Sunday, August 26, 2012

To Each Its Own

Q:  George, when we come here to travel our pathway, you shared with me that we all choose what experiences we would like to learn. You stated that each Soul that comes into contact with us is all a part of an agreement beforehand. Living here in this Ego ruled pathway it is often hard for me to truly see that all those I meet are pre-agreed. I know that is not a word but it seemed to fit where my mind is going.  If this is true why do we not learn the first time?  Is it - if we don't learn the first time - it will come around again?

A: No, the experiences one chooses to learn are not written in stone how they will proceed. Each Soul  must create the pathway with their thoughts each day. How one learns their journey is always up to that Soul. Remember free will is never overridden. It is as I have said many times, "forbidden."

Q:  If free will is never to be overridden - why do I feel like I have no free will in this pathway?

A:  All Souls have free will. Some use it - others do not. It is a choice each Soul makes themselves.

Q:  Then why haven't the things I desired taken place?

A:  You ask a miss.

Q:  Wait a minute, if I choose this pathway and how it is to be traveled then I should receive what I ask to be- should I not?

A:  If one asks for something to be created on their pathway it has to fit into the original experiences one choose to learn.

Q: Well, I think that is bull. I think we don't have any choices - that the Universe just shovels out to us things it thinks we need. Otherwise not all this crap would be happening to so many. Just my thoughts, George.

A:  You do tend to be melodramatic child. All is not as it seems. Things are in the works for all those you love. You just have to have patience.

Q:  I am a bit out of patience at this time. I am afraid I am getting a bit angry. I don't understand so much of what you say and I feel I should. I see black and white - always have. I am told you guys see in gray. Why can't I see in gray? Why is it one way or the other with me?

 A:  You have always chosen to walk from the feminine side of Source. This was to avoid having logic interfere with your emotions to write our books.

Q:  I was told it was an escape.

A:  It is to be as we said. All souls see things from their point of view. You must allow them that freedom and honor it. Yet, you fear walking in faith in this. You desire it to all be peaches and cream before you make your move. Trust in Spirit to guide you and aid you as you walk in faith.

Q: I am having great difficulty with that one. If my husband had a great career where I would not have to worry about things I could handle that, but he doesn't and it is scary as hell for me.

A: You do have a problem trusting in anything do you not, child?

Q: I guess I do. Lots of very painful hard knocks and sadness on my path. I don't know what it would be like not to struggle or see my loved ones not struggle. I long for that so much. Yet, it seems to avoid us all.  Is it because I desire that so much?

A: No child, it is because you seek it so hard that it prevents faith from doing it. Learn to trust child.

Q: There is a part of me that does trust you, but there is the other half that can't trust. It is too fearful of being hurt again. It hides deep within.

A:  We know. It will one day burst forth and healing will be. We wait for that moment. It will be good.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Q: I just had a visitor from Maryland, Zing. She is a psychic who paints how the angels see your energy. She was a friend of one of our long time friends. She was coming through Oklahoma and luckily she chose to stop. It was an interesting visit full of sharing in Spirit. It was good. During this time we learned about some of her experiences in her path. We all seem to share in that. Experiences can be very fulfilling and also sometimes devastating, but with each emotion uncovered we learn more about who we are. How can we hold onto the peace and love we share so we feel that emotion all of the time?

 A: Each soul passing on their path will feel these moments of peace and love. It usually does not stay very long. There is a reason for this. If one was peaceful and full of the feeling of love all the time they would not progress on their pathway. They would sit and rest and never go forward. Pathways are journeys of discovery. One learns what love, peace, anger,and all emotions are. One needs these emotions to grow within. How boring this world would be if no one ever went forward and learned new things and new emotions. What greater love is there than the discovery of who and what you are. You are the greatest discovery you can have. Seek yourself. Love yourself and give of yourself. Every energy you emit from yourself changes all souls. If you emit love without judgement just think what that would do for this earthly plane. It is good.

 Q: How can we always be loving with our Ego trying its best to lead us into a selfish thinking. It can really ream on us,causing us to belittle our self or feel inferior to others. Yet I am aware there is only one energy to us all. So how can we overcome this in us?

 A: Every soul on this planet struggles at times with feeling discouraged, belittled, inferior and - well - I could go on and on, but you get the point. What one's Ego tells them is only a reflection of the experiences one has suffered. But not one Soul is inferior to another. It doesn't matter what standard of life they live. They are all of one energy - love. The Source of all is a part of an all encompassing unconditonal love, a love that knows nothing else. It shares the energy with all because it can not be without the whole of itself. It is you and me and it. That energy never dies nor will it forsake one. One can not forsake one's self - can one? You can't sever who and what you are for all things are of one energy.