Monday, January 30, 2012

Let's Talk About Love For a Moment......

Q; We have talked and talked about love a lot. But, one thing confuses me. If we are here to discover the true meaning of what love is why does it have to be so hard on us?

A: To learn love one must have their emotions affected. If everything in your life path was rosy, how would you ever learn what unconditional love is? One must suffer emotionally many times to come to the realization of what love means. You can't learn to love unconditionally without pain and suffering.

Q: Then why do I want to learn it?

A: For each soul to move upward in the dimensions they must become more and more one with unconditional love. For only as one discovers love can one become more and more aware of who and what they are - one with Source.

Q:  Okay, then if I suffer and go through hell, I am suppose to discover unconditional love in me? I'm sorry but the way I feel right now I'm not sure it would be worth it. I feel like I have gone through enough pain and suffering the past 8 years to last me the rest of my life path here...Lol....

A: It is up to each soul as to how slow or fast they wish to learn. No one is less spiritual if they go slow and no one is more spiritual if the go fast. Each soul goes at their own pace. A spiritual walk is not a contest to see who seems more spiritual. For being spiritual is a changing within you that leads to an understanding of what loving unconditional does for you and means to you. It is simply a discovery within.....There are no superior beings who are above all others spiritually.  Each just walks their path in their own timing learning as their Ego and Soul balance.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm Wanting More.....

Q: I found the last blog very interesting and it has sparked my curious nature once again. May we expand on this?

A; In what way do you wish to go?

Q: I don't know - any way is okay as long as it is as interesting as the last one.

A: Well, child, first I will say it is I, Harold. Since you directed your question in reference to the last blog you posted, I chose to answer.  The grids are electrical energies that circle this dimension. They bring about the electrical impulses needed to fuel this world. Everything pertaining to this dimension is run and controlled by electrical impulses. It is a pure energy that comes from the main core of all energy. Remember this world is a learning center for all Souls. We come here to experience life energies. These energies teach each soul about love and the factor of creation. One can not advance if one does not come to the understanding of what love is and for what purpose we need to experience it.

Q: Okay, why is understanding the emotion of love so important for each soul to learn?

A: Each Soul created was created by the core of love - a pure unconditional energy which does not demand allegiance. It only wants you to respond in likeness to it. You are freely loved - it desires the same back. Remember the Ego part of each soul is a selfish part. It does not wish to pay allegiance to anyone other than itself.

Q: If that is what the energy of love wanted - why - would it create beings that do not want to? That just doesn't make sense to me. Why go through all of this torment then?

A: The Creator of all things did not want each soul created to be a robot - following its every wish.  Lets use an example. When a man here on this dimension begins his search for a mate, he does not look for one that will give into his every wish. He looks for one that will be a challenge. One that will spark his interest. One that will bring a merry chase. That is what the Ego desires - a challenge - for it loves the chase and the fight to win.  So this is what the Creator desired. Souls that would bring about a challenge to win their heart freely.  Makes a great love story - does it not?

Q: Are you saying we are the love interest?

A: Quite so. The Creator desires to win the love of each soul - but the Creator desires it to be won freely. Love can only exist when it is freely given to another. If the Creator had made every soul love through demanding it - there would never be any pure love to grow between them. Eventually the Soul would hate the Creator - would they not?

Q: Of course. No one I know would ever love someone if they demanded them too. It would go just the opposite. They would eventually hate them for demanding it. But that is the human nature of us.

A; That is true, but remember, the Creator is formed in the same image you were formed. The Creator is both positive and negative - just as you are. The Creator  reacts as you react. He feels as you feel. He cries as you cry.  Every emotion you feel the Creator feels.  You are one. You are forever connected by  the Creator's energy. You were created in the Creator' image. That creation was given free will so when the Soul responded to the Creator's love - it would respond back in love - freely given. This produces the effect the Creator wanted and enjoys. Love freely enjoyed is a marvelous thing. It is something to be cherished and expanded on. So as each soul freely loves the Creator - the soul will continue to grow into that love until they no longer see each as separate - but of one energy. This is life's purpose......

Friday, January 27, 2012

Tell Me

Q:  Tell me more about the magnetic grids you have spoken of more than once. Are they real? What do they do to this dimension?

A: The magnetic grids are what produces the electrical current responsible for the creation and running of this world. They keep the energy balanced.

Q: Okay - how?

A: Each magnetic grids fires it electrical energy one right after the other. Remember we told you there were 12 grids going up and down and 12 grids going from side to side. Each one keeps the other balanced. If one does not fire - then the world becomes out of balance. You have seen this on one or more occasions. The high winds and floods, massive snow fall, and earthquakes. These are all a part of the process of each grid firing its electrical impulse at its given time. If they misfire - then things happen. But, this is suppose to happen. Each catastrophic happening was meant to happen in order for this dimension to feel and seem real. If everything was perfect - emotions would not clash. You must understand the whys. It is necessary at times to allow massive souls to depart this world. Usually that is before a great spiritual awakening or happening.Sometimes it brings about much needed change. For unless the emotions of man is truly touch man will not learn.

Q: But why would massive souls agree to this?

A: They came to feel the despair in the type of emotion brought on by these catastrophic happenings.

Q: Why? What's the purpose? I don't get it.

A: For each Soul to truly learn and experience each emotion the soul must go through a devastating experience. One that will deeply broaden their love factor. For a Soul can not progress in Spirit if they do not understand love and the reason for it.

Q: Why does a soul have to always learn love the hard way?

A: No soul learns love through hardship. But what a soul does learn is to turn a deaf ear to their demanding Ego. Only when a soul's ego is brought under subjection can the soul truly balance them.

Q: Are you saying our soul is the one that balances us?

A; You are connected to the highest of energy - love. That love is only understood and seen in this dimension by the counterpart , the Soul. The Ego is of course veiled here and does not see. But as the Soul begins to take control of its other half the Ego, both begin to see. It is good Child.

Q: I don't recognize your voice today. Maybe I am very tired. It was a rough day at work today and I am exhausted.

A: That too shall pass soon. I am Harold.

Q: Thanks for answering my questions.

A: You're very welcome child.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How Do we Become Aware of Love Within Us?

Q: How do we learn to recognize what love in us really means?

A: How do you recognize anything child? You become aware of love within you by your actions or your reactions to any given situation.  Love is something each Soul learns through trial and error as you say here.

Q: Is this Harold?

A: Yes, it is a question I chose to answer.

Q: You seldom speak but I always find great wisdom from you. Are you an old Soul?

A: Quite old Child. Even older than yourself. We have been together for many centuries. Although at this moment you are quite unaware of that fact.

Q: So how do I learn to bring love forward within myself?

A: Want too. The rest will present itself to aid you in understanding love. The key is to stay open to Spirit at all times.

Q: How do I accomplish that?

A: Once again - choose to. Everything hinges on your desire to succeed in your desires.

Q: It's not always easy to forgive and trust in that person again.

A: The secret is do you wish to overcome your ego's desire to pout or not?

Q: Man - you speak quite harshly.....

A: I only speak the truth when you ask of me and you asked of me child.

Q: Okay - I see and yes you are right. But that still doesn't get me to change.

A: Do you truly wish to change?

Q: Yes, I do. I want to love fully without strings - but to do that do I have to be drug through the mire constantly?

A: Only if you choose to go through it. Love is a choice. Only you can choose to find it. I can't do it for you and it doesn't just happen. Its a choice - a choice you alone and all others have to accept within themselves.

Q: Guess it's always up to me huh?

A: Quite right Julia.....