the opposite of what the whole war started out for.  It is sad. We guides hate to see war happen in any given situation but it often is the best teacher - especially when it is a war within one.  Often a war in our spirit or ego will bring the soul into a new discovery of spirit and of themselves.  So sometimes war can be good.  If one wars, (lets say for example,) in their ego over the desire to gamble or not gamble.  The soul is in agony within fighting the desire to do it and suffering the guilt of what it will bring to them and those they love.  The war will eventually end when the ego chooses which direction it will go, but the natural consequences of their choice will start.  For the soul addicted to gambling it is often the one that will bring the most sorrow.  Often they will loose a great deal if not all they have. Those around them will suffer too, eventually that soul will finally come to the end of their struggle and choose to change. It is a hard and lonely road they will travel to get out of the addiction. Its the same with any addiction - no matter the love. Addiction is strictly a love.  The love is very strong and the desire to maintain that love even stronger. A soul can be addicted to any love.  Often we think of - a love - as a person, house, or car - as the real love. 
Loves can be anything.  Loves can be a desire to rule - to dominate, food, clothes, anger, jealousy, knowledge, sex, hatred, well you get my drift. It is anything we desire more than anything else.  It controls our thinking, our path's direction. It is what we become - as we seek after our love. If our love is to follow within the oneness of love then we find our path riddled with havoc.  For we can only truly learn to love as we suffer within the dying of our duality.  Duality produces separation. Love produces oneness.  So love can only be when we learn there is no such thing as separation. The only way to learn that  - is to allow the soul and ego to merge.  Believe me when I say - that will produce a war within you! The ego is not one to want the soul to have any say in our path.  It will fight to the end to maintain its dominance.  The soul on the other hand will simply love the ego as it is and allow it to have its way.  It wants peace - not war.  The ego desires the war.  It relishes the power and command.  Now you are thinking why have an ego.  It is bad. 
No, it is not.  The ego produces the journey for each soul to obtain knowledge of enlightenment. Without it we would not learn. It is a very necessary thing.  For only in the war can one learn what love is.

Q:  Why can't we just be born with the knowledge?  Why do we have to fight for it?

A:  If one is given everything does that one truly appreciate it?  No - one will simply take it for granted.  To realize what love is - one must take the path of true learning.  They must allow each experience to come forth in order for the lesson to be learned. Each experience walked - teaches that soul who and what they are. One can not change until one truly learns that.  If I state - all souls are one - with your mind dwelling in duality - would you grasp the true meaning of the word - oneness?  No - you simply would not.  For one will only learn it as the ego allows its counterpart the soul to merge with it and open up the truth that dwells within.  The light within  - given at that moment  - will begin the path to the knowledge of what it means when I speak of - oneness.  This is a journey all souls must take and continue to take. Even we guides continue to grow in enlightenment.  The only difference is we see the - why.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Unconditional Love

Q: Today I was writing on Facebook about unconditional love.  I made the comment to obtain it we had to let all boxes go.  You stopped me and said,"You are unconditional love. You don't obtain it." That was an eye opener for me.  I have always thought I had to work towards it.

A:  No soul has to work for it.  It is already what they are.  One can't get something if they already have it.   For all souls were born of it.  It is something you can never change - no matter how hard you try by seeking to get it through your works.  It never comes by trying to get it.  It simply is.  It is you.  Rest in that child.

Q: Okay - where is George and who is this speaking?

A:  George is right here.  We have been in a deep discussion.  It has been good.  I am Shambia.  Your peace is on a low level child.  You have to quit fighting yourself.  Rest in who and what you are.

Q: I am so confused as to why things have been so hard for us and why it is so hard for me to let go of all the old thoughts on Spirit.  I think I have - then something pops up I had no idea I felt that way.  Why?  Why doesn't it just all go?

A"  It goes as you allow it too.  Remember child - free will is paramount in this universe of enlightenment. It will never be overridden. It is pure love and that can not ever be forsaken or changed or given up.  You can not give up what you are or who you are. It is simply the fact of life for all.  For all are one.

Q:  Do you still suffer with these kind of things?

A: Once a soul crosses over and rejoins their ego and soul - that sort of thing lessens within you.  Its not to say you don't still have to lay down thoughts.  For one never gets over thoughts. Thoughts make everything exist.  It creates us and is us.  Thoughts are pure love energy coming from within each soul to establish within them a monarchy of love. It grounds us.  It builds us and it can even destroy one.  It is a deeping existence of enlightenment within each soul.  One can not hide or forsake thought.  It is forever one with all things.  That is how this whole universe is born - through thought.  Thought creates life.

Q: Whoa - it is all thought reaction?

A: Yes, child. Everything is born of thought.  It is good - no matter which way one's thought goes. For one simply learns either way.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Love....Why Is It So Hard?

Q:  George, why is love so hard to accomplish in us?  We talk about it, think we know what it is - then something takes place and wham - love is no where to be found.  Why is that so?

A:  To truly love is hard because to truly love is to lay down your Ego and your Ego will never go quietly.  Here with the Ego in the ruling position - it will not allow love to become the center of each soul.  If it did it would no longer be in the driver's seat.  But, remember all came here to experience all emotions.  This is only accomplished through the Ego - who is your emotional side.  It isn't bad - its just how it was meant to be here.  As you become more aware of your soul's ability to truly love - you become more loving. But love must start at the act of loving one's self.  That is hard to do as society, parents, churches and people who influence us - teach us guilt.  Guilt takes away love.  It teaches one to judge. The judging starts within one's self first then radiates out to others.  This is how each soul's journey begins here. One simply has to reach out to their soul and grasp love.  It is so good to feel that pure love radiate within one.  You have experienced it many times.

Q: Yes, but I get discouraged because it doesn't seem to stay long.  I find my faith in love falters and then I feel bad.

A: Does not every one's love falter, child?  Can one truly understand love if one is divided within one's self?  No. For love is only learned as your soul and ego merge - reminding them both what they are and where they came from.

Q:  Who answered me this time?

A: It is I Shambia, child.  Do you not feel the love I am merging you in at this time?

Q: Yes.

A: Then accept my love and let it heal you.  For there is much division within you.  You fight your work.  you doubt it.  Yet, it is as breathing within you. You try to lay it down - but you can't. It is merging with you and you feel it, despite the fact you want to deny it at times.  That is okay child. It is slowly taking you over and you will see just why and how you are truly loved.  Can you not feel it?

Q: Yes. But I feel so unworthy of it.

A:  All are worthy of love - for that is where you were created. As you progress in your path (as all others also progress) you will see what love is and also what you are - love within love.  It is so marvelous to feel. Is it not?

Q: Yes, I feel it now, but why can't I keep it?

A: If you kept the true feeling of love 100% of the time - why would you continue to journey and learn and grow?

Q: I guess I see your point but I just wish I could grasp what love really is and hold onto it forever.

A: That is to come child for every being of light. For all will return to what they are.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

When Will The Sadness End?

Q:  When does our break come?  Dewain states I am the one controlling my destiny. I make the rules and choose it all.  Yet, I find that too difficult to understand.  Please explain.

A; This path is one of your choosing, Luv.  You came to do a job and that job has required a great deal from you.  The trials you have experienced have transformed you into this being of light.  This is all appointed within you.  Sometimes circumstance arise in one's path to slightly alter one's path.  This is good but can often bring about much travail within one.  Do not fear this path, embrace it and choose to follow the mark for which you came.

Q: I am tired and I feel forsaken in so many ways.

A: Luv, no soul is ever forsaken.  The reason you feel that way is due to your Ego making you feel it.  Do not heed what it says to your mind.  Go within to your inner light and seek the peace there. It will aid you greatly.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Moving Again

Q: Today we will be looking at a rental. The thought of moving just about makes me cry. I was so sure when we moved again I would be moving into my own home. But, I guess that isn't to be.  It makes me very sad, George.

A:  Yes, Luv, I know. But remember all things work together for good. There is a reason this is to be.  Rest in that.

Q:  Yeah - I will eventually have to move again. This will be the 27th time I have moved in our marriage.  I think I am due some TLC. Why doesn't the Universe think that too?

A:  Luv, time changes all things.  You will someday look back on all this and realize this is what has made you into who you are.  The long, rocky roads have shaped you into this being of light.  It is good.

Q:  What being of light?  I certainly do not fit that category.  I am just me, I cry, I struggle, I get angry and I am stubborn as a mule - Bob says......

A: Yes, you are all those things, but so is everyone else.  Do you really think there is one soul out there that is perfect?  No - there is not.  Even when one crosses over into higher energy - they are not. Each soul struggles on their path.  Each soul has an Achilles Heel - weaknesses of the flesh - as they say here.  But, each soul learns from mistakes.  It is good.

Q:  I love the way all of you think everything we experience here is so good. Ha ha.....You wouldn't be so brave if you were in my shoes or any other soul's shoes.  It isn't easy here on us.  I know you see from a different pathway - but it is us - here - experiencing this mess and it is often very hard to deal with.

A:  When you walk this pathway - you walk it with the Ego in the ruling seat.  Your Ego is a very self-centered part of you.  It will fight to get its' way to the end.  Yet, as a soul allows the inner light to come forth the Ego is aware in spurts of who and what it is and looses that bossy attitude at times becoming its' true loving self just as its' counter part the soul.  This path is a progress of learning love.  It ia a path of learning who you truly are.  It is good. For as each soul grows in the knowledge of who and what they are - they move into a higher vibration. Their energy increases in speed and the inner light of knowing comes forth in a greater way.  It is good, Luv.  It is real good.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Does anyone read this blog?

Q: Question to anyone - do you read this blog? 

Changing of the Grids

Q:  Has there ever been another changing of the magnetic grids on this dimension?

A:  Yes - at the beginning of this dimension - the whole world was created for a learning center. Every 12 Centuries the grids must shift to allow each grid to rest to restore itself.  This usually is done without man aboard, note the Ice Age, Noah's Ark flood. These were simply a time of shifting the earth's grids.  It will take place again in time.  That is the way this dimension replenishes itself.  It is different this time because mankind has requested to be allowed to experience this change.  It will be a tough pill to swallow as they say - rocky roads......

Q:  Should I get scared?

A: No - just open up to the inner peace you have - and allow the spiritual changes to come forth within you.

Q:  What if I don't?

A:  Then you will suffer much anxiety I am afraid. But, I have faith in you to believe you will flow with Spirit as usual.

Q:  Glad you have faith in me George.  I find I doubt myself a lot.  Lately I have just wanted to leave.

A:  We know.  Many Spiritual beings have gathered to your side to aid you on this path.  You have a job to do and it is needed.  As you can see many things are being said and many are becoming frightened.  This is not how Source desired this change to be.  It was to be one of joy and much growth for each soul.

Q:  I do not nor have I ever felt worthy of this job.  Why not give this path to another much more willing and able to accomplish it.  I waver too much. Maybe a walk-in could finish this path.

A:  No - it is your chosen and appointed path to follow.  You will do it - despite your doubts in your ability to accomplish it.  Let's see it through together.  You have much help with you.

The New Shift

Q:  George, I watched a video of a young man asking all the Light workers to come forth now to do what they came to do.  I'm not sure what that is, but I didn't like the fear I saw in him.  It was as if he was terrified of the coming shift.  Should we be afraid?

A:  The coming shift is as I have stated many times with you - mainly a spiritual awakening although there will be earthly changes also.  As I have stated the earth's energy is speeding up in order for the changing to be.  It is as I have stated much like the farmer allowing his field to rest so the soil may replenish itself.  The magnetic grids are shifting to allow the twelfth grid to rest.  In this process will come about changes in the earth surface, oceans, and skies.  It will create a different energy on this dimension.  One in which there will be higher energy which will allow the soul to reach higher dimensions in their spirit.  It is good. Do not fear these changes.

Q:  Will the earth still be the same as now - I mean will we know life as we do now?

A:  The earth will be much the same - just the frequency in its vibrations will increase.  In this change will come a greater intuitive ability to know Source, to know each other.

Q:  What about the visions I saw about New York and Hawaii?  Are they to come?

A:  Yes, Little One they will come.  Do not fear for the souls. This is the path they chose to follow.  It is all good.

Q:  I know this is Shambia.  I feel you.  Why did you answer me instead of George?

A:  You have walked away from your inner peace child.  You are allowing fear to come forth.  This is not for you.  You must follow your designated path and allow spirit to flow within you.

Q:  I try, but I am so very tired.  I feel I am writing all of this to store only in a box.  Why has there been no change in that Shambia?  Why do I do this if it just sits in the dust?  Was it just for me to know?

A:  No Little one - the time is not yet arrived for your unveiling.  Be patient - which I know for you is hard.  It will be soon.

Q:  If there is one thing I have learned in all of this Shambia - you guys' soon is a long way off.  haha.....

A:  Not as long off as you think child.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What Is In The Cards of Life For Us

Q;  What is in store for this dimension, George? Will the devastation continue or worsen?

A:  There are many changes coming for this dimension. Many will fair well but some will suffer many things.  Remember the energy is really speeding up, the whole universe is in transient. The things that came naturally to this dimension will be changed and things not seemed natural will become the norm.  As the energy speeds up in even a greater way - the things it will bring about will cause great confusion to scientists.  But, it is all for the greater paths of each soul.  Do not fear these changes.  For in all of this will come a deeper and more  loving awareness of Source within them.  Is that not greater than all other things.  Fear comes when we feel we have lost control of our path.

Q: Gosh this all seems like doom and gloom.  I'm not sure what I think at this time.

A:  No! Not at all.  Many things that come forth will bring about much happiness.  But the speeding up of the energy will produce many new happenings. Some of the happenings will be easy on the Ego - some will of course be harder.  But all will bring about a deeper realization of all things.

Q:  Why do I get the feeling you are beating around the bush with me?  Why don't you just say the facts as they will be?

A:  I am not sure any soul would be able to handle what is to be at this time. You just need to understand that no matter the changes - you will fair well - as will you children. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Q:  Today I talked with a woman, religious, yet, she is unaware of that fact.  She talked about letting enlightenment come into you.  I feel enlightenment - the knowing of all things - is already within each Soul.  We have only to become aware of that fact and allow it to flow. She got upset when I mentioned the Ego.  Why does everyone get so upset when you use the term - EGO? Is that not half of who we are? Is that not what rules as we walk this path here? 

A:  No one wants to hear the term Ego because it makes them admit they were in control of their path.  It is much easier to blame our mistakes on whatever we choose too.  No one wants to admit a harmful decision we have made has been our doing.  Using the term Ego puts our walk on us.  Using the: world, flesh, satan, addiction, weaknesses -  terminology blames something beside ourselves.  It is hard for any of us to realize the truth  -  it is us - that is in control.  Nothing else.  If we choose to drink our self too death - that is our choice.  If we choose to gamble away our savings - it is our choice. If we choose to be unfaithful - it is our choice.  We and we alone make our decisions. No one or thing makes us steer away from acts of love but our self. That is a hard pill for each Soul to swallow.  Religion and society blames it all on something else, Satan, weakness, addictions, and so forth.  The whole truth is we choose to accept that path. Then we experience the natural consequences of that choice.  It is often very sad and hard to admit that to ourselves or to others.

Q:  But people just can't handle when I use Ego.  Is that not one half of our whole being?

A:  Yes, each Soul consists of one half Ego and one half Soul.  When they are merged and balanced the Soul is completely whole as it should be. When we cross over and leave this dimension the Soul and Ego become whole again and their natural energy speeds up.  Once again the Ego sees who and what it is.  It rejoices to once again be with its counter half the soul.  It begins to realize the whole truth and is healed from the emotions it has walked through here.  Depending on the path chosen it may take a short time of healing or if it was a tremendously hard path - a lot of time to heal. But, once the energy of the soul is balanced again - their true nature will come forth.  That is a time of rejoicing for all.

Q:  When a Soul passes (crosses over) do they feel the imbalance of their energy at first?

A: Yes, that is often why they stay in this dimension for a time.  They are still wavering in their energy.  That is why many loved ones will come to greet them and aid in their crossing.

Q: Why do so many souls crossed over come to me? What can I do?

A:  Many times they are stunned and can't realize what has happened.  A Soul that can see or hear them is a welcome sight.  It's comforting to them.  Just try to help them cross on over.

Q:  There are so many questions to this death thing that still puzzles me, George.  Maybe I need to talk some more with Jonathan sometime.

A:  All you have to do is ask of him. He will give.  It is an honor to serve any Soul and aid them on their pathway.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Q; Why, George all the hell here?

A:  The energy is changing.  I warned you about it coming a couple of years ago.  I guess you do not heed as quickly as we do.  I forget that sometimes.  As the energy changes - speeding up - the emotions of all souls is accelerated.  What was weird now becomes the norm.  It will worsen, I am afraid.

Q:  Not sure I want to experience this, George.  I am very tired of struggling.

A:  Yes, I know, Luv. Things will lessen up for you sooner than you think.

Q:  The only way for my world to truly change is for me to win a lot of money and be able to live again.  I can not handle being a burden to my children and I hate even beyond that  - seeing my husband hurt as he does.  It is not fair and he does not deserve this. Neither do I for that matter. He saw a house today.  He loved it - but there is no way we can ever afford it.  It was just over $100,000. It hurt me to see him so sad.  He's ego has been =bruised beyond words.  I am getting mad inside - my anger is building up and I am afraid I will blow.  I see so many suffering.  I want to help and I can't.  Why, George? 

A:  It is the energy changing, decisions made and so little sharing anymore.

Q: What does sharing have to do with our conversation right now?  Come on - either talk to me truthfully or lets forget this.

A:  Lets wait until you are less upset, Luv.  It will turn out much better.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Q;  Today I was listening to a talk show on MPR.  A man called in and began to talk about his depression and stated he had tried to take his life before but it had failed.  I could tell he needed to talk to someone.  He needed help.  The guest talk host didn't know what to do so she blew him off.  My heart sank.  I had no way to reach this man to tell him he was loved and life is okay. Why do so many souls have so little time to really listen to someone?  People need to talk sometimes.  They don't need to be brushed off, made fun of, told that's stupid, or get over it. I have suffered with depression at times in my life.  Its not an easy place to get out of.  I know I had to choose to get out of it.  It wasn't easy either.

A: Depression is caused by many things and you are right - it is not an easy place to get out of.  You are one of the lucky ones, child. Many souls can't do that.  This world you trod in has many rules and regulations.  It is expected of all souls to fit into the mold society and religion set forth. Much is expected of each soul.  The sad part is many never realize what love truly is and how freeing it is to realize who and what you are. The soul and ego are both capable of creating peace within each soul, but many times the person will not accept it.;  One simply tries to be who and what they aren't. This produces an unrest within the soul.  They feel a lone and unloved because they can't accept what they are trying to be.  To be different isn't easy in this dimension. Love never separates or makes a soul feel less than another.  It allows each soul to be who they desire to be. It sets no molds to conform to, it never judges or condemns.

Q:  Why do we end up judging and forsaking those that are different?

A:  Because when someone does not fit into the mold society or religion created  - we all fear rejection - so we follow the norm and we reject them too.  It is sad for all.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

It Sure Is Hard

Q:  I find it very difficult to keep from saying something when I see another Soul acting in a hurtful way to another.  Is it okay to do so or should we just remain quiet?

A:  Each Soul has to make their own path.  If you see someone ( for an example) hurting a child - what is your first reaction?

Q:  To knock the hell out of them.  Not much love showing there -  is there?  Guess I haven't achieved perfection in my emotions yet.

A:  That is every one's reaction to abuse.  Abuse comes from someone unable to accept themselves, they have no confidence in themselves or in others.  Usually, they  have been a victim in their past too. 
It is sad - for love never abuses another. But, many think love is a way to control another.  Love never controls or demand or abuses.  It remains free. If it is control - it simply isn't love.

Q:  But, do I stand there and allow the abuser to abuse? 

A:  No, hurting another isn't love.  It is one's attempt to control or it is hurt.  Each soul has to decide for themselves whether they want to continue on their current path or they want to walk in the path of truth and love.  But, each has to decide for them self.

Q:  How do I stop them?  Can I abuse them?  lol

A:  Funny, no stop them with love and if necessary - with the help of others. But love them too. For often they need it more that the abused.

After Talking With People I See

Q:  After talking with different people I am starting to see that, "Fear of Rejection," seems to be the Ego's greatest fear.  Is that why we often hurt others in our quest to pacify our Ego's feelings here?

A:  Often many will, "Straddle the fence," in order to keep from having to confront themselves and others as to how they really feel. The Ego is very powerful here and will often keep one hiding to the real truth within one.  Let's take for example - how many will straddle the spiritual fence because the fear of loosing what or who they love is beyond them.  It is often very hard to come out of the closet and be who you are, especially when it comes to religion.  Religion tends to hold onto one in a very powerful way.  One begins to seek truth, begins to see bits and pieces of it, shares it and all hell breaks loose. Most step back into the mold for peace's sake.

Q:  But, if I continue to hold back, straddle the fence, how will I ever truly see what truth is within me?  Seems like I would be divided.  How can one grow if one holds onto any boxes within us - boxes that seem to us to be the act of love?  For love for others often holds us back from becoming and being what we see and are. Fear of rejection is a bitter pill to swallow for us.

A:  If it is true love - then it will accept what you are.  If it is love wrapped up in dogma or preconceived ideas - then it is not love - but control.

Q:  So how do I grow beyond control?

A:  Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened. If you truly seek truth beyond all other things or people - then that is what you will go after.  For one can not hold truth within them and hold boxes too.  Neither will grow.  One has to be free of all control and dogma.  Often we hurt those we truly love in order to remain on the fence. Truth is simple - it is love and it is free.

Q:  Okay - if I love my brother and he dwells in one area of truth - how do I simply forsake my love for him and seek enlightenment beyond him?

A:  By what you choose.  If you desire the relationship above the truth - then that is what you will reap.  If you desire truth beyond him - then that is what you will reap.  The choice is up to each Soul.  But, love has to be real and remain free or the light of truth will dim. What do you choose Luv?  Relationships or truth?  Only you can answer that question.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Q:  While we journey here on this 3rd dimension, our Ego in the ruling position, how can our emotions win against the demands of this place?  Seems like every way I go - my emotions gets the raw end of the deal.

A;  Each path journeyed here is to teach you about yourself, love and the highest of energies - Source. The Ego here is demanding and likes to control the emotions.  The Soul, the Ego, and the emotions are three different energies within you.  Whichever one you feed (doing as it asks) gets to be the stronger. One's emotions are lead by the energy that is the strongest.  It will abide by the demands of that entity.  If for instance - the Soul were to be in the leading roll for the day - one's emotions would be ruled by love, joy, peace, long suffering and so on.....If the Ego were to have the reins for the day - the emotions would feel every negative vibe put forth by the path it was trodding. If it was a sad day - the emotions would be quickly depleted.  If it was a happy day - the emotions would be able to sail through the day without feeling drained. If you choose to allow your Ego to rule - it isn't wrong - it will be a harder day to adjust one's emotions - that is all.

Q:  Why do we have to go through all of this good one day and hard the next.  Why couldn't the life path here just run at a steady rate? Sometimes I think I am riding a roller coaster all of the time.

A:  Yes, I am afraid here it will at times feel like that.  I know your heart hurts because of the hard path you have been trodding.  You worry about your children and your family.  You worry about your friends too.  Their path is theirs.  You can not walk every one's path for them - even though you try in your emotions.  One simply can not change any one's path unless - they choose to do so.  You want to win the lottery so to help those you love.  You simply can not help everyone - even though your heart longs too.  It isn't your path to walk.  It is theirs, Luv. 

Q:  I don't plan on running their path, I just want to help them be able to reach their dreams or to rest.  Is that so wrong?

A:  Your heart is so big, Luv, and your desires are to help so many.  I wish I could give you that - but that decision is up to your Soul and Ego.  At this point they are undecided as to your path.  Your  emotions are tired and long to rest.  That is coming soon,

Q:  Am I going to leave then?  For as far as I can see there will be no rest for this weary one.

A:  You see at this point what your Ego sees.  Look within and see as your Soul does.  Things pass away but love never does.

Q:  Are you trying to tell me that to be spiritual one has to be sad and poor - having no things as you put it?

A:  No, one can be very spiritual and be very rich - if  money and things matter little to them?  But it is very hard to be that way. For things and money seem to creep into one's heart.  It gives one a sense of control and that one my dear is the hard one to lay down once it has a hold. The Ego loves to be in control.  It feels superior and never wants anyone or anything to be beside it or above it.  It is your worse enemy if it has complete control. 
Take a serial killer - their Ego is in complete control and it leads the emotions. So whatever the loves are within that soul - is what it does.  Control of another is why they feel so powerful.  It is a rush to the Ego and controlling one is what is hard to let go off.
Take a person that has been abused.  When they remove themselves from the abuser - they try to take control of every aspect of their lives - letting no one in to share control - which is balance.  Balance is needed in every one's life, without it there is chaos.....

Q: How do I balance my Ego and Soul then?  You speak of meditation but surely there is other ways.

A:  Loving others, sharing with others and giving of oneself.  That is a hard one for you.  Allowing others in - letting them be close.  It is something you need to allow more.

Q:   Not into that right now.  I've had enough sadness already.

A:  One has to allow one's heart to be vulnerable to others to learn how to love.  Open up and see. It really will do you some good.

Q:  Ha,Ha, George - you are asking me to allow others to get into my deepest part?  That's funny, George....

A:  Try it, Luv, and see.  Yes, some will hurt you , some will disappoint you, but you will learn more about yourself and others that way.  This path is all about the learning.  You can only grow if you become vulnerable.

Q:  I'll think about it, but I make no promises at this time......

A:  That's all I can hope for, Luv.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Q:  George, what are Orbs? 

A:  What are Orbs, let's see - they are energies.

Q:  What of?

A:  Many times Orbs seem to follow energies of like mind.  They will seek out energies that are of the same electrical volume as they are.  They will stay around a Soul until such time they are recognized or asked to leave.  Remember - nothing can ever override your FREE WILL.   Many times an Orb is an energy that is looking for its place in every dimension.  It hangs around those that hold on to the same types of loves.

A:  Guess that's why I have never had a photo taken of me that one appeared into.  Lol.....

Q:  They do not always appear to people here.  Often they just tag along with one's energy.  They are mostly harmless, but a few do have an angry energy.  Usually it is due to a hard life on this dimension - one they are unable to let go of for some reason. Their energy is lowered and often they will appear very dim.  This is due to the energy running at a slower rate than the spirits of others who have yet to leave this dimension.

A:  Why do Souls stay in this type of LIMBO?  I can't wait to go home.

Q:  Their loves hold them here.  Even you have loves that hold you here.  Your children, your husband and friends.  Every Soul does.  It is the way of the Ego's mind here upon the 3rd dimension consisting of slower energy. One is often held by their loves or unfulfilled desires. 

A:  Why would anything other than one's family and friends  - hold one here?

Q:  It depends on what one's heart is attached too.  It can be anything.  What one is attached too comes from within and has also something to do with all of the life paths one has trod.  It accumulates within the self and it can have a tremendous hold on one.

Q:  How does that Soul release itself then?

A:  Once the Soul finally discovers that the love they have held on to - brings no happiness - it will let it go and the Soul will move forward.  It can be a short process or a very long process.  It all depends on how soon the Soul learns the longing is for naught.

Q:  Am I going to be one of those hang around souls?

A:  Not if you let go of all things upon leaving.......

Q:  How do I do that?

A:  By realizing all things here are not really real - that the real world is a world of energies basking in united love.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What about the Chakras

Q;  My friend, Paul, was talking about the 7 Chakras.  I could understand some of what he discussed, but having never study about these I am afraid I don't quite see what they are.  Are they important to me?

A:  The seven Chakras are basically the same as all enlightenment.  They are the key to your ability to understand and balance yourself. The Chakras are the seven points of one's life that controls certain areas of your physical being.  If one is in balance with their energy - one will be at peace within and without.  If one is out of balance then one will struggle with various areas of one's life path.  Lets talk about one's will area which is around the stomach area. If one is strong willed - that can be good - if one allows that strength to remain in a healthy way.  If the person becomes out of balance then their will can become quite stubborn and dominating.  Then it is not so easy on that soul or those around them. Makes for some bad days - speaking in your types of good and bad.  Of course there is no good or bad - only lessons.Those lessons in one's life path can be easy to learn or hard to learn.  It is up to each soul's choosing of course.

Q:  So how do I balance my Chakras?

A:  Through meditation.  I have spoken of this often.  It is the only way a soul can balance their energy here.  For when one is meditating - the Ego is no longer in control and once it is not in control it views its counterpart - the soul - and merges.   The love that radiates from the merged energies is very powerful.  It heals and cleanses one. It is refreshing to the emotions - which by the way - often here takes a heavy beating.  The emotions can once again be balanced.  It is good for all of the energies to be balanced.

Q:  You talk as if they are three different energies.

A:  They are in one way and not in others.  Each has their work to do here - but it is not always so easily accomplished.  It takes much meditation here to join them in balance.

Q:  Guess I really need to learn to meditate - huh?

A:  That would be wise, Luv. 

The Word Choose Really Annoys Me

Q:  You tell me all the time, George, to, "CHOOSE," my path, or my decision, or my wants.  But, what you don't tell me is, "HOW TO DO IT." Its easy for you to say, "Choose, " but it is not so easy on this dimension to choose anything.  It seems as if the Soul and Ego war daily with our emotions.  I think sometimes - our emotions - gets the raw end of the deal.  It is not easy to understand what Choosing really means for one.

A:  The Soul and the Ego when merged have the same desires, but when the person comes here and their Ego is veiled from its counterpart the Soul - yes - it is often very difficult for the person to truly understand how to choose their path. It isn't easy to merge the two - to achieve the path desired by one's emotions.  The Ego wants to be in control all of the time.  It's desire is to maintain a life path of its choosing where it is king.  If the emotions wins - the Ego has to back down.  It is a battle to win here.

Q:  When does the emotions get to have its desires?

A:  When the Soul overrides the ego and allows it.

Q:  Well, as far as I am concerned my Ego is too darn powerful to ever give up control.  I just want some peace and rest from all these struggles I am bombarded with.

A:  Even when a Soul is bombarded with sadness, anger, greed, selfishness or whatever desire one has - there can be unity and peace within it.  One has to recognize what is happening within the Ego and the emotions and rest in it.  When our emotions rest against the desired demand of the Ego - it finds it is less dismayed. Peace can be in any situation - if one allows the Soul to come forward and merge with its Ego and bring peace to them.

Q:  Easier said than done, George.

A:  It is as YOU choose to believe, Luv.  If you believe it is impossible for you - than it shall be as you think.  The mind is extremely powerful.  It can make or break any situation.  When you come to that realization within you - you will see - thoughts create your path. 

Q:  Okay - if my thoughts create my path - why have I not received what I have thought and spoken?

A:  You have not spoken from your heart - only your emotions.

Q:  How do I speak it from my heart?

A:  Go within and seek it from Source - who is within you and is you.  You are one.

Q:  I thought I had.

A:  You think it - but doubt it in your heart.  Think about it - when ever you have spoken your desires you have said within your thoughts - it probably won't happen for me - have you not?

Q:  Yeah - guess I am too use to the path being negative......

A:  Then choose to change it for yourself.....Its up to each Soul  - to achieve their desired path.  No one can choose it for one.  The path is yours to create......

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tell Me........

Q:  I want you to tell me something. Something that will help me at this time.

A:  All I can do is to aid you in your path.  The path must be one of your choosing. You ask how -  how can I really change my path.  You change it by changing your heart.  To change ones heart one must merge the Ego and the Soul and allow them to change it to their liking.

Q:  Yeah - but their desires may not be what - me - the emotions wants.  So how can one get all three to agree?

A: By accepting that all happenings will lead you forward in your quest to discover what love truly is.  This is not a path to have it soft, but a path to teach you and strengthen you.  Sometimes things have to get tough to do that.

Q:  Well it is time I got some down time - a little TLC.  Of course what I think of as TLC probably isn't what you think it is. Right?

A: Quite the contrary Luv, I couldn't agree more with you. But what you are going through is what you chose.

Q:  I can't imagine choosing the current path I travel.  I am in a job I hate, broke, have no home and have a husband that suffers physically. My children are all in jobs they hate and barely scraping by.  I want them to have their dreams.  I can't have mine now, so I at least want them too.

A:  You shall have your desires.  The timing is up to you and your choosing it.....You have to choose it.....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Time To Fess Up

Q;  George, many times you have said to go within to find myself.  I do at times but sometimes it is impossible to overcome my mind's Ego yakking away at me.  I realize the Ego is half of me and it is an important part of this journey but there are times when I wish it would shut up for a while.  How do I accomplish that?

A:  You are right when you accept the fact the Ego is an important part of this journey.  So many souls think the right thing to do is to overcome or kill the Ego.  One simply can not do either of those.  The Ego brings us to the inner man by seeking its counter half the Soul.  When you get to the point you are able to meditate for more than a few minutes you will earn the power to quiet the Ego.  It isn't easy to accomplish in this dimension but it can be done.

Q:  Okay, then how can I teach my mind to still for longer periods?

A:  Its like trying to learn to ride a bike.  It takes time, but one day you just take off and ride that bike.  It will come to you sooner than you think.  Your hunger to expand within you is pulling at you.

Q:  I don't feel hungry - I feel tired.

A:  That is only your Ego talking.  Your Soul is very old and very powerful.  More powerful than you can imagine.  Each Soul here is able to do much more than they think.  It is only their doubt that holds them back.  Things are changing in this dimension faster than any realize.  The energy to Source is higher and more open than ever before.  You will learn a great deal this coming days.  It is good.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another topic about our emotion and Duality

Q:  George, we have talked in the past about the Soul and Ego's path here and the role each play.  We discussed the veiling of our Soul so the Ego is the ruler here.  I understand all of that to an extent, but there is a part of me that seems to keep wavering back and forth from the freedom of the Soul's oneness and the Ego's desire to live in duality. You said as long as we are in this dimension and walk with the Ego as ruler we will waver from oneness to duality.  Why?  Why does that have to be?

A:  Each person has a path to journey to learn the lessons they chose to learn.  When the Ego comes it is the main ruler while here.  This is because of several reasons.  The most important one is so our emotions (ruled by the Ego) are able to feel the path and learn the desired lessons.  Without our emotions ruling one would not get the process of the lesson, nor would they grasp the true feeling of that emotion. Another reason is so the Ego is able to learn what love means. The whole purpose of this path is to find what the real feeling is for each desired emotion.  As I have said before, if one just sits and looks at a bowl of ice cream one never gets the true taste.  One has to eat it - experience the taste, and savor the cold, sweetness in their mouth and on their tongue.  Then one gets the true meaning of ice Cream. This is the same for any emotion - no matter what that emotion is.  It can be loving or full of hate - but one will understand the truth in that emotion.

Q:  Why do I continue to go back and forth despite the knowledge you have granted to me?

A:  No matter who a Soul is - they will waver back and forth.

Q:  I have heard some say they have overcome their Ego.  Can they truly live beyond their Ego here?

A:  How can one overcome half of what they are?  Why would you want to?  The Ego isn't bad.  It is there to teach one about life and emotion and to guide one to the oneness within them.  It is needed.  There is no good or bad.  I know I say that often but it is so.  Everything one experiences here is for a purpose.  It is to allow that person to learn who and what they are.  As one discovers the knowing within themselves one gets more and more a glimpse of the true identity of who they truly are. The knowledge one gains is to move them higher and higher in the dimesions. We all desire to continue to move forward in our journey whether here on this 3rd dimension or in the dimensions after crossing over.  As we cross over we still journey on our path.  The only difference is - we are more aware of who we are due to the fact the Ego and Soul are no longer veiled from one another - but are balanced once again.  So as you journey here you will waver in and out of duality - even as you grow in your energy.  It is necessary for you  to do this.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tired in Heart

Q:  George, I am so very tired physically and emotionally.  I am told over and over things will change for the better (my better) but nothing does.  I carry a load inside to the point I often cry when coming home from work.  I feel so helpless where my family and friends are concerned.  I want to help them but I can hardly help myself.  Why are we going through such sorrow - sorrow that never seems to stop?

A:  This is all passing, Luv.  I know you are tired.  Give it up to us to deal with.  We will aid you.

Q:  I found the perfect home George, but I couldn't buy a setting hen right now.  Why, George - has this all happened?  I am told that all things work together for good, but I see no good in what has taken place in our lives.  Bob is still fighting his Diabetes. When does it actually GET better for us as promised?

A: Since the word soon is so distasteful to you I will say it this way - in the near future things will change (for you're good) to the point you will wonder what in the world happened.

Q:  I would love to believe what you say George, but I am tired of empty promises and things said that never seem to come to pass.  I am down, but I don't know how to work my way out anymore. All I do is want to cry.

A:  I say it again - things will be better than ever - in the very near future for you, your family and friends.  Trust in our love for you........

Q:  Shall I hold my breath?

A:  In time, Luv - all will change for you.....You will have the dream of having your own home.  It will be the perfect place for you too.......

Q:  I await what you say - but I don't see how it could ever be........My faith is very low right now. Hope is something I use to have. 

A:  Faith exists within each Soul.  It does not leave.  Sometimes things on one's pathway can seem to cover it - but it is still there.  You are tired physically and have carried a very heavy load.  It will ease, Luv and you will see the Sun again in your life........

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Q:  Again you start talking to me as I am doing things around the house.  I guess we have bonded to such a degree I no longer have to zero in on your energy.  Is this so?

A:  Yes, your energy is getting faster each day.  It will be as if you are breathing.  Do not fear the changes coming within you or without you.  They are progressing as necessary.

Q:  I have noticed when a revelation of Spirit comes I feel so excited I want to share it.  When I do many times they look at me as if I am crazy.  Some think I am.  I realize that each has to open to Spirit in their own time.  But doesn't sharing often open doors for us that otherwise would not open?

A:  It is well and good to share what is imparted to you, but once said - let go the expectations of whether or not they receive it.  Each door on each Soul opens at their pace  - when they themselves are ready.

Q:  Why share at all?  Would they not receive it then in there own time?

A:  Many times - what one says  - sparks a note of knowing in another.  It may germinate for a time - often much time - then something will produce the opening a bit larger and the knowing will open avenues never known before for that Soul. If you impart revelations you have received - do it in freedom.  It is up to each Soul to receive it or not. 

Q:  Why then do I feel what is said at times so deeply and at others I don't?  I realize I too am learning - slowly - but I think learning. 

A:  As I stated above each revelation appearing to one - will germinate until that Soul is ready to receive it unto them.  At that time it will sprout forth in abundance and their Soul will rejoice. The Ego on the other hand will at first try to deny it for a while - but if the Soul continues to bring it forth the Ego will start to see.  Once it thinks it is it's idea it will run with it.  Remember the Ego (here and otherwise) still needs to think it is in control.

Q:  Are you saying when I cross over my Ego will still fight to be in control?

A:  Quite true child.  It is something we all bear at one time or another but here we have learned to control it a bit better  - as we see it from the place of balance.

Q:  Okay - is this Harold again?

A:  No - I am David.  Harold and George are in meeting with Source.

Q:  Come on - meetings?

A:  Each Soul gets a yearly one on one with Source in his pure energy.  It is a time of great rejoicing for us as you will see when your time arrives.

Q:  You talk as if we are separate beings. Sounds like a job to me - reviews once a year?  Does he get on to us at those times?

A:  We are and we aren't.  Remember child - we are connecting eternally to Source.  By the way, I use the term Source - as it is how you see the energy of LOVE. As for the question - does he get on to us - never.  You may discuss what has been happening and LOVE will answer your concerns - but judge - never. LOVE (Source) never judges.

Q:  In a vision I saw a ball of light exploding outward and attached to the ball of light were tiny (I call them) feelers.  The energy from this huge ball of light ran to and fro to the end of each feeler where a small half round sat.  I could see energy moving inside the ball of light and in each feeler.  The whole thing was amazing to me. The colors were so vivid and I felt such peace coming from the ball of light.

A:  The ball of light you saw was the core of the energy of LOVE.  It pulsates to and fro to all men.  It gives light and takes away light all the time keeping perfect balance in that Soul.  Remember, we have all talked about how each Soul needs to stay in balance to retain their peace. That is basking in the pure energy of LOVE where the worm dies not and peace reigns.

Q:  What do you mean - where the worms dies not?

A:  All that you are and ever will be - is what you are now.  Just because one crosses over - does not change their energy core of how they came about and how they chose to be.

Q:  Are you saying - "I chose my personality traits?"

A:  All choose everything they are.  It is because of free will each soul is able to be as they choose.  It is so marvelous to have such loving freedom.  It is good child - it is good.