Monday, December 26, 2016

Let Freedom Ring

Q:  What do our emotions really teach us, Samson?

A:  Everything about who and what you are, child.  Every time a Soul experiences the emotions of a lesson, the Soul of man is awakened to the true meaning of who they are in regard to their spiritual self.  Emotions are the life of this path teaching one what is within them. One cannot understand what life is until one has lived life. Emotions lead one to that knowledge.
To understand an emotion is worthless to a Soul unless they have lived that emotion.
As the Soul walks out the actions of each emotion - a new opening into their inner self brings the knowingness to a deeper level within them. Each level of knowledge learned increases their Spiritual self. For, child, only in the living can one learn life and as they discover life - one reaches an awareness that all is well with the Soul.

Q:  How can that be if a Soul comes here to experience what we would call on this dimension a very negative life path?

A:  Child, you see things at present from the awareness of this third dimension mind. You think of all things as good or bad. You must try to see that one's emotions teach them who they truly are no matter the type of path chosen.

Q:  Why would we want to come here to do horrible things to others?  I simply cannot get my head around that.

A:  Each emotion known to the Creator will be lived and understood by the creator's creation - beings of light.  Each Soul feels the emotion emitted from within them to without them.
In order for a Soul to understand the Creator - one must learn the opposite of the Creator's gift of, "Free Will."
Emotions trap a Soul in a state of being controlled.  Free will has no control, nor does it create boundaries in man.
Each emotion a Soul experiences creates a box within them. This box begins their journey to self awareness.

Q:  Why do we have to learn?  Weren't we created with this knowledge?

A:  Child, when the Creator, created Souls they were given the gift of pure love which is, "Free Will." Free will has no boxes. For a Soul to truly understand and live life to it's fullness it must begin to live from the standpoint of no knowledge.
Emotions teach one about boxes. 
When a Soul learns an emotion - it soon finds itself controlled by the emotion.
This control is the opposite of the gift of free will. 
This opens up what man is.
Man begins to experience life from a point of humanism instead of seeing life from a Spiritual awareness. This allows man to experience and see what that emotion means to them.
Every Soul was created with a different knowingness. This individualism brings much excitement into their life path. Each Soul responds to their life path in an unique way which gives them more understanding of pure love. This gift gives each Soul it's individualism - while at the same time remaining totally one with all things. This is great divineness at work.
Would you want to create a child who had no thought of it's own?
No child, you would want that child to be and become - who and what they desired to be.
If a person is given no thought of their own - totally controlled by another - hate is produced. Love does not exist.
The Creator loved us so much we were created with the ability to love the Creator or not to love the Creator. That child it the greatest love there is!
As the Soul walks it's path, experiencing and learning each emotion it begins to understand the knowingness of our Creator and  they see -  love only exists in a state of freedom.

Learning Emotions Again?

Q:  Isn't love really one entity?  Isn't it all of us?  Why so much suffering among people in this dimension?

A:  Child, each Soul chooses their own path to walk here.

Q:  Yeah, but you told me we could change it, yet, I have yet to see anyone truly do that.

A:  The change chosen must coincide with the emotions chosen at the beginning to learn here. The how to learn is up to each Soul choosing.

Q:  So, once chosen we can not forego our original choices?

A:  No.  Every Soul has free will and is the master of their path here, but the lesson chosen will be learned in another way.

Q:  So, once an emotional experience is chosen we are really stuck?

A:  In a way, yes. But remember even the Christ taught here ask to be relieved from his pain - "Father why have thou forsaken me?"  One can leave, one can change how they will learn the emotion, but learn it they will. That is the purpose of their life journey here.

Q:  That sounds to me everything is preordained and we really don't have free will after all.

A:  Child, you chose the experiences you wanted to learn here. No one controlled your decisions. You alone will experience what you chose. If you do not wish to learn them - change it. It is up to you.

Q:  You say that, yet you turned around and stated I would learn it anyway. So?

A:  Each path chosen will be learned. How one learns it is up to them. The Ego controls how one learns. The Soul and Ego, if in a balanced state for a moment, can influence the Ego's path, but it has to be allow to be. The Ego must relinquish it's control. The Ego must give in to the urging of the Soul.

Q:  But isn't the Soul going to want to stay on the chosen path? Why would it desire to change their path?

A:  Yes, but it loves it counter half and will listen if the Ego is truly struggling beyonds it's capacity.

Q;  How bad does the Ego have to be struggling before the Soul will aid it?

A:  A far as the Ego takes it.  It isn't a have to here - its a want to, child. Both the Soul and the Ego truly understand the reason for the path - to reach a higher state in love. But, remember - when here the Ego is given control of it's emotional side, so the lessons can be experienced and learned to their fullness. The life journeys here are a learning process, The path can often be trying on the being. Both the Soul and Ego are aware of the purpose of the life journey - to upgrade their spiritual knowledge of who and what they are. The knowledge of who and what they are - one with all things, born of pure love to experience life to it's fullness.  Without the learning one would not advance in their knowingness. It is good for every Soul to learn and advance in love. Do not fear the walk, child.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Free Ourselves

Q:  You state love can only reign in our lives when we are truly free.  How does one free them self?

A:  Love is who you are. You were created for the experience of learning who and what you truly are. When a Soul begins to go within to who they are they begin to see the light of their Soul begin to expand.  Here in this learning dimension the Soul is veiled to it's other half - the Ego. So, child, as the Soul begins to expand the being begins to see beyond the learned things in this dimension and all the learned things from past life paths.  It is those learned things that prevent a Soul from knowing who and what they are.

Q:  Okay - but I was told we go back to a healing center where we are once again rebalanced in our energy.  Wouldn't the things learned on the 3rd dimension be taken away in the rebalancing of our being?

A:  Every Soul who chooses to return because of the desire to learn or from some love that holds their heart will choose to carry back with them the learned emotions. This will aid them in their journey to discover who and what they are - beings of love, created to experience life. For in learning life, (emotions), the Soul expands who and what they are. Each emotion learned is a step higher in the realization of what - to love - means.
For no Soul can understand what - to love - truly means until they have discovered the meaning of the opposite of love.

Q:  Isn't that kind of harsh?

A:  There is nothing harsh. It is a joy within all mankind to discover every emotion. Once the emotion is learned joy will fill the Soul as it is raised to a higher state of being. This state increases the pure love within them.  There is no greater state to be than to be one with the Creator who is the only pure love.

Friday, December 23, 2016

What Fear Is

Q:  Life paths here can be so confusing. The religious world states the Creator is this way or that way depending on a Soul's religious beliefs. Some teach kindness, others teach hatred.  Why?  What is this to teach us other than to fear a God no one really knows anything about?

A:  Religion as we have stated many times to you was brought about by man to subdue society.  It was man's way to control others and gain power over mankind.  That is all religion is meant to do - control mankind with fear.

Q:  Yes, but the people who practice a form of religion, (there are many different ones), do it out of a sort of love for a God they fear. If they succeed in their works, they think they will avoid the fiery Hell they have been taught.

A:  Yes, religion does indeed produce fear of a fiery Hell.  Just the word Hell produces emotional torment in one. Yet, few really understand the Creator or what the Creator truly is.

Q:  Then why all this fear here?

A:  It is fear man created. If you look at most in power of a religion - NO MATTER THE NAME OF IT - they love the power and often that power begins to corrupt the Soul. In the beginning, they meant well but the more power they yielded, the more it began to control  them. Look down through History, child.  Has not religion truly started all wars?  What are wars for you ask?  Power and greed, child. Yet, many innocent Souls still seek the love of their Creator, the one they have been taught about.
Man was created by love and in seeking that love -  the Soul of man's yearning to be whole - creates a healing and balancing to the Soul of man.

Q:  What happened to the truth of the Creator, Samson?

A:  It was lost in the desires of man's need to control themselves and others.

Q:  Then why do you think my writings will aid anyone to discover the truth?

A:  If it aids one Soul, child, it is worth it, is it not?

Q:  I guess that one Soul is gonna be me then, for very few hear or see the words I write.

A:  Trust child.  There is only one Creator who encompasses all of mankind in the one energy, which is pure love.  That loving energy allows mankind the freedom to seek all they desire without fear. Who can grasp that truth? Very few, Child, very few. Man simply can not understand freedom from fear with an Ego filled with me, myself and I - while living in this dimension.
Why say ye, does the Ego have to be thus?  For the emotions man here - is to reveal within themselves. 
That is how man comes to see what the love that created them really means.  Man here on this dimension can not grasp freedom from fear. Man can only see the need for control, control over themselves or others.  Man fears any Soul that sees beyond fear. There are some seeking within themselves for freedom of fear and rejection. The world fears them.  The world forsakes them.
For most can not truly grasp pure love. While the Ego rules man here - love is forever eluding man. For to be free is fearful. Freedom dwells in no boxes. This world is created by boxes.
Man needs to feel a part of the whole, the be as all others - excepted and loved.
Yet, society does not know who to love much less what love truly is.
What man can not see is when one is truly FREE OF ALL FEAR, that is the greatest of what pure love truly is.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Don't Know Why I Continue To Write

Q:  It seems as if I am just spinning my wheels. I write and write and it simply isn't either understood or found interesting.  Why am I doing this?

A:  Truth is simply spoken here. To understand what is being given one has to open up their heart and lose their fear.

Q:  Well, it appears no one is trying to understand.  I am tired of writing and nothing ever happens to help others or even myself.  I understand a lot of what you have taught me, but I still struggle with some of it - to get it from my head to my heart to become one with it.  Why?

A:  When one walks this path many things hinder one from accepting truth. It can be religious teachings, society's way of thinking and simply one's Ego.  Do not become disheartened child. The words you write will aid those that truly listen.

Q:  I know I don't need comments or replies to write, but sometimes it would be nice to hear someone is at least reading it.  It's hard to write and write for years and hear nothing.  Maybe I need to choose happiness in just the writing, but I seem to be sad about it.  I have been writing these things since November 4th of 2004.

A:  Child, do not be disheartened.  It is not for you to need action. Action will come from the truth within them when it touches their Soul.

Q:  But, I don't see it helping anyone or even myself sometimes.  Why?

A:  Again, it isn't for you to see results. It is for each Soul to accept truth and let it become one with them.

Q:  Okay, I will try to not let it get to me, but accept things as they are.

Monday, October 31, 2016


Q;  Why is there so much Depression in this world?  It seems there is no stability anymore and everyone is running around in circles to find happiness.

A:  Life here is to learn what love truly means to one.  Happiness isn't something that just appears. Happiness is within all mankind, but they have to choose it.

Q:  But, why make it so hard for us?

A:  It isn't hard if you realize true happiness starts from within one and radiates without to others.  It isn't a magic pill one can take - it is a choice.  One has to grasp the true meaning of happiness from within.  This world shows us the opposite of happiness. It isn't more things, more power, more money. It is a choice to allow what created you to become one with you.

Q:  How can we accomplish it when so much of the dimension teaches us just the opposite?

A:  By accepting yourself as you are without requirements. Then accepting others is easy.

Q:  It isn't easy here.

A:  No child, it isn't. But, man can achieve it within and it will surround everything in your path to become whole and pure.  Don't take what this world claims as whole, but what loving oneself as they are and accepting all others as they are.  There can be NO judgement in love.  It exists because of you and who you are.  You are pure love in a body with a mind to choose.  That is pure love. One has to accept that before they can achieve happiness within.  There are no good or bad people. There is only hurting people who need to feel loved or appreciated. Society teaches just the opposite. They judge, condemn, and avoid those they feel are not right.  Each soul has a purpose here - to love. Love is not easy to understand because it is the opposite of  what this world sees as love.

Monday, July 18, 2016


Everyone is saying all lives matter, yet we continue to divide by the very words we use. 
Words should bring unity only and that happens within you when your learn to love without judgement of any kind.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Everything Is As It Should Be

Q:  My friend talked about accepting everything as perfect and all things as they should be.  Does that really help one?

A:  Indeed Child, it would benefit one greatly. When one comes to the realization they are loved and all things are theirs.

Q:  One would fear what would be.

A:  Does not love know of this?  Fear is to be let go and trust fill it's place, Child. One would fare so much more in their journey here.

Q:  I haven't been faring too well lately. I am tired in mind and heart.

A:  Yes, this in known to all.  Why don't you choose to trust in Love to see you through this pathway?

Q:  Trust is something I'm not very good at.

A:  We understand as to the why, but  - you need to realize Love isn't being mean or vindictive. It is the totality of all things. It is every emotion known to man. It is freedom.

Q:  That is hard to understand.  What I think as good isn't what you all seem to think of as good.

A:  The truth of Love isn't what is shared here by mankind on this dimension,  What exists between a Soul and their Creator is so much more than the love of this world can ever be. It consists of all emotion, and there is no good or bad, only freedom to experience all emotion.

Q:  Here, It is hard to  know what the love of the Creator is. There is so much fear, suffering and pain. Why does it have to be so? Are we so dense that we have to go through hell to learn here?

A:  What one goes through here is a learning lesson. It is meant to allow you to discover your true self and worth.  The matters of this plain affect that knowing. Thus, the lessons.

Q:  Why?

A:  The loves of the Ego - grasp it's heart increasing it's fleshly desires for earthly matter and comforts.

Q:  Why?  Doesn't the Ego already have a sense of who and what it truly is?

A:  Here it is veiled to that knowledge so the life lessons will be experienced and learned. It is as your educational system here.  The more learned the higher they move up. Each lesson learned raises the Soul higher in it's journey to love and truth.

Q:  Why bother with all this learning and drama?  Don't we already know everything?

A:  Yes, Child, but as the things of beauty and comfort are seen and experienced here, the Soul of man becomes addicted.  The more they desire them - the more the knowledge of who and what they are is forgotten.  Things of this pathway become desired more.

Q:  Why?

A:  To discover who and what one truly is, one must first discover what they are within. The earthly lessons teach one.  Each Soul is made up differently, they have different thoughts and desires. These lessons teach one who they are, what they are made of.  Remember, each Soul is of one energy but each is unique in who and what they are.  To discover their uniqueness, one walks here on this 3rd dimension to learn that difference.

Q: So, you are saying everyone is different even though they are of one energy?

A:  When a man and woman here on this dimension, procreate a child, that child is born with it's own identity and traits, even when they are of multiple births. This is pure beauty at work!  So, just as many here go to a Doctor to learn about themselves, man comes here to learn their identity.

Q: But, if we are balanced before coming here why don't we know that already?

A:  What fun would that be?  Discovering what you are is a great joy and a great challenge for the Soul.  Each must learn every emotion and learn how that emotion affects them.

Q:  Why?  Learning emotions seems so pointless to me if we already know who and what we are.

A:  TO FEEL CHILD!  To learn to distinguish between:  love and hate, taking and giving, caring and hurting. These learnings make one who they are. I could go on and on, but I think you get my words. Life is to be lived -  easily or hard - it is living that is joyous. If one didn't experience living how sad our existence would be.  Being bored is not fun.

Q: You guys get bored?

A:  We are no different than man here.  Every Soul faces that. It is why we come here to this world, We learn, suffer, laugh, feel passion, feel hate, greed, jealousy and more.  It is drama as you call it Child, but it is joyous to the soul of man.

Q:  I guess I don't see the point, if when, -  not here -  we  already know who and what we are.  Boredom? Learning?  This seems so silly to me. There are so many that suffer  hardships and suffer pain and sadness.  To what point does it help one?  I know you think I have a bad attitude, but I see so much sadness here and I just don't get it. For what purpose is all this learning?

A:  If one sees learning as a bad thing - then yes - one would see and feel as you say, but living life is more than that. It is the HIGHEST WAVE  to ride there is.

One just needs to open their eyes and see the beauty of it.

Q:  I think my eyes have seen more than I care too already. My path has not been a rose garden.

A:  Ah, but roses give you beauty as well as thorns, Child. You must continue your path and the job you agreed to do. Move forward and try to see the beauty in the learning. What joy you would experience within you if you would choose to see life as it truly is - learning emotions.  Emotions that bring such peaks to the Soul showing it how to live to it's fullness. Emotions that bring reactions - which brings every feeling alive to the Soul. It makes one who and what they are. It opens up the ability to see life as it truly is - a gift of love from our Creator. Live, child. Be happy and see what life here could be.

Q:   If we are to learn - how do we live if  we are faced with so many feelings (that are hard to deal with at times) and times of want and needs? So many suffer here. They face, sadness, loss, depression, pain, struggling, homelessness, murder and greed. Children are hurt senselessly. For what purpose is all this?  You say the reactions that happen when an emotion is experienced is what teaches us.  Why?  It's confusing to me as to the why.

A:  But, many do not suffer, but find joy, love, passion, and many more feelings.  It is to learn every thing about you that makes you unique in who and what you are. It's to feel every emotion to it's fullness. It is called living child.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Love and Hate - The Same

Q:  If we are here in this 3rd dimension to distinguish between love and hate through the Ego's desires and emotions how do we truly learn the difference?  Since our Ego rules here, how does our Soul and Ego learn it? How does the knowledge become one with us?

A:  Whoa, slow down. One question at a time, Luv.

Q:  George?  Where is Samson?

A:  Yes, it is I. Samson is here, but since you continue to refer your thoughts and questions toward me he felt maybe I should answer you.

Q:  Okay then - answer my questions. How do we distinguish on this 3rd dimension between love and hate?

A:  As each Soul goes through each chosen emotional experience - love and hate becomes apparent. The Ego's emotions choose the path to be taken. This choice brings about natural consequences that will be learned. The Soul of man, (being created from Love), senses the journey's choice.  This creates the desire within the Soul to let their feelings control their path. If hate is chosen - love will appear in the happenings. If a loving path is chosen - hate will appear in the happenings. Love and hate war within man and man decides which they desire to choose.  As the Soul begins to open up to truth within - their energy increases to a higher state. Even if hate is chosen the Soul will learn and continue the path to the knowing.  Love will flood the Soul of man no matter the choice.

Q:  Then, does that teach them?

A:  Yes, the emotions - lived - is let go.  Another will appear for the Soul's journey to learn.  As each Soul experiences the difference between love and hate - knowledge is formed within the Soul - advancing the Soul to a higher energy. As the Soul ascends it desires to ascend even higher. Thus another emotion will appear for the Soul to experience. The more the Soul experiences the higher they will ascend.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Q:  I  was told our Soul surrounds our body much like our computer's image of a person made up with lines as their shape. Others say the Soul is in our body. I'm very confused. Which is it?

A:  The Soul of each person created is a living part of you just as your Ego is. The body and physical  mind is what creates your journey here. All is you.

Q:  What is our Spirit then?

A:  Your Spirit is the whole of you child. It is the complete package of who and what you are. Each person or being of light is an electrical pattern made up of light energy. The Spirit of each person is connected to their Soul and Ego which is connected to our Creator. The emotions your beloved is feeling within him is from the place within each being of light that Spirit connects to the Soul and Ego. It is housed within all mankind through the Soul and then into the Ego. This is where all feelings of who and what you are, is learn-ed.This is the center of all one's joy. The heart here that man believes produces life is only matter. The life of each being of light is housed in the center of your body. It connects with the Soul - then to the Ego - through the Spirit. This is where all emotion begins in all man.

Q:  Why was I told the Soul was around man like a second skin?

A:  It is due to the Soul's higher energy. The energy of the Soul is much greater than the energy of the Ego.The place of joy starts from Spirit - to the Soul - then on to the Ego and Physical body and mind. The energy then travels to one's center of joy that is housed midway in the chest cavity of your physical body. But, all of this first begins in Spirit which is always connected to our Creator's energy. Each created being of light is of the same energy as the Creator and has all the same abilities. The only different here is -  while in the body of matter the Ego is unaware of it's true capabilities. This is so man will walk it's chosen experiences in the world of matter. One must realize that all one sees here, their physical body, the world around them - is all an illusion to project this world's images for the sense of reality. There is no difference between the Soul, Ego and body of matter. It is as complete as the other and there is nothing between them. What one feels the other feels.

Q:  Why do others say different. They say it's the Spirit - not the Soul that surrounds ones' body of matter and they say the Soul is within the body here. This is confusing to me.

A:  Child, all see as they see. It is all the same. You are Spirit, child. You are Soul and Ego. They are all connected in and with your whole being's energy. There is not three parts and yet, there are. The Spirit houses all of them. It is you. Just as the Spirit is you - so is your Soul, Ego and Physical body and mind. There is NO separation. There is only ONE ENERGYthat houses each part so you may walk each path of emotion and learn. Do not fret over words, child. Each entity sees as their eye's see.  It's all the same just seen through different emotions, each interpreting as they see. Nothing matters except belief in love, learning the chosen emotions as one walks these paths so that more and more of who and what you are becomes apparent within and to you.

Q:  What is the purpose of learning emotions?

A:  In order for each being of light to move forward in the knowledge of who and what they are - one  must discover who they really are. Each emotion one learns will allow more of their self and the Creator's self to be learn-ed - thus discovering more and more what love truly is. As that happens for each being of light they will move up in their energy, becoming more and more a part of their Creator causing GREAT JOY within them both.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Breathing To Me

Q:  When I first began to write there was a lot of struggling within me.  It seemed so alien from what I knew. Now it is like breathing to me.  Why?

A:  It is natural within you because you have accepted the path and are becoming one with truth.  It is good, Child.

Q:  How did it become natural?

A;  As each truth became a beacon of light within you - your Spirit began to grow.  It only grows here as you allow it too.  The words of truth within you are what and who you are.  Here you see things as separate.  But, child nothing is separate. The energy of our Creator - gave us his breath to live life.  It is a beautiful thing.  Relax in this knowing.

Q:  You told me our thoughts come from Spirit, then in our brain become action (Emotions), and those action thoughts -  become our reality (path of choice). Could you expand on that?

A:  Child, when an emotion is felt within you, your mind will choose what direction it desires to go.  As you walk you learn what that emotion is, how to deal with in and what direction you decide to walk with it. It is a learning process in order for you to continue to advance in Spirit. Everything you are is within you already. The trick is to open up to it.  This opens up more of your life energy within you. Thus, you begin to move forward in your dimensions, aware of more and more truth as you open your will to it. It is beautiful process of love.  Grow in it Child.