Sunday, January 30, 2011

Funny, George

Q: You are so funny George. How can I change a path that seems destined to fail. Every way I go it ends up falling a part. Now Bob is really sick and I have no idea how to help. Some kind of Staph infection in his bones. Apparently - I could have it too. Great. I can not afford time off, George. We barely make it now. A: Why do you have so little faith in love and the Universe? Q: Gee - I don't know - maybe it is because we have been going through pure hell since 2004. A: You have been learning, Luv. This is a time for great spiritual awakening in people. You have opened doors within you that have never been opened. It is good. Q: Right now ALL I WANT is help with these illnesses, my own home and the ability to just plain relax. I hate my job. It is so demeaning and getting even worse lately. Why? What in the hell am I to learn in this but anger? A: You can be angry - it is okay. No one will blame you for it. You have been through hell and still are. It is all right that your emotions are screaming at the Universe, but it will change. Q: Yeah - more shit? A: No luv - love will see you through this. You will come out on top - wait and see.

Tired, Frustrated and Wondering

Q: What is going on George? Why am I bogged down in a job I hate, struggling and now sick? How can I even begin to write things that are spiritual when I am sick to death of my life? I worry about my husband's health, my kids happiness and mine for that matter. What is going on? Is the energy speeding up causing this? If so, then crap I'm not sure it is worth it - to watch so much suffering among people. A: Luv, this will all pass in time and you will wonder why you worried. Things are not as they seem. Things are in a great move underneath for you and your family. Do not fear or fret. Q: George, pardon me if I am a bit gun-shy. You have said this so many times and things only worsen. Put your money where your mouth is, George. A: My money is where my mouth is, Luv. You see things with your Ego's eye, not your Soul's. Take for instance - you see needs not being met. We see things helping you along the way. When a need arises - it has been met. Q: Look - I have a windshield in my car - now- cracked across. I worry I will get a ticket or it will totally break. Then what do I do, George? My kids are so burdened - I would never ask them to help. My friends are all broke. Now Paul is in deep trouble - I am helpless to help him. Why is there so much suffering? Dewain says it is to worsen even still. I don't think I will be able to handle much more. We have gone through hell since 2004. When is enough enough? A: When you say it is. Q: Ha ha George. That's funny. I haven't been able to change a thing and believe me I have tried. A: Change comes when the heart is centered on it. Q: How does one do that then? A: Center on who and what you are who is - the creator of your path. Q: Well then my creator is nut so. I am tired, frustrated and now getting angry. A: Good - maybe you will do something about it then. Q: Funny, George - very funny......

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

About Dad?

Q: George, after Dad passed we were still living in our home on Dripping Springs. Our world was beginning the descent into a living hell. The gas line in our home began to leek. The gas people came out and turned off our gas. This left us with no heat, no hot water and no way to use our stove to cook. We had no monies - so fixing it was out of the question. When they told me we would have to tear up the line to the house and redo it - I fell down to my knees and began to cry. I went into the house and spoke to Dad. I said,"Dad, if what you taught me about a God that is real - well you had better show me real soon, and I mean real soon something to prove that to me - for right now I am losing my faith." This was on a Friday around noon. We still had no gas or heat. The house was huge, cold and lonely. We left Saturday morning to try and find a piece of land we could get on payments to put a trailer on for us to live in. We were loosing everything in our business failure. We returned that evening around 4:00 PM. I got on the computer to see if there was any email for me. There was an email from my 84 year old neighbor Dorothy. She was an avid prayer warrior. In it was a song, "Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad." It had been my Father's favorite song. I called Dorothy, I ask her why she sent it to me. She said it came in her mailbox. She didn't know where it had come from or why, just that it was to be given to me. I then told her about my statement to my Dad. That it was his song. I cried and she cried. I will never forget that. That - to be truthful is the thing that keeps me going on my path. Why did Dad send that? Why could he do that yet can not talk to me now? A: He was allowed to do this. He was still in healing at the time but heard your cry. It was very hard on him to do it because it allowed the bond between you two to be re-attached. Which would mean more time in healing. But love no matter which side a soul dwells on - will hear the cry of a loved one. Our attachments don't fade just because we cross over. If that were not so I would not have come to dwell here now. Love doesn't lessen once you die. Do you remember me telling you to allow your loved ones to leave? If the bond is too attached - the soul will be held here. It can't move on. This keeps both from healing and moving forward. The song came because he knew you would not be able to doubt it was from him. It has been a crouch for you to go back to when you doubt your journey here. This was his gift to you. You were his favorite daughter. Q: I was his only daughter and I loved him. I miss him too and Mom. But, I won't hold them here. I must keep going on despite my tiredness.......

Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad

Q: George, life seems like a mountain railroad where there is nothing but going up, up, up. It gets tough to keep going onward alone. There seems no place to take a rest for if one stops one can't get going again for the steepness of that mountain prevents that. You feel as if the burdens you are going through will never end. You watch loved ones suffering, people starving, greed getting bigger and bigger, hatred growing more intense. Selfishness gets deeper and more advanced into the "ME," image. When is there rest for souls? When is love apparent? Why do the good suffer and the mean, greedy and selfish grow stronger? What is this whole thing for - just to experience emotions? It doesn't seem worth it to me. It is apparent I haven't run this mountain railroad well. I haven't run it with peace or willingness. So - what's the point, George? How can I a total failure at understanding anything you have said to me - give or impart anything to anyone. I take a step forward and six back. I'm just not getting the picture I guess. A: Does any Soul really understand life? No - each soul walks this path in their own way and in their own time. To learn - I say again - is up to each soul. To make a success of your path is up to each soul. No one can walk your path for you - nor can they pull you on up the mountain. It is a lonely path in some ways. But - to succeed in your task is prominent in your heart. Each soul was given that. When the path manages to overwhelm a soul and they leave - it's not failure. You still see things as black and white. Let's look at it as if by colors. Let's say that black is your past, white is your future. If you dwell in your past - you will not move forward, you will see all of your mistakes (the ones you think of as mistakes), your lack of goals and your fallen desires. If you dwell in the future - you will fear the unknown or the things you imagine will be. What you need to do is allow the past to be the past and the future to be the future. Live in the now. Think only of this day and be thankful in it. Q: George, I have been in bed for over a week with this flu. I cough so hard I get little sleep. I am missing work. My house is a wreck and I am so tired and sore all over I can hardly move. You want me to think in that? Come on - I'd rather think I was on a sunny beach - feeling a cool, soft, breeze drift off my face and sleeping a peaceful sleep. No worries about bills or house or sadness. A: Your thoughts can be whatever you desire them to be. It does not hurt to realize what you dwell in - is tough. Life is often very tough for each soul. But take that tough and do something with it. Be whatever you want to be. Q: I see only what I dwell in. Which at this point isn't very inviting to me. A: Look- not all paths are easy. Each soul chooses the things they desire to learn, to feel and to walk through before they come. Some come to have an easy path. Some older souls pick much more difficult ones. Welcome to being old Luv. Q: Funny, George. A: Just a tad bit of humor me Luv......Just tryin' to cheer ye up. Q: Are we in our Irish mode George? A: Just havin' a wee bit of fun with ya, Luv. Tryin' to cheer ye up. You are quite down. Q: Very tired George. If I look back at all I have experienced in this path I'd say I deserve a gold crown. But to be truthful - I feel if I haven't found peace in all of this - I just haven't learned anything. A: Peace is not found - peace is. You must realize this - no one can accomplish this path without some difficulty. It was developed to be thus. How would anyone learn anything if all was peaches and cream? This is a learning experience and boy, are you learning. Q: Learning what George? A: To be who and what you are. Q: That doesn't look so good to be then. I have no peace, I cry, I fret, I worry and I am beginning to think I am crazy. A: Luv, all think that at times. There is not one soul that has not walked a path of discouragement before. Some have succeeded to find peace - many have not. You are right - your path is draining, and one in which you do walk mostly alone in. But so far so good - you are still writing and talking to us. You are too hard on yourself. You have it in your mind (Stuck quite nicely I might add), to do this you must learn everything and walk a peaceful and perfect walk, growing in Spirit. Sounds like to me it would end up to be a person - with a big ego. That isn't the way this walk was designed. It was designed to teach you about love. Life or living is love. Love is the acceptance of all things - (as you here say) good and bad. You can't find a perfect walk, nor can you expect yourself to be without faults. All have them. All suffer, get angry, fret and cry. It is the way of emotions here. This path was designed to bring out the real you. For only when you truly realize who you are - can you love yourself. Only in loving yourself can you begin to be free to love others. Love isn't easy to learn. It is totally the opposite of what the Ego desires. That is why it is so hard to learn. You have to be willing to merge the soul and ego and let each have a say. Q: George, when you talk - I see what you are saying, but I guess it doesn't stick with me or something, because I turn right around and start worrying about my life, my loved ones and people I know.....I don't seem to be able to change that. A: That is because you love, Luv. Your emotions run so deep within you. You find no joy in others sorrows. You feel everything so intense - it drains you. This is due to your gifts. An empathic feels much more deeply than most. It is quite difficult sometimes for the Empathic to turn off emotions. There again I say - open up to the thought of meditation. It will help. Q: I know I'm sick, tired and feel like a truck ran over me, but I am serious in why don't I seem to grow? A" You do - but your Ego refuses to allow you to see it. It is quite strong you know. Q: Is that bad? A: No - but it can give one quite a tussle. Realize you are okay. Everything will be okay and your needs as well as your desires will be soon. Q: George - there you go again with that word soon.......You started saying that in 2004. It ain't happened yet. A: You are the only one holding it back, Luv. You don't believe it can be. Try this - tell yourself every morning what a good day this will be for everyone. See what happens. Q: I will try, George. Thanks for putting up with me - I know it isn't easy for all of you. A: You are worth it - all souls are........

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Plenty of Info To Thaw On

This was given to me on January 19th in a McDonald's restaurant around noon. Q: George, we have been discussing the changing of the magnetic grids. Everyone is talking about the North and South poles changing places. Is this true? If so, how can that happen without totally destroying earth? A: First of all they aren't actually changing from top to bottom but they will shift due to changing of the grids. When the 12th grid shifts from the 12 spot and the 11th grid takes the 12's place- the poles will shift. A lot of the water lines will change, mountains will shift, plants, trees - all will shift. Many will die and be reborn. Q: What do you mean by, "be reborn?" A: They will replace themselves - shift - move over. Q: This all sounds really sci-fi. What will happen to us humans? A: Many will choose to leave but many will stay. The shift for humans here will be a tremendous opening of their brain and it's powers. Their consciousness of Source will be much more open and more awareness of the unity of all things will be. Q: If we use more brainpower will we be able to talk by thoughts not words? A: Those whose consciousness of Source is sought - will be taken into a deeper awareness of who and what they are and yes - they will find many new awakenings within them. Q: What about the books I was to write? Are they to be written or are they just for me? A: You think with the power of your Ego. Think with your Soul. You will see much. Q: See what? A: What your journey is to be. Q: What is my journey, George? A: To achieve awareness of all things as one. To write the books. To seek higher knowing of Spirit. Q: I am aware of who I am in a lot of ways but my Ego and my emotions get in my way. How does one overcome adverse circumstances? A: By not fighting what you are experiencing but by knowing deep within - love will prevail for you. Q: Easier said than done, George. A: Yes, as I have said before it is quite difficult here on this dimension with the Ego in control. But, one can accomplish a lot if one allows one's Soul to balance with their Ego - with meditation. Q: I can't meditate. I try and my mind goes a hundred miles a minute. A: If you keep saying that - then indeed it shall be as you say. Your words hold great power. Use them wisely, Luv. Q: You tell me all the time that my words move my path, yet, I have spoken many things - never have they appeared. So? A: You must believe what you say. Many times you speak without believing what you state. Q: Just how do I do that? I try - to no avail. A: By seeking within to your Soul's heart. Get the Soul to agree and it shall be. Q: So far - my Soul never seems to agree with my Ego's wish. A: It isn't easy, Luv. One has to go within and be still. Q: Oh boy! That's a good one for me. My brain is never still. A: Give it a good try anyway. Q: You talk as if the Ego and the Soul were two entities. Are they? A: The Soul is a whole and the Ego is a whole. When they merge the become one entity. Q: You have always said my Soul is 1/2 and my Ego is the other 1/2. Now, you are saying they are both whole entities. I am getting confused. A: Each exist as a unit unto themselves - but - they must balance to be a complete unit. They are whole but not whole. They must merge and balance to be able to produce Spirit awareness in the earthly human. Q: Okay - how do we get them to merge? A: Love and meditation. Love produces unity and meditation allows that awareness to bond with the human.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Again - Another Question

Q: Is the earth's core changing too? A: There are 12 layers to the earth's core. All of those cores are shifting. Some are going forward - some backwards. This creates an energy change in the magnetic energy fields. Atoms are shifting creating great movement in the molecules. This creates a wind type of reaction in the core of the earth - much like sweeping a floor and moving around the dirt. It is all in the changing of the grids. Q: So - if the earth's core is changing and the three floors of the oceans are changing what will happen to what we now call earth? A: There will be many changes in the lines of the lands. Rivers will shift, oceans will create new shores and mountains will start to change causing pieces to collapse and some to move. All of this will be done at a speed that will prevent total damage to this world. The Universe will also be affected by this shift. It will create new distances between planets. Some will be closer, some farther away and new planets will come into view. Planets no one has seen before. It is an amazing time - especially due to the fact many have chosen to stay and experience this shift. Your friend Dewain's time was up but he refused to leave. His desire was to stay through it and live a deeper experience of Spirit. He will get his wish. Q: Will I? A: That is up to you - but personally I think you will stay and finish your task. Q: Thanks for the vote of confidence in me, George. A: I have great faith in you......Always have throughout many life times together. You are a strong soul and very old too. Lol Q: I feel very old......Lol A: Your heart worries about your loved ones. Be at peace - they too desire more of the knowing of Spirit. Q: Then could things ease up a bit for all of us? A: Yes. Believe in the love of the Universe. It will carry you through all of this at a pace you can abide. Q: Well, it had better hurry - I'm no spring chicken anymore. Lol A: You are still very young to us. Q: Hey - its me that feels it...... A: Yes, but your Ego lies..... Q:How can my Ego lie to me? A: All Egos lie to their soul.... Q: Why? A: Because it is selfish and greedy to have its way. So it tells it's soul - I need this - or I want that - or don't listen to Spirit. It wants nothing or no one in control but itself. Q: Then shoot my Ego.....Lol A: One can not shoot 1/2 of themselves without killing the other 1/2. For the Ego is as important to you as your Soul is. It is when both are in perfect balance that life is realized and love is learned.

New Question

Q: In the last blog we talked about the shift and how it was coming about. You talked of the magnetic energy grids shifting to make way for the new energy field. You in the past talked about the energy speed changing at a rate of .06 points per hour. Please answer me this - why does this earth have to change so drastically? A: For centuries this dimension has been in what we call the 3rd dimension energy speed at an extremely slow rate. This was to allow the molecules to visualize and produce what you think as real here. This earth was designed to be a type of learning center - much like your school systems. But, it has been agreed that the energy needs to speed up to open up more of a portion of the brain patterns here. One uses only about 10-20 % of their brain waves here. This allows the ego to be in more control than necessary at times. The new energy speed will allow those that desire to move up in brain capacity to do so without harm to the physical body. Q: Who decided this? A: A panel of higher energy souls that dwell in a life decision center. These are souls many centuries old that have travel through hundreds of life paths successfully. Q: What do you mean successfully, George? I thought there was no good or bad paths - only learning experiences. A: To be successful at a life path one must travel all of the experiences one chose to learn. You would be surprised how many do not complete their specified lessons. It is often very difficult to stay put and learn on these paths. Some have chosen paths so emotionally draining they can not finish. You are often at this point lately due to the stress you have been through. Yet, your soul stays despite the stress. Q: Yeah - but my emotions are draining me. A: For that very reason many do not complete their designated path. They leave. You on the other hand will stay I think and finish the job you were given to accomplish for Source. It is an extremely hard path and we feel your stress at times and the loneliness you feel at being shunned by so many because of your gifts. But the reward for you will be the liberation of many into freedom and true knowledge of this life path and Source. Is that not worthy of you staying? Q: Boy - George - you asked a hard one. It is very hard on me and Bob, my husband to seek Spirit and realize in finding it one is forsaken. Don't you think you guys could ask a simpler thing of me? A: You ask it of yourself, Luv, for you a lone agreed to this path. Q: Was I nuts? A: No, willing.....Be of good cheer - not all will forsake you. For you will always have us to guide you and aid you through this path. Q: Yeah, but I don't see you guys..... A: You will in time be able to see. For now you are to listen to us and write what we tell you.


Q: George, I just watched a video about the electrical changes in the earth and where the waters will be - taking away many areas of the states in the USA. Is this true? A: The inner earth movement is charging forth at a rapid pace. The center of the earth is moving backwards and will shift to the 11th grid. It is all apart of allowing the 12th energy magnetic grid to rest. This shift is a shift that comes after many years of slowly changing. Shifting the earth forward as it has done for thousands of years is easy - but to travel backwards is very hard on the earth. The last one was Noah's flood, the one before that was the ice age. They both changed the world drastically. It is to happen again. Once the earth has moved forward through the 12 grids it restarts backwards to allow the other grids to rest. It is the same as a farmer allowing a field to rest so that it may replenish itself. Many happenings are starting to come about. The vision you saw was a large clock with the 11th hour moving to take the 12 hour's place. That is approximately what is taking place in the earth's energy fields. Do not fear but be aware of it. Q: Will the states actually disappear as that video said? A: The earth will shift and yes there will be areas that will no longer be. They will shift back or forward - changing the lines of the earth's electrical field. The energy is moving up in speed and that alone will produce much change. You will see more and more of things, animals and people that will leave this earth in numbers. They will all return after the shift is completed. Q: Will I stay, George? A: That is up to each Soul's desire. Each one has the ability to remain or to stay. It is for you to decide. Q: It sounds scary. A: Never before has this enormous shift happened and Souls remained on this dimension. It is an amazing happening. For Souls aware of Spirit it will be the happening of a life time for them. For Souls unaware of Spirit it will become a fearful thing to experience. Hearts will suddenly fail from fear. Q: Why haven't you spoken this deeply of this before now? A: You were not ready and you really didn't want to know. You are ready now even though you feel some fear within. You know Spirit and you will be okay. Listen when we speak - always. If we tell you to leave - leave. Q: I am getting frightened, George. A: Have we not taken you through the fire and seen to your needs? Do we not speak in love? Fear not - for we will guide all those that ask for guidance. You will be seeing a great change in your lives come very soon. The books need to be written. All will be provided to do so. Q: I really have a million questions to ask now. A: One question at a time, Luv, one at a time.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Here I Go Again

Q: George, we all come to crossroads in our life path here. How do we know which road to pick? A: It doesn't matter which road one picks - all lead to more enlightment into spirit. One road may be easier on you to learn than another. You will learn the lessons you came here to experience. I like to say the easy or hard way. Of course you may not find that as amusing as I do. Q: You lived as a human being here. Why do you seem to find amusement at us? Are we that funny struggling here? A: No - not at all. I find nothing amusing when it comes to Souls hurting. I do realize all this is temporal and really isn't real - where you see and feel all is real. That is due to your human physical bodies as well as your Ego being in control here. If your veil was removed and you saw as we did - you would not see everything as it seems to you. Q: But, why does some roads seem more trying than others? A: Some roads picked are picked by the Ego - not the Soul. The Ego will always pick the road that seems to gravitate to its' desires. Those roads will be more emotional. You have often picked these roads. Q: Well- ain't I emotional - a female as they say? A: There really are no particular sex. All are the same - both male and female. I will state that you have always been on the female side - which does make you a tad more emotional than normal. Lol..... Q: Funny, George......As you can see I am not laughing..... But - why all of this turmoil. Why can't we just sail through here? A: Would you really learn anything that way? Its the turmoil that teaches you about love. The only true existence. You must not worry so much. For every path will teach you about love. Love in turn will keep you centered to which path to take. It may often not be the easiest to learn on - but that is what we all need - to learn........