Thursday, July 21, 2011


Q:  Today I talked with a woman, religious, yet, she is unaware of that fact.  She talked about letting enlightenment come into you.  I feel enlightenment - the knowing of all things - is already within each Soul.  We have only to become aware of that fact and allow it to flow. She got upset when I mentioned the Ego.  Why does everyone get so upset when you use the term - EGO? Is that not half of who we are? Is that not what rules as we walk this path here? 

A:  No one wants to hear the term Ego because it makes them admit they were in control of their path.  It is much easier to blame our mistakes on whatever we choose too.  No one wants to admit a harmful decision we have made has been our doing.  Using the term Ego puts our walk on us.  Using the: world, flesh, satan, addiction, weaknesses -  terminology blames something beside ourselves.  It is hard for any of us to realize the truth  -  it is us - that is in control.  Nothing else.  If we choose to drink our self too death - that is our choice.  If we choose to gamble away our savings - it is our choice. If we choose to be unfaithful - it is our choice.  We and we alone make our decisions. No one or thing makes us steer away from acts of love but our self. That is a hard pill for each Soul to swallow.  Religion and society blames it all on something else, Satan, weakness, addictions, and so forth.  The whole truth is we choose to accept that path. Then we experience the natural consequences of that choice.  It is often very sad and hard to admit that to ourselves or to others.

Q:  But people just can't handle when I use Ego.  Is that not one half of our whole being?

A:  Yes, each Soul consists of one half Ego and one half Soul.  When they are merged and balanced the Soul is completely whole as it should be. When we cross over and leave this dimension the Soul and Ego become whole again and their natural energy speeds up.  Once again the Ego sees who and what it is.  It rejoices to once again be with its counter half the soul.  It begins to realize the whole truth and is healed from the emotions it has walked through here.  Depending on the path chosen it may take a short time of healing or if it was a tremendously hard path - a lot of time to heal. But, once the energy of the soul is balanced again - their true nature will come forth.  That is a time of rejoicing for all.

Q:  When a Soul passes (crosses over) do they feel the imbalance of their energy at first?

A: Yes, that is often why they stay in this dimension for a time.  They are still wavering in their energy.  That is why many loved ones will come to greet them and aid in their crossing.

Q: Why do so many souls crossed over come to me? What can I do?

A:  Many times they are stunned and can't realize what has happened.  A Soul that can see or hear them is a welcome sight.  It's comforting to them.  Just try to help them cross on over.

Q:  There are so many questions to this death thing that still puzzles me, George.  Maybe I need to talk some more with Jonathan sometime.

A:  All you have to do is ask of him. He will give.  It is an honor to serve any Soul and aid them on their pathway.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Q; Why, George all the hell here?

A:  The energy is changing.  I warned you about it coming a couple of years ago.  I guess you do not heed as quickly as we do.  I forget that sometimes.  As the energy changes - speeding up - the emotions of all souls is accelerated.  What was weird now becomes the norm.  It will worsen, I am afraid.

Q:  Not sure I want to experience this, George.  I am very tired of struggling.

A:  Yes, I know, Luv. Things will lessen up for you sooner than you think.

Q:  The only way for my world to truly change is for me to win a lot of money and be able to live again.  I can not handle being a burden to my children and I hate even beyond that  - seeing my husband hurt as he does.  It is not fair and he does not deserve this. Neither do I for that matter. He saw a house today.  He loved it - but there is no way we can ever afford it.  It was just over $100,000. It hurt me to see him so sad.  He's ego has been =bruised beyond words.  I am getting mad inside - my anger is building up and I am afraid I will blow.  I see so many suffering.  I want to help and I can't.  Why, George? 

A:  It is the energy changing, decisions made and so little sharing anymore.

Q: What does sharing have to do with our conversation right now?  Come on - either talk to me truthfully or lets forget this.

A:  Lets wait until you are less upset, Luv.  It will turn out much better.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Q;  Today I was listening to a talk show on MPR.  A man called in and began to talk about his depression and stated he had tried to take his life before but it had failed.  I could tell he needed to talk to someone.  He needed help.  The guest talk host didn't know what to do so she blew him off.  My heart sank.  I had no way to reach this man to tell him he was loved and life is okay. Why do so many souls have so little time to really listen to someone?  People need to talk sometimes.  They don't need to be brushed off, made fun of, told that's stupid, or get over it. I have suffered with depression at times in my life.  Its not an easy place to get out of.  I know I had to choose to get out of it.  It wasn't easy either.

A: Depression is caused by many things and you are right - it is not an easy place to get out of.  You are one of the lucky ones, child. Many souls can't do that.  This world you trod in has many rules and regulations.  It is expected of all souls to fit into the mold society and religion set forth. Much is expected of each soul.  The sad part is many never realize what love truly is and how freeing it is to realize who and what you are. The soul and ego are both capable of creating peace within each soul, but many times the person will not accept it.;  One simply tries to be who and what they aren't. This produces an unrest within the soul.  They feel a lone and unloved because they can't accept what they are trying to be.  To be different isn't easy in this dimension. Love never separates or makes a soul feel less than another.  It allows each soul to be who they desire to be. It sets no molds to conform to, it never judges or condemns.

Q:  Why do we end up judging and forsaking those that are different?

A:  Because when someone does not fit into the mold society or religion created  - we all fear rejection - so we follow the norm and we reject them too.  It is sad for all.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

It Sure Is Hard

Q:  I find it very difficult to keep from saying something when I see another Soul acting in a hurtful way to another.  Is it okay to do so or should we just remain quiet?

A:  Each Soul has to make their own path.  If you see someone ( for an example) hurting a child - what is your first reaction?

Q:  To knock the hell out of them.  Not much love showing there -  is there?  Guess I haven't achieved perfection in my emotions yet.

A:  That is every one's reaction to abuse.  Abuse comes from someone unable to accept themselves, they have no confidence in themselves or in others.  Usually, they  have been a victim in their past too. 
It is sad - for love never abuses another. But, many think love is a way to control another.  Love never controls or demand or abuses.  It remains free. If it is control - it simply isn't love.

Q:  But, do I stand there and allow the abuser to abuse? 

A:  No, hurting another isn't love.  It is one's attempt to control or it is hurt.  Each soul has to decide for themselves whether they want to continue on their current path or they want to walk in the path of truth and love.  But, each has to decide for them self.

Q:  How do I stop them?  Can I abuse them?  lol

A:  Funny, no stop them with love and if necessary - with the help of others. But love them too. For often they need it more that the abused.

After Talking With People I See

Q:  After talking with different people I am starting to see that, "Fear of Rejection," seems to be the Ego's greatest fear.  Is that why we often hurt others in our quest to pacify our Ego's feelings here?

A:  Often many will, "Straddle the fence," in order to keep from having to confront themselves and others as to how they really feel. The Ego is very powerful here and will often keep one hiding to the real truth within one.  Let's take for example - how many will straddle the spiritual fence because the fear of loosing what or who they love is beyond them.  It is often very hard to come out of the closet and be who you are, especially when it comes to religion.  Religion tends to hold onto one in a very powerful way.  One begins to seek truth, begins to see bits and pieces of it, shares it and all hell breaks loose. Most step back into the mold for peace's sake.

Q:  But, if I continue to hold back, straddle the fence, how will I ever truly see what truth is within me?  Seems like I would be divided.  How can one grow if one holds onto any boxes within us - boxes that seem to us to be the act of love?  For love for others often holds us back from becoming and being what we see and are. Fear of rejection is a bitter pill to swallow for us.

A:  If it is true love - then it will accept what you are.  If it is love wrapped up in dogma or preconceived ideas - then it is not love - but control.

Q:  So how do I grow beyond control?

A:  Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened. If you truly seek truth beyond all other things or people - then that is what you will go after.  For one can not hold truth within them and hold boxes too.  Neither will grow.  One has to be free of all control and dogma.  Often we hurt those we truly love in order to remain on the fence. Truth is simple - it is love and it is free.

Q:  Okay - if I love my brother and he dwells in one area of truth - how do I simply forsake my love for him and seek enlightenment beyond him?

A:  By what you choose.  If you desire the relationship above the truth - then that is what you will reap.  If you desire truth beyond him - then that is what you will reap.  The choice is up to each Soul.  But, love has to be real and remain free or the light of truth will dim. What do you choose Luv?  Relationships or truth?  Only you can answer that question.