Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How Does Love Always Win?

Q:  You said, "Love always wins.  How? When loved ones are killed - how does love win?

A:  When a tragedy happens, people come together in love through their pain. Have you not seen this many times?

Q:  Yes, but I have never thought of that as an act of love - more of a healing or trying to help.

A:  What is love, child?

Q:  I use to think I knew but now I guess I am not so sure.

A:  Love is creation, love is healing, love is hate, love is all things and all things are love.

Q:  Whoa.  Love is hate?  Come on - how can love be hate?

A:  Love is, was and will always be all things. There is no good or bad, there is learning to love, yourself and to love others without judgement or preconceived ideals. Total freedom is love.

Q:  Then why do religious orders teach everyone must think the same - to be right?

A:  Religion is man made for man to create control.  It has absolutely nothing to do with the love that created each Soul. It is never going to bring about peace.  Only loving others as oneself can bring about peace.

Q:  Why was this world created as such then?  Why not let it just be love?

A:  How can one understand fully what something is until they have the knowing of its opposite.  It is much like a good cup of coffee for you.  You never knew what coffee was until you fully tasted it.  Some will continue to love it, others will hate it.  That is what free will is - freedom to choose. The Souls that continue to reek havoc upon others because of religious beliefs do not understand love at all. They only live on a one lane road with blinders upon their eyes.  They can lift those blinders if they choose.  Then and only then will they truly understand what love is and see truth as it truly is.

Religion Creates Division - Love creates Unity

Q:  This world because of religious beliefs is in a turmoil. Death is everywhere. Anger and judgement is drowning love.  I fear a revolution is upon us. Many of our States are rejecting the refugees from Syria, our government is saying you won't. People are disappointed in our Presidency and no longer have any faith in our government. Churches because of their statement of faith have created division and strife. Some religious orders are so full of judgement and hate they have become a threat to Society, killing innocent people.  This 3rd dimension is falling a part. Is this world going to end?

A:  Child, wars, fear, lies, hatred, judgement and killing have been since this world was created. Religion has been the culprit that has spurned many's deaths and much hatred. When the emotional Ego reigns - it causes division. Only when the Ego and the Soul are united in balance will love and peace reign.  Since this is a learning center it is up to the free will of mankind to find ways to promote peace, instead of division and hatred.  As the energy of this world continues to speed up it will intensify the emotions of mankind. So, whatever state man is in emotionally will rule man.

Q:  That did not answer my question. Will this world end?

A:  No, Earth will continue. Man must find a better way to cohabit-ate with each other. It starts and will end with discovering the true meaning of what love is and it's purpose.  Love unites, hate divides. It is up to mankind to decide what is more important for them, life or death. For hatred will indeed bring forth death. Judgement will bring forth death. Only love will produce life.

Q:  I feel if they take out ISIS another will rise to take their place for hatred brought about by religious beliefs only creates more division and hate.

A:  Yes, as long as mankind worships hate it will be.  Hate is the enemy of all things. Hate first begins within a Soul then begins to radiate without them toward others. Hate yourself and you will hate others, for hate automatically creates judgement. Judgement ultimately will bring forth death, whether it is emotionally, physically or spiritually within man.  So, what happens depends on the heart of mankind.

Q:  I don't understand why love cannot be foremost in man's heart - since you tell me we were created by and in love.

A:  Souls were created with love, indeed, but man was given the gift of free will.  Here man's desires determine what they will do and what direction they will go.

Q:  These terrorists are creating death everywhere of innocent people.  What purpose is that other than to create more hate and more division? This will only bring more death.

A:  They are creating what they chose in their hearts. Man is free to do so.

Q:  Yes, but that is only creating a harder job for love to be and to bring forth healing in mankind.

A:  Yes, it does child. Do not fret over this. This world will not die. Love will always win in the end. How can it not?

Q:  I don't know about that. Hate is pretty strong right now.  Innocents will perish because of fear and hate. For what purpose is this?

A:  In order to understand what love truly is one must first understand the opposite.

Q:  I have a hard time seeing that as being a way to teach Souls of truth. Seems to me it teaches the opposite to mankind.

A:  Everything learned is what man has chosen to learn with his heart. One can not over ride man's desires. Only man within himself can change what he desires. It has to begin within themselves.
One has to CHOOSE to love, not hate.  It is all up to the choices man accepts within themselves.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Soul Versus Spirit

Q:  What is the difference between our Soul and our Spirit? Are they the same?

A:  The Soul is the half of you grounded in who and what you truly are. You are created with three parts: the Soul, the Ego and the Physical body and mind.  The Soul is what grounds you here. The Spirit is the desires one seeks allowing the Soul to remain steadfast in who and what it is.Spirit is the essence of energy given to each Soul upon creation.  It will go wherever you desire and whatever you choose to become. It is simply the essence  of who and what you are. It comes from our, "Creator."  It is apart of you both.

Q:  So, what is the Soul then?

A:  It is you - a part of your created energy force.   This is the balance of who you are. It is the other part of you and your Ego.

Q:  So, what is our Physical Mind and Body?

A:  It is what you have become throughout your many life paths. It is the part that holds you to this dimension.

Q:  So, are you saying, "Spirit is our life force?"

A:  Yes, child - our Creator's life force is your Spirit.  The Soul is the place in which the Spirit connects to us on this dimension.

Q:  Everyone says the Soul is in the Heart of Man.  Is it?  I was told the Soul was outside the Physical body because of it's higher energy. I was also told it bore the same shape as our body.  Is this true?

A:  The Soul surrounds the body - apart from it due to the higher frequency of energy, but yet it is as much apart of you and your Ego and Body. The Creator's energy (your Spirit) connects through your Soul. It is a conductor in a way. It opens up the energy of your body and mind and Ego and allows the knowing to come forth.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Re-posting Confusion

Q: You stated, If love is nurtured it blossoms into the pure existence of all creation. What exactly do you mean by that? 

A: We have stated for several years that all creation is produced and has continued life through the Eternal Creator's love. But, even beyond that statement - love is eternally a live. It has always existed and will always continue to be. The electrical impulses from which life is derived from within the core of the Creator - supercharges every living thing that exists from within the Creator as well as those living without the Creator. Every pulse of energy that is emmitted from the Creator has everything needed to sustain life. 

Q: You are saying every breath I take or any form of life comes from this Eternal Creator. There are many here that would say this is a fabrication - that nothing is that powerful. 

A: This human world is so limited in it's ability to grasp anything beyond their knowledge of science. There is so much more to life. The understanding of an atom continues to stump your scientists even now so how can they possibly grasp something more powerful than the atom?

 Q: What is greater that the energy of an atom? 

A: Child, where do you think the life of an atom comes from? Do you doubt this Creator? 

Q: No, I don't doubt there is an Eternal Creator, that we were created through and by it. What I have trouble with is how can a Creator create life and watch while it suffers and does nothing to aid it. I created four precious life's and to watch them struggle, suffer in any form is almost beyond my strength.

 A: You gave life to your children, yet, you do not try to control them do you? 

Q: NO! That would end up badly for us both.

 A: The Eternal Creator created all life and then out of love gave all freedom just as you and your mate did your offspring. This is the only way one learns to truly love. For only in freedom can one truly grow. Love is the essence of all life means to expand itself and to move forward in their existence. 

Q: Why is it so important for all things to evolve?

 A: If one doesn't evolve child they continue to die and remain in the same energy. All Souls desire to experience life more abundantly, Think - if you remained where you were at this present time would you continue to grow or even enjoy your existence?

 Q: No, I like movement but I also don't comprehend all of you have spoken to me. It is hard for me to understand why a Soul created from love would want to come here to experience a life path of destruction and hurting.

Friday, April 24, 2015

What Is Our Journey?

Q:   What is our true journey here?  What are we truly suppose to do and learn?

 A:  All that is for you to experience, see and achieve.  There is not a thing for you to try to  accomplish, there are only things to be discovered within you and without you.  You can never fail to achieve or change that what you desire.  You and your thoughts are what creates your world and your path Child.

Q:  Then why all the hardship happening to hinder our journeys?

A:  Each hardship as you call it is there to teach you the difference between love and hate. It teaches you to see within you all that you are and will be. Each happening in your life is a step closer to the mounting journey to discover who and what you are.  Nothing you experience here is truly hard it just appears so. For the Ego is a trickster and will have you believing everything you see, feel and touch is the truth.  It is not, I assure you child. This dimension is only a teaching center. Your real existence is within you. It envelopes all that is, was and will be.  You are one with the whole creation and will never find yourself disconnected from all things.  Only the Ego tries to get you to see that. For it's whole purpose is to confuse you by allowing your thoughts to seem real. Truth is never in a box, or nor can it be anything by freedom within love's embrace.