Thursday, March 14, 2013


Q: Does anybody read this? What are your comments?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Can We Really Heal Ourselves?

Q: George, I remember the day in the shower, my arm and back were throbbing. I asked to be healed and you told me to heal myself. I did. Why can't I do it now?

A: The stress you have been placing on yourself has created a terrible imbalance within your physical, earthly body. You need to meditate.

Q: Why is meditation so important to us here?

A: This physical body is of slower energy. It slowly dies here to make way for the Soul to transform into another pathway. As the molecules break down, the earthly body begins its journey into deterioration. Souls leave when the body is no longer useful and has deteriorated to the point it can no longer exist. This is its purpose - to use only for a time - so the Soul may exist here and walk its pathway of experiences.

Q:  But, why do so many have to suffer so hard?

A: Some came here to experience such pain and suffering. When the emotions are rot the Soul learns so much faster. As I have repeated many times, each Soul is here to distinguish between living in peaceful love or living in pain and suffering.

Q: I still do not get why we would want to come here to suffer so. Why have I always walked a female path here?

A: Male path ways are full of logic and emotions fly by the waste-side.  You needed to be female to allow all of your emotions to question everything. This was in part due to your writings. Do you not?

Q: I question everything and everyone. I try to find out what makes them tic. I am extremely curious.

A: And stubborn I might add. Lol. It's okay though, it was meant for you to be so.

Q: Questioning isn't wrong then?

A: No, all are encouraged to question. That is how they learn. Each question will take them down another path way to learn. It is good, Luv. Question away.

Post given on 10-22-2010

Q: When we discuss my path you usually use the term- soon. But, after all this time of writing I have come to the realization your soon and my soon are not the same.They are miles a part.  As far as my time frame -soon means right away. In yours it can mean eons. You once said you have no time frames - and we do. Why?

A: We see things in whole. Due to the fact, you need to see things in time frames here - often what we say doesn't appear in your soon. Many of us have also walked life paths here, so we are aware of your thinking of things in time frames.

Q: Are there any of my guides that have not walked this path?

A: Yes, Harold and Timothy. They are teachers. You might call them trainers.

Q: They have no emotions tied to this dimension's pathway?

A: Only what they have learned from their charges.

Q: Why? Why also are they with me?

A: They are learning as we all are. Just because we have crossed over we are not in tune to all the details of this life path. We learn along with our charges.

Q; I know Harold was my birth guide and Timothy I have been told is his apprentice. So, why would they want to govern me?

A: No one governs anyone. All Souls walk their own path in their own way. We only aid you in your decisions.

Q: But, why would an old Soul like Harold want to be my guide?

A: Because of the work you have to do.

Q: Boy, will he ever be disappointed. I know nothing at this point and wonder if I ever will know these things I am given. I can't seem to practice what I preach and screw up all the time. So, why me?

A: There are no screw ups as you state - only learning experiences.

Post given on 09-29-2010

Q: I know we often think of Source as being up there and separate from us. At least that is what we have been taught in the religious world. But, are we truly one with Source? Or are we just a creation created in his image as we have been taught?

A: We are one with all things. The energy that created us created everything - you might use the term - birthed us. It is much like the relationship between a man and woman. They join and create a child - which in fact is a blending of both. Source has two sides: Positive and Negative. The negative side of Source merged with the positive side of Source and produced all matter. Thus man was birthed in the image of all things.

Q: Are you are saying we are his children?

A: Yes, all things were birthed from his energy. For he is both male and female. But, all come from within Source. You were created much like a child on this dimension is created. Both sides of Source brought forth the creation of all living things.  Though the child is both Mother and Father in creation, it stills carries it's own identity. Will the earthly parents forsake the child?When your child did something that hurt you - what did you do? You forgave them and continued in love as their parent. Is that not so?

Q: Yes, but I have been lucky, my children are wonderful.

A: Does not the parent and child both suffer emotional pain?

Q: Yes.

A: Well, you are one and the same with your Creator and what you do affects Source.

Q: Can we separate ourselves from Source?

A: No, can a parent separate from the fact the Soul is their child? Some have tried to accomplish this separation but the emotions are still there and try as the parent might - they can not remove the child from their emotions or their blood.  That is the Same with Source. There is only one difference - he holds no judgement against his creations.

Post given on 09-08-2010

Q: We (my Soul and my Ego) agree before we come to walk this life path when we will leave?

A: Yes, but again I state each Soul has the ability to change their path .

Q: That's a good one George, I have never been able to change anything in my path and believe me I have tried.

A:  You and your Soul must agree to the requested change.

Q: How do I get my Soul to agree with my Ego? That a far fetched idea, George. They never agree on anything.

A: No, not really, but it must be a change agreeable to learning love.

Q: So - then how do I get them to agree at anything?

A: The Soul's whole purpose is to know love in perfect balance with it's counter part the Ego. The Ego's whole purpose in this path is to gratify it's desires. Both are good, but completely the opposite of the other.Your request may not fit into what the Soul thinks is best to learn what it feels is best for the path. It may interfere with the Ego's learning. So it withholds it's okay.

Q: I completely disagree with that statement, George. To see one's loved ones suffering interferes greatly with my path. I become so emotionally distraught I can not move any which way. I find myself stuck in this hell of pain. I don't moved forward and all I seem to do is cry. At this point in my emotions I am unable to find release and move on.

A: That is when you must go within to seek peace.

Q: At that point, George I just become angry. So, what good does that do for my walk? Nothing. So, as I have stated so many times, even if each Soul comes here to experience it's own path of learning - those entwined in my path - affect me and mine. So, how in hell do I get passed this pain?

A: Go within.

Q: Is that all you can ever say?

A: Yes, for it is your answer.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Post given 08-24-2010

Q:  Why is so much happening now?  There is so much anger, fighting, paranoid ism, people critical and becoming suspicious of each other. Responding to one another is no longer on an intimate basis. It is contrived and fake. I hate it. Does the shift have anything to do with it?

A: As the energy of this dimension continues to rise, the emotions of all souls here will become more intense.This brings about constant energy that is fragmented and not in balance. This causes each soul's emotions to intensify. So if one has a problem or weakness it will have greater control of their emotions.The only way around this is to meditate daily - going within and centering in your inner being of light. Peace will come - thus calming the intensified emotions.

Q: What if a soul doesn't calm themselves through meditation?

A: Then that Soul will suffer unneeded intensified emotion. This will in turn cause friction among the ones around them. Have you ever been angry and went into a room, finding in just a little while your emotion starts to affect everyone you come in contact too?

Q: This whole shift thing is very unnerving to me. What happens to the Soul unaware of the increase energy speed?

A: They will be reacting as all others unable to find the center of their beam of light that dwells within all men.

Q: What is my peace center?

A:  The core of your energy in the human body is the heart. The heart is where all concepts of love exist in this human soul.

Q:  Not in the Soul?

A: The heart is where the concepts of all love exists here for it beats from love. The energy from the Creator of all things.

Q:  Love creates life here?

A: The center core of all love creates life everywhere. Without this energy - none - nothing would exist.

Q: Is this energy core - Source?

A: Source is love - love creates life.

Q: How can love be the creator of all things?

A: Source is love and his love creates life. Without that pure love energy - nothing would be.

Q: What is love then?

A:  Love is thought. Thought produced by electrical impulses from within Source.

Q:  So without thought nothing would exist?

A: Yes, thought must exist for life to be.

Q:  What about things like lumber or paint or perfume? Would that exist without thought?

A: All thoughts exist through love. Love produces thought and thoughts create one's life path here. Life consists of atoms - molecules - cells that are full of live giving energy which creates movement and brings things into the physical realm that is seen by each Soul.

Q: Even the things made here on this dimension by man?

A: All things have life through the energy of love that creates life.

Post given on 08-23-2010

Q: I was just listening to a talk show about happiness on the radio. The question asked was, " How does one find true happiness?" The panel's remark was just saying we choose it, often does not change our life into finding true happiness. So, George, I am asking how do we find true happiness inside of us?

A: Happiness is in the acceptance of things as they are.

Q: Are you kid of going back to the scripture,"In whatsoever state you find yourself, therewith be content?"

A: In a way yes. If ones chooses to accept their life path as it is - one can learn the lessons quickly and the circumstance can move forward.

Q: I know resenting just doesn't help us. It just makes one more resentful. When one is angry it doesn't bring happiness. The negativity out weighs the positive energy.

A: Yes. That is true, but when one stops fighting against the energy flow it can move forward. It is much like our conversation we had about allowing a loved one to leave, not holding onto them. If you hold on to your energy it can't move forward, things stalemate and you get stuck in a rut.  One isn't able to go forward into the higher dimension of love.

Q: Okay, so I'm stuck in this area of negative energy. How do I change my pathway?

A: All movement affects your life path. When one stop, one stops the flow of pure energy. If one chooses to move forward their energy will move forward. Again it is up to every Soul to move or not to move forward.

Q: But, if I halt my energy, getting stuck in some emotion, will I have missed opportunities?

A: For the moment only. The opportunity will return to be traveled at another time, for all things each Soul chose to learn here will be learned one way or the other.

Q: So, if I halt my path by getting stuck in an energy pattern will I not loose our on a lesson? Will the experience come back to me to learn at another time frame?

A:  Yes, all chosen experience will be trod one way or the other.

Q: What do you mean by one way or the other?
A: Just this, if you miss an opportunity to move forward at one time the same lesson will come again either in the same way or in a completely different way. But, it will return.

Q: What if I give up and leave before I learn, remember it is my choice.

A: One often feels like giving up. That is a natural pattern of the Ego - if its hard - avoid it or forsake it entirely.  But each one will learn it now or learn it later on a different life path.

Q: Is that what they refer to as Karma?

A: True Karma, isn't what Souls teach here. True Karma is the decision to redo a life pattern forsaken in the life path just ended. One has to choose to relearn the lesson. Karma just doesn't come back on it's own.That is the beauty of the life path. One learns and it isn't learn badly or easy. It is simply learned. Love is never going to put more on one that they can bear, nor is it going to force a Soul to do anything against it's free will.

Q: Are you sure about that George. Sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed.

A; Yes, as often as you fight within, I am sure of that. But, truth is truth and love will never overwhelm one.

Q: What if my Ego while here can't handle any more?

A: Say Uncle.....Lol....At times in your path you have come close to total sadness and from deep down within you came an energy of strength. Is this not so?

A: Yes, at times.

Q: That renewed strength is from your Soul, so your path may be finished.

A: I think we need to discuss this in more depth, George. But I have to return to work.

Q: We will discuss this in more depth later, Luv.

Post on 08-04-2010

Q: George, people tell me we talk from our Ego mind. Okay, how do we do different?  Aren't we Ego ruled here on this dimension of learning?

A:  Luv, all talk, react and think from their Ego here. That is the whole purpose of this walk - to learn emotions therefore learning what love really means.

Q: How does reacting or talking from one's Ego ever teach us? Seems like all it does is separate Souls.

A:  Here the Ego is loud and clear. It directs each life drama from it's own attitude. Each time one reacts from within the Ego's emotions, the Ego is separated - thus it causes pain in the Soul. One can not live without unity. When each Soul desired to come and walk their chosen path, that path included all the lessons the Soul would need to make the drama seem more realistic. Each Soul reacts from their emotions and thus sees their path from only their angle. That is the purpose of this walk - to learn from the emotional lessons we cause.

Q: Okay, so we react from our Ego every time, so how do we learn not too?

A: While here no one reacts without the Ego's full reaction. That is the whole purpose of this life path. One can not truly learn if one doesn't react in full emotion.

Q:  Well, I for one want to learn not too. I am tired of learning from my Ego's selfish nature. It makes me screw up too much. I want to be perfect. Lol.

A: Not one Soul was, is or ever will be perfect. Not one Soul is more spiritual than another. How can one learn if they do not go throughs much trauma? One simply must go through each lesson to purify a little more self out of their Ego's equation and control.

Q:  Why then does it have to be so hard to learn our Life's lessons - emotions? To discover love and peace? Why can't our walk here have some TLC in it?  Does our Ego have to always be so bad?

A: Luv, the Ego is not bad at all. It is learning how to love - to truly love. The lessons are needed for the Soul and Ego to become one. The lessons are designed to help the Soul and Ego to balance and become totally aware of each other and their need for balance. They need to discover what love truly is. So, each time the Ego learns a lesson well it draws closer to it's counter half, the Soul. They merge and true love is experience in them as one.

Q: Okay, we learn, but why come here just to learn? Man, the life lessons are tough on one.

A:  That is good for in pain, we open our Ego mind and one truly learns.

Q:  That is very easy for you to say, George, when you're not the one here, struggling and suffering, to learn these life lessons.

A: I was at many times (struggling and suffering as you say,) here. Some of the paths I trod were extremely painful for me, but I survived, as will you, and in doing so, I grew in my knowing of who and what I am - Love. Each lesson brings one closer to discovering who and what we truly are without a separated viewpoint. But, a view from our Ego and Soul's eyes in perfect balance.

Q:  Okay, to learn when they merge gets us a clearer and deeper knowing of what is real?

A: More than just a view, an enriched experience of what love within each Soul is.

Q: You tell me Source and I are one. Are you talking about the Source within all Souls?

A; Love is Source. When you Experience an epiphany you see into the Soul - the being of light you truly are. You experience for a moment the endless love that purifies each cell within you. You become at that moment aware of the oneness of you and Source and all that is.

Q: Are you stating we merge with Source within us?

A: Yes, totally and freely. The Ego and Soul merges with the pure energy of love, (Source) within you. That is why each Soul comes here to learn. Each time we learn a lesson here we merge with our creator (love). , We become one with all things within us and without us. Only in pure love can one experience what it means to be free.

Q: So, here I will always react from my Ego's vanity, is that what you are saying?  If so, I am doomed to be separated from all things. I seem to react badly a lot - from the directions of my self centered Ego. Why don't I learn?

A: Luv, all learn, learning the easy way or the hard way, but learn they will. That is the whole purpose of this life path. Why else would you come but to learn, thus moving into higher and higher dimensions.

Q: I'm tired of the pain of learning. That is all I seem to do.

A: That is how you will learn, Luv. It is good.

Post on 07-14-2010

Q:  When we first talked about the coming shift it was as if it were a physical happening. The other day you talked as if it were only a spiritual conscious awakening. Which is it?

A:  The energy of this dimension will change. It is speeding up to make way for the new spiritual conscious awakening. The energy of this planet runs about 15 GRPs slower than needed.

Q: And pray tell what is that?

A: Gravity rate percentage.

Q: Duh, George, and what is that? I'm not into science and have no idea what you are saying.

A:  This dimension runs on a gravity rate percentage. Without going into a scientific explanation lets just say it this way. The gravity that holds everything down is controlled by a percentage rate - such as 12%, or 30%, or 100%.  It has to lessen to allow the energy to speed up which is very difficult to accomplish here. Usually, when this goes through that cycle, there are no souls here. So, in order to do this without harming the living things it has to be done in increments.  This is being done daily now at about .001 points per every six hours. This causes the least amount of damage.

Q: If it were faster what would happen to this dimension?

A: The atoms would heat too fast and reek havoc on this planet. Just think of billions and billions of atoms overheating this planet. It would cause many thousands of deaths by the minute.

Q:   So, this is being done slower to prevent that?

A:  Already repercussions are happening to this world even as slowly as it is being accomplished.

Q: Are you talking about the floods, the unusual dryness, excess rain - like New Orleans?

A: Yes, the ocean's three areas are beginning to churn at a higher rate cauing much havoc among the animaoldest of and plants in the ocean.  The dish are responding differently. Some die faster, some are changing in behavior - becoming more aggressive. Some end up beaching themselves for their internal senses are being recycled.

Q: Did they agree to this path before they came?

A:  Yes, before they came. Remember, animals, plants, fish, trees, etc., all come from the oldest of souls.

Q: The very few times I spoke of this the people did not agree with that statement, George.

A: It is not necessary for anyone to agree. The books you are to write are for the knowledge of Source and his power. They are not meant to produce a following.

Q: George, I'm not after a following. Besides when I talk of these things peoplke look at me as if I am crazy. Thanks.

Post on 07-06-2010

Q: Why must we all go through so much crap?  Why can't our life paths be easy?

A:  Luv, each walk the path they have chosen. You can not carry the load of others paths. Each must be responsible for their own path. It is theirs alone to carry.

Q:  Okay, let's talk turkey here. I am here on this life path walking along with others whose life mingles with mine and effects mine. I dwell here with my Ego in charge and all these emotions that affect me are hurtful. What affects the ones I love here effects me tremendously. I am unable to separate them.

A: Yes, if you allow their pathway to affect you - it will indeed. Turn their path over to them and allow them to journey and learn the experiences they alone chose to experience. You have yours to contend with.

Q: Mine, George, is connected with theirs. The other thing is I refuse to stay here if I become a burden to my children. If I can't function and provide for myself then I do not want to stay here.

A: Luv, your path is one in which you are learning all souls need the other souls. Each soul's path coincides with the others. It was planned this way so that the attachments to others would produce the emotions here to learn one's lessons. One can't learn by themselves. One has to cross paths with others. It is how it was designed to learn.

Q:  George, at this time I am a little tired of all this learning and all I long for is some peace and rest. Will that ever be or do I continue to flounder on this path in sadness?

A:  You walk in whatever emotion you choose to dwell in, Luv. Again it is all up to you.

Post of 6-21-2010

Q: What happens to a baby when it passes over?

A:  They go directly to healing where they are balanced and returned to the council of life paths to decide whether or not they choose to return for another life path.

Post of 06-10-2010

Q:  Of all the things I have been told or shown - which do you feel is the most needed for me , George?

A: The realization of love without any preconceived ideas or expectations of yourself and all others. To let go of your boxes.

Q: I agree. I have had many boxes here.

A:  Yes, in the past but not so many now.

Q:  I really want my life and my family's lives to be okay.

A:  They will Luv, they will and soon.

This post is being placed here on 03-09-2013. Still waiting.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Never Say Never

Q:  I have always said to never say never, because once you do you find yourself doing just what you said you wouldn't. Why?

A:  One only has to realize that everything one isn't willing to face will come about so it may be faced.

Q:  Why?

A: Aren't we full of whys tonight. So , child you will learn.

Q: I take it this isn't George.

A:  No, tonight I am Harold. I felt like being the one to communicate, since you have chosen to ignore us.

Q:  Not ignoring you, just tired in spirit and in heart.

A:  Child, you are so unwilling to trust or believe that love will provide all you need. You fear each day as it comes around. Why? Is not life fun to experience for you?

Q; Harold, I have been to hell and back and around again. When does the time of rest come? When do I feel love exists?

A: When you chose to allow it to be. Love is not something you can produce. Love is something within each soul and it is only brought forth by seeking within and allowing it to mold you into itself.

Q: How?

A: By choosing to trust and choosing to believe you are loved.

Q:  How?

A:  By listening to us. That is our purpose to teach you.

Q:  Then teach, but allow me to say what I think without judging me.

A: We never judge. It is no longer a part of us.

Q: Are you saying once we have crossed over , gone into healing and become one again - we don't experience judgement?

A:  Once again only if you choose not too. Remember, George's words. You are the creator of your path, you write the script and only you can change it. So, if one chooses not to allow judgement into their energy after they cross over - it ceases to be.