Sunday, March 23, 2014

Looking Forward

Q; Samson, I am looking forward to more information about the Atoms and Molecules. Can you tell me more?

A;  What would you have me say, child?

Q: If we are made up of these Atoms and the Atoms are connected - how?  How are they attached to each other to form things?

A:  By electrical impulses which produces electricity that is polarized much like a magnet.  They remain attached unless removed by a happening, such as in amputation.

Q:  Does it hurt the Atoms to be separated like that?

A:  Yes. Why do you think amputees still feel their removed limbs?  The brain connects the Atoms by electrical charges. Memory is produced by thought patterns which are produced by all energy connected and transmitted by the electrical energy.

Q: What in the hell does that mean?

A:  All thought creates all life. Remember when George told you your thoughts create your world?

Q; Yes.

A:  Thoughts come from the Soul. It has all memory of of all past lives. It tells the Atoms what the Being of Light needs and the Atoms then produce the reaction.  As the thoughts create your world, (what you see, hear, sense and taste,) your body reacts by creating the functions needed.

Q:  Why the Soul?

A:  It remains neutral on this path - not swayed by your emotions, but it can sense what the Being of Light needs and communicates this to the Atoms which creates what is needed through the brain. The Soul surrounds the Being of Light at all times and sees to it's every need.

Q:  Does the Ego ever have a say?

A:  The Ego is full of billions of emotions and allows the emotions to control it. It doesn't see need, as much as it see it's desires.  The Soul remains in a balanced state, is not swayed by the emotions although it understands them.  Thus the Soul is continually communicating to the Atoms the needs of the Being of Light.

Q:  Why does it seem to me the Soul does not understand what the Ego is truly feeling. Sometimes I think the Soul is too hardened , too neutral and doesn't listen as I think it should.

A:  Child, sometimes I feel you are right, but remember this, if the Soul did not stay in a neutral, balanced state the Ego would be tossed to and from with it's desires, feelings and stubbornness.  The Ego can be quite contrary and not want to balance itself with it's Soul. It loves to control. So thus a constant battle is occurring within the Physical self.

Q:  What if what the Ego is saying is really needful to it.  Maybe the Soul should listening a little more. Sometimes this pathway can nearly cripple one with it's harshness.

A:  Quite right, Child. Sometimes the Soul does not truly understand the path. In it's neutral state is sees the path but remains in a state of seeking truth. But, if the Ego and Physical self can bring an ligament case to the Soul  it can be swayed. But, it must be something the Soul realizes would not hinder the Being of light's progress to truth.

Q:  I want my Soul to really listen to my heart. I think it is too strict and doesn't care sometimes.

A:  Child, the Soul is a part of you and can't help but see and listen, but, it will always remain neutral in thought. It will always lean toward the spiritual truth and it's desire to constantly be moving upward. It will always think less of this earth's trivial things.

Q:  DUDE!  Sometimes what may seem trivial to the Soul is very painful for the Ego and Physical Self. Sometimes they need to get their way. They feel the pain more deeply than the balanced Soul.

A:  I will speak to your Soul for you Child, but it will still remain it's discretion. It seeks a higher self.

Q:  Why does the Soul get to be the boss?

A:  It is not controlled by this life paths emotions and remains in a balanced state. It sees the whole picture of all the life paths and the lessons learned. It knows truth and desires the Being of Light to seek only that.

Q:  Maybe, just once in a while it ought to trade places with the Ego just so it would understand this life path more on their level.  Maybe then it wouldn't be so rigid. Life might be a little easier.


Q:  Why did you say in some ways man has made the Bible more important that the Creator?

A:  Words to mankind are their Ticket to perfection and a reward at death for following it. It matters not which Bible, Torah and others. Man worships the words and reads them literally, not by Spirit. One can not perfect themselves with words. The words have to become life in them - not just in the mind and memory. The things written by the 12 Apostles were to help mankind to become Christ like, loving toward their fellow man. One can only discover the Creator when unconditional love is attached to thought.

Q:  How does one bring about love and thought? How does man's thoughts help him if centered in love?

A:  All life here is done so by thought. Thoughts create each Soul's pathway. That includes all of this Earth's happenings and creations.  Every Atom which creates life comes from our Creator. Source is the connection and creator of all energy. That is such an amazing feat. One here has no comprehension and can not even glimpse the truth in those words. It is beyond earthly thought.  Think of an Atom pulsating daily, weekly, monthly, for years. It never stops. It has no beginning or end. It adjusts automatically as it comes in and our of this world. It is forever energizing life here.  Here your man made energies run, stop and wear out.  An Atom never wears out. It lives, pulsating energy through all life on all worlds. It is hard for earthly man to comprehend these words.  It is mainly due to this world existing in time frames. Just think of it as a forever pill, always living and always sustaining life.

Q:  Atoms don't wear out or die?  How can that be?

A:  How can the Creator of all energy die? The Creator who begat all things has no beginning nor any end. The Creator consists of all life forms, sustaining materials, water, air, gases and electricity.  We were created for fellowship and to become one with our Creator. We were produced to learn all emotions.

Q:  Why, if all we ever do is mess up?

A:  No creation wishes to dwell a lone, not even our Creator.  All things need love. Thus, mankind was created just for that purpose. Our Creator experiences every emotion with us and as us. There is no separation between us.  We are connected. The Creator's energy extends to and sustains all existence.

Q:  What about other worlds?  Are they also created by the Creator?  Why are they different and also live under different energy speeds?

A:  Variety is the Spice of Life, as you say here. All worlds are created and energized by our Creator. Every creation is the Creator. It is hard for you to understand what I am saying, but in time you will, child. While in this dimension it is hard for the Ego and Physical Self to comprehend these thoughts. One must seek the answers two ways:  1. Living it. 2. Seeking the Creator above all things.  That is very hard to do here in this slow energy where one's emotions control them.

Q: Then how does one really accomplish this spiritual awakening within?

A:  Through seeking truth not words or deeds. One can not acquire life until one learns to love without judgement.  That is the path to the Creator.  Remember the words, " The truth shall set you free?"  Well, truth coming from within will set one free. Words will not. Truth within allows one to lay down their boxes and reign in truth - which is unconditional love.

Q:  What if we have never been taught that in our religions? Will we find truth anyway?

A:  If one desires truth - one receives it.

Q:  Religions teach us to cling to the words. How can we? What if we cling to the words and never move forward?  What then?

A:  How can mankind ever progress in truth if they never leave the literal words and seek for truth within?  Let's take someone up to bat in one of your Baseball fields. If they hit the ball and the ball goes way out, they run - they get to home base. If they hit the ball and just stand there - would they reach home base?  No, they would never know the thrill of hitting a home run. One has to lay down all preconceived or learned words and seek our Creator from the heart. That is the only way to find one's true pathway and discover who and what they truly are - one with all things and one with the Creator. In this one discovers love.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

No Rules?

Q:  Samson, you stated there are no rules. What about the Bible's Ten Commandments?

A:  The Ten save his people.were put to man to control Social Order. When the Bible was written it was given to help Society and mankind to discover a greater value in life and Spirit.

Q:  What about Moses?

A:  Moses was a man who sought our Creator and longed to save his people from a tyrant King.

Q:  What about the twelve disciples?

A:  They were men following the teacher of truth.

Q:  Who was Jesus then?

A:  The scriptures state, " Let them become one as the Father and I are one." Jesus was the Son and the Father.

Q:  Why would the  Creator come to this world to be tortured and die?

A:  To understand mankind's journey here more clearly. One passing through this life path will see the reasoning behind all things when they are walking this pathway.

Q:  How can the Father be the son?

A:  Child, you are all one. There is no separation in all things.  All energy is connected. The Bible was written to help mankind in their walk. It was also written to hinder man's walk. Why you ask?  If you read the scriptures through your Ego's eye you will find discontent and judgement within you. If you read the scriptures from Spirit you will find food for your Soul, balance for your energy, and rest.  It is the came with any book read. If one reads through Spirit one will find love, freedom, and peace within.
 bring confusion,
Q:  All of my life the Bible has been the, "Road Map," to God. Are you saying otherwise?

A:  NO.  The spiritual meanings within the words written are truth. One will find life in them.  If you just read it - it will produce confusion and one will find they can never walk the path as the words say. It creates lack of knowledge in who and what you are. It must be interpreted through Spirit, not one's mind. It is the same with any religious book.

Q:  Why write it then?

A:  To aid one in the life path from Spirit.  Man was following, "The Christ." They believed he was the beloved son of their God. They wrote his words down by their own interpretation.  It was to help mankind find their Creator. The church took it and made it into laws. Now it only hinders man's journey to realize they and the Father are one.  Law kills, and Spirit brings life.

Q:  Here, the Bible is sacred. It can bring hell to anyone not praising it or worshiping it.  Many believe it is the only way to God.

A:  Yes, in some ways man makes it more important than our Creator. You must leave for work. We will continue our conversation when you return, child.

What Happens If We Can't Balance?

Q:  What happens if the Soul can not balance itself?

A:  The lesson will re-appear on down in the life path, facing the Dragon one might say. Balancing one's energy is only accomplished through love and forgiveness of oneself and all others. Each Soul facing the emotional lesson will learn both from it.

Q:  I still am not sure I totally get this. Please explain further for me.

A:  Every Soul desires to accomplish blending their three parts so balance is complete and at rest. I speak of the Soul, Ego and Physical Body & Mind.  Emotions teach the Soul to do just that - rest. Often it is difficult for the Soul if they remain in their divided state of being. Once a balance is achieved the Soul will remain at rest in the emotion and rest brings the Soul to a higher plain in Spirit.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Again - Judgement

Q:  If I were to advance here in this dimension spiritually - how do I accomplish it?

A:  One becomes spiritual within as they begin to loose their boxes and judgments. One does that by accepting this life path as a teaching center where one learn by the emotions faced in their walk.  Every emotion learned will bring a release within the Soul.

Q:  How can going through some type of emotion release me?  I don't understand.

A:  Emotions are imbalances in the Soul's energy field.  Some are helpful to a Soul, some are not. How one receives the emotion often helps. If one is at war with it  - often it will overwhelm the Soul. If one remain in peace - the lesson will be quickly learned and the Soul will move forward to another lesson.

Q:  What do you mean emotions are only imbalances in our energy?

A:  Each emotion has an energy field. When in balance the emotion stays steady and does not overwhelm the Soul.  If the emotion becomes unsteady it will often affect the Soul on a much deeper level.  Then the Soul must deal with it. These imbalances are pre-ordained by the Soul before coming to the dimension.

Q:  Wow!  Are you saying the imbalances in our energy field are of our own choosing?

A:  Every Soul is made up of an energy field feed by the collective atoms. These atoms are feed by the core of all energy - our Creator.  When a Soul prepares to some back to the 3rd dimension their three parts, the Soul, the Ego, the physical body and mind - choose what lessons they wish to experience on their life path in order to advance in dimensions and the Knowing. These lessons are learned by emotions. The Physical body and mind is pre-programmed to be at a state of imbalance so the chosen emotions will arise through their chosen life path. Emotions spark the lessons. The emotions are set to erupt when the lesson appears in the path. The Being of Light must then  learn to balance the emotion, not try to conquer it. To balance the emotion steady's the energy field of the Soul.

Continuing on Judgement

Q:  Why does the Bible have rules then?

A:  First of all Child, the Bible was written by men to bring about a religious social order and to relay teachings. It was created to produce love and life, but ended up only creating judgement and division in mankind. It began to separate Souls as humans began to interpret the words by their likes and dislikes. Religious sects were created by the way it was read and interpreted. Souls must have freedom to seek their destiny and to learn. They should not be programmed as robots. They have to learn their lessons by the choices on their pathway they alone choose. That is the only true way to learn life.

Q:  How do we increase love within us and decrease judgement?

A:  By allowing you and all others freedom to learn their lessons. It is the only way to truth within you. It is the only way to discover who and what you truly are and what truly the Creator is. When a person has a child they usually raise the child in the learned conditioning of their childhood. If a child starts to touch a hot stove, the parent reacts  automatically from their love and takes the child to safety. Conditioning is part of Earth's lessons. It is hard to loose our preconceived boxes, but through love we can. Love is the true key to all decisions, child. Only unconditional love can give true freedom or bring truth to one.

Q:  Why is obtaining freedom so important to us?

A:  So each Soul can become an individual with free thinking and free action.  Life becomes much more interesting that way.

Q:  So, if we do our life lessons - how do we realize we have advanced in Spirit?

A:  Through the peace it brings and the knowing that feels the Soul and mind.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Are Any Free of Judgement?

Q:  I have met many who say they don't judge. Is that possible, here?

A:  Many think they have overcome judgement, but it is very difficult to loose all judgement. Judgement is a dual part of each Soul. It stems from the Ego through conditioning. It can be taught through: words, actions, emotions, and experiences.

Q:  Why were we created this way then?

A:  That is the gift given of, "FREE WILL, " .  How could one truly learn if not for their free will. One doesn't learn if not free to learn. If one is not free - they become conditioned, but in their heart they will rebel.  Only in freedom can one truly except the experiences and learn. That is why our Creator allowed each Soul the right to decide who and what they will be.

Q:  Are there no rules then?

A:  Rules are only made to be broken child. Give a Soul a rule and eventually they will go against it. There is no amount of conditioning to force a Soul to go against their wishes and who and what they are. Even your suicide bombers have a choice. They feel they are fulfilling a great honor through conditioning training, but they still have a choice. So did someone like your Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dommer. Free will is King within each Soul, is very strong, and hard to truly overcome. You can condition someone to do as you say through: fear, teachings, and through their love for you. Yet, they will still have a choice in the end. Many religious people say they love, yet are divided by judgement. Judgement is a harsh thing to allow to be in control and only the Soul can make that choice.


A:  If this path of learning was easy - would one learn?  Does a child learn education easily or do they have to work to learn their lessons?  Life paths are meant to teach but it is up to the Soul's choices what they learn or accomplish. Did you not fight long and hard - to not do this gift given?

Q:  Yes.

A:  Free will is a marvelous gift given to each Being of Light. Each Soul, upon growing in Spirit, begins to understand just how marvelous a gift it is. As each lesson is experienced the Soul will respond with either a positive or a negative reaction. Neither responses are wrong to choose. Some are just easier to experience than others. When a Soul chooses the path to learn on, it is often through the conditioning learned or by fear. Throughout each life path experiences, whether positive or negative, the Soul will progress upward in Spirit.

 Q:  Even if they did not complete their chosen life path?

A:  All Souls finish, some just choose to forsake the lessons on their chosen path. Remember all things are up to the Soul's free will. Some choose to complete their mission of lessons. Some will choose to come back to redo a path. Here, many call it Karma, but one must realize even a redo is only by the Soul's choice. It is hard for Souls here to truly understand the strength of Free Will. It is a gift of love beyond human comprehension. It has NO boundaries or expectations. It just exists for each Soul to experience the emotions of life.


Q: Samson, all of this is way over my head. I'm not even sure if this is right or wrong. I have no idea about atoms. I have heard they are dangerous and that our scientists are still trying to figure them out. This is just way over my earthly knowledge but I like to hear it.

A:  Child, there are many things about the whole existence and of man not understood. Each Being of Light is controlled by atoms and electrical impulses. The more balanced the Soul - the healthier they will be. Man, if he would believe, could heal himself just by re-balancing himself.

Q:  Are you talking about Reiki?

A: Way beyond that teaching. It is the blending of one's whole being through the mind. Mankind here has not reached that ability. But, it is available. It's a matter of blending one's electrical impulses to the beat of the rhythm of the heart beat. Simply willing it. You accomplished it that day in your shower in the home you still love, did you not?

Q:  I know something happened and the pain left. I thought, David, my healing guide, did it.

A:  Child, you have so much to learn. You accomplished it with your mind. Here man uses so little of their mind's ability.  Of course, because of the lack of control here on one's emotions that ability is often withheld. Imagine an immature child being given tremendous power. It would be devastating. Here all mankind are in an immature state and the whole of their power is kept form them. As they mature in Spirit it is slowly awarded them bit by bit. You must realize, Child, in one's full balanced state one has all knowledge but still continues to advance in knowledge as its ability to understand unconditional love is expanded within. Just try to imagine a Being incapable of any hate or anger, but contained all the power within it to destroy all. That is perfect balance - something all of us strive to become.

Q: I don't think I understand something. You said when we cross over we go to Healing to be balanced.  Yet, now you are saying we all strive for it. Which is it?

A:  We forget sometimes how limited you are here. When a Soul leaves this dimension and is escorted by the Death Angel to Healing - it is re-balanced to the STATE of BALANCE it was before it came to this life path. To be in COMPLETE balance as our Creator is at this present - unavailable as of yet to any Soul. They are all striving to obtain perfect love. One has to loose all form of judgement to be able to reach the heights of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - what the Father is. Loosing all judgement is not easy to do when we can not obtain perfect balance. Even, I, as I dwell in the 12th dimension still find judgement rearing it's ugly head occasionally.  The Ego of all mankind is very strong.

Q:  But, George said he still had all his emotions, as we have here, but just was not controlled by them.

A:  Yes, our emotions dwell with us, but if we are not diligent in watching them and keeping them in balance they can over take us.

Q:  How?

A: Through our Physical body and mind's atoms.  Within all atoms lies pieces of all life paths experienced. Certain loves can affect us, usually through some emotional happening.

Q: But, if you aren't burdened down by separation how can that be?

A:  Through our loves, child. Love of a person, thing or memories of an unaccomplished path.  Emotions are tremendously strong child. That is why we are not allowed to realize our complete power until we are capable of handling it without any judgement.

Here We Go Again

Q:  I don't think I fully understand what you said, Samson. I know that the core of all energy creates all life and exists within all things. So, if we are all connected why are some Souls more intelligent than others? Do they use more of their brain power? If so, How?

A:  Each Soul arrives here with FORE KNOWLEDGE of their impending journey. They are aware of the lessons to learn. How they will learn is up to the choices on their Life pathway. Each Soul has a veil separating them from their balanced state of being.  In the brain lies all knowledge. As each atom divides the cells - molecules - each is assigned certain jobs in order for the physical body to function in this slower energy.

Q:  How do they separate?

A:  Through a chain reaction of energy. Every atom expands and rests - causing a multiplying of energy which causes each cell to fire. This expands the atoms and molecules. The firing of the atoms allows the brain to accomplish the desired effect, such as moving one's arm. Electrical impulses fire each cell into multiplying the blood flow to all vital organs so the body will function. Inside the brain is all knowledge of all existence. Each Soul that journeys will advance in this knowing.

Q:  How much brain power are we capable of using here in this 3rd dimension?

A:  Some have reached 20% and a very few as much as 25%.

Q:  Can we use more here?

A:  Only with the advancement of all truth into unconditional love.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Q:  You stated last night every atom has to rest.  Why?

A:  The energy that pulsates within every atom gives three beats, then rests. When the atom is at  rest the movement within the atom changes the structure of the cells within and cools the atom down.

Q:  Why?

A:  An atom is created to expand, rest, expand, rest. When it expands the energy is at it's greatest.  When it rests it allows the nucleus to change the structure to create life energy. This is all done in perfect balance. If an atom gets off balance it can become quite hot and often dangerous. Man has tried for years to fully understand the workings of an atom, but it is still a ways off. The creation of life is still amazing your Scientists. They are just now beginning to realize there is life other than just here on this dimension, but life exists in time warps and has no beginning or end. They talk and study the Quantum version of physics in reference to the atom. When the atom is at rest it is charging in another time and space.

Q:  Please explain further - it's over my head. Remember my education is very limited.

A:  An atom has many lives. It beats here, then beats in another time frame or quantum warp. At this point in your writings it will be hard for you to understand so I will try to explain it in simple terms for you. Atoms have tremendous energy that is capable of dwelling in many places at the same time. It is not just limited to your dimension it can exist in numerous areas of the Universe.

Q:  Why? Aren't there enough atoms to go around?

A:  Yes, Child there are. But, why not allow each atom to relay energy. It is what is best for all mankind. Remember as the atom charges it expands. When it expands it heats up greatly. That heat if not held in check could create quite a mess, creating an unbalanced state.  Everything in this slower dimension must remain in a balanced state to let all matter materialize.

Q:  Does it create balance in another world when it is resting here?

A:  Yes, every world remains balanced but on different frequencies. Earth is the slowest planet.

Q;  Why?

A:  So the mind can grasp all things and allow the emotions to learn.

Q: So, do other worlds learn too?

A:  Yes, but on a different warp speed and intensity.  Some Quantum worlds are highly advanced and some are more basic.

Q:  There are different worlds around us?

A:  There are billions of worlds and dimensions surrounding Earth. You are not able to see them with the naked eye or with telescopes yet.  Some worlds watch this planet much like you watch TV. They learn from your pathways. Their emotions aren't as limited and their species are more highly advanced.

Q;  Are you saying this world is of a slower intelligence?

A:  NO! Other world's abilities toward advancing their intelligence is on a faster energy level.  Use of their brain power is in a more advanced state than this dimension.

Q: If I were where these other beings are would my intelligence move up to theirs?

A:  Child, if you were not here on this dimension you would be in your natural balanced state. The knowledge you already possess would be limitless and you would sense all things.

Q:   How do I know what you are telling me is real or right?

A;  Study the atom. Go on to your internet and watch what an atom does.  Quantum energy is quite fascinating.

Q: Will this dimension ever go beyond this slower energy?

A:  Your world is changing as we speak and will continue to do so with or without man's assistance. The energy is moving faster and knowledge is becoming deeper for mankind. But, even though it is moving up in energy it will continue to be a teaching world.

Q:  When we die and healing has re-balanced us to our natural form of energy will we understand and see the separate dimensions?

A:  Yes - you will see way beyond this limited world and into all amazing Quantum Warps of time and space.

How Long Have Souls Lived Here?

Q;  How long have we Created Souls been here in this 3rd dimension?

A:  For as long as this dimension has been in existence. The world you live in at present was created especially for the created Souls. Then man/woman was sent here to learn.

Q:  Why this world and not others to learn on?

A:  Everything created for this dimension was done so with the permission of every atom.  It took a long time to work out the perfect balance of all things. Remember, energy must stay in perfect balance for things to be able to materialize to the naked eye of mankind. Without balance nothing would exist.

Q:  Why does every thing have to be so perfectly balanced?

A:  So each atom has a time of resting.

Q:  We will discuss this more tomorrow, Samson.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Why Do I Write?

Q:  Why am I writing these things?

A:  To create the gift you were sent to do.

Q: Then why do they rest in boxes?

A: It is not the time, but soon.

Q: Heard that one before.

A:  You are to rest in peace, child. It shall come in it's timing.

Q; I am beginning to think it is just for me, and that's okay if it is.

A: Trust in Love, child.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Understanding Truth

Q:  You tell me of the time to trust in love. When does love show up?  I can't tell you how many times love has let me down.

A:  Love never lets anyone down, child. Love exists everywhere - whether one recognizes it our not. Lust, as this world thinks of as love - is not love. Love is unconditional and has no requirements or boundaries. Lust is just the opposite - it requires all of those. Love never binds one. Love never goes away. Love does not cheat. Love exists to serve others without demanding some kind of repayment.

Q:  Well, I guess I don't have that - here - except with my puppies.

A:  Sorry Child - even with them you have expectations. That is what all Souls here are taught - conditions.  What would you do if you came home and found your Sissy had destroyed your sofa?  You would be furious. So, love on this world lives in an unbalanced state. It is required to have boxes. Upon creation Child, love was told to stand back to allow free will to remain in an unbalanced state.

Q:  Wait a minute. You're talking as if love is an entity by itself.

A:  Love is and love is all things. Every creation came from love. Nothing exists or would exist without love. That is the Creator of all things. Love chose to allow life lessons so each being of light would know and understand truth in it's fullness.

Q:  Is love different from Source?

A:  Love is Source. Love simply is all that exists in one complete energy. Everything stems from there. There isn't one energy here and one energy there. It is all of one BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. There is no distinction. Each works in complete balance to create all things as well as where you now reside to learn.

Q:  So, am I different than my Creator?

A:  Nothing is different, nothing is separate, nothing lacks the truth or the meaning of existence. Each created part of Source is free to create. There is no BIG CHEESE as you have been taught here. Everything encompasses the same energy and abilities. The only difference here, while learning, one is veiled to all knowledge so the experiences may be.

Q:  While here do we ever understand what love truly is?

A:  While here on this world each Soul (being of light) is allowed to experience small bit's of truth. This encourages the Being of light to continue their lessons.

Q: Why are the lessons so important?

A:  Experience is not truly experience until walked and then true understanding comes. Only when a Being of Light experiences both sides of existence can that Soul truly understand who and what they are -  to  be balanced in completeness and each created Being of light can then understand love in it's fullness.

Q:  You confuse me, Samson. One way you speak we are one, then another way -  we are separate beings. Which is it?

A:  In your true form you have no separateness or unbalance. Here, while learning, you will experience both separateness and unbalance. You will not have all knowledge of truth.

Q:  So, we are just here to experience what we already know in our true form? Why?

A:  Every part of the Creator that extends here to learn feels as if it is the only one in existence. It has no feelings or knowledge of it's true entity. So, the lessons will be and seem real. The truth of this world is to experience both dark and light and learn to balance them. That is where the truth of LOVE exists.